Ashley's New Job


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"Ashley, I just don't like the idea of you being a stripper. Too much can go wrong between us and even where I work too. Can't we just pretend that you are stripping at home like you just did for me? Wouldn't that be enough for you?"

"It's not the same Doug. I want to feel the excitement of doing it in front of total strangers."

I was at a loss. How could I show her that I didn't like the way things were going between us without having a blowup? She wasn't listening to me and perhaps, I wasn't hearing her either. I just wanted my wife to myself. Just her and me.

My silence got to her. I saw her look of hurt and anger as she jumped up and grabbed her clothes. She stomped out of the room and into our master bedroom. I followed trying to talk, but she locked the door and refused to open it. I just couldn't understand why this was such a big deal for her.

I slept on the couch that night. For the first time ever. Never had we had a fight like this. Everything hanging, nothing finished. Just silence between us. It was a long and rough night for me and I think her too. In the morning I was cooking breakfast when she came out.


"Morning. About last night..."

"No. Lets just drop it okay Doug? I'm too tired and upset to want to fight with you. I'll just let this one go. You win."

"It's not about winning or losing Ashley. I am just not comfortable with this new direction you want to go in. If you want to get a job that's one thing. But to strip? You have a degree. You can get work almost anywhere. Why strip?"

" It's not the money. It's the excitement. The feeling of those men staring at me, lusting after me. Wanting to fuck me senseless as I dance in front of them. I'd still be just yours Doug. They'd only see me, maybe some light touching, but no more."

"I don't know. I just can't understand this at all I guess. You have never shown any tendencies for stripping or anything like that before. Then, the strip club we went to, I never knew you wanted to try another woman. Things between us are changing a bit too fast for me Ashley. Maybe I just need some time to think about it all before we go any farther. You know that I am just happy being with you don't you?"

I knew I was weakening. I loved my wife so much. I wanted her to be happy and have a fun and fulfilling life. I was also doubting my fears now too. She had been sexy and sensual in her dancing. She had gotten me hot and bothered in seconds at the very start of her dance routine.

She would make a great stripper I could see that. I was just worried that soon she would be accepting ‘dates' with customers. Then, there was that chance that co-workers or friends and family might see her dancing or hear about it. What would we do then? What could or would happen?

"Oh Doug. I'm sorry. I've been thinking about this for a long time. I never told you before because I didn't know how you would take it. That night at the brought out things in me that I never knew before. We may have opened a Pandora's box now. Still, if you really don't want me to go any farther I won't. I love you too much to lose you over some stupid fantasies."

"Look, I'm not saying that you can't Ashley. I'm just saying that I need some time to figure out what it is I am willing to do. I found out that night at the bookstore things about me that I didn't fully understand. I'm still trying to come to grips with that and here you are speeding ahead. Way ahead."

"'ll think about it and maybe agree that I can at least try an amateur night?"

"Just give me some time honey. I just need to see what it is I really want or how far I am willing to go."

For the next three months nothing was ever mentioned. However, Ashley refined her strip routine until I was flat amazed. She worked it over and over until she had even the smallest details down pat. Then, she began to try other costumes.

The benefits for me were great too. I would get a show, get turned on, and then get to fuck the dancer however and for how many times I wanted. Each time seemed to push our sex drives into upwards into the next level of heightened pleasure.

Ashley didn't strip every night, don't get me wrong. Just about once or sometimes twice a week. Each time she would make little comments as she danced, pretending that other men were there watching, touching and vying for her attention.

I didn't see it at the time, but she was slowly convincing me to let her get out and do a strip for real at a real club. Her words and actions were such that I could picture her in front of a crowd of men stripping off her clothes and dancing around.

I could even ‘see' her letting them touch her, caressing her, and shoving tips into her garter or panties or even just throwing them at her feet when she didn't have any clothes left on at all. She had also taken to trimming her pussy into a great little patch of hair that enhanced her beautiful pussy too.

One day at work I found out that I had to go out of town on a longer trip. It was connected to a client that I knew would be good for lots of business with our company and would also probably be my ticket to a nice promotion too.

When my boss told me that I would be required to spend five days one week and four of the next having to stay there over the weekend, I was not too concerned since I could picture Ashley being with me and us having lots of fun on the weekend.

I accepted the fact that I would have to work extra hard for this client a long time ago and now everything was coming around for me. I made arrangements for my stay in the city where the client had headquarters and then began to plan the weekend I would be spending with my wife. My boss had more or less told me that a promotion was in order and it would be a lucrative one if I could land this clients extra business too.

Everything set for the following weeks and plans set for the weekend I headed home that night happy and hardly able to wait to tell Ashley the good news. I stopped and bought a bottle of the best wine I could find and then picked up some take-out I had called for before leaving work.

Walking into the house I saw that Ashley was out in the back tanning. I showered and changed clothes, knowing that she had her headphones on and wouldn't hear me. I was a bout four hours earlier than usual and this would surprise her.

Stepping out of the bedroom from changing, I saw that she was getting up to come in. I stood just inside the kitchen door and waited. She was very surprised to see me.

"DOUG. Damn, you scared me. What are you doing home so early anyway?"

"Oh, got some news today and a new assignment too."

"Oh? What's up?"

"Well, I have to go to that new client's I was telling you about Monday. I will be there for just about two weeks. We can have a whole weekend together just you and me, and have a great time. I have some stuff planned for us to do already and I think you'll like it."

"The whole weekend? I don't know if I want to spend two weeks in a hotel room Doug. That's a bit longer than usual. What will I do while you are out wining and dining the client and selling him on the company?"

"What do you usually do when you come with me Ashley?"

I was a bit surprised. She was excited for me I could see, but she seemed reluctant to want to go with me for some reason. She had never complained about being bored before while I was working and she hung around waiting for me.

"I'm just afraid I would spend way too much money being stuck all day alone Doug. Maybe I'll sit this trip out okay?"

"Well, I kinda made some plans for the two of us. I was looking forward to you coming along. How about if you just fly in on Friday and leave on the following Monday then? We could afford that I think."

"I guess I could do that. At least we would have the weekend together. Oh, I was going to help Ann with some stuff on Friday night. How about I fly in on Saturday morning instead?"

"Well, that's better than not at all I guess. I really wish you would come with me for the whole trip though."

"Ann really needs me to be there for her Doug. It just came up this morning and since I didn't know about this trip of yours...well..."

"It's all right Ashley. I understand. The weekend will be a bit short, but at least we will be together."

I was a bit miffed, but then I knew that her friend Ann was going through some tough times. She had some kind of cancer that had sprung up and she was needing treatments for it. She didn't feel real well and I knew that Ashley was trying to help her out as much as she could.

Ann had a business of some sort downtown, I thought that it was a dress shop or something of the kind. I really didn't know much about Ann other that she was fun, intelligent and very good looking. Her cancer had taken a lot out of her and I knew that she wore wigs at the moment due to her hair loss.

Ashley had been like an on call nurse quite a few times, once or twice with little or no heads up too. Ann was Ashley's best friend and I didn't want to look like I was a jerk by insisting that she come with me when her friend needed her. I didn't see any problems with it other than I had been counting on having my wife with me the whole two weeks.

That weekend we were once again like two newlyweds. Ashley did her strip routine for me on that Friday night and it got the fires burning that didn't quit until Monday morning. Matter of fact, she was trying to get me to go one more round as I was getting ready to head to the airport for my flight.

I arrived in the clients city and got right to work with them. I found the week went by quickly. I called Ashley daily, although several times I had a hard time catching her at home. She told me that she had been spending a lot of time with Ann. Ann had been quite sick from her chemotherapy and Ashley had been staying with her taking care of her.

I started to call her cell after finding that out and usually was able to connect with her that way. Thursday night I tried and couldn't reach Ashley. After trying her cell and then the house phone, I finally called Ann's.

"Hey Ann, how are you doing?"

"Doug? Oh, I'm doing ok I guess. Best as can be expected. Not looking forward to tomorrow though."

" Ashley said something about helping you out tomorrow. That's why she didn't come with me on this trip. Say, is Ashley there? I haven't been able to reach her tonight."

"Ashley? She was here earlier but left for home. She was looking tired, poor thing, taking care of me the way she has been. She has been a Godsend for me though. She's a good friend. You are a lucky man to have her you know that Doug?"

"I know, I know. I count myself lucky all the time Ann. So...did she just leave then?"

"Oh yeah. She said something about going to the gym and then the store then home to bed."

I hung up and decided to go eat something. As I ate my supper a thought came to me unbidden. If Ashley was so tired looking, why would she want to go to the gym then the store? Why wouldn't she just go home and get some sleep? I knew her well enough to know that if she was tired that is exactly what she would do normally. This was different.

I trusted Ann though, and Ashley too. I put that thought out of my mind and finished eating. I walked back to my room and as I passed the lounge I stepped in for a quick one. Talking to the bartender I found out that Saturday night there was going to be a live band playing. I added this bar to my list of things to do with Ashley when she got here.

Later that night I finally got in touch with my wife. It was real late at our home and I knew that she was already tired so I kept the conversation short and didn't ask too many questions. We had a nice chat and Ashley mentioned not being able to wait to fly out to be with me over the weekend.

Friday disaster struck. I found out that some of the papers I was sure would be there by then weren't going to make it unless I stayed late and picked up the fax copies the office was going to send as back-ups.

Then, the client's representative had to leave for a few hours and promised to get back with me that evening. I called Ashley at home just before lunch and told her that I wouldn't be able to get in touch with her until real late that night or early Saturday morning.

"Oh damn Doug. Well, how about you just wait with the call? I'll be there in the morning and we will have the whole weekend together. You will be tired and needing rest and I may be at Ann's all night anyway."

"Okay sweetie. Love you. Bye."

"Love you too Doug. Talk to ya later okay?"

The rest of the day smoothed out and by seven that evening I had finished up all the details and even had the client signing off on most of the contract. It had been a very long day. I went up to my hotel room and showered.

After my nice long hot shower I felt a bit better so I ordered up room service and turned on the TV. I watched the end of an old movie and then started watching the local news. My order came up and I ate, feeling better all the time. I knew that tomorrow Ashley would be here and life would be great again.

Watching the news I got bored and started surfing channels. I came across our home TV station's channel and decided to watch that for a bit. Usual news programs but one item caught my attention. They were doing an investigative report on a couple of local strip clubs. Since Ashley had been so hot to try stripping, I though I might gain some insight by watching the segment.

The first club they were targeting was the largest one in the area. They had more dancers both male and female. The other clubs only had female dancer's. I saw that they had filmed most of the report on Tuesday and some on Thursday.

I learned quite a bit about the dancer's, even some of why they did what they did for a living...and I found that out of the six or so they interviewed, only two said anything about what Ashley had mentioned.

So, there were some who did get off on the thrill of men staring and wanting them like that. It gave me lots to think about. One of the dancers was married and another of them had a steady boyfriend that was wanting to get married.

As the show went on I found out that Ashley was not an isolated case. In the other clubs the dancers they interviewed were seemingly honest about why they did what they did and I found a common theme for some of them at least was the exhibitionist streak in them that caused them to get off on teasing men like they did.

The more I watched the more I realized that maybe it wouldn't be so bad to let Ashley at least try an amateur night strip one time and see how I felt afterwards. Just as the report ended they were showing the larger of the dance clubs live.

The camera's were on the street (of course) and catching people coming and going out of the front doors. For an instant I thought I saw who I thought was Ann walking into the club. I knew that I had to be wrong about that since Ann was so sick, but that woman had looked a lot like Ann. Especially her hair. Ann's hair had always be quite distinctive. She chose wigs that enhanced her build, and quite frankly made her look sexy as hell.

I shrugged it off to a look-alike and headed on to bed. In the morning I was thinking about that show and laughed at myself. I was seeing things and trying to put things and people in places they didn't belong. I needed Ashley with me. I needed her to be my balance.

I picked Ashley up at the airport and she was glad to see me. I thought she was going to rape me right there in the main terminal. We went straight to my hotel room and the instant the door closed Ashley was all over me. She had me out of my clothes in an instant and hers followed even quicker.

Our sex was hard and fast that first time. I could see that the week without me had driven her sexual drive way up. I knew that I was pretty hot too. We attacked each other and I remember pounding into her tight pussy in hard fast thrusts, her moans driving me to go harder and faster.

The sweat of our bodies made us slippery and every sensation was keyed to each other. Afterward, resting, Ashley couldn't keep her hands off of me. I noticed she was clinging to me which was not like her. Usually she was quite independent and self assured. Today she seemed like a little girl afraid of her own shadow.

I figured it was due to the separation we had just undergone. One week was a long time for us and it had rarely happened. I held her close to me and caressed her long hair. She kissed me, then laid her head on my chest. One of her legs went over mine and she slipped her hand down to my cock.

Holding me softly, she closed her eyes and sighed.

"God I love you Doug. I don't know what I'd do without you."

" I love you too Ashley. You're the best wife a guy could ever have."

I felt her grip tighten on my shaft. She held me firmly and then began to stroke me, making my cock harden. I was ready to go again but she seemed a bit off for some reason. I could tell that there was something on her mind.

"Okay. What's bothering you honey? I can see that you are preoccupied about something."

"Oh, I was just thinking."

"About that stripping thing again?"

As I said that her grip got a lot tighter and she froze in place. I had hit the proverbial nail on the head with that one comment it seemed.

"Who said anything about stripping? I never mentioned that at all yet."

She resumed stroking me, but she was moving faster now. I could tell that I had triggered something inside her, but what I was not sure.

"Well, that has been the most often talked about topic at home recently. It had to be either that or Ann and her cancer. Which is it?"

"Well, Ann and I went out last night. She was feeling pretty good, and wanted to get out of her house and do something."


"Yeah. We went out to eat and then we went to a club for a few drinks."

"Which club?"

"Doesn't matter really does it? We had a few drinks, and then went to her place."

"So, did you guy's get hit on while at the club that doesn't matter?"

"Yeah. Once. A table of guys were partying and they bought us a round. They wanted to dance with us too."

"So...did you? Dance I mean?"

"Ann did. Several times. I...I did too."

She spoke like she was confessing to cheating on me. I was surprised that she would have danced with strangers, but considering that Ann had been with her I understood. I didn't see a problem with it either, in case you are wondering. I trusted my wife totally.

"So you had a good time, a few drinks, and a few dances. What's the big deal?"

"Well...I...the wasn't the usual club that women go to Doug."

I had a flash of that newscast of last night. Had that been Ann? They had gone to a strip club? Hopefully to see the male dancers, although even that shocked me a bit. I waited for the other shoe to drop. Ashley had stunned me with this confession and I was afraid of what the rest of the story was going to be now.

"How much do you love me Doug?"

"You have to ask?"

"Well, you aren't going to like what I have to tell you."

I was afraid that she was about to tell me that she had slept with some stranger or stranger's now. My heart was beating faster and faster and my blood pressure was rising. Ashley sat up and then turned to sit on the edge of the bed. She hugged herself tightly and I could see her shoulders shaking as she started to cry.

I didn't do anything. I wanted to comfort her, but my fears froze my body where it was. My wife was about to send us down a path I never had imagined we would be on. I had pictures in my mind of other men touching her. Kissing her. Even...God forbid...fucking her.

"I know we talked about it Doug and I even agreed that you needed time to decide what you wanted. I...I...did it. Without your permission or knowledge. I went to a club...and..."