An Interesting Direction


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"I have a feeling you wanna cum," I heard, and between semi-loud, lengthy, needy moans, the slave gave a curt affirmative sound. "Only when I reach zero. Five... Four..."

Still more pictures as the Mistress again mounted the bed.


She was over the slave, dipping her head again.


Ruth's voice was loud enough that almost certainly, anyone in the surrounding rooms would have been receiving quite an earful of feminine lust.


Seizing the slave's head, Mistress Jania dipped her head even lower.

Suddenly, they were kissing again. I barely heard the muffled "Zero!" before Ruth was screaming again as she finally allowed herself to climax, screaming continually into Mistress Jania's mouth. The muffled screams were exquisite, tugging at my heart and further solidifying my prominent erection.

At last, my professionalism collapsed, and I sat on the edge of the bed, setting the camera down...

I picked up the long, thin, elegant silver vibrator which thus far bad been unused, turned it on to full power, and held it to the slave's clitoris. My other hand ensured that the massive crimson red vibrator would not be expelled from her during her throes of lust.

I lost count of her orgasms, in part because I was trying so hard to keep the thin vibrator in contact with her clitoris. That was not a particularly easy feat given how she was twisting in her bonds and bucking furiously from the double onslaught of the vibrators. Through it all, she endured the forced pleasure, screaming into the mouth which kept kissing her.

At last, I lifted the thin vibrator away and carefully eased the massive vibrator out of her body. One final surge of lust emerged from her to soak the king-size bed. As I turned off the pair of toys, Mistress Jania finally lifted her head away slowly, leaving the air filled with the sound of Ruth's heavy, exhausted breaths.

I somehow had the presence of mind to pick up the camera again and resume taking pictures of the redhead as she slowly calmed beneath her companion's gentle caresses and soft kisses. Her entire body seemed slightly flush with the exception of her face, neck, and chest, which were definitely flush.

The last photo of the session was of Mistress Jania's ear pressed to the slave's chest. Then I set down the camera for good.

"Oh... my... God..."

The first coherent words from Ruth made me smile.

The smile was suddenly wiped from my lips as Jania reached up to me. This was definitely unexpected, but, with a slight hesitation, I gave her my hand and allowed her to pull me down until my ear replaced hers upon Ruth's chest.

The heartbeat was still quick. The chest was still heaving.

The lust was still present. I could feel it and practically even taste it in the air.

I had just witnessed one of the most powerful sexual interactions of my life, and while I had assisted with the vibrators, I felt rather empty at having been largely left out and forced to be simply a spectator with a camera.

But then, I had to wonder if the scenario had truly ended: Jania kissed my cheek.

My already solid erection seemed to suddenly stiffen even more, if that was at all possible. I lifted my head from Ruth's chest, looking at the longtime working partner with wonder and amazement, heartened by her smile and her sparkling eyes.

Seemingly in slow motion, Jania leaned closer to me, kissed my cheek again, and then whispered into my ear: "Make love to me."

Even as I was still shocked, still trying to come to terms with this unexpected twist in the plan, Jania repositioned herself, flattening on top of her bound companion, and kissed her deeply, a kiss to which Ruth was definitely responding quite well.

It almost seemed as if I was standing near the window, watching the unusual scene as two beautiful young women kissed intimately and I stood beside the bed to undress. Everything seemed to occur in a haze, as if I was dreaming this experience and not a sudden and unexpected participant.

How long had it been since I had last made love to a woman? It had been so long ago that I honestly could not remember. I had enjoyed some quick fucks during my travels over the years, including one insatiable hotel bar patron who had kept me up all night long and almost caused me to miss my return flight, but those were purely one-night stands, knowing that the chance of ever seeing any of those women again was practically nil.

Naked at last, I mounted the bed, and immediately, anticipating the joining, Jania rose up to all fours, spreading her legs wide to place them outside her partner's spread thighs. Carefully, she worked the blindfold from Ruth's head, leaving the redhead squinting and grimacing at the semi-bright lighting after having been in complete darkness for such a long time.

I positioned myself behind the experienced model, looking down at amazement. Her tiny crinkled star almost begged to be plundered, but that was not something I was prepared to do at that time given that I did not have any lube with me and I somehow doubted that either she or Ruth had brought any lube for this trip. Her recently-shaved sex was certainly moist, yet I licked my fingertips nonetheless before reaching down to stroke her labia.

The low sound of lust emboldened me. Slipping a pair of fingers inside her, the warmth and the wetness of her body were inviting. My erection throbbed, dripping with its own lust, eager to be buried deep inside her. Her body clutched at me, tried to draw my fingers further within her. That was when, inexplicably, the encounter, and the entire trip, suddenly seemed to be reality.

The two women were kissing again, pressed chest to chest, which forced Jania's body to arch downward quite beautifully. Part of me wished that I was still standing beside the bed with a camera in hand, but most of me focused instead on withdrawing my fingers and replacing them with another part of my body...

Ruth swallowed her companion's long moan as I carefully eased inside. Jania kept clutching at me, squeezing, applying a perfect pressure, flexing to draw me deeper into her body. With my hands on her hips, we worked together until Jania had completely sheathed me, causing me to breathe a bit quicker than normal.

Lifting her head from her companion's lips, Jania dipped her face into Ruth's neck. The muffled mews touched me in ways I had not expected. The entire experience was a bit heady for me, given that I had not enjoyed the body of such a young woman since rather early in my photography career, and Ruth's bound presence greatly added to the moment.

I backed out slowly, almost completely withdrawing, before pushing back into the experienced model. Seven years earlier, when I had first seen her on a park playground with her little brother, I never would have imagined that one day she and I would have come to this point. Even as I had done shoots with her and another girl modeling the latest swimwear or outerwear or sleepwear, I had never thought that Jania would be so comfortable around other females that she could be both naked with them and even somewhat dominant toward them.

I set a good pace - not too slow, but definitely not frantic. Each thrust jostled her face against the redhead's neck. But what as most intriguing was that, as her vision grew accustomed to the lighting, Ruth looked up at me with an expression I could not discern.

"Oh God!" Jania breathed. "You're fucking me! Oh God!"

I kept going, increasing the pace just a little, wanting to give Jania a good experience. In a way, I wanted to put on a good show for Ruth, the woman who was both quasi-participant and spectator, to help reassure her that not every guy is intent on raping her - or any other woman.

I slowed, reaching around Jania's thigh to stroke her clitoris. As I slowed, she began to back into me with more force. Her hands were tightening on Ruth's shoulders. Her voice was still probably quiet enough to not be too easily heard in the surrounding suites but definitely loud enough that anyone in our suite would know of the pleasure she was receiving.

"I'm gonna cum!" Jania breathed, her voice suddenly amazingly soft. I could feel how close she was to her climax, and I stilled myself inside her, rubbing furiously across her clitoris, reaching forward and underneath her to seize a breast and squeeze tightly...

It had been over a year since I had last enjoyed a woman's body, and since I was a bit out of practice, the power of her orgasm triggered my own.

I do not recall falling forward onto Jania, nor do I remember even closing my eyes, but suddenly, I found myself looking directly into the back of Jania's neck and sandwiching her between Ruth and me. I could feel our combined passion trapped within her and seeping past my blockading erection as it slowly began to fade. Jania and I were both breathing hard, and she reached back with a hand to brush my thigh as I continued to hold her breast.

"Oh my God..." Ruth whispered.

That was when I realized that the weight of two people pressing her into the mattress might be too much for her. Carefully, I lifted up onto stiffened arms and, reluctantly, I fully withdrew from Jania. She remained on top of her bound companion, drops of white emerging slowly, seeping obscenely.

As silently as possible, I went to retrieve the camera, then returned to take a picture of the two female sexes, one dripping freshly-deposited semen onto the other. Once I had set the camera aside again, I left the bedroom.

I returned a few moments later with some towels, knowing that a cleanup was definitely needed. Jania was already working at releasing the cuff from her partner's left ankle, and they both looked toward me as I returned to the bedroom. Both young women were smiling, but Ruth seemed somewhat proud of having participated in the unusual threesome.

I helped in the release of Ruth, and then as Jania cleaned first dripping body and then her partner, I stretched out on the bed and, admittedly being a bit forward with her, took Ruth into my arms. She stiffened initially, but eased into me, allowing me to cuddle with her, spreading her legs so that she could be cleaned with care.

A few moments later, the towels set aside, Jania moved into position behind Ruth, forming a group cuddle.

It seemed a bit odd, yet it seemed quite right as well. I could not have imagined that the weekend would take such a turn, but I was quite thankful that it had. It was a little embarrassing when my erection began to renew itself, but Ruth did not seem to mind, although I suspect that she was probably thankful that nothing more truly happened.


"There is no way you're sleeping on the couch," Jania insisted. "You're joining us in bed tonight."

"Are you sure? Is Ruth okay with that?"

"Yeah," Ruth agreed as she came into the living room of the suite. "I'm okay with it."

We were all again dressed normally, all freshly showered to remove the scent of sex, all ready to head out for dessert. I eyed the two students, seeing them in a different light because of the experience we had shared earlier in the evening.

We drove up the river to an area with plenty of restaurants and bakeries and an ice cream shop a friend had recommended after her trip to the area several weeks earlier. There were still plenty of people, creating a fair amount of noise which was nonetheless nearly drowned out by the live bands and the street musicians, a pair of mimes performing with the river as a backdrop, and from the stadium in the distance, an unexpected fireworks display which was easily one of the best non-holiday displays I had ever seen.

The ice cream shop was packed with people, but the wait was definitely worthwhile. When Ruth lamented that she'd gain weight after eating her sundae, I was somewhat taken aback when Jania countered, "Then Mr. Kendall can fuck you!" That comment earned us a pair of disapproving glares from an older couple walking past our table at that moment.

Arm-in-arm-in-arm, we strolled along the riverbank, taking in the sights and the sounds and the smells. It was amazing how comfortable we had all become after having shared a unique sexual experience a few hours earlier. While there was still a little distance between Ruth and me, she seemed to have a bit more confidence in me, she seemed more sure that I would not to anything to her which she did not want. Both young women seemed to enjoy the attention they received in obviously sharing my time and attention, and I admittedly enjoyed the jealous looks from the many guys of all ages.

In time, we returned to the hotel, and eventually settled together on the sofa to see what was on television. We ultimately ended up watching the cartoons on Boomerang, but we were not truly watching, our attentions instead turning ultimately to each other.

Flanked by the two young students, I was the center of attention. There was no undressing, and definitely no sex. There was a lot of touching and kissing, and even Ruth seemed to enjoy kissing me. I am uncertain how much time passed, but eventually, I realized that all the "action" was occurring between Ruth and me, that Jania was sitting aside, watching us as she fondled her own breasts.

The touching and the kissing came to a natural end. Ruth seemed fine with it, and I felt no sense of awkwardness or embarrassment from either her or Jania. They each leaned into me and I wrapped an arm around each of them, and as we finally turned our attention back to the television during a Cartoon Network commercial, I realized that, except for the fact that the three of us looked rather different, the pose we presented could very easily been that of a father and his daughters enjoying a bonding moment. That thought stayed with me for a while, even after we had turned off the television and even after we had slipped into the large bed together.


I dropped Ruth off in front of her dorm first. She and Jania shared a hug, and then Ruth hugged me quite warmly, with almost the same sense of intimacy as she had just shared with Jania. I was pleasantly surprised, but did not say anything about it.

Back in the car for the short drive to her dorm, Jania rested her hand on my thigh. "She likes you, you know."

"I had a feeling about that," I responded. "She's a likeable person as well. I can see why you like her, and not just sexually."

Glancing over at her, I saw a slight blush beginning to form on Jania's face. "Yeah, well... When you were refueling the car for the drive back, she said something which was interesting."


"Yeah. She..." Jania hesitated a moment. "She thinks she likes you, but she just can't imagine taking you inside her. Not now. Not yet."

At a stop sign, I briefly placed my hand on hers. "That's just fine. I don't expect it. I didn't expect that I'd be making love to you on this trip, or ever actually."

Jania placed her other hand atop mine before I retracted it so I could continue driving.

The hug we shared in front of her dorm was long and warm. "I can't wait to see the finished photos," she commented softly.

"I feel exactly the same way," I assured her.


It was nearly two weeks later when the three of us could sit together at the table and review the many photographs. "I truly think you could be a model," Jania commented to her partner.

"Really?" Ruth asked, genuinely surprised. "I'm not quite as attractive as you are, but... Really?"

"Really," I agreed with a hand on the redhead's shoulder. "Perhaps topless or nude photos would be your 'specialty' of sorts, but even in the pictures where you're both fully clothed, you're stunning. With a little training and a bit of self-confidence, I think you'd do well."

"Actually," Jania noted, "I think Ruth and I could have our own Web site focusing on nude pictures of us."

Standing behind Ruth, I could not see her eyes, but I was fairly certain that they suddenly widened in surprise. But then she surprised me, turning to look up at me from where she sat at the table: "When do I sign?"

"Good girl!" Jania praised her, reaching for her hand. That was when I knew that my own career was about to take off in an interesting direction.

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Rapier875Rapier875over 5 years ago
Needs a part 2 !


AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

wow, a great story - and in the first person too, not too many of them on literotica. Shame you didn't bugger her though, her starfish sounded beautiful!

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