Beach Party


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“It’s a pussy, you stupid bitch” shouted Wanda.

“Okay, my pussy. There’s no need to talk to me that way. I thought I had died and gone to heaven. He put his mouth right on it. And he stuck his tongue inside me. I was so hot! I couldn’t help it; my hips were moving with his tongue. And he started sucking on my, you know.”

“Your fucking clit! It’s a clit, you clit!” Wanda had had enough of Emily’s roundabout way of speaking.

“Yes, he was sucking on my, uh, clit. I was close, really close to my climax, when I heard a car roll up next to the house! Johnny had to choose this day to come home over his lunch break! I pushed David away from me, I was frantic. I pointed him towards my closet and in he went stark naked, holding his clothes in his hands. I got back into my pajamas and put on my robe quick as I could. Just in time, because Johnny walked into the house just then. He said ‘baby, don’t you ever get dressed during the day?’ I told him I was just being lazy that day, and that I hadn’t expected him to come home or I would have had his lunch ready. He said he hadn’t come for lunch; he was going to pick up something at Hardee’s on the way back to work. He just came by to get some car magazine he had promised to lend to a friend of his. And then, I swear to God, he says ‘hey baby, how about a little afternoon delight?’ What was I supposed to say? That I wasn’t in the mood? I’ve never been more in the mood in my life (till now). He led me back into the bedroom and started taking off his clothes as fast as he could. What could I do? I took mine off too and lay on the bed. He climbed on top of me, just like always. And you know what? I looked over at the closet and there was David, still naked with the door partly opened. I could see he had his hand on his thing!”

“His prick. It’s his prick” screamed Wanda.

“Yes, well there he was moving his hand up and down, masturbating right in front of me while Johnny was sliding his into me. I was so wet! Johnny lasted longer than he ever had before, because I guess I had never been so open before. He was pounding into me, and I was looking David in the eyes, and then watching him jerk his cock up and down. Again I was ready to climax. Finally I was going to climax! Johnny started groaning. I was moaning and then, oh, I’m so embarrassed, I started screaming. I never scream. I saw David close his eyes, push his hips forward and suddenly he started shooting this white stuff onto the floor of my closet. I grabbed Johnny’s butt and tried to pull him deeper into me and I started to climax. I was pushing into Johnny and screaming when finally Johnny gave out that little groan that means he is done. I saw the closet door slide shut just as Johnny said ‘girl will you be quiet? That guy next store can hear you from here.’ I don’t know, I just thought that was funny. I started laughing till I couldn’t stop. That damn fool just got up, got dressed and left. David opened the closet door and walked back into my bedroom. I never got a real good look at him when he was all the way hard, but he was all the way soft now. You know, the first words I spoke to that man all day long were ‘you’d best go on home. God’s gone and showed us that He don’t want this to happen.’ I don’t think David was that disappointed. From the looks of it, he wasn’t gettin’ it up again any time soon anyway. So I guess I’ve been wondering since then, does a tongue count as being unfaithful?”

I guess you could say there were at least three people who were breathing kind of heavy at the end of that story. Emily was giving out a distinct musky odor, and my prick seemed to point in the direction of that odor. I could see dampness starting to run down her thighs. She was definitely turned on.

Emily said to me. “I know you’re not a regular at these here parties, but since you’re here, you’ve got to do your part. Tell us a story about one of your conquests, young man.” I had been trying to think of some story that would be worth telling. For a minute I thought I was going to have to tell the story of the sword swallower, cause I don’t have that many experiences to brag about. But then I remembered one that was pretty good. So I said, “I guess I could tell you about the time I was raped.”

Joey’s Story

This happened last Christmas. We had a fraternity Christmas party off-campus at some semi-nice hotel in town. We rented a ballroom for the party, and each guy had a room at the hotel for himself and whatever girl he invited to the get-together. I was dating Barb, this chick I had met in English 201. She was pretty and nice and smart, characteristics that work for me. We had been seeing each other for a couple of months by this time, and the relationship had become somewhat strained, if you know what I mean. We had been to a party in November and Barb had had a few drinks and then gone ballistic, swearing and screaming at me for no reason I could discern. I wrote the whole incident off as being caused by the drink. But then at the Christmas party, the same thing started to happen. She started slurping down those Manhattans or whatever the hell shit she was drinking and before long she became totally abusive. I finally realized that in vino veratis.

Wanda had had enough of this. “What the fuck’s that supposed to mean? Can’t you speak American like the rest of us?” So I said, “Sorry Wanda, it means in wine there is truth.” Wanda wasn’t satisfied with that. “That doesn’t make any more fucking sense than that French shit.” “Let me get back to my story and I’ll try to be clearer”, says I.

The truth was that she was a bitch on wheels. She only let her guard down when she got shit-faced. She showed her true colors when she drank. I saw no reason to spend the evening being insulted, so I downed several drinks very fast and kind of drifted off to my room. Truth be told, I was drunk as a skunk. I don’t even remember going to bed, which is unusual for me. I’ve only blacked out once or twice in my life, and this was one of those times. I woke up the next morning horny as hell. Barb was lying on the other bed so in an ecumenical spirit of letting bygones be bygones, I fucked her senseless (which for her wasn’t a very long journey). That was, by the way, the last time I dated Barb. As far as I was concerned, we were through.

Emily said, “That’s not much of a story, Joey. Here I am telling you these intimate secrets, and you tell us some awful story of how you were emotionally raped. I mean, I guess I feel sorry for you, but you will admit that it isn’t very exciting.”

Ah, but I’m just getting to the point. The president of our fraternity is one of those real annoying type guys. He gets straight A’s, he’s in the college choir, and he always talks like he is speaking to an audience. I don’t think I’ve ever heard the word ‘fuck’ come out of his mouth, which is almost unbelievable in a fraternity. He’s just annoying. This guy, Wally, was engaged to this chick Amanda. Most of the brotherhood was invited to their wedding which took place just after they graduated.

Amanda is kind of hard to describe. She is extremely smart. She is going to grad school in some techie subject or other. She’s in the top 10 in the class in G.P.A. That’s Grade Point Average, Wanda. But there is something sensual about her. I never could see her with Wally. She is cool and he is a Nazi. She looks like a Cheshire cat, all furry and soft and round. Her lips were huge (so were her boobs). I only knew her vaguely, since Wally and Amanda were senior big-shots and I was a lowly sophomore. But I must admit that once or twice I had pictured those huge soft lips wrapped around a certain part of my anatomy.

Wanda had to chime in “They must have been huge if you thought they could wrap themselves around that cock.” I said, “Thanks for the vote of confidence.”

Several days after the party I was lounging around the living room in my fraternity waiting for the next round of “Oh, Hell” to start. We had two pretty much constant card games going in our living room, one with Bridge and one with Oh Hell. I always thought the Bridge guys were a bunch of pussies. People joined or left the game as classes started or ended. There was a break for dinner, and then the games usually went till two or three in the morning. This is pretty sexy stuff, right? So I was in the living room when Amanda walked in. She looked worried or something and she walked in my direction. I said to her ‘Wally isn’t here. I think he’s at some student government meeting.’ But Amanda said, ‘I know. I didn’t come to see Wally. I came to see you.’ I felt like Ralph Cramden, you know going ‘ahubada ahubada ahubada’. I had no idea that Amanda even knew I existed let alone would have any interest in talking to me. I finally blurted out ‘What do you need to see me for?’ She looked uncomfortable and looked around. There were one or two guys setting up things at the card tables and more guys drifting in from the dining room. ‘Would you mind talking to me up in your room?’ she asked. I didn’t need to be asked twice. I got up thankfully without stumbling on to my face and led her into the hall and up the stairs to my room. My roommate was spending evenings at the pub at that time, so we had the room to ourselves. I closed the door behind us and sat down on my bed. She walked to the door and locked it, then turned to me, looking upset. She said, ‘I hope you don’t mind, but I need to talk to you and I don’t want anyone walking in on us. It would be too embarrassing.’ It wouldn’t be too embarrassing to me. But I didn’t say anything. I figured she would tell me what was bothering her. But I couldn’t figure out where I fit in to the equation.

‘Do you remember the party on Saturday night?’ she asked. I said, ‘Barely. I guess I really tied one on. Were you there?’ She nodded. ‘Wally and I got there pretty late. But Wally started drinking very heavily and he got pretty drunk.’ I sympathized with her, but really, what’s a Christmas party for? I said, ‘Most everyone was pretty drunk that night. You can’t blame Wally for that.’ I find it’s best to stick up for your fraternity brothers, even a dork like Wally. You never know when you might need them to stick up for you. She went on with her story. ‘Wally was really tired and wanted to go up to bed, but I wasn’t ready to go yet. I was having fun. So he went without me. After a while most people had gone to bed for whatever reason and there were only a few people left. Your girlfriend Barb was sitting in a corner with several of your fraternity brothers and they were French kissing! I could tell that a couple of the boys had their hands inside Barbs blouse. She didn’t seem to mind, but Joey, she seemed to be very drunk. I went over and I told those boys off, then I grabbed Barb’s hand and told her I was taking her to her room. Her eyes were half closed and she was mumbling. I don’t think she had any idea where she was. I led her out of the ballroom and into the lobby. I asked the desk clerk what room you were in. I practically had to drag Barb all the way to the room. She was complaining, I guess, but I couldn’t understand any of the words. I got to the room and asked her to give me the key, but she couldn’t understand me. I searched her but she didn’t have a key. So I knocked. Joey, I knocked and knocked, louder and louder. I heard someone across the hall open the door to see what the commotion was about. Finally the door opened. The room was dark. I led Barb into the room and turned on the light. Joey you were standing there stark naked! And your thing! It was hard as a rock. It stood straight up and it was so big. I’d never seen anything like it. You seemed to be walking in your sleep. You went back to one of the double beds and lay down on top of the covers. Your thing was sticking flat against your stomach, and it was higher than your belly button. Joey, I was drunk too, you know. Sometimes drunken people just don’t make good decisions.’

Turns out I was pretty embarrassed by all this. I mean here is one of the smartest, sexiest girls in the school, and I acted like a drunken fool in front of her. Worse, I didn’t even know she was there. I didn’t know what to say so I said ‘Geez, Amanda, I’m real sorry for acting like such a jerk. I always sleep in the raw. I must have just opened the door when I was semi-asleep or something. I didn’t mean to insult you or scare you.’

But I was missing Amanda’s point. She said ‘No, Joey. You didn’t act like a jerk. I knew you didn’t even know I was there. I made Barb lay down in the other bed and she was immediately snoring away. I turned and there you were, Joey. You were so hard. I was drunk you’ve got to believe me. I would never do anything like that if I weren’t drunk.’ So I said ‘Like what?’ Maybe I’m thick or something, but then again, some things are beyond the imaginings of mortal men.

Wanda said “Well I sure as hell know what I would have done! For a college boy you sure are dumb.”

Amanda was turning red. She seemed more upset than ever. She looked me in the eye and said ‘Joey, I took off my panty hose, pulled up my dress and climbed on’. My mouth must have dropped a foot. I started with the ahubada ahubada ahubada’s again. Finally I said ‘What do you mean, you climbed on?’

‘Oh, Joey, I couldn’t stop myself. I had been a little turned on watching those boys feel up Barb, even though it made me angry to see them doing it. And then when I saw you, oh your body was so strong and your thing was so big and hard. I just wanted to try it, just once. I put my hand around it. I could barely grip it! It was hard and smooth, and so sexy. I kneeled on the bed above your waist. I put your manhood against my lips (not my real lips, you know, my nether lips – oh I can’t believe I’m telling you this). I rubbed it against me. I felt it flick against my clit.’ (Amanda’s eyes were starting to glaze over and her breathing was becoming heavier. Mine too, come to think of it.) ‘Finally I just impaled myself on it. It went so deep. And it’s got this curve in it. It went to places no man had ever reached before. The curve let it get deep and rub my clit at the same time. I lay down on top of you and kissed you, even though you were asleep. I started moving up and down. I was so hot I lost control and was madly pounding up and down on your thing, and then I was there! I was panting and trying to keep from screaming. Finally I quieted down and lay on you again. I was going to get up and leave. But Joey, you were still hard. It felt so good, even after I had finished, just having you inside me like that. I ran my fingers up and down your body, feeling those arms and your chest. You’ve got a very big strong chest, you know. But your skin is soft and smooth, like a little boy’s. It felt good just to rub against you. Then it felt more than good. My God, I was getting turned on again. I sat straight up on you, and that seemed to make your thing go even deeper into me. I raised and lowered my body over and over again. I kept going faster, I was moaning and trying to keep from yelling. And then I couldn’t stop. I yelled your name over and over again. I felt this electric spark go through my body. My back arched and I ground my loin against yours harder and harder. I could feel my pussy spasm around your thing. I didn’t think it would ever stop! Finally I calmed down enough that I realized I had to go. Wally would be wondering where I was. So I climbed off. I got a wash cloth and cleaned off your thing. You were still hard! I couldn’t help it, Joey, I kissed it. Oh Joey, I’m so ashamed of myself. I took advantage of you. I raped you! It’s horrible. I promise I’ll do anything to make it up to you. I’ve been sick about it all week. Please say you understand!’

‘Understand? Understand?’ I said. ‘I understand. This is my life in a nutshell. The chick I’m supposed to be with is cursing me up and down and making out with my so-called friends. And I get laid by the sexiest girl at the party and don’t even know it. Let’s face it. My life is fucked up!’

I could tell Amanda was relieved. But there was more to it than that. She said ‘I’m sorry for what I did, Joey. I want to make it up to you.’ As she said it she reached down, grabbed her sweatshirt and pulled it over her head. I was suddenly confronted with the two largest tits I had ever seen in person. Amanda sat on the bed, cupped her hands behind my head and pulled my mouth toward one very large nipple. ‘Let me make it up to you Joey’ she whispered. I guess I should have been angry, but since I had no recollection of the original rape, I decided that perhaps I should let her make it up to me. I sucked that nipple between my teeth and pinched the other nipple with my right hand while fondling her breast with my left hand. She moaned and her body melted toward mine. She said ‘Joey, you know I’m engaged to Wally. We’ve been together for three years and I’ve never looked at another boy. You’ve got to promise that this will just be between us.’ Of course I mumbled ‘As you can see, my lips are sealed.’ At the time I had a major mouthful of tit. Amanda smiled, stood up and slowly dropped the rest of her clothes to the floor. I mean she had more meat on her than I did but it was all choice. She was round where a girl should be round and soft in the best places. She kneeled on the floor in front of me and said ‘Please Joey. Let me see you naked again.’ Well damn! I threw off my clothes till there was one pile in the middle of the floor with our clothes intermingled. She pushed me back on the bed and said ‘I hope you don’t mind, but Wally only knows the missionary position. I really liked being on top with you.’ She hopes I don’t mind? My only concern was that I could possibly drown in her tits. But what a way to go. I was already hard as a rock from her telling about the evening in the hotel room. She apparently decided to demonstrate the technique she had used on that night, because she gripped my cock with one hand, climbed above me, and slowly rubbed it against her slit. I could feel how wet she was and my cock slid easily against her. Suddenly the head was inside her. She closed her eyes and raised her head and moaned. “Yes! This is what I’ve needed!’ She sat up and slowly lowered her cunt on to the length of my cock. ‘Joey you’re so deep. How can you get so deep?’ Then she leaned forward so that I could suckle her magnificent boobs and started working her cunt up and down on me. She would rise up until only the head was inside of her. Then she would slam herself down the length of my cock. She did this slowly at first. But her pace started to pick up as her moans increased. ‘Joey I’m going to come soon. I need to come. Please make me come, Joey.’ I was getting the picture that she viewed me as some life-sized dildo. I was thinking, “hey lady, what about my dick!?” As enjoyable as this position was, a wrestler is never comfortable on his back. I rolled her over and put her into a move some people call a double grapevine, but we always called a ‘Saturday night ride’. Man, I went deep and hard. A wrestler likes to be in control and I started riding her with passion. That sent her over the edge. This time I was going to join her. I kept pulling out all the way to the tip, then driving back into her. Each time I did it, she squealed. Soon I was going so fast that her squeals seemed to get closer together until she was making one continuous squeal. Finally I bottomed out in her and just stayed there. I started squirting my come deep in her womb. Her head was back, and I could feel her shudder. What a rush. That’s my story. Amanda kept coming back to ‘make it up to me’ every week or two till the end of the semester. I went to her wedding and in the reception line, I swear to God when I kissed her she slipped me some tongue. Fortunately no one noticed except us. And that’s all I have to say about that.