A Good Break


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"See you guys soon."

We watched her tight little buns exit the bath.

I was starting to get chilled and Kerry noticed. She lifted the poncho off and put it in the tub. She grabbed a bath towel, dried my face and hair, and did my lower torso. She knelt before me and gently dried my penis and testicles. She pulled back the foreskin and wiped it, as Mrs. Alhamis had instructed her to do. Steadying me, she led me back to bed.

"Boss, you don't have any clean PJs. I'll do some laundry after supper. Is there something else you can wear?"

I told her I would be fine with just the covers. She pulled them up as high as possible.

"Going to finish dinner. We can eat in here."

She started to leave and I called to her.

"Kerry, about what happened in there."

"Boss, it's fine. You owe me no explanation."

"I didn't ask for that."

"I believe you," she said. "But, you didn't refuse it either."

I began to get a little hot. I mean Kerry had no claims on me and certainly no sexual claims.

I was about to say something when she spoke.

"Sorry, Boss, that was out of line. I think Rain knew you needed something and gave it to you. She is more of a woman than I am."

I wanted to tell her otherwise, but she quickly left the room.

A little later she brought dinner in and set up my tray table. She fed me and herself, with not much being said.

"Great dinner, Kerry. Thanks."

"At least I can cook," she said.

"Kerry, we need to clear the air. I am sorry you saw Rain and me. Sure, I could have tried to stop it, but I didn't. Does that make me a male pig? Hell, I guess it could. But, once we started it felt so good, I couldn't—no, make that didn't want to—stop. If you want to leave, I'll understand."

"Boss, I don't want to leave. I want to help you. It's just that..."

She looked up at the ceiling, took a deep breath and continued.

"It's just that I feel so inadequate when it comes to sex. God, Rain is just out there and it's natural. I mean she stripped like it was no big deal. Then I saw you two and I realized that I could never, never do something like that. I've made it my career to please you, to do what you want. To do whatever the boss needs."

"And you do, you are. Kerry, I have no expectation that you would even consider something like that. I am grateful beyond anything I can express that you have been here. I know it is difficult caring for me. You are being such a trooper. Yes, it's embarrassing for you and humiliating for me. But, you know what? We are doing great together. Well, mostly it's you doing great. I am forever in your debt. You are doing what I need."

"You're sweet to say so. But I doubt I am doing what you want."

"Kerry, what I want is for you to get the ridiculous idea out of your head that you should be doing something sexual for me. Please, let it go."

"Ok, you're the boss."

There was no sincerity in here voice. Kerry gathered the dishes and retreated to the kitchen.

We made one more walk around the apartment and she helped me use the toilet one last time before calling it a night. It almost seemed normal that I was walking around totally nude with my attractive assistant steadying me. Hell of a new normal.

Sunday morning came and a subdued Kerry helped me with my bathroom necessities. We decided to skip the shower.

After breakfast, she said she needed to get some errands done. She reminded me that she was scheduled to attend a client reception that night. I told her she should definitely go. She would be home to give me supper and whatever before she headed out.

As far as the rest of the evening, Rain was not going to be around, so Kerry said she asked Chief to look in on me later.

I slept a good part of the day. Kerry returned around 3 and helped me to the bathroom. This procedure was becoming routine and had lost any sexual edge for me and, I hope, for her. She fed me a light supper and then went to get ready for the event.

Around 7 she appeared in my doorway—at least I think it was Kerry. She wore a tight black dress that stopped way north of her knees. Her long legs were covered in sheer black stockings and accompanied by three inch black heels. The dress had a neckline low enough to show some cleavage, but far from indecent. Her hair was swept up in a style that bordered on sophisticated with a touch of sex appeal. She obviously spent time on her make-up since her skin glowed and her eyes popped. She had dumped her black frames for contact lenses. Gone was the conservative assistant. In her place stood a tall, curvaceous and beautiful young woman.

"Boss, you're staring," she said.

"You look fantastic, Kerry."

"Well, I was going to surprise you a little since we were supposed to go together. I know it's not what you expect from your sensible and practical assistant."

"No, but you look great."

She came over and fussed with my blankets and asked if I needed anything. I caught a whiff of her perfume. Something subtle but packing quite a punch. She pushed my hair back off my forehead and told me she would not be too late. With a light kiss on my cheek, she smiled at me.

Kerry reminded me Chief would be coming by. She turned and I gasped. Her dress was open in the back, plunging to an indecent depth. I could almost imagine her magnificent butt peaking out.

I whistled and she looked over her shoulder. Her look told me she appreciated my appreciation.

"Be careful out there," I cautioned. "I don't want some young stud sweeping you away from me."

"Not likely," she said. "I'm still old Cherry Kerry underneath."

"I never bought that description," I said, "and, I can now see there is absolutely no basis for it. I'm all for truth in advertising. Kerry, you are beautiful. I'm happy to see you showing the world. Have a great night."

She smiled and blew me a kiss.

I watched a basketball game trying to blot out the image of Kerry looking so hot. It didn't work so I kept replaying her image over in my mind.

My reverie was broken by the doorbell. I punched up the security camera to see two beautiful women making out on the stoop.

"You know I can see you," I said through the intercom.

My ex-wife looked up toward the camera. "Hi, darling, care to buzz us in. I've seemed to have forgotten my key."

In a few minutes Chief was bursting in my room, dumping her suede cape on the carpet. She came and kissed me on both cheeks.

"How's my broken baby?" she cooed.

Lola and I get along great as exes. We do care for each other, but this outburst of affection usually meant one thing. Lola was high as a kite.

I saw Janice hanging in the doorway and said hi.

"Hi, Josh, feeling any better?"

"Hey, every day is a little better. How are you?"

"Mellow," she said.

They were both dressed for a night of clubbing. Lola had on a red dress that defied any logic of how a person could get into it. It clung to every minute and subtle curve and swell on her lanky body.

Lola was a model before we married. She had been moving on a fast track. Unfortunately, the track had a bunch of stops at cocaine suppliers. Combing booze and snort, she began to unravel. I credit her with a lot of strength as she abandoned her career, checked into rehab and finally emerged sober. She began working the scene behind the scene. We met when my firm took on a hot fashion designer and Lola was managing his business end. We hit it off and soon she was a minority partner, CFO and my lover. We married a year later.

"What are you on, Lola?"

"What makes you think I'm on anything, darling/"

"Well, you have a lovely glaze in your eyes and you never call me 'darling' when you're straight. I hope you're not using coke again."

"Never," she protested.

"Just a little Krystal and a tiny, tiny hit of X," she said while holding her thumb and forefinger a scant quarter of an inch apart.

I looked at Janice for confirmation. She nodded but gestured with her fingers about an inch apart.

Janice was still a model and five years younger than Lola. She had several covers, was in the SI Swimsuit issue and was hot in the business. She wore a micro black skirt and a silver top of soft crepe. The top was fastened at the neck and at the bottom. The middle was a slit that allowed a lot of skin to show through with every movement.

Like Lola, she was about five ten but with short blond hair. Lola's hair was dark with a few blond highlights and fell to her shoulders. They made an incredible couple. The kind that both guys and ladies stared at all night.

"So, darling," Lola said exaggerating the term of endearment, "what do you need. What can your poor, discarded ex-wife do to ease your suffering."

"Lola, remember you left me," I answered.

"Yeah, for Psycho Bitch," offered Janice.

I smiled. We all have come to refer to Lola's first lover as Psycho Bitch. She really was crazy. Once the lust wore away, Lola saw how screwed up she was. It was so bad, she moved back in with me—in the spare bedroom—until we got a restraining order on her lover. Eventually, PB—our little nickname—overdosed and her family sent her far away for detox and eventually long term care.

Janice was the complete opposite. She is a fairly normal woman, if you can call anyone working in high fashion normal. She and Lola appear happy and, perverse as it is, that makes me happy.

I assured Lola that I did not need to eat, but did need to relieve myself.

"Of course, darling," she said. "Shall we make a sojourn to the loo?"

"Actually, that's a lot of work. I'm tired and frankly don't trust you could keep me up."

"Darling, I've always been able to keep you up." She laughed and ran her hand between my legs.

"Anyway, Lola, there's a plastic urinal in the bath. If you could help me with that, I would appreciate it."

"Say no more. I am channeling Florence Nightingale as we speak."

Yeah, another thing...the higher Lola is the more dramatic she gets.

She returned with the bottle in hand. She pulled down the covers and setting the urinal on the bed, quickly jerked my PJs to my ankles.

"Lola," I hissed.

She looked over at Janice who was blandly staring at my nakedness.

"Darling, I wanted to show Janice exactly what I am giving up to be with her."

Janice nodded her approval and gave me a sly smile. She knew it was useless to try to contain Lola when she was like this.

Lola positioned the urinal, slipped my penis inside and said she and Janice would excuse themselves for a few moments.

In spite of my embarrassment and anger, I let loose a strong steam and enjoyed the pressure easing from my bladder.

The women reappeared and Lola took the urinal to dump it in the bathroom, but leaving me exposed.

"Sorry, Josh," Janice said. "But, you know Lola."

Just then Lola appeared behind Janice, snaking her arms around her middle. Resting her head on Janice's shoulders, she said, "See, I did make a great sacrifice for you. Is that or is that not a handsome cock?"

"It is handsome, Lola, but again you didn't give it up for me. You did it for that freakin' psycho."

"Minor details," Lola said as she slipped her hands inside Janice's top and moved them to cover her breasts.

"Ooh, Lola, don't. That feels too good," moaned Janice.

Lola slipped the edges of the blouse aside exposing the small, firm breasts. She played with Janice's nipples making them extend at least an inch. This was the first time I had seen Janice's breasts. They were as perfect as you'd expect for a top model.

Janice turned her head and the two women kissed deeply. Lola slipped one hand under the short skirt and rubbed. Janice turned to face her and they embraced. Lola lifted the skirt exposing the full and firm butt with the tiniest of a black thong strap in the cheeks. She spun Janice back to face me, her breasts still exposed, and tweaked the nipples.

Of course, the expected happened.

"See, Jan, that is what I mean," as they looked at my erection. "And, truth be told, he knows how to use it. God, I still get wet thinking about how he could make me cum. And, for a guy, he was not bad at eating pussy. No where as good as you, My Sweet." As she said the last part, her hand again slipped under the skirt. She used her other hand to lift it so that I was looking at Lola's fingers slowly moving inside Janice's panties' waistband. The women moved together in a sexual choreography.

I was getting pissed. Well, pissed and seriously turned on.

"Cut the shit, Lola. You don't have to be such a bitch."

"Darling, did I make you angry? I was trying to give you a little boost. I know it must be hard not being able to take advantage of our dear, dear Kerry as she moons over you/"

"What do you mean 'moons over me?'"

"You mean you haven't figured out that she is totally in love with you?"

"What?" I shouted. "You're nuts. No way. She is the best goddamned assistant I ever had and a terrific asset to our firm, but we are not involved. Period. Well, I think we may be becoming friends, but that's it."

Lola must have hit the right spot because Janice growled and pinched her own nipples.

"Mmm, that's my baby," said Lola as she appeared to work her finger deeper.

"Darling, I didn't say you were doing anything. I said she's in love with you. Like Romeo and Juliet, Justin and Selena, Sonny and Cher, well before they split and he hit the tree. Anyway, she is Lady Gaga Eyes over you." When Lola was on a roll, she used words just because she liked the sound of them.

"I don't believe it for a second," I insisted. My words were strong but my doubts were growing. I recalled our talk last night. Was she acting like a woman interested in romance?

"Believe what you want, Josh. Even Janice can see it."

Janice dreamily opened her eyes. "Wants to fuck your brains out, Josh."

She closed her eyes and licked her lips as Lola worked her magic.

"Lola, can we go now? I want you to take me home and do naughty things to my body."

Lola removed her hand and covered up Janice's breasts.

"Sure, My Sweet. But, first do you have that ruby lipstick handy?"

Janice pulled the small bag off her shoulder and dug inside to retrieve a tube.

Lola applied a thick coat to her own lips and then duplicated the action on Janice's.

"Just to let you know there are no hard feelings, Darling."

She started moving her mouth toward my erection.

"Don't you dare, Lola. I mean it. Stop."

She paid no heed. I felt her warm lips along my shaft as her long fingers gently massaged my balls.

She sucked and ran her tongue up and down, making me squirm under her. I had nearly forgotten how good she was at giving head. I was now completely reminded. Finally, she pulled away leaving a scarlet lip print on my dick.


Janice winked at me and planted a similar kiss on the underside of my erection, although she spared me the indignity of fondling my balls.

"I'm sure Kerry will be ever so diligent to wash that off. And, just to show there are no evil intentions..."

Lola drew a happy face on the exposed tip of my erection with the lipstick.

She and Janice kissed me on the lips, gathered their coats and headed out of the room.

"At least, pull up the covers," I pleaded.

"TaTa, darling," was her only response.

As I heard them opening the door, my heart leapt to my throat.

"Kerry," squealed Lola, "you look fabulous. We've got to run, but we've taken care of Josh for you. I think you might need to help him just a little."

I heard the door close and Kerry appeared in the doorway. She walked toward me. She teetered a bit on her high heels and her blues eyes were glazed. This must be the night for getting high.

She stopped and focused.

"My, my, Boss, that little guy just keeps popping up all over the place." She giggled. "Actually, he's not so little," she said with another giggle.

Kerry then noticed the marks on my erection.

"What?" She looked confused.

"Lola was a little out of control and thought this was funny," I explained.

Kerry stared and said, "But there are two lip marks."

"Janice was an accomplice," I offered lamely.

"Well, I guess I will just have to wash that off," she said, slurring the words just slightly. "And, take care of this little face." As she spoke, she lightly moved her fingertip over the head of my erection that was decorated with the happy face. The happy face jumped with joy.

"But, I have to change. I don't want to get this dress messed up."

"I agree. You look really good, Kerry. Very, very good."

"Thanks, Boss."

A strange smile spread over Kerry. She reached behind her neck and undid the clasp. The dress slid down exposing the tops of her white breasts. She slowly turned and shrugged.

The dress cascaded to the floor. She was left clad only in heels, sheer black panty hose with black bikini bottoms showing through. If I were not already hard, I would be now, looking at her body.

The heels defined the curves of her calves and made her thighs taut. The band of her panty hose accented her waist. Her back flared up in a vee to her wide shoulders. I admired the muscles of her bare back and arms. She bent from the waist and picked up her dress. Dragging it along the floor she sauntered out of the room, her tight buns bouncing with each step.

I wished I could get to my window to check if the moon was full. There was some crazy shit going on tonight.

She returned in a few minutes carrying the plastic basin. She wore her long nightshirt.

Sitting on the side of the bed, she took my erection in her bare hand and simply held it. Wrapping her long fingers around my shaft, she sighed.

"Kerry," I said tenderly, "you can do this tomorrow. Or, we can even wait for Rain or Mrs. Alhamis."

She moved her hand up and down. "You don't like me touching you, do you?"

"It's not that, Kerry. I just think this is a little awkward for both of us. I am debt to you for being here and helping. I couldn't imagine getting through this without your help. But, I think we are really close to a line and I'm pretty sure we don't want to cross it."

She began to move her head toward my erection, her mouth opening.

"Kerry, no," I said with more force than I intended.

She pulled her head back. Her hand travelled down the length of my shaft and over my balls. She moved the basin onto the table and pulled up my PJs, followed by the covers.

"Good night, Boss. I'm sorry."

"Kerry, I don't want you feeling sorry. If circumstances were different... I mean if we didn't work together... What I'm trying to say is you are a remarkable person. Hell, that sounds like high school when we'd say a girl had a great personality. Kerry, you are a beautiful, kind and really good person. Any man would be lucky to be able to be with you, to date you."

"Right. Boss, but I know who I am. I'm a farm girl from Kansas. Literally. I grew up on a farm and I've got a farm girl's body. Broad back, big shoulders, strong legs. I look at Chief and Janice and I think, Wow. That's how a woman should look. Next to them I'm just a big ol' cow."

"Hardly, Kerry. You are beautiful. Understand? Beautiful. A few seconds ago, I was amazed looking at your body. You have nothing to be concerned about. Take it from a guy with a raging boner."

Finally, Kerry smiled. She glanced at the tent still showing in the covers.

"Thanks, Boss. Even if it isn't true, you're nice to say so. And, I can't believe I did that with my dress."

Kerry looked away, then back at me. She was flushed and had to struggle for breath to control a sob.

"Boss, there is no excuse for touching you as I just did. I am sorry. I'll understand if you want me to stop caring for you, or even..."

She took another deep breath, "Or, even if you don't want me working for you any more. As I said, it's no excuse, but I had a lot of tasty drinks at the reception. I'm not sure what they were, but they went down way too smoothly. I'm not much of a drinker. Still, I am ashamed of my behavior."