Beast of Burden Ch. 02


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"Can you show me?" Nefise asked, rocking the cart as she stepped into it.

"No, dear," Canhabibe laughed. "Not exactly, no. But we'll play and you'll get a general idea for next time."

The cart moved again as the older woman entered and the pair settled into their cushions. They were silent as Emine's wide eyes stared at the wall of the cart, her heart pounding in her chest. She hated the feel of the clothing against her fur.

Body! she scolded herself. Against my body, not fur!

"Emine," Canhabibe said carefully. "I- Listen, I'm sorry. I know we're often at odds but-"

The silence stretched as calls came for the caravan to move.

"Well," Canhabibe resumed. "Emine, are you alright?"

"Yes," she replied quickly. "I'm fine."

"You-" Canhabibe paused. "Well, you smell. I'm sorry. I don't know a way to put it diplomatically. Worse than last night. I know you're usually very fastidious and I'm concerned-"

"I'm fine," Emine reiterated. Her cheeks burned but she inhaled, breathing in several times with her nostrils opening beneath the hood. She didn't think she smelled bad. In fact, she found herself growing warm at the smells wafting from her body. Earthy, natural smells. And Yosef. His seed upon her. Coating her. Something she'd done. Her ears seemed to ignite from sudden embarrassment but she barely held back a moan at the memory. "Just tired. Going to sleep."

The rocking of the cart and her built up stress lulled Emine to sleep but she dared not drift off in case she gave away the changes. Instead, she replayed the past few days. Her memories seemed diminished and harder to grasp and her tail thrashed in frustration. She felt as if the answers were on the tip of her tongue several times but it all vanished like smoke when she tried to focus too hard.

Her master would know what had happened and what she should do. She knew he would. Yosef was kind and intelligent and he cared for her. Emine sucked her lip into her mouth to nibble at it as she passed time imagining him with her. Laying next to him to provide him comfort, warmth and a place to rest his head. With his pack on her shoulders.

Time passed slowly but her addled, simplistic mind barely noticed until shouts echoed down the caravan and the cart creaked to a halt. Nefise and Canhabibe yawned and stretched, raising their arms and then standing to raise and lower their legs. They left the cart without a word but Emine's ears swiveled as they talked out of earshot.

"-worried about her," Nefise said.

"-talk- her- again," Canhabibe told her, her voice fading away.

Emine unrolled herself painfully. She felt an urge to go to all fours and strain against her body to work the kinks from her joints but she held herself back. The clothes were unwieldy on her and she hated them. Hated the brush of silk against her soft fur. Hated how they dug into her body. Hated how they kept the wind from her pelt. Hated how unnatural they were.

Clothes, she reminded herself. I need the clothes. I can't be seen like this. I can't. I'm a beast. I am. I'm a beast. And that's- that's not- I'm not like them and they won't like that. I need to find Yosef.

A few steps away from the cart, a servant approached.

"Lady Emine," the boy said, bowing at the waist. "Master Davud requests your appearance as he greets his Sanjak-bey. He's sent me to guide you."

"Okay," Emine said docilely. She slouched and followed the boy while trying to spot the groom.

Animals roamed the huge estate, followed by servants and slaves and merchants. As they walked, the young girl felt anxious. She remembered Davud turning her away and she knew he would be shocked to see her. Fear dug its fingers into her body, heightened by the crush of people.

After some time, she realized it was the people making her anxious.

She didn't belong with them. She yearned to be near the beasts - the horses and camels and goats as they were driven to their destinations.

Yosef. His touch. His guidance. She needed her master. She needed him to show her what to do. It was hard to think but his face filled her mind and just the thought of him calmed her.

She ditched her guide, ducking between a small team of horses next to her. They made space for her and she walked with them as they curved away. More horses passed and she merged with them, looking around as much as she could without betraying her disguise.

Maybe he's caring for Davud's horse? she asked herself. I don't want to go but, maybe I have to find him. Just be careful, Dakleenuh. Be careful.

Stalking between the animals, she passed the boy who had been guiding her. His face was a mask of terror as he loudly called to see if anyone had seen her passing. She felt sorry for the boy but kept herself hidden as she stepped into the cool walls of the small palace.

It felt wrong to be indoors and she kept looking around nervously. She wanted to be out beneath the sun, free of the clothes she wore. Trudging along a path-

"Davud bin Musa," boomed a voice at the back of the large room. "Welcome! Ah, but where is your shining jewel? I have heard stories of her beauty and grace and hoped to see her for myself."

"She should be here soon, my liege," Davud said.

Emine stood back in the crowd but she could see the anger on Davud's face. Nefise and Canhabibe stood next to him with their heads submissively bowed. Scanning the room carefully, she realized that she couldn't see Yosef. The girl turned to leave until a hand grabbed her arm.

Oswyn grimaced up at her as he pulled her into the front of the crowd. As shocked as she was at being manhandled, she let herself be pulled until he thrust her into the clearing.

"She's here!" Osywn's voice called out. She watched as the Englishman shoved his way between people until he vanished from view.

"Ah!" Davud said warmly, spotting her trousers and cut of her dress. "There she-"

Emine's hood fell back to expose her face and shrieks filled the air. The girl's ears flicked and her tail thrashed as she glanced anxiously around, uncertain of what had happened. She realized they were all staring at her as her cloak slipped to the ground around her bare feet. Her dress hung open to bare her furred breasts and her trousers had split earlier to show muscled calves and thighs and her exposed sex.

"What is the-" the Sanjak-bey's voice called out angrily, cut off as others yelled and exclaimed.

"Seize her!" Davud shouted as the crowd broke into a panic.

Emine fled and the mob parted before her, unwilling to touch her or be touched by her. Her long, powerful legs carried her quickly through the estate and she lost herself in the twists and turns until she found safety in an abandoned hut far outside the palace.

The distant shouts scared her as she sat in the shadow of the shack. She'd lost her clothing in her flight and she hugged her knees to her chest with her arms wrapped around them, rocking in the sand as she tried to think of what to do next.


A single guard stood at attention in the small room, facing the cell by the single exterior door. Davud stood at the bars, fury in his dark eyes and his hands shaking at his sides.

"I'm to be stripped of my title and exiled," Davud said, his overly calm voice betraying the rage running through him. "They see her as a stain upon my honor. A blight that must be burned out. I must have done something wrong, you see. Despite my decades of unquestioning obedience, I must have displeased God in some way for him to curse me like this, through Emine."

"My lord," Yosef said, kneeling on the floor of the cell with his nose pressed to the cold ground and his arms laid flat. "I-"

"Silence!" Davud shouted. Veins throbbed in his forehead. "Nefise and Canhabibe are being absorbed into the household and the rest of my staff are to be sold as slaves. But, you."

The large man laughed but the humor never touched his eyes.

"You," he said, suddenly angry. "I begged to stay to watch you be executed. I begged for one boon. To see you beheaded. I've seen the way you've looked at her. I've allowed it because she is- was- a beautiful woman. To be admired. I don't know what sorcery you've used. I don't care. But, before I'm forced out, I will watch you die. And. I. Will. Laugh. Others saw her visit you last night. It was the last time I saw her whole. Now I wonder, which other of the animals used to be a servant? My stallion? Was he someone that displeased you? No matter. Watching your terrified eyes before the blade drops will sustain my exile for years to come."

Rather than speak, Yosef lowered himself further. Davud inhaled and then spat on him before turning away. The groom stayed in position, not allowing himself to think. He'd known as soon as Lady Emine touched him that he would die. He'd accepted it. The story of what had happened confused him but it didn't matter. He'd known his death would come.

And so he lay there, waiting for it.


Wrapped awkwardly in a sheet she'd stolen, Emine hid against the building, listening to a knot of soldiers.

"I saw it myself," the oldest of them said. Scars criss-crossed his throat and his voice sounded like he chewed sand. "Hideous. Like a woman gave birth to a camel. And the stench!"

Emine's tail flicked beneath the sheet as she realized they were talking about her. A fly buzzed around her side and her tail struggled to strike it.

"Have you seen the man?" another soldier asked.

"Davud?" the scar-faced man asked.

"No, no, the other one," the previous soldier said. "The one being blamed for it. Yosef. They're beheading him in the morning."

Emine's eyes widened and her ears shot straight up. She nearly ran to the soldier to ask what had happened but she held herself back to listen further.

"So, he's the father, is it?" the oldest soldier said. "I thought the mother must be human but it sounds like the man fathered it instead! See, Jalil, this is why we don't let you near our camels."

The others laughed loudly, slapping while the named soldier scowled with crossed arms.

Emine sucked her velvety soft lips in to chew at them while trying to think. She had to help him. Her master had done nothing wrong and she needed him. She was lost. Directionless.


For him and his touch.

An old bearded man approached the soldiers, who immediately became stern.

"What do you want, old man?" Jalil asked.

"I want to see the freak," the man said, ducking his head. "The one they said used magic on that poor girl."

"He's not for show," Jalil said, gripping his spear. "You'll see him in the morning."

"He'll be dead then!" the old man argued.

Emine lowered herself. The soldiers faced away from the building, blocking the old man's view. She crept slowly on silent, padded feet until she reached the door. As carefully as she could, while still crouched, she unlatched the door and stepped in through the slim opening, banging her wide hips painfully against the stone. She still wasn't used to her new body size.

"What are-" the guard inside said next to her.

In a panic, instincts took over. She turned and kicked out and her foot struck the guard's head. He crumpled to the ground without a sound.

"Yosef!" Emine said, immediately standing and rushing to the cell. "It's Emine! Dah-cah-line. Dah-cah-linuh!I came for you!"

"Lady Emine?" Yosef asked, looking up from his crouched position. "You're-"

The man's eyes opened in shock and he fell back, staring wildly at what he could see through Emine's exposed disguise.

Despite their claims, he hadn't believed them. Yet, here she stood, smiling at him with her strange, long face.

"I came for you!" she said again, hopping on both feet while reaching through the bars. Her massive breasts shook, pulling at the makeshift outfit until it slid down to show her bare chest. It slid further to show teats peeking through heavy fur and the generous curve of her hips. "Master, look, I came for you!"

It was her voice but more simple minded. And oddly pure.

Yosef's heart leapt to his throat. It was his fault. He'd done this to her. He'd sinned, taking her in his master's camp and causing her to be cursed to change like one of the beasts he cared for.

"Lady Emine," he said carefully. "You have to leave. You have to run. They'll- they- they won't be kind to you if they find you."

"We'll leave together!" Emine said brightly but her smile dropped and the sheet moved behind her until the tip of her tail slipped free.

"I cannot," Yosef said. "I have sinned and this is my punishment."

"No," Emine said. "No, I- I- Emine- Dahcah- Dah- Emine can't do this. Emine can't do this without her master. I'm- Emine is lost without you. Please."

"Lady Emine," Yosef begged weakly.

"Master, please," Emine said again, her lips trembling as a tear leaked from her eye to tangle in her fur. "Master, please, Dahcah. Argh! I can't- I can't remember my name! I'm-

"Dah-cha-leena," Yosef told her quietly.

"Dah- yes," she said, smiling with the ends of her grey lips pulled back. "Yes! You remember! I need you. I- I won't survive alone. I need you. Please, master."

She was his responsibility. He knew it in his heart as she stood there, reaching for him while tears raced down her cheeks. Yosef looked to the guard. The young man's chest rest and fell but his cheek was bright red with a tinge of purple. She'd kicked him hard enough to drop him but he knew she hadn't done it willfully.

He knew because he knew the animals in his care. He knew their temperament and their nature and hers was a gentle one.

"Emine," he said, licking his lips. "The guard has a key. I need you to get it. But- but I want you to not let him see you, yes? In case he- in case he wakes up. Don't look at his face or let him look at you. Yes?"

"Yes!" Emine said, sniffling and wiping her cheek. "Yes, Emine- I- I can do that!"

The young girl walked wide and the sheet slipped from the rest of her body. He stared in amazement as she knelt beside the guard with her hand up to the side of her face. Just from the way she crouched and moved, he could see the strength in her. He blushed as he remembered the night before and his cock stirred.

"I have it!" Emine whispered loudly, still hiding her face from the guard as she walked to the cell. "I found it!"

"Good, Lady Emine," Yosef said carefully. "Dah-cha-leena. Now, the lock is here and you insert the key just so-"

"Like this?" Emine asked, inserting the key and then turning it. The lock clicked and the door swung partially open. Emine smiled widely. "I did it! Yosef, I did it!"

"Yes," he told her, smiling in return. "Yes, you- oof!"

She threw herself at him, crushing him in a hug that he awkwardly returned. The fur covering her back was thick and dirty and he couldn't stop himself from stroking her. She was incredibly warm and her breasts pressed into his chest. Her long legs brought her equal to his height. Beneath her fur was a gentle, sloping curve. She shivered and pressed harder into him when he caressed her hump.

"That feels nice," Emine said, sniffing again. She stepped away, wiping her face with a simple smile. "How do we get out? There's bad men outside."

"Not bad," he told her, looking around the room. "They're men of God. Following their sworn duty."

"Bad," Emine huffed, crossing her chest. Yosef looked away quickly when the movement shoved her breasts forward.

A trapdoor lay in the corner of the room with a large iron ring in it. Yosef pulled and it opened to reveal stairs leading down into a stone corridor.

"Scary," Emine said from his shoulder.

"I think it leads to-" Yosef said before finishing the statement. "I think we can leave from here. I'll gather some supplies and-"

"Emine will do it!" Emine said, rushing off to grab the sheet she'd worn. She grabbed food and a few other supplies while he forced himself to look away from her nakedness. Once finished, she tied it into a bag and hefted it over her shoulder.

"I'll carry it, Lady Emine," Yosef said, holding out his hand.

"No!" Emine said, backing away while pulling it tighter against her body.

"Please, Lady Emine, let me-"

"No!" she pouted, backing into the corner.

"Disobedient!" he yelled, suddenly frustrated at the entire situation until he realized he wasn't speaking to one of his animals.

Emine slumped and her lips trembled but she held the sack even tighter.

"Lady Emine," Yosef said, bowing deeply. "I am incredibly sorry for calling you such."

"No," Emine said quickly. "No, master. Emine is hard-headed. Emine- I- I know I am. But, I will carry. This. I have to. I need to. Please. We'll go. Please."

"Yes," he told her finally, reaching out a hand that she took.

They descended into the cool darkness, both crouching when Emine's ears brushed the short ceiling. After nearly 30 minutes of walking, they reached another set of stairs leading up to a door. Yosef pushed the door open slowly to peek out before opening it completely.

A wooden platform sat near the door with a large wooden block. A bucket lay nearby.

"Smells bad," Emine said, wrinkling her nose.

"Yes," Yosef said slowly, staring at the wooden block.

"Where will we go, master?" Emine asked as Yosef helped her up. She pressed herself against the man before wrapping her arm around his waist.

Yosef pulled himself away gently but she pushed herself back and he sighed as the bulge of her breasts pushed against his arm.

Willful indeed, he told himself. She'll need training-

He caught himself, forcing his eyes closed as he realized what he'd been thinking. Yet, with her soft curves against him and the memory of the night they'd shared, he couldn't help how she made him feel.

"Away, Lady Emine," Yosef said. "We'll find our own way."

He turned, picked a direction and began walking as Emine started chattering cheerfully next to him. When he broke into a quick trot, she easily kept pace and the estate vanished behind them as the sliver of the silver moon illuminated their path.

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