A Sexual Proposition Ch. 03


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"Joel was probably right. He said I'd inherited your genes. And I have. So as long as I love guys, doing a little something with Marian is probably fine."

"She's certainly as pretty a girl as there is. From my own experience, I'd say that as long as you both enjoy it then go ahead." Then she looks at me and grins a little. "What did Joel say to bring up the comment about inheriting from me?"

"Oh. Well, he told me that he was going to start charging me for sex and I pretty much told him that he wasn't and that I'd just have to do without his big black lollipop. And he said that's exactly what you called it. He then tried to get out of it but finally admitted that he had sex with you. He then told me that you've got a great body and a strong sex drive, that like me, you try to swallow a cock first thing and that I probably came by it all naturally, that I had your genes, your body, your sex drive. But that makes me wonder, do you pay him?"

Mom actually grinned. "I'm glad he liked my body and my sex drive and unfortunately he may be right about your genes. If so, I hope you end up enjoying life as much as I have with as few problems. And, no, I've never paid him. I think some other women have but not an actual fee as much as just gifts of money. It does make me realize, though, that if you end up having as much sex as I have and with as many different people, I hope you are very careful. With the pill, pregnancy probably isn't a concern. But disease is. Back when I started we could get gonorrhea or syphilis and they could be cured. I know they could because I had gonorrhea and learned to become more careful. Don and I both make sure that condoms are used with everyone but each other. Today, with herpes and AIDS, a little slip can really ruin your life, even kill you. Please go to some health clinic or planned parenthood or something and learn more about how to prevent disease because I don't want to see your life ruined. It means condoms except when you're absolutely positive. For instance, I'm not sure I'd automatically assume Joel is free of disease, he's been with a lot of women. If you and Brett and Marie were all each others' firsts, you're probably safe with each other, at least until you start introducing more people into the mix."

"Wow, I never really thought much about that. I sure hope Joel is clean because it's too late to go back and change things that have happened. But I'm done with him, for sure."

"Maybe you should talk with Marian about this. Maybe Brett, too. I'm sorry you've learned about me and your Dad but perhaps it's all for the best. You're certainly going to experience more sex if you've inherited my sex drive, so being careful about it starting now is good."

"I'll call them both and set up a meeting." As I thought about it, I grinned. "Since we've got to meet somewhere, don't come into my room tomorrow when you come home without giving us a lot of warning."

I called Marian first. "I had an odd situation with Joel. It's complicated but I need to talk with you about it. I'm also going to call Brett. Maybe the three of us could meet in my bedroom right after school tomorrow and get naked and discuss what's happened. And, oh, I forgot, did you and Brett get together yesterday?" She tells me they hadn't because they didn't know where they could meet. She also agrees she'll be here tomorrow. I suspect it's as much for the sex that's going to happen as it is to find out what happened with Joel. Then I call Brett. "Brett, Diane, hey I had an odd situation with Joel yesterday and I think we need to talk about it. I've already talked with Marian. Could you meet with both of us right after school in my bedroom. We'll have an hour or more before my brother and parents come home so we can all get naked and enjoy ourselves." He agrees, too. We can do a lot in an hour when you're as horny as we are with no time needed to lead up to it or get in the mood.

I rush home from my last class. Brett comes next. We both go up in my room and start getting naked. Then Marian arrives and I call her up. So we're all naked and Marian and I start working on Brett's cock. I guess she likes it as much as me because she's always ready but I just love his cock. I dream about it. I want it so much, want to taste it, feel it in my mouth, grasp it in my hand. We trade off some but he's in my mouth when he starts to cum so I get most of it. I pull off and let Marian suck the last bits off and lick him clean. As we're both licking and sucking him, we're also both feeling each others' bodies, breasts, thighs. So, when I get on the edge of the bed so Brett can eat me, Marian has a choice of what to do. She could play with his cock to get him hard again. She opts to play with my breasts, actually sucks on my nipples some. All of which gets me to orgasm pretty quick and Brett moves to her pussy with his now soaking wet mouth. So I play with her breasts a little because she had me but I really want his cock more so after a minute or so I get down and start feeling his cock as he eats Marian.

When she cums, he just moves up and shoves his now hard cock into her and starts pounding into her, hard and fast. My turn will be next so I get up next to them and again feel her breasts, pull on her nipples, as she wraps those long legs up around him and pushes back. When she cums, he moves to me. I can fuck him until he cums now. I end up with a couple orgasms before he finally starts spurting into me. We're all pretty fucked out for the moment and lay next to one another on the bed, Brett in the middle.

So I tell them about Joel. Tell them that he wanted to charge me for sex. That he's fucking several women at the Country Club and apparently gets money from them. That he wanted $100 from me for him to have sex with me. I told them my answer, that I didn't have that kind of money. I also told them that he suggested he knew someone that would pay $100 to have sex with me and that I could go with that guy and he'd pay Joel and then Joel would be willing to do me. I said that I told him I was insulted. I wasn't about to sell my body, be a whore. That he's a low class pimp to try and sell me for $100, that I could probably get $1500 from the right people. Anyway, we're now done. No more Joel for me. And since he's fucking lots of others, there's too much of a risk of disease with him any way. As I'm telling them this, I'm also feeling up Brett and so is Marian. When he's hard again, I climb on and ride him until I cum. Marian's sitting on his face getting eaten and then we trade places and she gets a long, serious fuck until he finally cums again. And then we're all pretty pooped and Brett says he better get home.

Marian and I decide to shower. We're washing each other with our bare hands, feeling each other, and I tell her about my Mom. Not that Joel had fucked her, that's too weird. But about Mom and her best friend in high school and how they fucked lots of guys. Often the two of them together took on a guy or two guys. And that my Mom told me about disease and said we should go to a clinic and find out more so we can protect ourselves. But she never told me to stop. By then, I had my hand on her pussy and slid a finger up in her and started moving it. I then told her that through all this, my Mom and her friend had sex with each other, too. That it isn't just lesbians that do that. They always also did guys but enjoyed sex however they could get it. And still do, twenty or more years later. In addition to my Dad, she does it often with her old friend, Mrs. Tressler.

We dried each other and ended up on my bed all wrapped around one another, kissing and feeling, then 69ing like mad people, really slurping and sucking and attacking. Then we got head to head and just held each other, our naked bodies together and grinned at each other. We both knew we were going to do this a lot more. I never told her that my Mom is still fucking other guys. I guess I understood my Mom but I couldn't begin to explain it to anyone else in any way that made sense.

We dressed and I walked her down to the front door. My little brother, Robbie came home while we were there. We all said hello and he went up to his room.

"Do you think Rob's fucking anyone?" Marian asked me.

"Little Robbie? No I don't think so."

"Rob's not little, Diane. Take a look at him. He's six inches taller than us. He's built. If he isn't fucking yet, he soon will be."

"Well, I don't think he is yet. I mean, he's dated a few times but he's not involved with any girl, seeing anyone regularly. If he was having sex I think he would be with the girl a lot."

"A virgin, huh? Well he probably won't be for long. He's a hunk."

And then she left.

We graduate from high school. Both Marian and I see Brett as often as possible. We share him mostly but every once in a while either one of us gets him on our own. We need another guy. Or guys. I've worked part time, very part time, at a local market. Dumb job but it gives me some spending money. I bag groceries, help people to their cars, collect carts and bring them back, run to the shelves for price checks when needed. Marian makes her money as a model, much nicer work and better pay. But I meet lots of people at the market, get fairly friendly with them. Some more friendly than others. There's one guy that comes in fairly regularly. Tall, skinny guy that's maybe in his mid-twenties, maybe a little younger. Graduated from college not long ago. I saw him looking me over and then he realized that I had seen him and he blushed. This was a year ago or so. I was still a virgin so my attitude was different than now. He had on a T-shirt with Stanford on it so I said something to him about college and that I was a senior in high school and was planning on college and maybe he could tell me more about what to expect. He blushed even more, just talking to me, but he did reply and say that he'd be glad to. So, a couple days later I was gathering carts in the parking lot and saw him so went over where he was at his car and asked him about college . We talked for a couple minutes and as he bent to get in his car, I touched his shoulders, kissed him on the cheek, and thanked him for everything he told me. I also learned his name is Charley and he learned that I'm Diane. So after than I'd say "Hi, Charley" when I saw him and he'd blush and answer, calling me Diane.

I'd seen other guys that blushed like that. Shy people. And I was purposely teasing him. sort of pushing his shyness. But just playing around, no serious interest at all. I mean, he's not bad looking. Tall but not weird tall, probably an inch or so over six feet. And skinny. Again, not weird skinny like he's starving, just very slim in a way that he'll probably stay all his life. Looks a little like that older singer I've seen on TV, Lyle Lovett. Once, it was obvious he was looking at my titties so, quickly, not to get anyone else's attention, I pulled my T-shirt down tight and stuck my chest out, sort of pushing my titties at him. He really blushed, looked embarrassed. I let my shirt go and told him that it was o.k., I liked guys to admire my body, made me feel good. And somewhere along the line I learned that he lived in an apartment and I even knew which building.

But now, I'm no longer a virgin and in fact I want to find another guy to have sex with. So when I see Charley, I immediately think he'd probably be good., I might even be his first like with Brett. I've got to find some way to get with him. So, as he starts to leave with his bag of groceries, I walk next to him.

"Charley, you have a pool at your apartment complex, don't you?"

He looks at me almost like he's scared. "Uh, yeah, sure, Diane."

"Could I come over some time and we could use the pool?" It's summer time, fairly hot, so it's seems to me like a sensible request.

Again, he blushes, sort of looks away but says, "Uh, yeah, sure Diane."

So I say, "Tomorrow's Saturday, you're probably off work. How about if I come by in the morning. Say, ten o'clock?"

"Uh, sure, that'd be fine, Diane."

"O.k., I'll see you tomorrow morning. Wear your swimming trunks." I get his apartment number and I go back to keep on packing bags. I picked the morning because tomorrow evening I have to work at the store.

In the morning, I shower. Want to look good. I try on the minimum bikini I bought but have never had the nerve to wear out in public. Bright pink. My titties darn near fall out, it barely holds them, covers the nipples but not much more. The bottoms are so brief that even though I trim my pubic hair, it shows on both sides of what's almost a thong. Perfect. I take it off, pull on some shorts and a T-shirt and head to Charley's. Typical large apartment complex. He's on the second floor. He comes to the door when I knock. "Hi Charley" and "Hi Diane" and he's already blushing.

"I see you're ready," I say, since he has on some boxer type bathing shorts, "Can I change in your bedroom?"

"Oh, sure," and he sort of points. As I move to the bedroom I see the place is barely furnished. Couch, TV, low table in the living room. Fairly big bed, Queen I think, on a frame, and a dresser with a lamp on it is all that's in the bedroom. No pictures anywhere. So I get out of my clothes and get my teeny bikini on. I tell myself, o.k. Diane, be bold. Do everything you need to, to be sucking his cock within a couple minutes or the opportunity will be lost. He'll be too shocked to stop you and once you start he won't want you to stop.

So I go out into the living room. He looks at me and his mouth hangs open a little. I can see the bulge almost jump in his bathing suit. "Like this suit?" I ask as I walk to him. He gets very red, acts as if he wants to say something but can't. I look at his bulge, now a very distinct shape. I make sure he knows that's what I'm looking at. I grin and say "I can see you do" and step up close to him and actually grab the shape of his cock through the material of his swim suit. I hold his cock and look at his face. I think he's sweating. He's scared. So I let go of him, use both hands to grasp the waist of his swim suit and pull it down. As skinny as he is, I know it'll give enough to go down and it does and his cock jumps out, up and hard. I kneel down, pull his suit to the floor and then get one hand around his cock.

It's maybe as long as Joel's but not nearly as thick. Long and skinny, like Charley. He's circumcised so the head, the big red knob, is all out. I've heard of the "one eyed snake" and I can see how that name came to be. Before he can react, I get my lips around the head and get a couple inches in my mouth and start licking. I can easily get one whole hand around the rest of it. I grasp his testicles with my other hand. I don't give him a chance to do anything, I'm at work on him, sucking and licking and jerking him with my hand. I can hear him. There are syllables coming out of his mouth but no words. Something other than just "oh" or "er" but sort of like that, then in just a minute or so, the sound is like a groan. I get a mouthful and he keeps spurting several times. I swallow and when it feels done, I pull my face back and lick him, sucking a little to get him clean. As I start to stand up, I pull my bottoms down and step out of them. I then stand there, smile at Charley and reach behind me and undo the bra and drop it.

I move to him, press against him, get my arms around him and look up at him. "Kiss me, Charley." He does. With one arm around his waist I turn and start almost pulling him to the bedroom. "I really loved that Charley, you have a delicious cock. Now it's your turn to do me."

"Diane," he says as we move towards the bedroom, "I have no idea what I should do to, uh, do you."

"That's o.k., Charley, I know. So this first time, I'll lead. Next time you can try on your own." In the bedroom, I get him to lay on the bed on his back. I straddle him and lean over him to kiss him. I lay on him and take his hands and put them up onto my butt. Then I lift myself up slightly and slide forward enough to get one breast into his face. "Just kiss it, lick it, suck the nipple," I tell him. And he does. Feels great so I move the other breast to him. After he's sucked on it for a minute, I figure I can't be subtle so I slide all the way up and get my knees on either side of his shoulders and my pussy in his face. I reach down and use both hands to pull my lips open and say, "Lick here, Charley," then sit down more on him so he can get his tongue to me. After he's licked a little I tell him, "Stick your tongue in as far as you can, Charley. Yes, like that. Now lick inside. Ah." I enjoy the feeling. "Now up just a little higher," I say and move my hips to get his tongue to my clit. "Yes, there, Charley. Lick there. Ah, Yes. Suck it some. Yes." I reach back to get his hand and move it around. "Slide two fingers up into me where you were licking a minute ago." Yeah, up under your chin. Ah, yeah. Now finger fuck me, Charley, slide them in and out. Keep on sucking on my clit. Ah, yeah." He's doing great, it feels wild. I 'm moving towards cumming. "Do everything harder and faster, Charley." He does. Wild. "I'm cumming, Charley. I'm cumming." I'm practically exploding. I know I'm bouncing some. "Pull your fingers out Charley and suck my whole pussy. Oh, yes. yes." I relax and sit on him. I reach back with a h and to feel his cock, It's hard again. Great.

"O.k., Charley, we're going to put that lovely, long snake of yours into its nest now." I scramble backwards until I'm kneeling up over his cock. I hold it and slowly get my pussy lips onto it and start lowering myself. I love the feeling of a hard cock pushing its way into me, filling me up. Charley may not be as thick as Joel or Brett but his length sure works, it feels perfect. I guess if I'm ready any cock would feel perfect. Now I get to ride him. I start squirming around a little and then leaning forward and sliding up his length, then sitting back and taking him up into me again. Just so great! My feelings build and build and I start moving faster until I'm really just sort of bouncing on him. Lifting up and dropping my weight back onto him, shoving him into me as hard and fast as I can. It's almost like my orgasm never stopped from his licking my clit. I know I'm cumming again. I sit on him, lean down on him. "Hold me tight, Charley, let's roll over, but stay inside me." We actually succeed. He's on top now. "Fuck me, Charley, Pound into me as fast and as hard as you can."

He can follow instructions. I'm getting as good a fuck as I've ever had. I could be screaming it's all so intense. I'm so high I can't be sure but I think I'm actually cumming again. And then I can feel him shooting inside me. Warm, wet, filling me even more. I get my leg s up around him and pull him as tight as I can. "Charley, you've just fucked for the first time. Good, isn't it?"

We lay there, him inside me. I tell him how great it was, how great he was.

"I thought only married people did this," he said, his cock now softer but still in me.

"Well, if you want to wait until you're married to do it again, you'll have a wait. Because I'm just enjoying myself and have no intention of getting married for a long time. But if you want, I'd like to start all over and do it again as soon as you can get it up and hard again."

He looks at me, I think his brain is working, he's thinking. He finally grins. "I hope it doesn't take too long to get ready because my mind already wants to start over."

We shower and feel each other all over. He licks me to orgasm again, me standing with one leg over his shoulder and the hot water still running. Then I get him to stand and get his now ready cock up into me while we're still standing in the tub. I wrap my legs around him, sitting on his cock and tell him to just starting pumping into me. He does,pushing me up against the wall. He's a fast learner. Weget clean again and move back to the bedroom. We lay, naked, next to one another and fondle each other. I pull on and then suck his soft cock until it's hard and then get him to get it into me from the back. Me with my butt up and face down, him between my legs, shoving it into me while leaning over me to play with my titties. He lasts so long and I cum so often that it starts getting to be work instead of play but he does finally cum and we collapse onto the bed. I tell him I would like to come back often, maybe bring a friend that he can also eat and fuck. I think he's stunned by the whole experience. Then I go home.I call Marian to tell her we have a new cock available.