A New Dawn Ch. 03


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"I know that," Mary Beth said. "I love you, Johnny."

I turned to Jay. "And we're all very quickly falling for this young lady. She's coming home with us tonight, I hope."

"Assuming that you go home tonight at all, that is," Nela said. She grinned at Mary Beth. "You and I are so going to party later," she said.

"Why wait?" Mary Beth said. She walked to Nela and cupped a breast and an ass cheek as she kissed her deeply and for a long time. Nela finally came up for air.

"I may have met my match in sexual forwardness," she said.

"You ain't seen nothing yet," I said as Mary Beth's hands both crept under Nela's blouse and began fondling her breasts. Nela gasped as Mary Beth lightly pinched both nipples.

"Not in front of the kitchen staff, please," said Juana from the doorway. "They are all good Catholic boys and girls. At least I think they all are. Oh, by the way: dinner is served."


I probably missed an excellent meal. Oh, I ate, but the food didn't make much of an impression on me and I skipped the wine altogether. I needed a clear head. The others talked and laughed around me but my mind was occupied with how I would feel if either Dawn or Mary Beth had sex with Thomas. Or rather 'when,' as it now seemed inevitable.

I thought about the possibility of having sex with Tina now that the 'Thomas barrier' was down. I had to admit that the idea intrigued me. She was drop-dead gorgeous and she wanted me. Actually, all of Thomas' women were gorgeous, each in their own unique way. Lucky bastard, I thought again.

And I wondered about myself. Just this morning I had been thinking how fulfilled I was and how much I missed Dawn and Mary Beth. Of how we had essentially stopped bringing other women home because we completely met each other's' emotional and physical needs. I had shrugged off the advances of three potential new lovers in one day because I chose to remain faithful to my girls.

But mere hours later I'd taken Jay to bed and now I was intrigued at the possibility of taking yet another new sexual partner, albeit with permission. What kind of man was I really, at the core? A committed lover or a sex-crazed hound dog? I admitted that at this point I really didn't know. I shook my head.

Dawn leaned over from her chair on my right and whispered, "What's wrong, Johnny? You've barely touched your dinner and you seem to be somewhere else."

Honesty has served me well with Dawn and I wasn't going to stop now. "I'm already jealous," I said. Of both you and Mary Beth, but mostly of you. I know it's probably going to happen and I'm trying to deal with it."

She kissed my cheek softly, then reached over and held my hand. "If you tell me not to, I won't," she said quietly. "But if you tell me it's okay, I probably will. I'm really attracted to Thomas. Horny for him, actually. It doesn't make me love you any less. It doesn't make me any less horny for you. And it won't in any way make me think about leaving you. I'm yours, plain and simple, forever." She kissed me on the lips, a light brush. "You've always let me sleep with other women and you know that I enjoy lesbian sex as much as I enjoy having sex with a man. Has it made you jealous to watch me with other women?"

"Not a bit," I said truthfully. "I can't explain it. Alpha male double standard, I guess. I'll get past it. I'm not going to say no. I meant what I said about wanting you to be happy."

"Would it be better or worse for you if you were there with me when it happened?"

I thought about that. "I honestly don't know," I said. I thought some more. "Better, maybe," I said. "No matter what I see him do to you and no matter how much I see you enjoy it, if I'm not there I'll imagine worse."

"Good," she said. "If you weren't there with me it might feel sort of like cheating, and I never want to go behind your back. And watching you penetrate Mary Beth and other women makes me hot. I'm hoping it'll be the same for you."

I imagined Dawn on her hands and knees in bed, moaning and watching me as Thomas sank his cock into her lovely body and began his rhythmic pounding. My own cock started to respond.

"It's possible," I said.

"Is there anything else bothering you?"

I looked at her. "Yes," I said. "A couple of things. I'm starting to question my own character. I've held onto this image of myself as a faithful lover and fully satisfied by my relationship with you and Mary Beth. Suddenly today, first I have sex with Jay and now I'm probably going to have sex with Tina. And I find myself looking forward to it. Not so faithful after all."

"Oh, please," Dawn said. "Get over it. I've watched you have sex with other women. I watched you with Jay today and it turned me on. You've watched both Mary Beth and me have sex with other women. We've enjoyed the sharing and after a year together we only love each other more. She looked into my eyes. "Don't we?"

I interlaced my fingers with hers. "Yes, much more. I can't believe how lucky I am to have you."

"And you always will," she said. "For as long as you want me. So, at least so far, sharing sex with others hasn't gotten in the way of either staying together or growing our love. And you've got to admit that it's been fun, right?"

"Yup," I said. "I guess I just think I should be the kind of guy who can get enough of that kind of fun from the woman... the women he's committed to."

She thought a moment. "Let me ask you this," she said. "Have you ever been attracted to other women without us knowing about it?" "Of course," I said.

"Have you ever cheated on us behind our backs?"

"No," I said truthfully. "I would never."

"And do you agree that all the sex you've had with other women since you've been with us has been with our consent?"

"Yes," I said.

"There you go," she said. "You already are the kind of guy you aspire to be. If you're in a relationship then all sex within the context of that relationship is fine, including when other people join the fun. And everybody winds up being attracted to people outside their relationship; the difference between people is what they do or don't do about it. In your case, you stay faithful."

I thought about that. What we had was much more complicated than the usual 'one man, one woman, no sex with anyone else' formula, but Dawn's reasoning pretty much nailed it.

"Thanks," I said. "That actually helped."

"You're welcome," she said as she squeezed my hand. "By the way, Mary Beth and I meant what we said at the airport. We would have forgiven you if you'd had sex with someone while we were gone."

I stared at her.

"You're a very sexual creature, Johnny. We don't want you to have to go without just because we're away. Especially for a long time. You officially have our permission to fool around on the side and still be considered faithful to us, as long as we get you back when we get home. And get to hear the juicy details."

"I don't know what to say," I said. "I don't think I'll be doing that."

From my left I heard Jay say, "You won't have to. I'll be there to take care of any needs you might have."

We both looked at her. "Sorry for listening in," she said. "But you guys got a little louder as you went along. And I don't mean to be presumptuous when I say 'I'll be there.' I'm not inviting myself in to live with you. I just mean that I'll be around, and that you should feel free to call me, Johnny. Sex with you, not to mention Dawn and Mary Beth, was pretty damned wonderful. And I really like you. A lot."

Remembering Jay's uber-tight pussy and superbly responsive body I said truthfully, "We like you a lot too, Jay. And you're an inspiring lover."

She smiled at me and took my other hand as Dawn said, "So you're free to have sex with Jay, or anybody else, if you want to, and it doesn't make you a cad. You're free to have sex with Tina tonight. And if Thomas and I have sex tonight you'll be there to watch, or help, so you won't have to deal with a runaway imagination later. And it's still the case that if you tell me not to, I won't do it. Anything else we can help you with, Mr. Self-Torture?"

"Ah... yeah, actually. I'm a little afraid that somewhat of an orgy is going to break out tonight and I'm not sure I'm prepared to deal with it. I hardly know these people. I've had threesomes and foursomes but it was always with two women I love and a... guest. I'm not sure how well I'll deal with casual group sex with virtual strangers. Hell, I'm basically an introvert. I could wind up sitting in a corner by myself watching you guys having fun."

"We won't let that happen, Johnny," said Jay. "If you're uncomfortable with Thomas' women, we'll simply have to re-create our own little foursome orgy from earlier today. We'll focus on you."

Dawn agreed. "And if you're really uncomfortable, none of this has to happen at all. We'll just go home after dinner and have family sex with Jay."

I nodded, then looked around the table. Mary Beth was sitting next to Nela and they were talking and laughing and occasionally touching each other's hand, arm, or cheek. It was easy to see that they were both looking forward to trying each other on. I looked back at Dawn and saw that she was staring across the table at Thomas, who was telling his mother about the wine she was drinking. Dawn was, as she had said, intrigued by him. I wasn't going to deprive either Dawn or Mary Beth of the opportunity they both seemed to want, just as they hadn't denied me anything over the past year.

"No, we're staying," I said. "Let's see how this unfolds."

"What about you, Jay?" I said. "Is there anyone in particular that you're hot for tonight?"

She looked into my eyes. "Just you," she said. "And your girls."

I stared at her. "Earlier today you said you wished that you and Thomas were still having sex. Isn't this your opportunity?"

She squeezed my hand as she looked down for a moment, and then back up at me. "How can I say this? I did enjoy sex with Thomas. More so than with other men I had been with up until that point. When I was with Thomas, though, it was just sex. Pure recreation. He's a caring lover but it was just friendly and physical. He already has the women he intends to love. With you, though... I felt that there might be more there. An emotional connection. Am I wrong?"

"No," I said. "You're not wrong."

"By the time we went shopping and he saw you in that black dress, he was falling hard for you," Dawn said. "Mary Beth and I could both see it."

"An emotional connection means a lot to me," Jay said. "It means that in time, there might even be love. It makes the sex so much better." She leaned closer to me and whispered in my ear, "And don't tell Thomas, but for me you're a better lover than he is." She kissed my cheek then sat back up and sipped her wine.

It might be juvenile but that made me feel pretty damned good.

By this time everyone's plate was empty except mine, which was still more than half full. Juana frowned.

"You did not enjoy the meal?" she said. "Would you like me to quickly make you something else?"

"No, thank you" I said. "The meal was excellent. I just have a nervous stomach."

No one was interested in dessert right away so while Juana went to check on the kitchen crew the rest of us adjourned to the patio for drinks. I decided to drink after all and had another glass of Pappy Van Winkle bourbon. It was a nice warm SoCal evening; no need to bundle up. We sat in chairs around a large crackling fire pit. Thomas held hands with Tina. As was the case at dinner, Jay sat on my left and Dawn on my right; to Dawn's right Mary Beth was deep in conversation with Nela.

I heard the sound of roiling water and looked behind me. A large in-ground spa was bubbling and steaming away. Thomas caught my eye and mouthed, "Ice breaker."

He was right. We were all sort of hanging on the precipice of action. We'd picked out partners and were ready to do this but we were unsure how to start. A spa was an excuse to get naked, and sitting together naked was an excuse to touch. As we watched, Mary Beth and Nela got up and walked over to the spa and quickly shucked out of their minimal clothing. I'd seen Nela nude before but was once again struck by her statuesque, athletic beauty. They climbed in and sat side by side and immediately began kissing and touching each other.

Then Natalie and Tina stood and together they walked towards the spa. Dawn and Jay each squeezed my hand and got up to follow them. Juana and Esmeralda stood and, after smiling at me, walked together towards the house leaving Thomas and I alone.

"I'm pretty sure that Dawn wants to make love with me," he said.

"She does," I said. "We talked. I'm okay with it."

"And Tina wants to make love with you. Shit, so does Nela," he said. "And maybe Mom and Juana. I'm okay with that, too."

I nodded.

"Look," he said. "We've gotten here differently. You strike me as a one woman man that life smacked over the head with two life mates. You're damned lucky. You probably never would have hooked up with Mary Beth if Dawn hadn't come into your home. And if you didn't already have the casual nudity thing with Mary Beth you might have never hooked up with Dawn. It had to happen with both at the same time. But after a year of living with two women and bedding a few more you're still basically a "one woman man" type, right?"

I nodded again.

"Me too," he said.

I looked at him.

"Hey, I have morals. I'm not a hound. But give me a break, I AM single. The women in my life have come into it one at a time, by choice. I'll admit that I've enjoyed myself a lot. But since I was a teenager I've really only wanted to be with my sister Tina. When I realized that I could actually have her I told her that I would give up the other women to be with her, but she wouldn't let me. She loves her mother, of course, but she also loves the other women and she loves this lifestyle. I don't know what's going to eventually happen to all of us but I do know that whatever comes, I'll be with Tina."

I thought about that.

"I'm not going to have sex with Tina," I said. "I know you've given us your blessing to do that, but I also think I understand why. She's let you have sex with other women but she hasn't had sex with other men so you feel you owe that to her. And you think I'm an okay guy and that I won't try to steal her away from you. But you don't really want the sex to happen. So it's not going to, at least not with me."

He stared at me.

"That's a pretty good analysis," he said. "Okay. Dawn and I aren't having sex either."

"Hey," I said. "That's Dawn's call."

"Excuse me, that's both Dawn's and my call. And I recognize why your analysis was so spot-on. It's because it's the way you feel, too. And I'm going to honor that."

I didn't know what to say. I watched as he stood up.

"Well, I'm off to the spa," he said. I stood too. We looked at each other kind of awkwardly for a moment, then he stuck out his hand. I shook it.

"I'm glad we met," he said. "I have a feeling that we're all going to get to know each other very well over the next few months." He turned and walked towards the spa, where my girls and his were talking and laughing.

I sat back down. I wasn't quite sure what to do with myself. I didn't want to get into that spa. Dawn thought she was going to have sex with Thomas and Tina thought she was going to have sex with me. There would be awkward banter, and touching that wasn't reciprocated, and feelings that were going to get hurt.

My iPhone beeped. I pulled it out of my pocket and read the message. I read it again. I had a hard time just breathing. I put the phone back in my pocket, stood up, and headed for the sliding glass door.

"Johnny," Dawn said. "Johnny, where are you going?"

I stopped and turned to her. Naked, outlined by the spa light, her breasts sitting just above the water, she was beautiful. Mary Beth was next to her, different but just as lovely. Thomas' women were all around them, ready to cavort. I wished that I wanted to be in there with them. I wanted things to be okay and easy. It made me feel like an ass.

"Meyer's been shot," I said. "He's at Cedars-Sinai. They don't think he's going to make it."

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NermalKNermalK4 days ago

I love how you brought the stories together, however it seems to have pulled this a little thin. I am looking forward to see how this all comes out.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Great story sank down. I don't like sharing my women, so this story fell out of favour for me.

tsgtcapttsgtcapt8 months ago

Continuing greatness... thank you.

NICHOLXNICHOLXover 1 year ago

Great story, great writing. Five stars.

sissyboi69Aricsissyboi69Aricover 1 year ago

What a great story, I hope there is more

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