A Holiday For My Valentine


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Alice felt ropes around each knee being pulled to the sides of the bed keeping her knees spread wide and her pussy on display. Then a rope from her bound wrists was pulled towards the headboard in front of her and tied so that her head was forced downwards into the bedding and her bottom was forced higher into the air. She marveled at how easily he had made her totally exposed and helpless and could not believe that he was now just going to leave her like this.

Very soon her bonds began to hurt and her muscles seemed ready to cramp. It had all been so wonderful and he should have untied her after her last orgasm but now he was downstairs actually watching television while she could only wait his return and further punishment. Next time they would have to agree some signal so she could tell him she wanted the game to end but that didn’t help her now. For now she really was his slave and she had no choice but to go along with everything and anything he desired. Even as she pondered the reality of her situation she came again.

In the midst of her orgasm she was startled by the sound of the front door bell. It had to be after eleven who could it be? she mused. She heard Simon answer the door and straining to hear who it was she recognised the voices of Shirley and Bob from next door. Of course they were going camping tomorrow and she had promised to look after their cat. How could she have forgotten.

She heard Simon’s voice ‘No problem at all why don’t you both come in for a quick drink?’.

‘Oh my God’ Alice mumbled into her gag ‘he’s bloody well asked them in with me trussed up like a bloody chicken ….what a complete bastard’.

Alice lay in silence as the sound of voices drifted upstairs and then she heard Shirley shriek with laughter and seconds later she heard footsteps on the stairs and the voices were getting nearer.

‘Don’t think that for one moment I believe a word you say’ it was Shirley and she was almost outside the bedroom door.

The room was feeling like it was beginning to spin as Alice lay helpless and exposed on her spare bed. Simon would never let her neighbors see her like this it was unthinkable and yet… ‘I don’t believe it’ Bob gasped ‘I really thought you were just kidding Simon’.

‘Does she like it?’ said Shirley

‘Feel her pussy Bob and tell Shirley how wet Alice is and how you both being here and offering to spank her turns her on’.

It was that easy. Bob ran his hand gently over her exposed pussy and Alice exploded into the most violent orgasm of her whole life. Her shame was complete. Her body had told her neighbors how much of a slut she was and she could never talk to them or look either of them in the face again.

‘Take the ruler Shirley and spank her until her bottoms glows Then when you are finished Bob can fuck her assuming you give him permission that is’.

The first blow landed and Alice was transported to another world. Shirley hit her hard and often and she wept beneath her blindfold as she felt herself cumming again. Then Bob’s cock was inside her and the pleasure didn’t subside it just kept building and building. Then she must have blacked out because when she opened her eyes she was back in her own bed and Simon was asleep next to her.

Quietly as she could she slipped out of bed and tiptoed back to the spare room hoping that it had all been a sexy dream. Her hand moved to her mouth as she saw the ropes and the blindfold and the ruler and her panties. Turning her bare bottom to the mirror she saw the bruises on her buttocks and then the rope marks on her wrists and ankles. It had been no dream but it had been the most exciting Valentines day of her life.

‘Alice’, It was Simon calling out to her. ‘You have ten minutes to grab something to eat. Bob and Shirley are collecting you at seven and I need to tie you up before they get here. I told them that what you really wanted for a Valentines day present was a quiet camping holiday’. .

A Holiday For My Valentine

Alice Grant was feeling tipsy. It had been a good day and she had drunk a little more than usual and it felt great. Even though Simon and she had been married just over three years he had sent her Valentines day flowers and had bought her a card and a very sexy corset and now they were at their favourite restaurant continuing their celebrations in grand style.

Alice looked across at Simon and grinned. He still looked as handsome as ever and still had his sexy smile and mischievous twinkle in his eyes. She wondered what he was thinking and if, like her, he had dark fantasies. Wouldn’t it be fantastic, she thought, if he were to whisk her off home, tie her up and ravish her rather than always being so nice.

‘Penny for your thoughts’ he asked and she blushed bright red.

‘I was thinking’ she said ‘that it would be really wonderful if you were to take me home, tie me up, spank me and fuck my brains out’.

‘Oh my God’ she gasped as he sat back in his chair totally shocked ‘Did I really say what I thought I said’.

‘I’m afraid so’ he answered ‘would you really like me to do that?’.

She nodded almost too frightened to speak.

‘O.K. let’s start by you taking off your panties for me right here at this table and then I want you to roll them up into a ball and pop them in that pretty mouth of yours’. It was her turn to sit back in her chair totally shocked.

‘Are you joking Simon?’ she whispered half hoping that he wasn’t and half hoping that he was.

He shook his head. ‘Finish your meal and drink first otherwise they will go to waste’.

‘Suppose someone sees me take them off’ she asked only too well aware that the question let him know that she was actually considering doing what he wanted her to. ‘Couldn’t I go to the ladies and take them off there?’.

Again he shook his head.

Alice put a forkful of food in her mouth and considered the logistics of her allotted task. Her dress was not tight so she would be able to reach up underneath and pull her panties down around her ankles. If she were quick that would be the easy part. Far more of a challenge would be getting her panties off over her shoes and back up without anyone seeing her do it.

Neither of them spoke as they both finished their meal and then they looked into each other’s eyes both realizing it was decision time. Without even looking around to see if anyone was watching she raised her bottom up off the chair seat, reached under her skirt and grabbing the sides of her panties yanked them down past her knees and quickly sat back down. A slight wiggle of her calves and the panties fell to her ankles. She took a long swig of her wine her cheeks bright crimson with embarrassment and also partly flushed with success at completing the first half of her task. She discovered that she was really turned on by what she had done.

‘I should have worn a bra’ she whispered ‘I think the outline of my nipples can be seen clearly right through this dress’. ‘If it’s any consolation’ he responded ‘Your nipples aren’t the only thing that’s erect right now’.

Despite the sexual tension they both laughed out loud.

‘Your erection isn’t on public display though’ she chuckled

‘It would be if I stood up’ he countered and again they both laughed out loud.

‘Keep it that way for me Darling and I’ll have my own private viewing when we get back home’.

‘When we get home my sexy little slave girl, you will be blindfolded and tied up and wont be able to see anything . Now why aren’t your panties in your mouth?’

With a flash of pure bravado Alice reached down to her ankles eased her panties off over her shoes and sat back up. Without looking at Simon she then quickly rolled the pink lace panties into a tight ball and popped them into her mouth, closing her lips around them so noone would know they were there.

She could taste herself and the humiliation of her action was so exciting her heart was beating like a hammer in her chest.

‘Is everything O.K. sir? The waiter asked.

‘Fine thanks can we just have the bill unless you want anything else dear’. The waiter and Simon both looked at Alice and she shook her head blushing from top to toe.

In seconds the waiter returned and Simon paid the bill. He then got to his feet and began walking out so Alice quickly followed aware that several people were staring at her and talking about her. Obviously her performance had not gone unnoticed.

Simon reached the car and held the passenger door open for her.

‘I want your bare bum on the leather seat’ he told her.

Alice shivered at the coolness of the leather against her bare bottom but inside she was as hot as fire itself. Several times on the journey home she almost reached up and removed her gag but somehow each time she ended up with her hands back at her sides and her panties still preventing any sensible attempt at speech.

At last they reached home and immediately they were inside Simon ordered her to strip naked for him. It was strange undressing herself for him at his command and in the hallway just inside the front door. Many times she had been naked for him but this was all so very different and exciting. She allowed him to lead her to the spare bedroom and her eyes widened in surprise as he opened the wardrobe and took out several long pieces of rope and a silk scarf. He instructed her to place her hands together behind her back, palm to palm, and then seeming to take forever he coiled loop after loop of rope around her wrists and then up her forearms and finally above her elbows. The whole time gently tightening the bonds until her arms were virtually welded together behind her back and her bare breasts were wantonly thrust out in front of her.

‘Spread your legs slave and show me your pussy’.

She bit her lip nervously as she obeyed and then she groaned in pure lust as he cupped her sex and began to rub her most sensitive spot which she suspected was swollen and protruding, shamelessly inviting attention. In a matter of only moments she came for him like the slave she was and it was better than ever before and she knew that this was what she wanted.

‘Keep those legs spread slave’ he commanded as he walked round behind her and firmly tied the scarf over her eyes knotting it tightly behind her head. Then before she realised what was happening he pulled another scarf between her teeth preventing her from pushing out her panty gag and ensuring her continued silence. Alice now for the first time began to understand the true power of bondage as step by step she had been rendered more and more helpless and at her captor’s mercy.

‘Now I’m sure I remember you saying that you wanted to be spanked so please position yourself on your knees in the middle of the bed with your nose touching the bedspread and your sexy bottom raised up in the air. Do it now and do it quickly or I will double the number of spanks I’m planning to give you’.

Alice hurriedly got into position aware that she was in no position to refuse or argue and secretly aware that it was exactly what she had wanted to happen.

‘You look so sexy like that slave, perhaps your knees could be a little further apart though’.

Alice edged her knees further and further apart for him and he stroked her buttocks as she struggled into position. The first spank landed and she grunted in surprise into her gag it hurt far more than she had anticipated and even as she came to terms with the stinging pain another spank landed and then another and at about the twentieth spank Alice came again.

‘So my new slave likes a little pain I see, but I don’t remember giving you permission to cum just yet’.

Alice felt as if her bottom was on fire and that the heat had somehow transferred itself to her nipples and her pussy. Her whole body was trembling and shuddering in the glorious aftershocks of her orgasm,

‘I’ll be back in an hour or so to complete your punishment slave but first I need to secure you a little tighter’.

Alice felt ropes around each knee being pulled to the sides of the bed keeping her knees spread wide and her pussy on display. Then a rope from her bound wrists was pulled towards the headboard in front of her and tied so that her head was forced downwards into the bedding and her bottom was forced higher into the air. She marveled at how easily he had made her totally exposed and helpless and could not believe that he was now just going to leave her like this.

Very soon her bonds began to hurt and her muscles seemed ready to cramp. It had all been so wonderful and he should have untied her after her last orgasm but now he was downstairs actually watching television while she could only wait his return and further punishment. Next time they would have to agree some signal so she could tell him she wanted the game to end but that didn’t help her now. For now she really was his slave and she had no choice but to go along with everything and anything he desired. Even as she pondered the reality of her situation she came again.

In the midst of her orgasm she was startled by the sound of the front door bell. It had to be after eleven who could it be? she mused. She heard Simon answer the door and straining to hear who it was she recognised the voices of Shirley and Bob from next door. Of course they were going camping tomorrow and she had promised to look after their cat. How could she have forgotten.

She heard Simon’s voice ‘No problem at all why don’t you both come in for a quick drink?’.

‘Oh my God’ Alice mumbled into her gag ‘he’s bloody well asked them in with me trussed up like a bloody chicken ….what a complete bastard’.

Alice lay in silence as the sound of voices drifted upstairs and then she heard Shirley shriek with laughter and seconds later she heard footsteps on the stairs and the voices were getting nearer.

‘Don’t think that for one moment I believe a word you say’ it was Shirley and she was almost outside the bedroom door.

The room was feeling like it was beginning to spin as Alice lay helpless and exposed on her spare bed. Simon would never let her neighbors see her like this it was unthinkable and yet… ‘I don’t believe it’ Bob gasped ‘I really thought you were just kidding Simon’.

‘Does she like it?’ said Shirley

‘Feel her pussy Bob and tell Shirley how wet Alice is and how you both being here and offering to spank her turns her on’.

It was that easy. Bob ran his hand gently over her exposed pussy and Alice exploded into the most violent orgasm of her whole life. Her shame was complete. Her body had told her neighbors how much of a slut she was and she could never talk to them or look either of them in the face again.

‘Take the ruler Shirley and spank her until her bottoms glows Then when you are finished Bob can fuck her assuming you give him permission that is’.

The first blow landed and Alice was transported to another world. Shirley hit her hard and often and she wept beneath her blindfold as she felt herself cumming again. Then Bob’s cock was inside her and the pleasure didn’t subside it just kept building and building. Then she must have blacked out because when she opened her eyes she was back in her own bed and Simon was asleep next to her.

Quietly as she could she slipped out of bed and tiptoed back to the spare room hoping that it had all been a sexy dream. Her hand moved to her mouth as she saw the ropes and the blindfold and the ruler and her panties. Turning her bare bottom to the mirror she saw the bruises on her buttocks and then the rope marks on her wrists and ankles. It had been no dream but it had been the most exciting Valentines day of her life.

‘Alice’, It was Simon calling out to her. ‘You have ten minutes to grab something to eat. Bob and Shirley are collecting you at seven and I need to tie you up before they get here. I told them that what you really wanted for a Valentines day present was a quiet camping holiday’.

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