Astarte Ch. 03


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"As for Harry, when I got home yesterday, I interrupted him attempting to force Sally into having sex with him. When he looked back to talk to me, she had the opportunity to get free and kicked him in the balls, then, the ass. I tied his clothes up in knots and threw them out on the lawn, then we told him to take his cock someplace and beat himself off, just keep away from our family.

"If that's casting a spell, I guess I'm guilty, but that's all I did."

"Is Sally around, so she can corroborate your story?"

Deon looked at him, as if considering. Then he walked to the stairs and called his sister. "Sally, Bob Williams, from the Sheriff's Department is here. He wants to ask you some questions about Harry yesterday."

"Why?" she asked, coming downstairs. "What's the bastard saying?"

"Was he here, yesterday, Sally?" the deputy wanted to know.

"Unfortunately. He followed me home from my work and pushed his way into the house. He tried to force his way into me, but Deon interrupted him. I broke free and kicked him in his...testicles. Then I kicked his a...butt. Deon took his clothes and threw them outside somewhere. Then he came back and told the son of a bitch to go someplace and satisfy himself and to stay away from me."

The deputy smiled inwardly at her attempts to control her language. "Deon didn't tell him to aim his penis at a policeman and ejaculate on him?"

"Harry did that?" Sally laughed. "I'm sorry; I didn't think that was possible. I mean how could Deon know when a policeman was going to be there? And I doubt Harry could hold it back very long; although, he did wait to try to rape me for six weeks. That's how long we dated. He told me now I was eighteen and legal, he didn't have to wait anymore."

"So he came here with the intention of raping you?"

"I guess. He's certainly never asked me if I wanted to have sex with him."

"Well, we all thought their stories were a bit far-fetched. Okay, Sally, thank you.

"Deon, how long are you going to be around, in case there are more questions?"

"I have a noon class Monday, so I'll probably leave around seven, seven-thirty, Monday AM."

"You're up at San' Angelo? Where can we reach you?"

"Easiest place, MWF evenings from four 'til twelve, I'm usually at the Mid Eastern History Museum. It's on the campus, on Broad Street. The guard can call me to the reception area."

"Fine. I doubt we'll have to trouble you again. Both of these yahoos have been in trouble before, and everyone thought their stories were just too weird to be true, but we had to check. Stay safe, you two, and tell your mom I said hey." He turned to leave, but stopped at the door. He looked back at Deon. "Off the record, did you really do Jordan Pieters at the bar last night?"

"Bobby, much as I would have liked to do her, all we did was dance. It got pretty raunchy, and she got naked, but my mister stayed in my pants. On or off the record. You stay safe, too, Bobby."

"Uh huh. I used to could tell when you were puttin' me on, Deon. Not so much anymore, but the feeling is there's something you're not lettin' on. I hope it's not important."

Deon glanced at Sally and mouthed, "Mary?" She nodded, grinning. Mary had said she wanted the town to know she had turned to a slut for one man, one night. Deon looked back to his friend. "If you really want to know, I did get lucky last night, but Mary wa...oops, she wasn't involved with either of the Pieters boys."

"Mary? Mary Green, that prim...I don't believe it. Hell, I always thought she was the type of girl who couldn't say shit if she had a mouthful. How the f...excuse my french, Sally, but..."

"That's all I can say, Bobby. Other than me comforting the women who were wronged, you know everything I was involved in from the time I got home yesterday. I promise."

Bobby shook his head. "I guess. Bein' away at school sure has changed you, Deon. I'm not sure it's all been for the better."

"Take it easy, Bobby. Prob'ly see you around." Bobby nodded and turned to walk to his cruiser.

Deon stayed outside, watching his friend drive away. Sally had gone back inside, looking for Kate. Deon heard her calling him from upstairs. He went up to find her. She was in their mother's room.

Kate was still naked, sitting on the side of the bed, unresponsive, tears running down her cheeks. Deon knelt beside her. He asked Sally to go get some fresh coffee and a warm washrag. As soon as she was gone, he sat beside his mother. "Trance," he said, and noticed a slight stiffening of her form.

"Mother, when Sally gets here with the coffee and washrag, you will waken feeling rested and happy. Over the coming week, I want you to accept the fact that she and I are in love with each other. Your feelings of jealousy will make you realize and accept that you are sexually attracted to me. Once you accept that, and reconcile it with your beliefs about incest, you will be happy again."

"Gideon," he heard Astarte say, "that isn't necessary. Her distress is a result of confronting the discrepancy between her beliefs and her desires. Give her a reason to abandon her beliefs. She needs only a little push. Let her know you desire her, that you love her and want her to be happy."

He looked up and saw the goddess standing before him, a soft glow emanating from her. When she saw the question in his face, she nodded. "That is all she needs. It will still take some time. Don't rush her. You must trust me."

He nodded. As the goddess faded into nothingness, he wrapped his mother's naked body in his arms. "Mother, ignore the instructions I just gave you. I love you, Mother, and I want to make love to you. If we could, I would marry you, to be your loving and faithful husband. Lie down, now and sleep. When Sally comes with coffee, you will awaken, feeling refreshed and happy." He laid her back on the bed and positioned her on her side in the middle of the bed.

He waited at the side of the bed, for Sally to return. He looked at his sleeping mother, seeing her nude beauty for the first time. Like her daughter, she was tall, blonde, and blue eyed.

Kate was larger busted than Sally, a full C-cup, and while she was a natural blonde, her pubes were covered by a light brown bush, neatly trimmed, but otherwise untouched. Like her daughter, Kate had a tight, almost athletic build, which stirred Gideon's groin.

"Damn, Astarte, I hope you're right."

In the back of his head, he heard the silver bell-like laugh. "Trust me, Gideon. The morning after you make love to her the first time, you could walk through the Sultan's harem's bath and not be aroused. If I didn't owe you so much, and love you, I would be jealous of her; she is the only one of the women you've asked for who is willing to give you more than I can."

"You mean the baby?"

"No, Sally will also proudly give you children. Your mother is willing to sacrifice herself for you. Aware as she is of the prejudice and prohibition against mother/son incest; aware that it may very well ruin her and her business, and all the good she has been able to accomplish because of her work, she will come to you willingly, and bear your child.

"Your sex with your sister would be looked upon as an aberration, a lapse in judgement, perhaps giving in to temptation or a drunken episode. A mother having sex with her son is almost universally looked upon as an evil perversion, and while it may be instigated by the son, the mother is almost always blamed unless she can prove forcible rape.

"However, you need not fear for her. I will arrange it so noone suspects, and so that she is not harmed. But you must trust me; neither she nor her professional standing will be hurt."

At that moment, he heard Sally coming down the hall. In a brief moment she was in the room, carrying a tray with a thermal carafe of coffee, three cups and a warm washcloth. Deon grinned and picked up the washcloth. He sat down on the bed and gently began to wipe his mother's face.

After a couple of swipes, she stirred and rolled over on her back, exposing all of her nude beauty. Sally gasped, then laughed. "Maybe I made that offer to share too soon. I should have taken a closer look at Mom. She is freakin' beautiful!"

"Sally, that is no way to talk about your mother, at least, not where she can hear you," Kate spoke through the wet cloth wiping aware the tears. "And you needn't worry; I have no intention of sharing my son.

"Thank you, Gideon; you can stop now. You must have had your fill of looking at this old body by now."

"Hardly, Mom; Sally's right. You are beautiful. If you weren't my mother, I think I'd be trying right now to get in your p...pants, if you were wearing any."

Kate heard the last phrase with a sense of shock. She had been aware that she was missing her bra, but had felt no shame. Breasts were just... breasts, cute mounds of fat men liked to look at and play with, and which caused women a plenitude of emotions and problems. But to be without her panties in front of her son, her grown son, her attractive, sexy son, that was definitely something to be avoided.

"Uh, okay, that's enough. I'm fine. You two get out of here while I put on some clothes. We still need to talk, and I'm not comfortable without at least some underwear. Sally, you can pour me a cup of coffee, then I'll meet you in whose room?"

"Um, Sally's is probably best right now," Gideon offered, "at least until I can change the sheets."

"You don't need to explain, Deon. Fine, just give me a couple of minutes and I'll see you in there."

When her children had left the room, Kate got up and felt the bed. To her surprise, it was dry. She went into her en suite and sat on the toilet. Before she released her bladder, she reached down and felt herself. She was wetter than she could ever remember being before. Shaking her head, Kate reached behind her for the plastic box of personal wet wipes, extracted one and used it on her vulva. The damp coolness cooled her ardor enough so she felt capable of dealing with Deon and Sally.

She went back into her bedroom, to her dresser, to find a pair of briefs. She opened her panty drawer and started digging through the collection therein. Bikinis, boy shorts, even thongs, she found a plenty. She was about to give up in disgust when she found what she desired. They were lime green, decorated with pink polka dots, but they were granny panties, just what she felt she needed.

She slipped them on, and wearing only them, picked up her coffee and padded down the hall to confront her wayward children. On the way, she had a revelation. "Deon's right. In San' Angelo, they would be just another couple living together; and to people from their home town of Cornwall, just a brother and sister, sharing an apartment. What happened when the lights were out wasn't anybody's business but theirs, not even hers."

She entered Sally's bedroom, feeling better than she had all day. Deon and Sally were sitting on the edge of her bed. Deon had brought in his desk chair for her to use, and Sally had set up a TV tray for the coffee. They waited for her to sit. With a slight smile, Kate noticed they were all dressed similarly.

"Well, kids...I'm sorry. I shouldn't call you that; you're not children anymore. From what you told me of your activities last night, I have to accept that. And respect it. While I dislike the fact you are having sex with each other, I can certainly understand the attraction. You are both very attractive, and I may have left you unsupervised too much...

"Regardless of that, the situation is what it is, and I, we have to live with it. Your idea of sharing an apartment next year is fine with me. I may or may not decide to move to San' Angelo, to be with you. I am settled here, and comfortable. However, you should find a place big enough to accommodate a long term visit now and then. While you will always be welcome to visit, there is no need for you to come down for every holiday and break. I can just as easily come to spend a week or two with you, if I am welcome."

Sally reached her first and threw her arms around her mother's neck. "Of course you are welcome, Mother, any and all times."

Deon knelt beside her chair and embraced her from the other side, his arms across her chest, resting just atop her breasts. "Thank you, Mom. It means a lot that you are willing to accept us. I can promise you that Sally will finish school before there are any grandchildren for you to worry about."

Kate grinned, wryly. "Are you sure? As I remember, I didn't have any luck avoiding getting pregnant when I was your age, until I took steps to guarantee it. Before I got married to your stepfather, I had sex a half dozen times total, with two men. The results are here with me now, and I wouldn't trade either of you for the world."

Sally sat back and blinked. "We're not brother and sister; then it's not..."

Deon laughed. "Yes, it is. Even when it's half siblings, it is still considered incest. Some folks even include step-siblings in the definition, especially when the marriage happens when the kids are still of pre-school age, but the law and the Bible say there has to be a genetic connection, and a fairly direct one. I think third cousins, and first ones, thrice removed are excluded."

"When, if they come," interrupted Kate, "grandchildren will be welcome, and because you two are half siblings, the odds are improved they will be healthy. But I do have a request. I do not want a repeat viewing of this morning's activity. Please keep your lovemaking behind closed doors when I'm in the house," she said, emphasizing the word, 'closed.'

Her children grinned and nodded. Deon let his arm rest on her breasts. "Mom, you are always welcome to join us," he said with a leer.

"When pigs fly," she retorted. "And that brings up another issue which bothered me in your tale about last night. Fidelity and monogamy. Right now, neither of you seem very concerned about either. May I suggest that change in a hurry. There is some very dangerous crap being spread out there by people who don't especially care if others get hurt. Fidelity and monogamy are the best protection against it."

The siblings looked at each other, aghast. They hadn't thought about STDs, and with Jordan's involvement with her family, they were a definite possibility. Other than her younger brother, all her previous sex partners fit the description their mother had just given. "Astarte?" called Deon, silently.

"Gideon," she chided him, with her silvery laugh, "you must learn to trust me. However, you should probably buy yourself a box of condoms, just to allay your mother's concerns." He let out a small sigh of relief, seen by Sally, but not Kate, who was unwinding from the tangle of arms she was still in.

"Don't worry, Mom; we'll be more careful," Sally assured her in a quiet voice.

Kate laughed. "Sweetie, telling me not to worry about you two is something like telling a beaver to stop building dams. Now, we have to make plans for getting you two ready for school.

"Gideon, do you think you can find a place and get it furnished by the time school starts?"

"Should. But a three bedroom apartment will probably be hard to find. I'll look for a house in a decent neighborhood. Then work on getting bedrooms, and kitchen and study room set up. Living and dining rooms we can fix up later."

"Three bedroom? Oh, the study room," said Sally. "Is that necessary? Why not study in the bedroom?"

"Because if one of you doesn't have to study, or finishes before the other, and wants to sleep, they can't turn out the light; or if one is feeling frisky, and wants to play when the other one has to study, either feelings will get hurt or grades will suffer. Neither of which is an acceptable outcome," Kate pointed out.

"Gideon, that sounds fine; now about your budget..." and for the next hour they negotiated a workable budget for the two youngsters. When they were done, Deon leaned back against the headboard and looked at his mother.

"Wow, I'd hate to have to deal with you and count on coming out ahead," he said, the admiration in his voice evident. Kate felt a warm feeling pass over her, moistening her lady. Just as she was about to reply, the doorbell rang.

"That would be Giovanni's. While you two were setting up our long term future, I took care of the immediate one."

Kate stood up. "Great, I could use some food. I'll go pay for it." As she started to leave the room, both children cleared their throats. "What?" she asked, looking at them. They smiled, and, as if rehearsed, looked down at themselves, then at her. Kate glanced down at her nearly nude body.

"That'll be a great tip, Mom," commented Deon with a smile.

Kate grinned. "You think I won't?" she challenged them. "Well, you're right, not any more, but once...Anyway, thank you for reminding me." She shook her head and went to her room to grab a robe. A few minutes later, the trio met in the kitchen.

The next morning, Kate woke feeling refreshed and at peace with the world. Sunlight streamed in her windows, brightening her room and her mood. She got up, tended to her toilet needs, washed her face and brushed her teeth, then headed downstairs to start breakfast. Sally was already there, the coffee ready. She was humming to herself as she gathered their breakfast. She wore only an apron, tied around her waist. Kate was still wearing only the green polka dotted granny panties. Kate greeted her daughter with a big smile. "No doubt about your night, I guess. You guys were quiet. I almost thought I was alone."

Sally laughed. "Morning, Momma. One of the benefits of having a lover who majors in Eastern Studies. He said something about Tantric Sex, where the emphasis is more on the quality of the joining than the climax. He had me on the edge of coming for fifteen or twenty minutes before I came, at least four times before he did..."

"TMI, sweetie. No need to go into detail," Kate laughed, her quim beginning to tingle.

"Oops! Sorry, it was just so much better than I expected from what other girls have said. They always sounded so disappointed after their first times."

"What was it you called Deon? Your lover? That's the big difference. You two, apparently, really do love each other. The girls you were talking about, they were discussing partners, of a sort. To their partners, chances are they were just 'lays,' girls they were using to prove something, or to score points with their friends.

"Once or twice, over the years, I've been with a man like that. Hands or vibrators leave you with a better feeling afterward, believe me."

"Did you ever have the kind Deon and I..."

"For a while," she said quietly and paused, then continued, "with your stepfather, before he got sick..." The rest of her statement was cut off by the sound of Deon galloping down the stairs and hurrying into the kitchen.

He grinned when he saw the mother and daughter, topless, displaying four of the most beautiful breasts he had personally experienced. He walked to Sally and kissed her warmly, one hand holding her chin up to facilitate the kiss; the other hand, caressing her buttock. "Mmm, morning, sweetheart," he said, slipping just the tip of his tongue between her lips.

"Tease," she complained with a smile.

He laughed and turned to his mother. Sweeping her into his arms, he bent down to kiss her and slipped his tongue into her mouth before she realized what he was doing. She yielded to him for just a few seconds, then became aware of becoming aroused by her son. She broke away with a strained laugh and slapped at his shoulder. "Snot! Keep that tongue in your mouth when you kiss me."

"If you say so, Momma, but it's more fun my way," he said, his arms still around her waist.

"Be that as it may, I'm your mother and it isn't appropriate."

"Maybe not, but it is more fun, even if you are my mother," he said with a grin. "Didn't you enjoy it, if only for a second?"