Brigit Pt. 03


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I had heard enough. I thought that women needed to be able to have the choice. This time I think Brigit had given me a task I couldn't do.

That evening I discussed it with Deirdre. I admitted that I couldn't lead a campaign for home births. If they were needed then women, not me, must campaign for them. I didn't know where to start and I felt that I wasn't the right person to make the running.

"But I could be," Deirdre said. "If I campaigned, with your help as an advisor, that might work."

"Even as an advisor I might upset some of the women's groups who need to be involved. I know one or two local women who are very active in the community and do good work despite hating men. Sometimes I think that hate is what drives them so hard. If they knew that I, or any man, was involved they would boycott the campaign. I think this must be your work, Deirdre, not mine."

Brigit walked through from the kitchen with the coffee. I wish she would give us some warning. It is disconcerting to have a goddess suddenly appear in your house. A clap of thunder might be diplomatic.

Brigit's thought answered me. 'I'm not diplomatic. I'm an Earth Goddess. I just happen. Put up with it.'

"Feeling inadequate, Raymond?" she said aloud.

"Yes," I replied, "More than usual. I know I'm inadequate compared with a goddess, and quite often with Deirdre. This time I think you have asked me to do something that only Deirdre can do."

"Good boy," Brigit's voice caressed me. "There are some things that she can do better than you. This is one of them. I asked YOU because I wanted you to learn that Deirdre is always as good as you."

The unspoken 'if not better' stung.

"You did well to identify the problem. Now Deirdre must provide the solution."

Brigit vanished again. I felt deflated and useless. Deirdre threw her arms around me and then wriggled on to my lap, her mouth against my ear.

"Brigit is wrong," Deirdre whispered seductively. "I'm not always as good as you. Yes, sometimes I'm better; sometimes you are better. Together we are a great team. Brigit is really angry about the lack of home births. She may be a goddess but she isn't immune from saying things she doesn't mean when she's angry. How about going to bed after worshipping her for a few minutes?"

She slid off me on to the settee, spreading her legs and skirt. I knelt before her. She lifted and held up her full skirt and flared slip, giving me a glimpse of blonde bush. I bent forward slowly, brushing my tongue against the soft skin of Deirdre's inner thighs. After a few touches she dropped her skirt and slip over me, grabbed my head and pulled it hard against her pussy. In the warm darkness my tongue probed to find its desired object. Her hands forced me further as her legs spread.

After a few minutes of 'worshipping Brigit', Deirdre was screaming for more. I hoped that Brigit would return to perform the magic I loved, silencing Deirdre with my erection in her mouth, but Brigit didn't perform this time. Even through the layers of slip and skirt I was deafened by Deirdre's enjoyment until she clamped her thighs tightly round my head covering my ears. When she eased her hold I was breathless.

Deirdre slowly lifted her clothes showing me still trapped by her thighs.

"Bedtime, Raymond," she announced, scissoring my head between her legs so that I couldn't move. I couldn't answer with my mouth full of her. She leant forward and dropped her breasts on my back. My head was the filling in a Deirdre sandwich. Her hands sought my erection and grasped it firmly. My arms flapped uselessly under her legs as she expertly brought me to orgasm, gasping for the little air between her body.

She led me off to bed by my diminished erection. We didn't sleep for some time until we were both satisfied again.

Over breakfast we started a plan for the campaign. My contribution was the names and contacts. Deirdre spent the day arranging a venue for a meeting and summoning everyone we could think might help.

At the meeting two weeks later my role was setting out the hall and providing the refreshments. By the coffee break a committee had been formed and a few objectives set. At the end of the meeting a whole list of actions had been decided, and more importantly who was to do what.

From there on I was redundant. Deirdre's group had established its own momentum. By the end of the month their activities were making news beyond the local community to the whole county. Other groups were starting in neighbouring towns. The local Members of Parliament, after initial panic, had offered their support.

Deirdre's pregnancy was progressing. She had a visible bump and I enjoyed her larger breasts. I was on the settee one evening lying against their softness when Brigit appeared with coffee.

"Like them?" Brigit asked.

"Yes. They are wonderful."

"Not everything about pregnancy is wonderful, Raymond. Stand up please."

I stood.

"I think naked would be better..."

My clothes vanished.

"Now," Brigit smiled, a dangerous smile, "you like Deirdre's breasts?"

I nodded.

"Here you are."

I staggered. My chest had acquired replicas of Deirdre's breasts. The sudden additional weight threw me off balance. I crossed my arms underneath them to cradle them and leant backwards. Brigit laughed at my shock. Even Deirdre smiled.

"She is about five months gone..."

My recently flattened stomach grew a bulge to match Deirdre's. I swayed again, dragged forward.

"...but eventually..."

The bulge grew as I looked down at it. Brigit counted.

"six, seven, eight, eight and a half, and now nearly nine..."

The lump took over my body. My whole consciousness was devoted to carrying the unwieldy bulge. My back ached. My breasts pulled at my shoulders. My male attributes were squashed beneath the pregnancy. I had a desperate need to empty my bladder and bowels. I winced.

"Brigit!" Deirdre yelled, "Stop it!"

Brigit looked at Deirdre.

"Are you sure? Doesn't he need..."

"No he doesn't. He understands without a demonstration. He loves me..."

Even through my discomfort I could see that Deirdre was close to tears.


The bulge slowly shrank, followed by the breasts. I slumped down to the settee clothed again.

"Deirdre, you are a spoilsport." Brigit said. "I don't often get a chance to turn a man into a mother."

"You promised that you would never hurt him, Brigit. You were close to breaking your promise. That isn't fair when he has done so much for you..."

Brigit looked almost ashamed. It lasted only a few seconds but was enough for me to jump from the settee and hug her. Being ashamed didn't suit Brigit. I carried her back to the settee and sat her down between Deirdre and me. Both of them hugged me.

For a while I felt invisible. Brigit and Deirdre were discussing the campaign for home births and I had nothing to contribute. They were both animated and excited by the progress they had made. I leant my head back on the settee and closed my eyes. They continued talking.

I opened my eyes with a start. They were still talking but both of them had turned towards each other and pressed my head between their four breasts. I relaxed in perfumed comfort as the discussion continued.

Brigit moved all three of us to the bed, stripped naked. Their breasts continued to surround me but they grabbed my erection with one hand from each of them. I was unable to move, more of Brigit's magic, as they gently brought me close to a climax again and again.

The last time their hands suddenly vanished. My face was sunk deep into Brigit's pussy and Deirdre engulfed my erection. They were still talking as if I wasn't there while I was struggling for breath under Brigit and reaching a peak of arousal in Deirdre. Eventually I could take no more and I came violently into Deirdre.

As I subsided from the peak of my orgasm I found my head pillowed on Brigit's skirt lap with Deirdre straddling me. Brigit's hand covered my mouth gently as they talked. Her other hand stroked my forehead and I went into a peaceful sleep.

When I woke the next morning Deirdre was riding me. Brigit had gone.

The campaign progressed nearly as fast as Deirdre's pregnancy. By the time Deirdre was close to giving birth the midwives had the equipment they needed, the support from the medical establishment, and pregnant women were beginning to choose home birth if they could. If they were admitted to the maternity unit it was by their choice or for a good reason, not for the convenience of the doctors. There were a few panics when things started to go wrong at home but the Ambulance service responded well each time.

Deirdre wanted Brigit present at the birth. I saw no reason why not. The midwife had met Brigit several times and thought she was a close relation.

When Deirdre went into labour she rang the midwife, then me. I hurried home from work, just beating the midwife to our front door. Brigit was already there. She pulled me aside into the living room as the midwife went upstairs to check on Deirdre's progress.

"Raymond," Brigit hissed, "You know I promised never to hurt you..."

"Yes. You have kept that promise even though you made me temporarily pregnant."

"I want to break it now, for Deirdre's sake."


"She isn't going to have an easy labour. I'm sorry. Even I can't do much about that. I want you to take some of her pain. Will you?"

"Yes." I had no need to hesitate. "I'll do as much as I can for Deirdre. I love her."

"I know you do. Try not to show the pain. I don't want Deirdre to know."

"I'll do my best, Brigit."

"Good." Brigit gave me one of her motherly kisses on the forehead. They are wonderfully calming.

The midwife came down to us.

"Deirdre's waters have gone. The baby's head has crowned already. She seems to be going too fast. She hasn't dilated enough. This might need transfer to the maternity unit. Are you prepared for that? I know that she campaigned for home births but sometimes..."

"I understand," I said. "It will be Deirdre's decision, won't it?"

"Yes, if she is capable of deciding at the point the decision has to be made. If not you will have to."

"If Deirdre agrees, now, to give me that authority then I will."

"Good. Please go and ask her."

Brigit and I went into Deirdre's room. Deirdre looked pale and tired. That was very different from how she had been a few hours ago. I explained what the midwife said and asked if Deirdre would let me make the decision.

"Only if you and Brigit agree," she replied. I looked at Brigit. She nodded.

The midwife came in. We explained Deirdre's condition. The midwife looked dubiously at Brigit.

"O.K." she said, "that is odd, but if that is what you want, Deirdre..."

Deirdre nodded.

"...then that I will accept. I'll warn the maternity unit and the ambulance about the possibility."

The midwife left the room for the telephone. Brigit turned her back on us. When she turned to face us again she was holding two small glasses of milk. She held them out to me.

"You know what this is, Raymond. You drink one and feed the other to Deirdre. Now!"

I tossed off the glass of milk. I held the other to Deirdre's lips. She had difficulty swallowing but after each mouthful the greyness faded and her colour began to return. As she finished the last sip the midwife entered. The empty glass vanished from my hand. I could feel Brigit's milk tuning up my body. Deirdre looked almost as bright as she had done at breakfast. The midwife looked at her carefully as if unable to believe her eyes. I could understand how she felt. She had left an exhausted woman and returned to find a revived one.

Deirdre's dilation was painfully slow. She was panting as she tried to hold back the overwhelming impulse to push. I could feel pain in my groin. Brigit was transferring some of the agony to me. Brigit motioned for me to move back out of Deirdre's direct line of sight. I was still holding her hand. She squeezed it hard. I staggered as more of the pain hit me. The midwife didn't notice. Her eyes were on the dilation.

I bit my lip as the pain grew. Eventually the midwife said:

"You can push now."

Deirdre's nails dug into my hand. I nearly screamed as I felt a tearing sensation as my flesh ripped. The baby's head emerged. I couldn't see it from my position but I saw the midwife's hands extend. Another wrenching tear and the baby slid from Deirdre. I was barely able to stand even with the support of the bedhead. I felt Deirdre and Brigit's joy like a wave as the baby gave its first cry.

The midwife held the baby up for Deirdre to see.

"Congratulations. You have a girl."

She laid the baby on Deirdre's stomach. Deirdre's hands softly framed the baby's body. The baby was still complaining loudly.

"Welcome, Brigit," Deirdre said. We hadn't told Brigit that we would name a baby girl after her.

Brigit's face brightened like the sun coming from behind a cloud. Her hand reached out to touch her namesake. Baby Brigit stopped crying at once. Deirdre lifted her to a breast. Brigit latched on as if she had been doing it for weeks. The goddess's hand brushed Deirdre's forehead who turned to greet her with a wonderful smile.

The midwife tied and cut the umbilical cord and waited for the afterbirth. We scarcely noticed her in our excitement but the Goddess Brigit did not forget her. The goddess's hand brushed away the hair that had fallen from the midwife's cap and then kissed the bared forehead.

"Thank you," Brigit said. The midwife's face seemed to lose years of strain with that kiss. Only then did Deirdre and I remember to thank the midwife.

Brigit had left the room. She returned with three cups of milky tea and two glasses of Irish Whiskey. Deirdre and I knew from the first sip that the tea was made with Brigit's breast milk. My pain eased but was still there. We watched the midwife carefully as she drank. She was happy because of the successful delivery yet Brigit's milk transformed her into the attractive woman she had been years before. She was hugged by all three of us before she returned to her task of dealing with the afterbirth. I felt the pain as it came away. The glass of Whiskey was some consolation.

Eventually the midwife left us. As soon as she had gone Brigit asked to feed her namesake. Deirdre handed small Brigit over instantly. I stood with my arm around Deirdre's shoulder as our baby was fed from both of Brigit's breasts. We knew that our baby, and Brigit's, was having the best possible start in life.

I felt sore and jealous. Seeing Brigit's bare breasts was almost more than I could stand. Her voice entered my head:

"Patience, Raymond. Your turn will come."

It did. That night and for weeks to come Deirdre was too sore for any sex. The goddess Brigit substituted herself for Deirdre. I was sent to sleep every night after making love to the goddess in Deirdre's shape. Brigit the goddess fed all three of the family. The baby Brigit grew satisfyingly, sleeping through the night from the first. Whether the goddess fed the baby in the early hours neither Deirdre nor I knew. We just appreciated the uninterrupted blissful sleep.

Over the next few months there were dozens of home births. Deirdre and I referred to them as Brigit's babies but we knew that only our Brigit was the real Brigit's baby.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Wonderful stories. In this one I was a bit irked that the pain he took on was secret. It makes sense during the delivery, but afterwards he should have been acknowledged, rather than be thought to just be standing there doing little. Overall good series.

rightbankrightbankover 6 years ago
What became of

Brigit from Part 01?

rightbankrightbankover 6 years ago
So glad to see

a PT.04.

Wonderful story


rightbankrightbankover 7 years ago
It is brilliant the way a local cause is woven into the storyline

while maintaining the continuity of the beginning thread.

but, what has become of young Brigit from Pt. 01? will we see more of Alice and her husband? As BRIGIT gains more of Her powers is She regaining some of Her influence?

hardheadd1hardheadd1about 8 years ago

She is nothing but a self serving bitch of a goddess

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