A Dangerous Legacy Pt. 01


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The look he gave me suggested there would be great benefits to me, but I would be the one serving him. A small shiver ran through me at the forbidden thought though I refused to show any sign. I was wondering why Alessandra seemed so hesitant. This was actually promising to be the most fun phase of testing.

"Are the rooms upstairs furnished?"

"At the moment they are guest rooms."

She nodded. "Andre, you know what to do. Go and select your rooms, gentlemen."

I watched them go towards the stairs and climb, and I tried to subtly ogle each ass.

"You are pleased with them, that is good," Alessandra said. "Not every woman likes a man with long hair."

"Strange that I do, and all three of them have it."

Her face turned slightly serious. "Anna...the test. I know I didn't tell you anything before the others, but this...this is important. You cannot ask them directly who they are nor what they are. You can ask about their favorite food, music, but you may only ask them questions about their current life. You may not discuss the past, theirs or yours."

"I can do that," I said easily. "If you know anything at all about my past you know I do not want to dwell there. For all I know you're wrong and they too are in their last week of testing. I don't even know exactly what we're testing for. All I know is, you're telling me if I ask about their past this week and fail, I still have one week to make sure the life I'm abandoned to is a good one."

"Anna, I hope you pass this one. It's going to be much harder than you think."

"Give me your number, some way to contact you."

"I'm in your new phone. Good luck." With that, she disappeared.

I walked the dog to the back door and set him out, blocking the doggie door for a moment. I now had three strange men in my home, and they were to be my lovers but we could not ask one another about anything in our pasts.

So, live in the moment with three men who seemed to have sex-god potential. Couldn't be too difficult, I mused.

Chapter Two

Upstairs I found that Julian had claimed one of the larger guest rooms, Andre the other, and Pierre the smallest, still a respectable ten feet by twelve.

I knocked gently and strode in on Andre. "If you can move the desk, I can get you a bed, nightstand, and dresser in seconds."

He looked up from the closet which he'd been studying. "We'll all need new beds. The ones you have are too small."

I nodded. "If you can move the heavy stuff down to the basement, I'll take care of it."

"We'll do that shortly. In the meantime, we should talk."

The way he said it was almost fatherly, his deep baritone was firm, a voice used to command. Still, it was sensual all on account of tone, but the slight French accent pushed it over the line into the territory of velvet-on-skin. I found myself blinking and nodding. "Sounds good. I'll make more tea and serve it in the kitchen."

"Thank you, madame." That he said softly as I turned, and it made me shiver.

Passing the other rooms Pierre winked at me and Julian slid me a shy smile from beneath his now-loose hair. I returned to the living room and cleaned up the last tray. I set the kettle to boil again and used my magic little box to summon a tea set for four that wouldn't look ridiculous in the hands of brawny men.

I let the dog back in and he danced excitedly as I pulled out the things I'd need for sandwiches. I'd grown up with manly men and tea cakes just wouldn't cut it. Roast beef, turkey, and ham sandwiches with cheese and vegetables would.

I made a platter with six sandwiches in rapid succession as the water boiled. I poured four cups, set them out with honey, sugar, and cream. The sandwich platter went to the middle of the table and I added a bowl of baked potato chips.

I wasn't sure what had kept them so long, but almost as if planned, they arrived just as I finished setting everything out. Pierre pulled my seat out for me and I thanked him, sitting down. Diego sniffed at them each, but backed off in quiet wonder to sink down by my side.

"Thank you," Julian said, reaching for a sandwich.

I watched them all fill their plates and I merely cupped my tea and blew on it to cool it off. I wondered if I should start the conversation, feeling lost. What did I say? "Hey boys, gang bang or train?" God, what a horrible thought. Maybe I was a bit rustier with sex than I'd thought. Or what if resisting the urge to kiss them all senseless was the test? Dear God, I'd fail.

They glanced at me oddly and I knew I'd let the silence stretch too long. "Uh, so...what exactly do we do this week?"

"Well, we do what we normally would do. I organize things, keep the home running smoothly. Pierre is the genius with anything technical or mechanical. Julian is magic as a chef."

So my test was to have three of the most gorgeous men I'd ever seen serve me and then possibly blow my mind? Daunting, indeed, but a hell of a lot nicer than any calculus test I'd ever faced.

"So, um, do you three...evaluate me, or is it just Alessandra?"

"We will participate in the final decision," Pierre said in a pleasant tenor.

"But our main goal is to set in place the foundation of your future," Julian said softly.

I nodded. "Cryptic...okay. Anything else I should know?"

Andre's eyes were serious when he spoke. "Just be honest with all your thoughts, words, and actions. That is all we ask, and we promise to do the same."

"I can do that. And on that note, why don't I clean up in here while you three move your beds and the desk into the basement. After I'll conjure up beds that will work. I could use some time to myself, you all scare the hell out of me."

They smiled and nodded, rising with me. I picked up the empty platters and plates and walked to the sink, beginning to realize Alessandra might have been right. This was going to be a challenge for me.


That first night was quite strange. The men had insisted I not do the dishes, so while they moved the furniture I went outside to play in the snow with Diego. After Andre requested a household account be set up and all of them given access, so I conjured one with three debit cards and transferred money from my account into it.

Then Julian asked for a list of my food preferences and set to work making a shopping list. Pierre asked me to conjure a decent home entertainment system and I did, allowing him to set it up. I set Andre up in the downstairs office with my accounts so he could look them over after he insisted he had a magic touch with money. Well, so did I, but he seemed to want something to do.

I conjured for them each a California King bed, giving them the height they'd need. It took a while to figure out how to instruct the box to leave the items on the floor to save my back, but I finally mastered it.

Below I heard Julian call out he was going to the grocery store but no one could find the keys. No way were they taking my sports car. I slugged downstairs and in the garage I conjured an S.U.V. too tired to go to a dealership with three gods in tow.

Pierre dictated what it should be, and we ended up with a Porsche Cayenne, because that wasn't ostentatious, not at all, I thought with a mental eye-roll.

Exhausted, I went up to nap in my own bed. I'd conjured it from nothingness as it was purely custom. It was a full ten by ten, taking up a good portion of the twenty by twenty bedroom of the master suite. Here I'd kept to true Victorian decoration and the furniture was black lacquer. I had the bed, two nightstands, a high dresser, a makeup table, and out in the sitting room a fainting couch and two chairs. The art on the walls was gothic but sensual, everything designed to relax me.

I'd like to have the original wainscoting put back up but didn't know how to do it. Well, I supposed that's what the boys were for. Servants...not a hardship, but none of them seemed very servile. Pierre was the jokester, already teasing me, something you didn't do to a superior. Julian seemed friendly and as relaxed as Andre was formal. Andre however made me feel like I should jump to his orders, not the other way around.

Diego had followed me and I wondered just what it meant that he was to be my familiar. I patted the custom black bedspread next to me and he curled up beside me. Within moments, we were asleep.

I woke to the delicious smell of spicy food cooking, and the rumbling purr of a surround-sound system blaring an action film. The house was alive.

There was loose fur on me and the bedspread, so I smoothed it from the spread as I let Diego out the balcony door from my room and he rumbled down the back outside stairs to use the lawn. I changed into tight designer jeans, a camisole, and a soft angora cardigan the same shade as my eyes.

I brushed my hair loose from the knot it'd been in all day and touched up my makeup, keeping it light. I'd stalled enough, even after using the bathroom and brushing my teeth.

Dinner was an interesting affair. One of them had set the table and Julian had made my favorite potato and pea curry along with basmati rice with saffron and homemade bread. Since the past was a no-no we kept our discussion to current movies and music, and the genres in each we liked.

After dinner Pierre showed off the new entertainment system. Andre and I argued lightly over which movie to watch while Julian made popcorn, but I was still stuffed. I sat in the recliner and they took over the couch and loveseat, each one sprawling, taking up room, injecting high-pressure atmosphere of masculinity into my home.

They each had a beer while I had a pop, and I could feel the vibrating tension and joy in them at each scene of ass-kicking. When they laughed it was a rich chorus, velvety and warm. My head was spinning and it was hard to concentrate on the movie with them so close.

The second it ended I rose to my feet and being gentlemen, they shot to theirs as well. "I need to take Diego for a walk."

"Oh, let one of us do that," Julian offered.

"Thank you, but I prefer to do it myself."

"I'll come with you," Andre said.

Diego danced around at the word walk, not caring truly who came with, but I liked our bonding time. Still, I nodded and he went upstairs to see if his suitcase had arrived from Alessandra yet. I took my coat from the front closet and buttoned up, grabbing Diego's leash from there too and clipping it to his collar.

By the time I had my gloves on, Andre came back down. Over his jeans and simple maroon sweater he wore a dark cashmere coat that hung low and pointed out how broad his shoulders were. It was navy blue, making his hazel eyes look almost silver in contrast.

"Let's go." He held the door for me and Diego trotted through, excited as hell.

To my surprise Andre took my arm as we walked down the front steps but it was easy to balance with his light hold as Diego wasn't straining to pull the leash.

"I can't ask anything about the past, that I know, but I can ask about the future, right?"

He smiled in the moonlight. "Within reason."

"So if I pass this test, we'll all stay together?"


Though he was seven inches taller than me his steps seemed to pace mine perfectly and in front of us Diego trotted happily, leading the way even as he sniffed at every patch of yellow snow in sight.

"But what if...well, what if you don't like me? Or Pierre? Or maybe I don't like one of you?"

"Anna, that won't happen. I can't explain why, but it won't happen."

We turned the corner and Diego led the way. We usually walked to a small park and there was one just up the street, art of why I'd chosen the house. I let him run around for a bit.

Andre closed the gate behind us and seemed pensive. "Anna, I want you to tell me something about yourself."

Damn it, I was never good at this. "Like what?"

"Tell me a sexual fantasy."

The dark words spoken in his deep voice made me shiver, and I stopped, dumbstruck. "Er, pardon me?"

"It need not be too personal. Not one of the ones we all think of when we're alone, the fantasies we treasure and never want to be reality. Tell me one that doesn't scare you."

I really didn't know what I was supposed to say, so perhaps that's why I answered honestly, once my legs started moving again. "I suppose a common one is to be woken in the morning to a man's mouth on me, pleasuring me."

He still held my arm and even through all the layers of clothes I felt his heat and knew I was blushing in the dark.

"Simple, quite understandable, and frankly quite an arousing thought. Would you like to know one of mine?"

Once I would have said I was jaded, had been around the block too many times. But two years of celibacy had made me feel a bit like a country bumpkin at a UN meeting. I was worried his casual sexual fantasy might make my head explode, the man practically exuded sex.

"Sure," I nearly squeaked out.

He leaned in close, and when Andre spoke his breath was hot on my ear. "You don't really mean that. You're rather scared that it might arouse you."

"No, I know it will arouse me, I'm just scared it will go over my head."

He laughed at that and stepped back. To cover my nerves I found the ball in my pocket and threw it, Diego sprinting to catch and chew it. He wasn't big on fetch.

When I gave up Andre grabbed my hand and pulled me over to the large trees just off the actual playground area. "Anna, most of the women I meet are jaded, cynical, domineering. My most common fantasy is seducing a woman who blushes."

I felt my face explode at that but there was no time to over think it. His hand cupped my cheek as he pushed me back against the tree and then Andre kissed me. Holy hell, it was like being a castle stormed by a superior force. I gasped and he sank inside right away, tasting of beer, man, and something unique and intoxicating.

I couldn't think, I could only clutch at him, pressed between the tree and his harder body. He slanted his lips against mine over and over, making me feel desperate. I was lost and he was the only thing solid in the world. Then he pressed his hips to mine and I felt the outline of his massive erection.

Something low and deep inside me turned over and I moaned. It went on forever, nice and slow, Andre didn't rush, he made it feel like he enjoyed kissing for kissing's sake. I felt the tension bleed out of me once it sunk in he wasn't pressing me into anything more.

I enjoyed it so much I cried out when he pulled back, his smile knowing. "I think you understand now that you and I will get along just fine."

"But I hardly know you," I nearly whispered.

His hands found my arms. "Listen to your heart, Anna, what does it say?"

"My heart, as always, asks what my brain is thinking. But the rest of me..."

"Yes?" He raised an eyebrow.

"The rest of me is dying to know what you look like naked."

He threw his head back and laughed, stepping back. I whistled and when Diego came near I took the ball back and clipped his leash.

The walk back was in silence, though it was comfortable. Inside I politely bade the men goodnight, selected a book from the library, and climbed the stairs.

Sadly, I went to sleep alone, and woke alone. In between I knew I'd had fevered dreams as I'd woken wet and achingly empty-feeling. Before I could rise a knock came at the door.

"Breakfast," Julian called out.

"Uh, come in."

He opened the door and brought in a tray, patting Diego as he danced around him. "I brought you pancakes, bacon, and eggs, and I brought pancakes and sausage for Diego. I'll set it up and let him out if you want to freshen up."

It was early, seven a.m. and he looked too chipper and fresh. I could only nod and sniff the heavenly aroma of coffee as I slipped out of bed. I wore one of the nightgowns I'd conjured and when I'd made one from a catalog I'd seen, it had seemed fine to make it sexy at the time.

Single and celibate, the short piece that was bright green satin was basically two strips that covered my breasts and in the front and back joined to cover my crotch and ass crack. There was white and green lace connecting the pieces but showing plenty of skin.

His green eyes heated when I emerged and strode to the bathroom, and I felt quite foolish for a moment. I should have conjured something a bit more substantial with three walking temptations in my home.

I did the necessary, brushed my teeth and my hair, and slipped on the matching robe on, belting it tight. When I emerged he'd pulled out legs on the tray and let Diego back in. Diego's plates were on the ground by his food bowls and he was happily munching away.

"Have a seat," Julian said, indicating the bed.

I fluffed the pillows and slid into bed, and he positioned the tray over me, coming close. He smelled like the pancakes, and I could tell he'd made them from scratch. Beneath that was the clean scent of the woods, of trees I hadn't smelled since I was a child in Minnesota. I nearly sighed, closing my eyes, and opened them to his smile. Julian had just the right mix of sensual man and shy little boy that appealed to every instinct a woman had, and I felt my heartbeat pick up.

He pulled back slightly. "The coffee is fresh."

I took a sip and moaned, it was perfect, just the way I liked it. Amazing he'd remembered from my dictates given the night before. The bacon was crisp, the pancakes fluffy, and the syrup was real and thin, delicious. As I ate he sat beside me and sipped his own coffee.

"Have you eaten?"

He nodded. "I'm an early riser. I like to cook from scratch and if there's time, do some painting."

"You paint?"

He nodded again. "Water colors and oils, though I'm partial to water colors. I turned a corner of the basement into a studio, I hope you don't mind."

"Not at all. May I see your work?"

Again that mysterious half-smile. "I'm working on a painting, when it's finished I'll show you.

"Your dog is amazing."

I blinked at the rapid subject change. "Diego certainly is. Perfect temperament and he responded to training very well."

"He's to be your familiar?"

"Whatever that means, yes."

Again he smiled, more sensual man than shy little boy now. "Would you like me to rub your feet? Those were serious looking stilettos yesterday."

I felt a flash of guilt. Breakfast in bed and a foot massage? What had I done to deserve this?

"Don't feel guilty, Anna. Just relax and enjoy."

I thought for a long moment, fighting my urge to over think, and finally nodded.

I attacked the last pancake with gusto as he lifted my left foot. Julian was an angel. He'd obviously done this before, and was a master at feet. He slowly worked the tension and stiffness from my foot, stretching my toes, softening the heel, rolling and flexing the ball. I moaned and had to work to keep eating and not melt into a puddle.

He moved to the other foot as I finished my food, Julian only broke to lift the tray and set it on the dresser before returning. I closed my eyes and laid back, enjoying the feeling of his strong hands. Soon he worked up my legs, towards the knees, and I began to tremble.



"Are you trying to seduce me?"

He looked up at me, partially hidden once more by his light blonde hair. "If I was trying to seduce you, you would know."

Oh, boy. That sounded...darkly promising. Nervously I swallowed, trying to calm my breaths even as his hands passed over my knees to my thighs. A small corner of my mind wanted nothing more than to let my legs fall apart, let him come higher, beg him to...

My nerves grew.

He sensed it and looked at me.

"I kissed Andre," I blurted out. I'm not sure what I was expecting, but his wide smile wasn't it.

"Good. But that only means I should kiss you too."

Andre had moved fast, but Julian crawled up over me slowly, giving me time to move if I wanted. All thoughts of the other man slid from my mind as Julian, beautiful and nearly delicate looking despite a powerful, wiry body, drew close.