Bound by Pride Ch. 07


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She started it.She defended.

She just got out of a really bad situation, do not mistake the hero worship she has for you to be real sexual attraction.He cautioned.

She smells too good... I...

Bastion rolled his eyes.So... she's your mate but take it slow."Dave and your Director are here and your Director looks pissed."

Electra groaned and got out of bed, she dressed quickly and threw her visor on before following Bastion out. She moved carefully as her body complained slightly. She stopped before her boss and partner. "Yes?"

"We need you to talk your parents into handing over the surviving men." Director Farrington explained.

Electra sighed, "I can't make any promises, under the law they are under no obligation to hand them over to you." She walked down a hall gesturing them to follow. She walked into the greater library, Amy and Wolfgang were sitting at their desks taking care of business whether it be pack, company or political she didn't know.

They glanced up and stopped what they were doing.

Electra shrugged apologetically, "The men ma... where are they?"

"In the cells." She answered.

"Why haven't you handed them over to the FBI?" Electra asked as she sat.

"Because we don't have to..."

"Senator..." Director Farrington stepped forward. "I know you don't have to but if we are to help you get to the bottom of this we need to talk to them."

Amy grinned a little in amusement, "I never said you couldn't talk to them, I told you I would not release them into your custody."

Electra snorted as she quickly came to understand what her mother meant. "Boss, you are free to talk to them, print them and do what ever you want... but she won't let you take them from pack land."

"Why not?" He demanded.

"They trespassed with intent to attack... while they are on pack land they are classed as hostile... we can do what ever we need to get information from them." Electra answered.

It took Director Farrington several moments to comprehend but eventually he did.

"If they try to escape or someone attempts to free them we can kill those trying to aid them... they are better off here than in some prison." Amy added, she stood and gestured for them to follow. "We haven't questioned them yet, we had Nathanael tend to their wounds and we've been feeding them but we've been leaving them alone, except for the occasional howling out side their cells."

Her phone rang, she leant over her desk and hit the speaker, "Amy speaking and you're on speaker."

"Amy its Tye, Darrel's gone, he has vanished into thin air. We went to pick him up after we heard about the attack on your home but he wasn't there." He explained.

"Find him... if he was behind the attack on my home, he and his heir will lose their precious Ambush." Wolfgang grabbed her before she could slam the headset down and break the phone.

"Let's go and ask some questions..." Wolfgang told her as he replaced the receiver. He then turned to Electra, "Go back to bed."

Electra nodded. "Do you want me to tell Mayhem?"

Amy sighed, "Either way she needs to know, it might be easier if you tell her. Alanna..." Alanna stood as did Tarval, "Can you call Jesse and tell him what happened also call Shia and Langdon and see if they will help us out." Alanna nodded and went to her mother's desk and pulled the rolodex and phone to her. She started to flick through the names and numbers of everyone in a position of power in the world. Her mother was well connected which meant she could smooth over bad relations and problems easily.

"Amy..." Tarval said as he stepped forward, "I am versed in the art of getting information, would you like some help.

Amy nodded. "Although personally all I think they need is an up close and personal with my teeth."

Dave chuckled, he could imagine the fear these men would go through if they saw her teeth up close, it had frightened the crap out of him the first time he had met Electra in her hybrid form up close. It still gave him the chills but he knew better now, she wouldn't hurt him unless he was out to hurt her. But they wouldn't know that.


Electra checked on Maddie first before going back to sleep, Nathanael had told her to rest for three days after he released her from the clinic. Rhiannon was with Maddie teaching her to read and write, she seemed to gobble her lessons up learning something once she was shown it. Rhiannon had taken it upon herself to teach Maddie and bring her up to the same stage her year mates were at.

Maddie glanced up and smiled.

"Just seeing how you're going before I go back to bed."

Rhiannon smiled, Electra hadn't thought she would be a mother so soon but she had taken to it well almost as if, it was second nature to her.

"Okay, great grandma is taking me through Were and other history volume one." Maddie said her voice was soft, hesitant, she had only started talking recently and even then, she didn't say much.

"Good, if you need something you know where to find me." Electra told her.

Maddie nodded and turned back to the book before her.

Electra went back to her room and crawled into bed. She tried to pull her pillow out of Mayhem's clutching arms. She complained but released the pillow; she opened her eyes and moved closer to Electra.

What was that about?She asked silently as she yawned.

"My boss wanted to talk to the men who survived the attack." She explained.

"And he thought by using you he would be able to get through your mother." She surmised.


Mayhem moved even closer, resting her head on Electra's chest. She finally felt content, her beast was content, it knew this woman was her mate but it also knew that they had to grow into their relationship, although it was Mayhem who had started kissing Electra this morning she knew that mating her would be a while off.

"I also need to tell you something." Electra added.

Mayhem moved her head to watch Electra's face.

"Some of the Alpha's went to arrest your father a few hours ago but he wasn't there."

Mayhem tensed.

"That's not all; when the Alpha's learnt of the attack and that the men responsible were mercenaries they reasoned it was because Darrel wanted you out of the way and no were was mad enough to go after someone protected by Amy and Wolfgang."

Mayhem went to pull away; Electra tightened her arms and pulled her back. "You are safe here, ma's upped security and the Alpha's are hunting him down, if he is behind this he will be killed, if his 'false' heir was aware of it he too will lose his life."

"What will happen to the Ambush?" Mayhem asked.

"I don't know."


Tarval grabbed a few things that he would need as Lupa dragged the team leader from his cell. It had been pure luck that Sage hadn't killed him during the attack, the fool had tried to plug her full of bullets but she had kept coming as most of his bullets missed her moving form and in his fear he bolted. She knocked his legs out from under him; he fell to the ground and knocked himself out.

Tarval paused before the door and took off his shirt exposing his well-built body. He quickly wrapped a bandage around one hand making sure it was thickest over his knuckles. He grabbed the other bandage and walked in.

The man jumped slightly in shock as he watched Tarval walk into the light. Tarval slowly started to put the bandage on his other hand. His eyes didn't meet the man's; he just slowly wound the bandage on. "Okay, here's how it is." he said softly adding just the right amount of malice in his voice to make the man shiver. He glanced up and noticed that Lupa had done as he had asked and tied the man's hands behind his back and anchored his wrists to the loop in the floor.

"I'm going to ask you a question," Tarval continued as he started to finish off wrapping his hand tucking the tail into the bandage. "and you better answer honestly." He cracked his knuckles and formed his large hands into large fists, making his meaning clear, wrong answer or no answer meant that he would get an intimate introduction to those large fists.

"Who sent you?" Tarval asked straight away, not bothering with pleasantries.

He shook his head, not answering.

Tarval chuckled with sinister intent, "I've been wanting to do this all day." He stepped forward and clinched his fist before cocking his arm back, he had not liked his beloved being in danger and now he got a chance to let that frustration work to their benefit. He then let his arm fly; the man flinched turning his head away from the blow he knew was coming to his face. Tarval changed the angle of his swing at the last moment, bringing his fist down to connect just above the man's knee.

Tarval would never use a face hit, he would knock the man out and then would never get information they needed.

The man tried to stifle his yell of pain but it still escaped between his teeth. It had felt like a sledgehammer had been used against his body not this man's fist. Tarval wrapped his hand around his leg digging his thumb into the already abused flesh and squeezed.

The man cried out and tried to buck away but Tarval's grip was like iron. He loosened his grip slightly, "Who sent you?" He asked before slowly increasing the pressure. He personally was getting no joy from this; he was not like his heartless kind who tortured their own men just to make them stronger. He was pretending to enjoy himself to bluff the man into talking before he resorted to the more... painful methods of torture he knew. This man didn't know it but Tarval was actually going easy on him.

The man cried out as the pressure became unbearable.

Tarval decided to add to what he was doing by regaling this man as to what Gephalim were famous for. "I doubt that you've heard of my kind, I'm Gephalim, a war monger, we live for fighting, and have made inflicting pain onto others an art form." He released his grip and stepped back. "I know all kinds of things, all different ways to make you talk, see I could use the pa'lat method, which some of my kind have made into a true art. See what I'll do is I'll use pain to begin with, make you hurt in ways you never knew your body could hurt. Then I will give you pleasure, unbearable pleasure, over and over again I will bring you to the brink only to deny you. Until it becomes so painful, you will tell me anything I wish to know, even the things I don't. Just to make it stop."

He rubbed his knuckles and smiled coldly at the man who quivered in fear. "Who... sent... you..." he asked slowly drawing each word out, "Give me a reason to turn my kind's abilities onto you, to listen to you scream, I know a man who could work so well that the people he worked on screamed the sweetest of melodies I had ever heard." He felt his stomach start to rebel, he hoped that he wouldn't have to back up any of his threats.

"Who sent you?" He asked and readied his next blow.

"Gunner... Darrel Gunner, I swear." he said quickly, there was no amount of money in the world that he would accept to be the plaything of this man.

"What were your orders?" Tarval asked calmly, knowing this man was broken and would answer every question he posed without hesitation or lying.

"Storm the house and take out a white tiger." He explained, "He told us it would be easy money, bring him the head and we would get four million to spilt. He didn't tell us the house would be full of immortals, and not once did we see a white tiger, the closest we got was that winged snow leopard."

"Was there anyone else in on this?" Tarval asked.

"Yes a young man, didn't catch his name."

Tarval nodded and started taking off his bandages. "Just so you know... I wasn't actually going to do any of those things to you. Also, you can try to bring charges against me but you'll fail as you were on pack land, you attacked pack land so that leaves you without a leg to stand on. The FBI are going to take you and you will be charged for what ever they see fit to charge you with." He turned and left the room.

He closed the door behind him and paused for a moment before he turned to Amy, guilt clearly on his face. "Now I have to go and explain all that to Alanna."

"She'll understand." Amy told him. "Besides you didn't do much, you basically scared the man into telling us what we needed to know."

He frowned, "Still while I was explaining about what my people are... I have never wished so hard that I wasn't Gephalim." He went to walk off.

Amy grabbed his arm and turned him back, "But then you wouldn't be the man she fell in love with. I'm sure she understands what you did here was necessary and I'm sure she knows that you didn't enjoy that. Give her credit Tarval we all do things we wish we hadn't but did because it was for a good reason."

He nodded and picked up his shirt before leaving.

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sillassillasabout 8 years ago

Where is Susan in all of this?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
torture revisited

torture isn't about "Right or Wrong". It simply is the name we give to something we recognize as coercion with force in order to get a desired result. by that logic, my mother tortured me most of my life (the sight of her belt still terrifies me lol).

not trying to burst bubbles, but i think the point of Tarval's inner angst is that he despises the actions, both of himself in that short moment, and of his kind. Amy didn't try to comfort him into thinking it was okay to beat people to a pulp to get what you want from them. remember, she offered to just shift in front of the guys and i'm pretty sure they would've spilled. fact is, Tarval knows what he's doing when it comes to torture and coercion. He doesn't like it, but he knows it. Thus, he is the best man for it. But he wouldn't have been able to do more to that man without throwing up his lunch, not because he wasn't CAPABLE but simply because that is not the man he is.

which brings me back to my original point. torture simply is. whether it is right or wrong is based on the perceptions of the individuals who witness or participate in it. but whether it is NECESSARY can be judged far more easily. i mean honestly, reading these stories, do you think Thais enjoys knowing the future and having the ability to change it but not doing so? He doesn't like things unfolding the way they do, but if they are NECESSARY then he forces himself to accept it, to see the picture and understand that there is no black or white, good or bad, right or wrong when everything that we do affects everyone around us and all of the lives dependent on our decisions, as far reaching as they may be.

oh, and was that a stab at the US for condoning it's actions abroad? because i'm pretty sure EVERY SINGLE COUNTRY ON THE PLANET has and continues to do the same. whether they get caught is an entirely different question. meh.

dirtytezdirtytezover 11 years ago

Perverse how torture is OK if you are in the "right" as the US has almost boasted about. Problem is, everyone is in the "right" in their own mind with their own beliefs. Taking part in any activity so outside the law makes you the worst criminal.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

I think i can give some info for that question. Both Meyhem and Electra were abused or in very traumatic situations. Electra has been stunted emotionally to a dregree because up untill this story she always locked her memories and emotions about that time in her life up. Meyhem is still recovering from an extremely traumatic time and still had healing to do. Untill she felt truly safe she didnt realise that Electra is her mate. As well as Electra had to work on the case and didnt have much time to focus on Meyhem in that way...... hope that helps a bit. Ive read these stories about five or six times now. I love them.

Tru_SaffronTru_Saffronabout 12 years ago

Ok soo...this is really irking me. Why is it the male/female relationships you write about have such passion and undeniable want/need...but this female/female relationship between Electra and Mayhem feels stunted and unimportant?? Even the other couples you insist on writing about have such beautiful chemisty together. Its really bothering me and I just want to know the reason behind all the pussy footing around their budding relationship??? And btw..I understand its your series and your right to make it any way you like ..however I still can't help but voice my complaint. Otherwise....I'm a definite fan.

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