
What can I say? I have a hobby, writing-wise anyway. I don't want to disappoint anyone, but I'm not a Goth princess. GASP! Writing lets me release the demons we're all forced to contain day in and day out.
Thanks to everyone who reads and posts or sends feedback! Reticent creature that I am, I would never continue if I didn't get encouragement from the wonderful readers out there. I give a toast to all those who are willing to share of themselves and post their words for others to enjoy and critique. Each and every person who posts on this site- be it story, poem or just a comment- opens themselves up to thousands of complete strangers, and the power of anonymity only goes so far when it comes to your feelings and fantasies. You should all be commended just for being open and curious enough to let another speak to you from their deepest fantasies and desires.
On that note, I am an avid reader of most categories on the site, so if I build on someone else's idea without realizing it (I'm narcissistic enough to think every great idea must be mine alone), I apologize profusely for not giving credit where it may be due. If I do, let me know and I will gladly correct any errors or cite the original genius. I take plagiarism VERY seriously. I strive to take base myths and warp them just a little so they have new breath and life (or undeath, as the case may be).
Love, pphair



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19 Years AgoMember Since
A Long Time AgoUpdated
3My Favorites
5My Comments
1Series Published

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Dog(s), Cat(s), Bird(s), Other


Do I Really Need To Spell It Out?

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