All Saint's Eve


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He left her on the blankets, smiling and leaking profusely. Jordan had just enough time to wipe himself somewhat clean and find his way to the makeup room.

As he walked from one room to the other he realized a simple truth, college life was actually kind of awesome.

Thuee looked up as Jordan walked into the makeup room. She couldn't help but think, 'What a stud.' She was by self-definition and countless actions, a conscientious slut. She fucked joyfully and regularly, being in no way interested in confining herself to just one partner, or one gender. Her current posse of participants was near equal parts, men and women. All were happy to play their roles, and though some might prefer a smaller pool, no one was looking to leave.

"Hi Jordan, let's have you in this reclining chair to begin with. I think we'll do some scars on your torso. Oh, by the way, nice six pack guy."

"Now, Crystal told me you would only be growling and moaning - no dialogue. So I think, oh-oh, I know, we'll use a half body prosthetic to speed things along. Hmm, I think we have a few that might fit you. Yes, I know where we have this great head and chest-piece. Hopefully it will fit, and I think the mouth is open so you'll be able to growl. Stay right here, don't move."

Thuee returned and fitted the head piece into position - judging the result as reasonably successful. The neck looked okay, the chest was good, and the abdomen worked just enough. Yes, there was just enough material to tuck into his trousers. As she tucked it beneath his belt she became aware of a peculiar, slightly familiar fragrance. She leaned in until her chest was on Jordan's abdomen. In her peripheral vision she saw movement, what was - OHMYGOD! It was him, he was moving, or, his cock was. Good Lord, this one's big all over!

Amber! That smell is Amber, that skankie bitch fucked Jordan. Thuee watched as the hardening cock lifted his pant leg. THAT FUCKING BITCH!

"Jordan, this is really important, okay? After the show, you must come right back here - got it? Don't go back to costume, or anywhere else for that matter, just come back here. Understood?"

Jordan nodded under the mask, "I understand."

"Good." Thuee swung into high gear, she finished the base make-up and began heaping the special effects on. The Monster was starting to look damn good - horribly scared to the point of being real scary and truly frightening. "You're going do scare the shit out of those kids Jordan."

Four hours later, Jordan's voice was slightly hoarse from screaming, growling and moaning. But his smile was wide, continuous, and contagious. Crystal helped him off the table, "You were beyond fantastic Jason! Can we ink you in for next year? You're a natural." Crystals praise paused as someone whispered in her ear and gestured excitedly. "Wow, you're kidding, what an opportunity. Jordan, my magnificent monster, one of our admissions people has a number of parents and kids lined up for photos with you. I know you weren't planing on this, but if you have a minute or two, there are a bunch of kids who want their pictures taken with you — what do you say Jordan."

One hour and seventeen minutes later, exhausted from picking kids up, holding them in all kinds of poses, then putting them down, Jordan finally returned to the makeup room.

"I was just about to give up on you big guy. However, when I went looking for you, I found you surrounded by manic munchkin's. So lucky for you, I gave you an extension. Let's get that big prosthetic off - okay. Good, good, there's just a little bit of glue residue, you can wipe that off when you shower. Sorry but we don't have any shower facilities available. Now we need to get you out of this costume. I've got your clothes over there. But first..."

The shirt came off easily enough, even though Thuee had to keep mashing her tits into Jordan's chest for reasons only she knew. Removing the trousers turned into more of an unveiling. Thuee stifled a gasp as Jordan's half hard cock bounced up into view.

Not one to miss an opportunity Thuee pounced on it, sucking away delightfully. When it was ridiculously hard she straddled Jordan and worked him into her. Four minutes and thirteen seconds later, Thuee was wracked by a tremendous orgasm. One that became the first of many.

More than halfway to paradise, Jordan announced his impending ejaculation. Thuee did a simple 'spin the pussy on the dick' maneuver. Popped off his cock and backed her gaping wet pussy into Jordan's face, as she sucked his cock into her throat.

It turned into an unannounced race - which Jordan felt he could neither win or lose. The same could be said for Thuee, as gloriously gratifying orgasms rippled through the both of them, and Thuee found herself swallowing mightily.

The makeup room door slammed open, "You bitch. Did you really think you could just sit your stinky pussy on Jordan's face. And get that out of your mouth! That cock is mine." Amber crossed the room shedding clothes with every step.

Jordan finally realized that he was in for a long and hopefully very exhausting night.

At a time closer to sunrise than to midnight, Jordan stumbled into his room.

"Hey Red, how did your dazzling night of Rainbow Eve work out? Did all the good witches get treats from the bad bitches? Ha ha. Homey, you missed out on a classic 'prime pussy on the plater' party. Man, this one bitch took on all comers - twice! Shit, I think Reggie might have got in that line four, maybe five times. And Yours Truly scored some...hey, hey man, what's that smell?

"Shit, no way, no fucking way. Man I smell pussy on you. Shit Red, I smell pussy all over you. Did you show up late for the party? No, you couldn't have, I'd have seen you?

"Well fuck and god damn, I can smell two different pussies on you, dog. Damn Red, you is a mother-fucking dog. You scored yourself some good pussy tonight, and you did it all by your self."

"So where did you go after leaving the Rainbow girls - huh? That must have been a wild party you found for you to get some."

Jordan mumbled an exhausted, "Came straight here."

"What you mean you came straight here? No fucking way, no fucking way man, you did not score Rainbow pussy. No sir, no. Them bitches are fuckin' scary, I know, believe you me, I know. They all hate men. Oh man, you gotta tell me, c'mon man, it's me. Jordan, dude, my brother, c'mon man. Tell me bro!"

Jordan stretched out on his bed and sighed, "You would not believe the crazy fucking day I've had."


In the early morning light of All Saints Day, Thuee and Amber untangled from one another in stunned disbelief. Their once relentless animus, now curiously defused. Looking at one another they saw a future devoid of conflict, earning the two of them a pair of wan grins.

Amber looked at the dried flecks of semen; the splatters, splashes, and drips, that they both shared. She recalled many of the images, the sounds, the smells, and tastes. But oh those touches, both external and internal, memories that thrilled her and shocked her as she felt a growing wetness within.

She glanced at Thuee and intuitively knew they were both in the same place. Amber reached out and touched Thuee's cheek, "May I ask you a really personal question?"

At Thuee's affirming nod Amber continued, "Would you teach how to swallow Jordan's cock like you did. I mean, you had that whole thing all the way down your throat like it was nothing."

Thuee smiled in acknowledgement, "Well Amber, I am absolutely sure that you can do it. It's just going to take a lot of practice."

Both nodded their heads, smiled, and then stated in unison, "We'll just have to share him."

Half a campus away, Jordan awoke from a strangely erotic dream that he could not exactly recall, the only existing reminder of the dream was his still sore cock pushing the sheet higher and higher. He lifted the sheet and inhaled the overwhelming fragrance of last nights activities. He wondered what Thuee and Amber were doing right now, and that whatever it might entail, would they be thinking of him, maybe even wanting to include him. Maybe for that reason, maybe for others, he had a funny feeling that the three of them were going to be seeing a lot of each other.

Freshly showered, freshly dressed, with a fresh cup of coffee in hand Jordan sat at a table, enjoying the early morning quiet. Memories of last night played across his face - last night was fucking awesome.

In mid-reverie a stunningly gorgeous Latina sat down in the chair opposite him, leveling a disarming smile that had him ready to agree to whatever she asked.

"Hi, I'm Isabella, I was helping a friend with the lights at the haunted house last night. You were The Monster, you were so awesome, and then you were so good with all of those kids. I'm one of the coordinators for a Día de los Muertos party, or a Day of the Dead party, and I think you would be a great skeleton-style Grim Reaper. I'll be playing the part of your wife, La Calavera Catrina." Isaballa had lain two images on the table for Jordan to see; an elegant, though scary skeleton face woman in a frilly gown that barely covered her large breasts, and a similarly made up skeleton as the Grim Reaper. It took him a moment to realize that the first image was of the girl sitting across from him. "So, are you interested?"

"Hi, my name is Jordan." Isabella blushed deeply at her egregious breech of manners, reaching out to his extended hand, and shaking it. Only once he had her hand in his, he didn't let go and Isabella felt a long dormant, but no longer slumbering submissiveness allow this contact to continue well past the limits of appropriateness (what would her grandmother say), especially when Jordan's other hand covered hers, and ever so gently began stroking it - 'Oh my.'

Jordan looked Isabella directly in her eyes, "Okay, so if I agree to do this, then I'm going to be this Grim Reaper character, and you're going to be my wife - right? And as such, can I expect to be the beneficiary of all traditional benefits of such a intimate relationship?"

'Well that was certainly direct enough!' Isabella felt a flush of heat throughout her body, with a deep wet heat figuring most prominently. She was shocked as her head nodded affirmatively, adding a near inaudible squeak of "yes." She had heard about the post event threesome, about the 'fresh talent' with a huge cock, and a readiness to eat pussy. Something she - unfortunately - had scant experience with. Well, Isabella was a modern woman and it was time for that to change!

"Yes, Jordan," she rallied her confidence, sitting straighter, her breasts coquettishly offered. "Yes, I'm sure we'll be able to find the time and the place to experience our own personal 'day of deaths.'"

"Then you've found your Reaper Isabella." Jordan felt a welling up of confidence within him. "I am definitely looking forward to playing the part of your husband."

"Great." Though it was more a squeak, than a statement. "Can you be at the Rainbow at 3pm? That would be great." Isabella stood, smiled again and walked very quickly away. She had an emergency encounter with her vibrator - stat!

Jordan's slightly bewitched mind finally processed just where his 3pm destination was - The Rainbow Theatre.

"Shit - what a crazy fucking day."


'Thank god everyone is still sleeping.'

'Thank god everyone is still sleeping.'

'Thank god everyone is still sleeping.'

If Isabella had a rosary in hand she would praying those beads as fast as she could. Oh god, what was she going to say at her next confession. If she wasn't yet on board some hell bound train, after the egregious excesses of last night, she certainly had bought herself a first-class ticket.

She turned a corner and saw her apartment building. She sighed in all too real relief. In a night, and then a morning filled with firsts, she was about to complete her first ever 'walk of shame.' It wasn't just the fact she was wearing yesterdays clothes, it was the one critical missing piece of yesterday's clothing that really shamed her - her panties. Every single step reminded her of her ecstatically ravaged pussy, her threatening to orgasm again clitoris which sometime during the last hours had been switched on and was not even close to switching off. Every step had her cum slick thighs brush wetly past one another. The commingled odor of sex; Jordan's cum and his saturated in his maleness sweat, the combined juices of her's, Amber's, and Thuee's pussies was a fragrant cloud of depraved reek that she could not escape.

She opened the door, entered quietly, and walked straight to the bathroom. She needed a shower desperately. Clothes were gingerly removed and piled in the corner, she dared not put them in the hamper where her roommates might encounter them. Once steam began to billow, Isabella slide the shower door open.

And at that very moment the bathroom door opened and Isabella through shear force of habit turned toward it. Her roommate Felicia gasped, first at the rank aroma of sex, second at the visual evidence before her; dried semen, and not yet dry semen, two different shades of lipstick kisses covering her breasts, her butt, her neck, and her inner thighs! And, Lord have Mercy for my lost friend Isabella, hickies! Hickies were apparent in places Felicia herself had never thought to be kissed!

Isabella's labia hung loosely, and her untrimmed pubic hair was a thick gooey mess. Felicia tried to generated a deep condemning shame for her friend, but it sputtered lamely until finally resolving into a barely heated jealousy with a side of stone cold envy.

Felicia gasped again before finally finding her voice, "Izzy, oh my god, Izzy are you all right? What have you done? What happened to you last night?"

Isabella Maria Theresa Gonzalez smiled, and inhaled deeply, "Fleece, it was the best Día de los Muertos party ever...EVER! Oh my Lord, what a crazy fucking day and night I've had. It was just - the craziest fucking time of my life!"

"And Fleece, I hope to god it's not the last one."

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Great story - both humorous and erotic. Very well written

Just_GymJust_Gymover 1 year ago

Really hot!

5 stars.

Harvey8910Harvey8910over 1 year ago

This was a great story and it captured college life as how I could be and I long to hear the stories that would come after the wild nights of fucking and whether the girls could continue to share Jordan or whether they would become possessive of his attentions after getting their first tastes. Great story! Five stars for sure.

SirKevinSirKevinover 1 year ago

What an excellent Halloween! Well written, good dialogue and action descriptions... I'll even give you full marks for the implied scenes. Looking forward to more, and thanks for posting. Hmu if you want a proofreader/editor for the next one.

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