A Sister's Revenge Ch. 05


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"See what could have happened to your clothes dear." Cindy asked. "That's why an apron is always most important, and you must never forget to wear it."

Upon finishing that task, Cindy pulled Michael into the living room by his cock, leading him to the plush sofa she had there.

"Okay, sit down and let's talk," she directed.

Michael sat, as she then did also.

"So then Michelle," Cindy began pensively. "You remember last night the question I asked you to think over really hard to try to make a decision about?"

"You mean about my tits," Michael asked. "Yes, that's all I've been able to think about, except you, of course. And I just don't know if I want to keep them growing on me, at least for the rest of my life, because what if you were no longer around? I know you love me and love me with them, but maybe no one else will, or I'll get really tormented by people before I find another you. You see what I mean?"

"Yes, I do," she said. "And I understand and believe you are right to be concerned about all those feelings you have. But remember, those feelings of inadequacies aren't just reserved for boys who happen to have beautifully large and sexy breasts growing on their chests."

"No," Michael asked incredulously. "How do you mean?"

"Oh Michelle, Michelle, my sweet, darling Michelle," Cindy lovingly replied. "Don't you realize that nearly every girl, and even some boys, grow up feeling inadequate about some part of their bodies, who just can't believe that they can be accepted in this world of sex and glamor, when the media says one thing, and the boys say another, and society says even something else? Where is a person supposed to fit in, if he or she can't even find acceptance for themselves in this world?"

"Wow," Michael exhaled. "I never looked at it that way."

"Of course not, darling," Cindy replied. "Because you've been totally absorbed in your own, very large and obvious problems. Of course, your problem is a bit different that the average Joes, I grant you. But if you keep in mind that people are starving in China, and that there are always people worse off than you, it will do a lot to help keep your sensitivity down to a manageable level.

"But I was thinking last night and this morning,,,maybe half the problem is how you've been allowed to present yourself here."

"What do you mean," Michael asked.

"Just this," Cindy began. When I saw you in the shoe store with your family, you were somewhat en femme, but mostly sort of sissy-like. Then when I saw you last night you were a bit more obviously femmed, but still sort of sissyish. When I got you here, I started putting you into something more elaborate and feminine, to make you into the girl you were turning into anyway.

"As all of this was going on though, I suddenly noticed that nobody thought to do anything to bring out or enhance any sort of girlishness in you by any other means except to dress you in quasi-girlish clothing. I'm wondering if we dolled you up completely, if you could see yourself all made up like a beautiful woman would be, you might actually see yourself then as just that, a beautiful woman, and those lovely breasts you have might not appear so out-of-place, might not look so ugly or deformed, but actually like they are needed there to really add to your overall look of sensuality."

"So what then," Michael began with a worrisome look. "You want to put make-up on me?"

"Yes! That's exactly what I think you need to lift your spirits and attempt to find the true you. What about it?"

"Well, I'm not sure," he replied with some concern. "I mean its not something I even considered before, although neither is growing tits. But it seems I do like wearing some of the things I've worn -- okay, most all of the things I've worn, but I never really considered myself pretty looking in any of them. Just a stupid looking boy with big tits in girl's clothes, and maybe that's added to the why as the reason I hate my tits, besides how they were forced on me."

"So then, we'll give it a try, okay?" Cindy asked. "I mean, its just temporary, so if you don't like it we can always remove it."

"Sure, lets give it a try" Michael replied, with a little more assurance.

"Good, then," she said, standing up and pulling Michael along with her into her bathroom to begin his transition. "Let's start your changeover by fixing your hair up into a more presentable look. I've got just the style I want to try out on your long locks."

Before leading him into her bathroom Cindy first made Michael remove his sleepwear. As he gave her the items, Cindy placed the lacy teddy, bra and nighty over the foot of her bed. To allow him to preserve some modesty, Cindy brought Michael a pair of panties to wear and then led him into her bathroom. Once there, she had him lean over the sink there, placing his head into the bowl where, after putting a towel over his shoulders, she began to wash his hair thoroughly. After she shampooed and conditioned it twice, she raised him up and briefly towel dried his hair, leaving it still somewhat damp.

Then Cindy led Michael to her bedroom vanity table. Before sitting him down there she placed the towel she'd used on his hair over the mirror to obscure his view of the proceedings, then pressed a button on a box sitting in the corner of the vanity table. Michael, however, only noticed the actions of the towel placement.

"Hey," Michael exclaimed. "Why did you do that? I wanted to see."

"I know, dear," Cindy answered. "But I want you to wait until I'm finished doing everything so you can get the entire, overall image at one time. It will be more fun and exciting that way."

"Oh, well, I guess, if you say so," he said. "A surprise or a shock, eh?"

"Well, perhaps," Cindy replied sincerely. "But I will truly make the effort so that it is worth your while, and make the outcome one that you will enjoy, not one you will regret."

"Thanks for that, Cindy."

"Now, let me explain as I go along here," Cindy said. "Because it's so late in the morning, its really too late to put your hair up in curlers, which is what should be done for a proper look. but that takes forever to dry, and then we have to take it down and fix it up and on top of that get all the other household chores done as well. They're just as important as this expedition into the world of beauty we're taking, you know. Something like that should either be done early in the morning or, preferably, at night, so it can dry as you sleep."

"What?!" Michael cried out in astonishment. "Sleep in curlers?"

"Sure," Mary assured him, and added with a sly wink, "Girls, women, do it all the time, and now you'll start doing it as well. It isn't as painful as it sounds, and if you use a couple of soft pillows, you will get used to it in no time at all."

"Are you sure about that," Michael asked, still unconvinced.

"As sure as I am that the sun rises and sets every day," she replied. "Now, please let me get back to the task at hand or we'll never get finished here. Sheesh, such a girl!"

Next, Cindy began to gently brush and then comb through Michael's lovely, long and thick gorgeous mane of hair.

"Each evening when you get ready for bed, before you put your hair up, you should always give it 100 strokes," Cindy told the boy. "You have such pretty hair, it was just made to be curled and coiffed. I could fall in love with your hair, Melissa."

"It does feel really nice, Cindy, how you just comb and brush it like that," Michael said dreamily. "Almost like a really sexy and sensuous massage. It almost puts me to sleep."

"Good, my love, I'm glad you are enjoying it," Cindy replied. "We'll have to do each others, now that you know how wonderful it feels. I really enjoy having it done for me, but its rare that I can get anyone to do it anymore, since I've lived alone like this.

"However, I think that's enough for now. Let's continue on, shall we? Next thing on the agenda is to put a little style and shape into these lovely locks of yours."

On saying that, Cindy reached over to the box on the corner of her vanity table and flipped up the lid to remove a heated roller from it.

As Michael looked up at it, she inquired, holding it before him, "Have you ever seen one of these, missy?"

"Yeah, I think so," he replied. "In commercials, I think."

"These are called 'hot curlers', " she said. "With these you can curl your hair in just a few minutes, and not have to sleep in curlers at night. They're really best for a quick fix rather than for an all day hold like you get from regular curlers. So if you find yourself with a hot date in just a couple hours, these work great for that fast pick-me-up so you can get out the door in a hurry. They're like a curling iron, but much better as they hold for a much longer time. Here' let me show you."

Then Cindy started to wrap Michael's hair around the first curler and he could feel its tightness and heat the minute it was being attached. Slowly, she began to curl his hair with the other heated rollers.

"Next time," Cindy stated, "I'll let you watch all this so you can eventually learn to do it yourself. And I want you to watch closely when I do, because I won't always be around when you need to get all primped up for a date with some handsome stud, understand?"

Again, Cindy winked broadly at her little girly-boy being made up really sexily under her mastery, and seeing him shiver some at her words as he looked up at her in wonderment and curious amazement, as if that could never happen to him, could it? And then wondering why not, wasn't he pretty enough?

Finally, with his hair completely done up in about 15 pink rollers, Cindy said, "Now that that's done, let's work on your face some."

"My face," Michael asked incredulously. "Haven't you done enough yet?"

"No, I haven't missy," Cindy answered. "A woman is only half made up without her makeup on. Besides, we talked about this before we started it all, deciding to try and make you all girly-like so you can see what you'd look like instead of looking like some boy walking around with large bosoms, remember?"

"Oh, geez," Michael whispered. "Damn, that feels like it was so long ago. I nearly forgot what we talked about, that it was a whole makeover. Sorry 'bout that. Okay, let's go on, then."

"Okay. Well, let me go get another chair so I can sit and see what I'm doing. In the meantime, you turn around and face me so I can watch you and see your face as I work on it."

When Cindy returned with the chair, she sat before Michael and, taking his face in her hands, lifted it up and turned it left and then right, examining it extremely closely.

"Okay," Cindy said. "First thing we need to do is clean up these eyebrows a little, they are much too bushy for a sexy lady to have."

At that, she reached into her drawer and pulled out a pair of tweezers and began pulling out his eyebrows.

"Ouch! That hurts," Michael cried out as he pulled back slightly. "What are you trying to do to me, anyway? "

"Come on now, dearie," Cindy chided. "Don't be such a sissy! We all have to go through a little pain to make ourselves beautiful. Come on, be a man, let me continue my work here."

"Okay, okay." Michael said contritely. "I'm sorry. I was just surprised, that's all. After all, this is my first time, you know. But don't worry, I can take it now, now that I now what to expect."

"Good," Cindy said, somewhat gentler. "I'll go on now under that promise. But if you cause anymore interruptions, I'll stop in the middle of all this and leave you here with a half made-up face."

"Don't worry, I won't interrupt you anymore," Michael assured her.

Cindy smiled, realizing she had his promise to let her do anything she wanted, so she proceeded to pluck his eyebrows again. This time without complaint, Cindy pulled one, then two, from one side then two from the other side, the continued on until Michael's brows turned into pencil thin arches that would take a very long time to grow out again, as if she would ever allow that to happen. No, not damn likely, she was thinking as she perused the beginnings of a lovely countenance of the unknowing boy.

"Please tell me you're finished now," Michael pleaded. "I really can't stand any more of this agony, Cindy."

Giving the boy a last look, Cindy smiled as she nodded and replied, "Yes, all done. Your eyebrows are lovely now. I think you'll love the look when you see the overall picture when we finish."

"Thank god," the boy replied. "I almost died there toward the end, but I really can't wait to see what you've done. Can I look yet?"

"Heavens no, Michelle dear," Cindy replied. "Next we have to do your make-up, and then we need to finish your hair. After that we get to dress you up and after that, you get to look. Okay"

"Oh god, " Michael moaned. "You're kidding, right? No, of course you aren't. Okay then, let's finish up so I can see what I look like."

As an after thought, he suddenly thought to ask, "After we do this, we're going to take it all of and get everything back to normal, right?"

"Sure we are," Diane said reassuringly, "If you still want to, that is. I'm not sure you will once you see the finished product, though.

"Still," she continued with a truly sincere sounding hurtfulness in her voice, "It would really make me happy if you didn't change back just yet - at least not right away. Don't you want to make me happy, after all the time and effort I've put into this remaking of yourself, so you can see just how long your nice looks can last? I would feel so hurt if you didn't want to do so. Please, for me?"

"Well," Michael said regretting he even broached the idea. "I guess I can stay like this for a while longer, just for you. I mean, you've been so nice to me, and done this for me. Sure, why not."

"Good then,." Cindy said, brightening up quickly. "So let me get started."

Cindy began by applying a light coating of foundation with a damp sponge.

"One thing beneficial about giving you those hormones," Cindy said while examining his face closer, "Is that they have slowed down the growth of any facial hair you should have about now. You don't have to worry about shaving every day like most boys your age. Just keep debilitating or shaving the hair off the rest of your sexy, little body, you little munchkin, you. You might even consider getting a wax job. A waxing can keep those pesky little hairs from returning for 3 months or more. No shaving or debilitating necessary then."

As Cindy was offering this interesting tidbit, she continued doing up his face by applying mascara to his eyelashes, which seemed to make his already longish lashes appear even longer and fuller. Then she put a hint of blush to his cheeks and blended it in with a tissue, and afterward dusted his face with powder.

Taking a second look at her creation, as that was what she was now considering her little sissy, she pulled out from her drawer what could only be described as a medieval torture device.

"Hey," Michel shouted, pushing it away. "What the hell is that thing?"

"Oh, sorry," Cindy said apologetically with a slight giggle. "I forgot you wouldn't know about such a thing, forgetting you were a boy and all for just a moment. This is an eyelash curler. I'm just going to make your beautiful lashes even moreso." Michael cringed a little as Cindy brought the evil looking device up close to his eyes, and had to concentrate hard to hold his head perfectly still as she clamped and released his eyelashes forcing them into a saucily curled upward curve. With the mascara added to them, his lashes also appeared much longer than they normally did.

Moving onto his cheeks, Cindy brushed a powder on with a large, soft makeup brush. She used a light pink blusher to highlight his cheekbones.

She then added a bright pink lipstick, just a shade or two darker than his blusher, to his lips. She applied it somewhat heavily, then had Michael press his lips on a Kleenex she provided to blot it some to even it out and remove some of the excess . Once she was finished, she sought out a fingernail and toenail polish that matched his lipstick, noticing that Michael was continually licking his lips hungrily, or so it would appear to the casual observer.

"Tastes nice, doesn't it, missy," Cindy asked.

"God, I can't believe how sexy my lips feel," Michael replied. "Yes, it really does taste nice."

Then he noticed Cindy pick up the bottle of nail polish.

"You're kidding, right," Michael asked incredulously. "Fingernail polish too?"

"And toenail polish," Cindy added. "You need to finish the look, don't you?"

Without awaiting an answer, Cindy found what she was looking for and put it aside while she looked over Michael's nails.

"Well," She started, picking up an Emory board. "For a boy, they're not in bad shape, but they do need some work. At least you don't bite your nails. However, in the future you must do a better job keeping them neat and presentable, especially when caring for your delicate undies and lingerie.

"A good thing to keep in mind also - it's always better to file rather than clip your nails, because you get a sexier look with a file. If you break a nail, you can clip off the broken end, but then file the remaining nail down smooth.

"Also, filing the nails into smooth ovals instead of square edges like most men do will cut down on the risk of catching the edge of your nails on your delicate materials or worse, catching the edge on something hard and chipping or breaking them."

As Michael sat through this ordeal, watching his hands become more and more feminine, the words Cindy spoke seemed to make a strange sort of sense to him, in a twisted sort of way. If he didn't think to hard about it, it seemed to be just the thing he ought to do at this point in his life. After all, didn't he want his nails to look nice and sexy? Sure he did.

As these thoughts were drifting lazily through his head, Cindy took a large pedicure file and filed the dead skin off the bottom of his feet, and smoothed off the rough edges of his toenails so they were free of snags as well. Once finished, she released his feet. Going back to Michael's fingernails, Cindy applied two coats of a dark pink polish to them.

"Okay, little one," She told Michael. "Let these dry and then we'll add a top coat of nail hardener. Right now let's get those toes colored. After we do those your fingernails should be dry."

Saying that, she lifted Michael's right foot into her lap and began coating the nails. Then she repeated the process with his left foot.

Releasing it, she said, "Okay, let those sexy little things dry, and we'll add the nail hardener to your fingernails."

After that was done while waiting for everything to dry, Cindy returned to the boy's hair and began removing the rollers. Once out, his head turned into a mass of luscious, springy curls. Cindy took a brush and began to turn them into sexy delightful waves of lustrous blonde locks, flowing over the boy's head and nearly down to his shoulders. This she sprayed liberally with an unscented hairspray to hold his hair for the remainder of the day.

As Cindy finished off her creation with a spray of her favorite perfume, Opium, she announced to Michael, "I used an unscented hairspray so that it doesn't clash with your perfume.

"Now," she continued, "We are nearly completed here. The next step is getting you dressed up. The first thing I need to do is go to the back of my store and retrieve something very important for your progression into womanhood. I'll be right back. Don't you dare look at yourself while I'm gone. I'll be very disappointed if you do."

As she turned to leave, Michael shouted after her, "Don't worry, Cindy. I promise not to look."

Just a few minutes later, Cindy returned with a small garment that appeared to be a pair of panties of some sort.