A Dangerous Legacy Pt. 12


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"When she died it came as something of a surprise. But there was fear, we didn't know the next of her line to take t he tests. Again and again we were called for the final week, but in between generations we were allowed to live in Sigrid's home and keep to ourselves. Then Alessandra came to claim us.

"We had met her once on Sigrid's travels, she often stayed with her human relations. I don't think Sigrid was ever comfortable being a witch, but being royalty...she breathed and lived it. Alessandra was cruel. I believe in my heart she is jealous that she has never and will never be in line for your throne. She took it out on us. What she demanded of us in duty and...physically...it was humiliating.

"We adjusted. Julian took it the hardest, but he discovered art and it helped him through. Still, when Alessandra sent us to the Council they could have sent me alone into a cave of dragons and I would have welcomed it. Instead Valerius introduced me to his friend Horus."

"Like the god?"

Pierre smiled. "There are days when I believe the god of legend and the witch are one in the same. In the ancient days, before the Council, before the witch-wolf accord, witches had no real overseeing body. He could easily have set himself up to be worshipped as a god.

"He is the oldest living witch. His great-grandfather was one off the original eleven, and Horus' brother was to inherit the line but was died during testing from some illness probably cured by three days of antibiotics now. Horus is a strange but wonderful man, you'll meet him soon I suspect.

"He might be the oldest living creature on the planet, but his hobby is chasing death. He loved war."

It was my turn to smile. "Horus is a war god, among other things."

Pierre nodded and kissed my neck, turning me back towards the water. "He had never claimed a pack, preferred to live alone, but complained to Valerius he couldn't stomach most witches and longed for an immortal companion in war. Valerius asked if I would join him, and I did."

"So you went to war for fun?"

"At first," Pierre replied quietly. I went with him off to what they now call the Napoleonic Wars an idealistic young man. I thought war was glamorous. You have to understand I had seen war in the human world for only the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, and in Europe they were very small. Then I had seen the war between wolves and dragons, heard whispered tales of the vampire wars, and thought it something glorious. It wasn't.

"It was long hours, endless marches, intolerable food, death, the stench of death everywhere. I asked Horus once after battle of Verdun why it made him so happy. He told me the oldest magic came from the places in between. Crossroads. Shorelines. The moment of death. He said his magic drew on it, but he could not bring himself to kill another in anything but fair combat."

I shivered at that, something creepy I would expect an ancient witch to say. "Battle of Verdun? World War One?"

"I can't tell you how many times I have shed my own blood and spilled others for my beloved France. I would rather not speak of that battle, if you please."

Knowing history, I knew all too well why. There had been more dead per square mile in that ten-month long battle than any other conflict save something the Mongols might have done that was never written down. I tried to snuggle closer to him, pulling his arms tighter around me. How had the wandering soldier become the smiling man I loved?

"I stayed with Horus until we were called back in December of nineteen sixty two. I don't want to strain your jealousy, my love, but during the second world war, I met a woman, a human. I could not love her physically as a man should, as I have with you, but I did love her with my heart and she me. It was then that I realized what I had been missing with Sigrid."

Desperately I clamped down on the green-eyed feeling. "What happened?"

"She was killed. She was a spy, and they caught her. I discovered I have a thing for independent women who insist on doing things their way." He nuzzled my ear and I sighed. How could be jealous with that?

"Alessandra recalled us when she came out of her depression. Testing resumed, but rarely did the candidates make it to us. Then you came."

After that we didn't speak for a long minute, just listened to the gentle lap of the water inside the cove, the soft roar outside it.

"I am glad I found Valerius here, and I am glad I know more what is going on. However, tomorrow is my final lesson in magic. I want to return home after."

I found myself on my back and deftly Pierre was on top of me. He kissed me, and passion was there, but it was a pale shadow of the emotion he gave me. In that moment I knew for all of Valerius' logic, I would never, ever place any man in all the world above those I loved.


After another filling and delicious dinner came the dancing, and I asked Julian to join me first. Something occurred to me as I looked around the dining room, my brain belatedly catching up to reality. "Julian, for two days now you and your brothers haven't been wearing the loincloth. Now the other wolves are wearing real clothes."

He grinned and swept me along with the waltz. "The rabble are beginning to like your dictates. I think the reasoning is that if they make some concessions about clothing their toys, you won't take their toys away."

"No living creature is a toy," I said angrily and looked around. Indeed the wolves who worked for the resort were dressed like humans would beat any resort. It was a good step in the right direction, but not where we should be.

"My fierce queen, you're going to nee a little bit more ice to temper your fire."

I just raised an eyebrow as we swayed, not sure what he was getting at.

Julian leaned in close, nuzzling my ear. It would look sensual to the rest of the room, but I knew he wanted to whisper low enough not even the other wolves could hear. "You're immortal, Anna. You have centuries to make changes, it doesn't all have to be in one day. Moving too fast...the opposition will grow."

My, my, my, I'd have to ask Julian just who he was gossiping with. He was slyly telling me that someone was already beginning to rabble rouse, and I had a good idea who.

I caught the eye of Sebastian on the floor. He was tall enough and his hairstyle distinctive enough he was easy to find. With a touch of magic I sent him a thought and felt his response. Julian didn't show any sign of knowledge as we finished the dance, and then Sebastian was there, cutting off Andre's approach.

"May I have the next dance?" Sebastian asked.

I smiled at Andre and he nodded, not sure of my end game but knowing my intent.

"Of course. Julian," I turned back to my fair wolf. "Thank you."

Sebastian and I clasped hands but to my dismay the song was up-tempo, a rumba. He knew the moves and I followed along.

"Can we meet privately later?"

"Why?" He asked, but the moves pulled us apart and too close to others for a moment.

"A private discussion."

Room five-oh-five his voice said in my head. Are our packs joining us?

I nodded.

I danced with Valerius, Andre, Pierre, and Liv and Jerry, the usual retinue. I realized that aside from Sebastian and Val I hadn't spent any real time with my fellow witches, certainly not enough to form real alliances. Until then, at least I knew where I stood with both men. They wanted something out of me, and as long as we both knew it there could be fair trade of information.

Which is how I found myself on the top floor of the back tower of the hotel. There were only half as many games going on that night, the island had decided to let wolves volunteer and very few did. It seemed they feared my making some grand decree that would change their little world.

Three months, Val had said. So...they got a reprieve.

Sebastian's wolves welcomed us all and played wonderful hostesses.

We all exchanged pleasantries until they drew my wolves over into the couches to sit. Sebastian's suite was slightly smaller than Val's, but still grand, done in a rich green that almost matched my satin dress. We sat at a little desk that was topped by many papers which he shuffled out of the way.

At his bidding I set my wine glass down, filled slightly with an old red that my wolves declared was wonderful. Oh, French men, I thought with a smile. I had never given them much thought before, like most Americans my regard for the French wasn't much, though mine was higher because I had studied history.

"So, what is it you want to discuss?" Sebastian asked as he loosened his tie and tossed it atop the papers, then opened his collar.

"Before I get into it, I just have to ask...do you ever make your hair into a Mohawk?"

He smiled. "My mother was from the tribe. My father was Norwegian by birth, but he'd been raised in England. He came to America with many other pilgrims."

So that made him older than the constitution, I realized.

"Indeed I often wear my hair that way. Nice since modern punks have made it a hairstyle whites are more used to."

"Thanks, the curiosity was killing me. Now...I would like to know about Kenneth."

Sebastian sat back with his glass and smiled like a cat that caught a canary. "Why is that?"

"I think you know. Now what is it you want in exchange?"

"Before I get to that, I assume you're asking because of the rumors."

I turned and Julian glanced over, hearing and nodded. "What is it you've heard?" I asked, turning back.

"Your displeasure at how wolves are treated is becoming widely known. It is also known you were raised outside our system, and have little regard to witch culture. People are scared that coming down the pipe is the very agenda I proposed to you. As such, those who fear freeing wolves from the ancient agreement are rumored to be gathering in support of Kenneth."

I turned back and this time it was Andre who nodded. Pierre and I had gotten back so late there hadn't been time to talk before going to dinner, and at the table this hadn't come up. Now I knew why.

"From what Val tells me I am queen in name only until three months from now. So technically I have not taken my throne and already a pretender wants to lay claim to it. Great." I inelegantly gulped my wine.

"Take heart, Anna. These are just rumors. The rumors also say you have joined my cause, that the witches in my group who want the wolves freed are your own personal army." He smiled at my raised eyebrow. "We know that is not true, so perhaps the rumors of Kenneth are fiction."

"Back to that. I want the low-down on Kenneth. What do you want in exchange?"

"Only that you listen, and listen well. When I finish, I want to know if you will stand with us, or stand alone."

"Gee...you don't ask for much."

"I am a political animal, I will push any advantage I can to further my cause."

"Fair enough. I will listen, but I want a vow that what you speak is truth."

Sebastian waved his hand in the air and I felt the magic as he made a vow to speak only truth. Across the room all our wolves watched us. Jerry, who seemed to think his best job on the island was to be my bodyguard. I shook my head and he sat back down on the chair, and Liv put her hand on his shoulder.

"Kenneth was the result of plot of Malachi's. He sent one of his sorcerers to seduce the younger sister of Queen Arlena. The queen had no children yet, so I believe he thought that the child would be the next in line. Usually in such a case it's not the next sibling of the witch, but if there are no children it is the niece or nephew. Malachi thought that if it was a daughter she could be controlled.

"Understand, this was at the height of the war with vampires. The accord had not been set yet with wolves, but it was heading that way. My mentor told me all of this, so what I am telling you I believe to be true, but you can check the records. Your own Andre would surely know best."

"Go on."

"Deeanne," he called, raising his glass.

The taller of his wolves rose and brought the bottle over, refilling our glasses. We both thanked her and she returned, offering more to all.

"Now, when Malachi's sorcerer discovered his child was male, he abandoned Kenneth."


"He was born with the power to accept magic. Being male, this inclined him and Malachi to believe Arlena 's sister was a mere human. This would mean Kenneth was all dark sorcerer, not a light witch. Useless as a plant.

"Now, if you read you timeline, you know that Arlena's reign was short, and indeed she died without children, or so we thought. Her sister had none and was tested first as guardian, but proved she too could be a witch. But then we found her bastard much in the way you were found.

"Now we know that Kenneth was the only known child of both a witch and a sorcerer, and he is of the royal line of witches. Malachi discovered this and stole Kenneth, still a small boy, and raised him as his own. Kenneth grew up believing he was just one of the hundreds of bastards Malachi bore, and he fought in the last days of the vampire war when they called in the sorcerers.

"He lost his harem of vampires, and was then given as concubines three women, half sorcerer, half dragons. They too were killed, and when Kenneth realized Malachi had done nothing to stop it, he left the sorcerers. Somehow he knew his history, but not who his mother was."

"Who was she?"

"That we do not know. It's not even in the records. But he applied for sanctuary and we took him in. All was well until Sigrid died and the longest period of our queendom went without a head. He began to suggest that perhaps we could have a king."

My head spun. I felt some sympathy for Kenneth, against my best judgment. Abandoned by his father, stolen from his mother, raised by callus planning, two groups of women he might very well have loved deeply murdered, and then to be denied a birthright and a mother's love...I guess what they said was true. It was lonely on top, but one ate better.

"Now Kenneth has very few allies. He's not the nicest man, and in every war he's fought there have been accusations of cruelty. I wouldn't worry overmuch about him necessarily, though. He is passive-aggressive at best, doesn't do direct threats. However, the danger lies if witches align themselves to him because of a mutual cause...such as losing wolves as their slaves."

I wanted to scream, and at the same time I wanted to slap myself. I had studied history. I knew better than most the prince who mad e snap decisions often brought his own doom. The night before I had all but declared my intent to free the wolves, and now I had given the man who had more reason to want me dead than any other the excuse he needed to build up an army.

"Andre, would you join us?" I called suddenly.

Sebastian nodded and calmly sipped his wine as my alpha joined us, standing beside my chair.

"Yes, Anna?"

"You studied the records of the Council in detail, yes?"


"And you've heard what Sebastian has told me, yes?"

"Once more, indeed."

"And is it the truth?"

"It is. Anna, while you were with Valerius training today Julian melded in with the kitchen staff. Once we noticed our venture into wearing real clothes was being copied we began to worry. There is cause for concern, and indeed Kenneth is a threat."

"Could he be the one?" I asked Andre, hoping he understood I meant the one who has killed al my witch ancestors?

"I doubt it. Kenneth is above all things a coward. He only acts when there is an army behind him. otherwise he is a yapping little dog with no bite."

A grave werewolf insult, I realized. "Have a seat, please." I indicated the chair matching mine and Andre sat with us. "So, Sebastian here is waiting for me to panic that Kenneth is amassing a threat and for me to use his supporters as my own personal army. What do you think?"

Andre was surprised, but quickly covered it. He scratched his chin where the shadow of a beard had progressed many hours past the actual time, making him look more like what he was, a nearly ancient man in a modern tux.

"I would say it's best to diffuse the situation. If all that binds people to Kenneth is a cause he cares not passionately for, either discredit him or discredit their fear."

"Abandon the cause. And let the wolves think I will tolerate slavery just as my foremothers have?" Fuck I swore silently. I was stuck between a rock and a hard place. Suddenly, a thought entered my head that could provide a neat little solution.

Andre's eyes flicked to the line that was no doubt forming between my eyebrows, and he smiled. "Yes, my queen?"

"Knock it off, I don't like titles. So you understand codes and how to devise them and break them, yes?" It would indeed by good to have my own spymaster, I thought.


"Then I would like to ask you to work with Sebastian tomorrow while I am with Valerius. And here is what you will be working on.


Diego and I both lay on a large raft in the calm night ocean, floating near where Jerry and Liv splashed and played. Above us on the balcony my lovers laughed and talked together over beers. Only Diego seemed to understand my dark, pensive mood as he lay with his head resting on my leg, a move I often thought was the canine version of a hug.

I reached down with damp fingers and scratched behind his ears and his tail thumped happily. I pulled slightly on the magic he stored and he yipped happily, snuggling closer.

"I love you, boy," I whispered and he licked my fingers.

Dark thoughts had returned, and I counted up what weighed on me so heavily. Someone had been killing the queens for centuries. It could either be the guardian of my line, who could not directly greatly benefit, or it could be a distant relative raised by my mortal enemy who coveted my throne. Word of my desire to shake things up extended past Thunder Island and the malcontents who favored slavery were making noises about placing Kenneth on the throne gleefully over my dead body. I had three months to go before I could introduce any sweeping change, and yet I had made a deal with the devil and aligned myself to Sebastian's cause.

"Next time, no working vacations, right, boy?" I asked Diego.

He whined slightly and raised what would have been an eyebrow on a human. I smiled and stroked my hand down his back, sighing. I knew better. Royalty that still ruled in power and not just name never had time off.

We were floating near the shallows, and Jerry and Liv were getting that playful look in their eyes.

"You two," I called to them. "Would you..." I couldn't bring myself to say what I wanted, and I didn't know why. Thank god they were exhibitionists and understood.

"Can you give us a raft?" Liv asked.

I summoned another from one of the supply racks further up the beach and Jerry put Liv on and joined her. In the small moonlight the wolves were creatures of pure beauty, and the love between them only added to it.

Beside me Diego let out a chuffing sigh and turned away, uninterested in the doings of bipeds. I turned on my side and summoned a little extra padding for the raft and my legs blocked Diego from the show. I glanced up at the balcony but the brothers hadn't yet caught on to the show. That was fine: as Liv laid back and Jerry claimed her lips in a hungry kiss, I knew the show was for me.

They had been swimming naked and I appreciated it. Both were so well muscled and sleek, and with the ocean water dripping along their lines, glinting in the waning moon, they were like a painting come to life. I felt, as I watched their hands quest over one another, that if I kept watching I might discover some kind of universal truth.

She arched her back, breaking the kiss, and Jerry kissed down the column of her throat. His hands flattened against her hips as he moved aside. Liv knew what was coming and so did I as she sank her fingers into his wavy hair. Still he teased along her collarbone making heer wait an eternity before he claimed a swollen nipple.