A Dark Ride


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All the same, I still felt the throbbing in my jeans. I adjusted my cock, and I swore I could feel my pulse racing just from the touch. I was stuck between terror and arousal. It was worse than any drug.

I spotted the condoms in the glovebox. Of course. James had said we'd need... yes. Of course. I licked my lips. The way he'd felt in my hand, in my mouth... I took a deep breath and tried not to think about how crazy it was. I snatched the small silver package and scooted out of the open truck door.

James was standing several feet away from the truck relieving himself in the open desert. His head was tilted toward the moon. Even such a simple posture made my insides flutter. I could see that his tattoos continued onto his shoulder blades. As I stepped around the back of the truck, I couldn't pull my eyes from the curvature of his back. The way he stood, the way his dimpled lower back sloped into his jeans, the way his hair was draped over those hunks of flesh on his shoulders... it was all making me squirm.

I wasn't sure what to do with myself so I just leaned against the tailgate of the truck. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't steady my breath. I'd never slept with someone I'd just met. I'd certainly never slept with a stranger. It kept racing through my mind. I fidgeted with the condom in my hand. My cock was still trapped and stiff behind the soft fabric of my stretchy jeans.

He turned around. James had made no attempt to button his pants or stuff his semi erect cock away. He merely walked over to the truck, to me, with his beautiful dick bouncing free and his jeans barely hanging from his waist.

I wasn't sure what I was about to say, but before I could even get the thought out, James had my head cradled in his hands and was kissing me. I craned my neck upward and returned the kiss, once again washed away into the ebb of lust. One of my hands found it's way around his waist, and slid into his pants to grope his partially exposed ass. My other hand seemed to find a palm full of James's cock, which was nodding harder as we kissed.

James pulled away and that wolven face stared right into mine.

"Do you want this?" He asked.

For all the conflicted feelings I'd been battling, my answer sure came quick.

"Yes," I said. "I want you."

I thought I saw a grin begin to form on James's face. He reached around me. I heard something metallic click before the tailgate bounced open behind me. James took me by the arm and spun me around. Immediately I was locked in his arms though. Every motion was forceful, powerful, and I loved the way it felt. His chest heaved against the curve of my back with his every breath. Black hair danced on my neck when his warm tongue slid up to my ear. Cradled in his arms, I allowed my body to sink into his.

My pants were being unfastened. There was just one button, and no zipper. James hooked his thumbs into my stretchy jeans and began to force them down. I gasped when he reached even further and pulled my stiff cock free. My bare ass pressed against his bare crotch. I could feel him pulsating between the cheeks of my ass. The warmth felt twice as amazing in the cool desert air, and made me shudder.

James bent at his waist, which forced me over as well. Soon I was on my forearms. I spread my legs as best I could, but my pants were pulled to my thighs. James plucked the condom from my fingers. I'd forgotten about having it. For a moment, he moved away. I knew what he was doing. The cold metal of the tailgate stung my arms. My ass felt exposed to the night air. All I could do was wait to feel it.

A single hand was placed on my back. I breathed a little harder.

Something bulbous and slick pressed against my asshole. My breath caught in my throat.

The tip prodded me. I leaned further and opened myself.

James pushed his cock inside of me.

There was the initial burst of pressure. I moaned. None of this was new to me. I simply smiled and squeezed myself onto the delightfully thick shaft. I rocked backward as James gave me a push inward. His cock slid further into me. My mouth dropped and I moaned again against my tightened lips.

I felt his jeans on my ass cheeks. Biting my lip, I pushed back one more time, feeling James's warm balls mash into my ass. His cock nodded inside of me. It made my eyes roll up into my head. I gave my ass one more little wiggle. As James pulled back and slid into me again, I could feel myself spreading around his girth.

He understood his cue to start thrusting. James eased his dick back until I thought it might fall right from my ass, then he plunged it into me again. I swore I saw fireworks in my eyes at the sharp probing pain.

"Oh... ugh, god!" I heard myself say. "Do it ag- oh!"

I didn't need to tell James. His hips slammed against me over and over until he'd built a slow rhythm. The entire truck started to rock. The condom on James's cock was slick enough, but there was a lot of friction. Without even seeing him, every motion of his hips was transferred right into me. I felt it in the way his shaft dove into my ass. Something about it made me stand on my toes and arch my back even further.

I wanted to spread my self wide for James but I couldn't. My jeans had my thighs locked. I simply closed my legs and bent as far as I could. His thighs beat against my own. Strong fingers dug into my hips, jerking my ass back to meet his every thrust.

Dropping my head, I ran my fingers through my hair and groaned. I managed to steal a glance behind me. James was like an oil painting come to life. The moonlight was shining down behind him, making his hair and face a black shroud. Grey and blue hues gleamed at every bulging muscle, while shadows accentuated every single one. I bit my lip when I saw the tightness in his body, where the flesh of his shoulders, neck, and chest were all clenched.

The sting of his palm clapping against my ass made me yelp. It caught me off guard. I'd never been spanked before. I immediately learned that I loved it, and silently prayed he'd do it again. I could still feel the warmth of the blow.

James was thrusting faster now. My hands tightened into fists. I tried to ignore the cold metal of the truck bed against my cheek. Instead I focused on the way my dick flopped beneath me. I was rock hard. Every bounce of my cock seemed to shake an orgasm loose bit by bit. The warm burn was starting to glow hotter. It became harder to breath right.

Another slap on my ass, the other cheek this time. I cried out into the night again. If he kept this up I'd be coming soon. My palms tried to find a place to settle on the metallic bed beneath me but I kept sliding. I felt James adjust his stance. His hips beat against me more frantically. At last I heard him start to suck in huge gasps of air.

James slowed his pace but his cock dove into me deeper with every forceful thrust. I could barely see straight. My body grew tense. I knew it was happening.

"Oh... oh god, keep... o-oh..."

I didn't know if he heard me, but James never stopped or slowed down. The tip of my cock started to feel incredibly hot, and my entire lower body seized. I yelled with every thrust of James's cock. I could feel the cum shooting wildly out of my own; falling away to the ground, dripping onto my balls, dangling and swirling around my throbbing shaft.

It didn't seem to end. I knew I had finished coming but the sensation in my ass and my cock wouldn't go away. It was as if the engorged tip of James's dick had found a sweet spot that it kept probing and prodding. I didn't stop moaning either. I couldn't. My chest heaved. My poor legs felt like spaghetti noodles.

James hooked his arms through my elbows behind my back and tugged me into a standing position. Once our bodies were pressed close. James was hunkered low. His lips found the nape of my neck while he continued to fire his hips up against my ass. I pressed myself into him. The feeling of his shaft twisting and diving inside of me was like nothing I'd ever felt before.

"Your body is amazing."

My eyes opened at the unexpected compliment.

"I... can't believe how incredible your little ass looks," James hissed into my ear.

I grinned and tilted my head, giving him access to my neck and my ear. I certainly wanted to hear him sweet talk some more.

"I wanted you... the moment I saw you," He continued, panting heavily. "Your... cute innocent face... the... way you twisted your... ass when you walked. I knew... oh... I knew I wanted to pluck your delicate petals."

My cock was already standing stiff yet again, bouncing at my waist. As James bit down on my neck my sex glazed eyes wandered across the starry sky. Everything seemed like a strange dream. I couldn't believe what was happening to me.

Again I could feel my lower body begin to coil, ready to burst into another orgasm. I could feel the urgency in James's thrusts. His cock seemed deeper and harder than ever. My eyes rolled into my head. I honestly could not tell if I was cumming again or not. I was going through spasms though. That warm orgasmic burn never seemed to leave.

James slammed himself against me. I lost my balance and yelped at the sharp pain inside. My palms hit the bed of the truck hard. I felt him rear back once more and drive himself against me. Another jab of pain nearly caused my knees to buckle. I must have looked ridiculous scrambling to stay on my feet and sliding in the dirt. James clutched the sides of my ass so hard I was sure they would bruise.

And I felt it. I'd used toys on myself before. I'd had romantic flings with some of the other little twinks at Danica's in the city, and felt their erections inside of me. Nothing could compare to the throbbing meat of this man. James was buried to the balls in my ass, which felt like he was in my throat. As he came, I tightened the muscles of my ass around him and let out a shuddering moan. God I could feel it pumping in me. I could feel every twitch of his pulsating cock. Against all sanity, I actually wished he hadn't put a condom on, so that the warmth I was feeling would spill inside of me.

I coughed, realizing I was out of breath. The cold in my lungs was as though an icicle had burst in my chest. Still, my skin felt clammy from a thin sheen of sweat. Behind me I could feel James's body heaving. I didn't move or look back at him. I didn't even have the energy to care about how awkward the moment was.

James slid out of my ass. I felt hollow and beaten. For several moments I just stayed there bent over the tailgate with my face against the cold metal. When I finally did push myself up, I nearly stumbled on weak knees. I stared past my glistening little dick in a daze, and with trembling hands I tugged my pants back up to my waist.

I turned to see James fling something into the desert and button his own pants. As he approached the truck again, I started to get an old bite of fear again. His eyes were shrouded by his stringy black hair. Retrieving his shirt from the bed of the truck, he hopped onto the tailgate to sit.

As he struck another match and lit a cigarette, I remained silent, standing awkwardly off to the side. James looked over at me.

"I'm sorry," He said.

I gave him a puzzled look. "For?"

James blew out a plume of smoke and grinned at me. "I was supposed to take you home. I've failed at that so far."

I couldn't help but smile. Levity invaded our little scene, and I stepped slowly up to him.

"Well, it's really more about the journey than the destination," I said. "Isn't that what they all say?"

He shrugged. "They say a lot of things."

I was surprised when he hooked a finger in my belt loop and tugged me in close between his thighs. Turning around, I leaned into him. James put an arm around me and I shivered. Staring off into the open desert, I distantly wondered what time it was before realizing I didn't care. The darkness far ahead of me looked less ominous and intimidating, but rather quite serene.

"Can we stay for awhile?" I asked him. "I'm not exactly in a hurry to leave anymore."

James pulled me tighter. "I got nowhere to be."


It was the strangest feeling in the world pulling up to our house in the quiet cookie cutter suburban neighborhood, mostly because of the rumbling of the old truck in which I rode. Both James and his beastly truck seemed wildly out of place. He put the truck in park in front of my sister's house, but didn't kill the engine. I wasn't exactly sure he'd have wanted to walk me to my door or come in for a glass of water.

For a long time, I just sat there staring into the dark of the floorboard. I wasn't ready to leave for some reason. In a way, I was afraid I'd suffer from Cinderella syndrome, that this completely strange and mystical night would abruptly end, and it'd forever just become a saucy little memory that would fade over time.

I could feel James staring at me. Still his face was shadowed in the depths of his black hair.

"Do you have a key to the house, at least?" He asked.

I smiled. "The back door stays unlocked."

James shook his head. "The good life."

I looked at him. Licking my lips, I decided to take a chance.

"We always leave it unlocked," I went on. "My sister usually goes out on Friday and Saturday nights. Just like tonight."

James said nothing, but he was staring right at me. I could feel that wolven gaze peering right through me.

"I d-don't get many people stopping by," I stammered. "It wouldn't be so bad if occasionally... you know... I got some unexpected visitors dropping by in the middle of the night."

I waited for what seemed like an eternity under that shadowy stare. Watching his lips, I finally saw them turn up into a smile.

"Maybe you will," James said.

I grinned at him, and couldn't help but lean across the seat and place a kiss on his cheek. Not wanting the moment to turn awkward, I opened the door and slid out of the truck. I stopped and turned toward James one last time.

"Wait, I meant to ask you," I said, "do you want my number?"

James shook his head. "I know where you live."

A chill slithered down my spine and I felt a throb in my pants. I gave James a smile then shut the door. I'd only taken a few steps into the yard before I heard the engine of his truck roar as he drove away. I turned my head and watched him disappear at the end of the road.

It was close to three in the morning. A thirty minute drive had turned into and all night adventure. I was exhausted to say the least. I still felt hollow and wet down below. I squeezed, wishing I could still feel the thick flesh of James's shaft inside of me. As I walked, I thought about what he'd said in the desert, how my ass twisted when I walked by him. I'd never had a guy tell me anything like that, but I was sauntering through the wooden gate into the back yard.

When I reached my bedroom, I fell into my bed immediately. All I could muster was the strength to kick off my shoes. I didn't take off any of my clothes. I certainly didn't want to remove the hoodie I was wearing. God, it still smelled like him. I snuggled into the bed and curled into a ball. I imagined hearing the back door opening. I pictured a tall shadowy figure stepping into my room and staring down at me. I couldn't wait for that night to come. I didn't want to know when it would arrive, but already I craved it.

Before I fell into the warm darkness of sleep, I reminded myself that I'd have to thank my sister when she stumbled home in the morning for leaving me at that bar.

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MaryFrancis36MaryFrancis362 months ago

Great story. Had me from start to finish. Perhaps you can come back and do another couple of parts? Please…

Crazy4youzCrazy4youz7 months ago

Please please please do a part 2 of ome of those late night visits 🙏🏻

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Beautiful writing as always. I really felt the people involved. You are very talented!!

FentonUKFentonUKalmost 2 years ago

Again - so beautifully written. The tension is there all the time!

furluvrcafurluvrcaover 2 years ago

Terrific scenario, man! This is definitely going on my favorites list!

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