Cassie's Fall


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Cassie closed the remaining distance quickly. Leaned over and swung out with flailing arms and clutching hands—

—grasped the bottom of Andrea's boxers and ripped them roughly down her long, smooth legs. Tossed them carelessly aside. She fell to her knees, burying her face in Andrea's fragrant, now-accessible crotch. A pent-up primal whimper escaping from her as her tongue slid out, searching blindly for Andrea's sweet moisture.

And then she was there. Her lips met Andrea's. Her tongue slipped gently between them. And she began to slurp at Andrea's ripe deliciousness like a man (or in this case, woman) dying of thirst.

Her mind still screamed at her, lashing and berating her for her weakness and stupidity, but her body didn't care. It responded eagerly to Andrea's tart taste and heady, pungent aroma, the latter of which now hovered about her like a thick mind-numbing fog. It blanketed her with a warm, pervasive sense of pleasure. A feeling of comfort and hominess. Like the smell of a fresh-baked apple pie was to some, then so the scent of Andrea's pussy was to her.

She couldn't say why this was... it just was. She had always liked the smell of pussy, hers included, but something about being buried in Andrea's sweltering confines, just sent her over the top. It was rich and thick, and ever so naughty. She buried her face deeper into Andrea's crotch, rubbing her nose back and forth in her silky, raven-hued triangle and was suddenly glad that she had came so early. This way she'd gotten to Andrea before she showered and washed away the previous day's accumulated sweat and smell.

She sniffed long and hard, inhaling deeply of that redolent aroma that was Andrea, pulling it deep inside of her, relishing in its dirtiness. Oh god, it was good! So strong and heady. So intoxicating! The last time Andrea had been fresh from the shower, smelling of shampoo and shower gel; this time she was fresh from bed, smelling all natural -- of pussy and sweat and a tinge of urine. Cassie luxuriated in it, breathing it in, her tongue probing deep into Andrea's molten depths.

And the taste was every bit as exquisite as the smell. Salty and sweet, dirty yet delectable. An intoxicating ambrosia that rivaled anything she could imagine. Flattening her tongue, she delved up and down Andrea's awakening slit, slurping up mouthfuls of the thick, welling nectar. Coating her mouth and lips and throat; doing her best to drown in Andrea's juices.

Her own pussy was leaking just as copiously, saturating her panties, turning them into a sodden mess. She could feel them clinging stickily to her pussy and ass, further highlighting the itch between her legs. An itch that needed satisfying. Reaching back, she pawed at her pussy through her shorts, rubbing at it furiously, using no tact, wanting to punish the traitorous organ as much as pleasure it.

"Yeah, that's what I thought," Andrea purred knowingly, her long fingers entangling themselves in Cassie's golden hair. Holding her face tightly in place, even though Cassie had no intentions of going anywhere. "You love that pussy, don't you?"

Cassie could only moan in response, her lips and tongue too busy probing Andrea's moist folds to respond. She did love that pussy. Loved how soft and wet and tight it was. How snugly it seemed to wrap around her questing tongue, glazing her taste buds in thick, delicious cream. She loved it more than anything in the world.

But she hated it too. Hated how pretty and pink and perfect it was! Hated how maddeningly wonderful it smelled, how impossibly delicious it tasted. Hated that there was not a single, little, tiny thing wrong with it. But mostly she hated how much power it held over her, how she couldn't seem to refuse it.

She hated that even as she was cursing herself for a fool, reminding herself just how much she hated Andrea, she couldn't seem to pull herself away from worshipping the bitch's wet and weeping cunt. It was an odd feeling knowing that the only thing more powerful than her hate of Andrea's perfect pussy, was the pure depraved delight she received from subjecting herself submissively before it.

How is that even possible? Why is it that a girl that irks me so much, a girl that I loathe—and let's be honest, a girl that I'm jealous of—can somehow enflame me like no other? Why does debasing myself before her, catering to her needs, make my pussy so god-damn fucking hot? Make my whole body tingle like it was struck by lightning? Why goddammit, why?

She didn't know, but there was no denying the truth. Her pussy was on fire. Threatening to burn a hole right through her gym shorts. Already her fingers were damp and slippery where her juices were beginning to soak through, and she couldn't remember ever having been so wet in her life. Not even with Jack.

Her nipples were rock-hard little diamonds within the tight confines of her athletic bra, trying desperately to burst free, to poke their way through the thin, stretchy fabric. Even the slightest touch to them sent dizzying waves of almost-agonizing pleasure surging through her, and she began to sway light from side to side, dragging them across the smooth, brown flesh of Andrea's knees.

All the while, her tongue continued to probe. Digging deeper and deeper into Andrea's molten depths, sucking and slurping up every last bit of moisture she could find. Occasionally, she'd run it up to Andrea's little nub, giving it a couple of moan-inducing licks. But mostly she concentrated on lapping up all the delicious juices flowing from Andrea's simmering well.

Her own moans enveloped Andrea's and drowned them out. Deep throaty grunts that she was unable to hold back. They welled up from somewhere deep inside her and spilled out into the cavernous area between Andrea's spread legs, seeming to echo back at her mockingly. She was embarrassed and ashamed, thinking that the grunts made her sound like a little piglet. But that shame and embarrassment only furthered her degradation. Making her that much hotter between the legs.

She wondered what was wrong with her. Wondered how she should get such exquisite pleasure from degrading herself so -- and in front of the one person in the world that she least wanted to, no less. Yet there was no denying it. Her whole body was a live wire, and the thought of her as a little piglet, wallowing about on the floor, rooting around in Andrea's dark pussy, was enough to send her over the top.

An orgasm rocketed through her, causing her whole body to tense up and shake. Like she had been hooked up to powerful electrodes. Cum spewed into her already saturated shorts and panties, dripping out over the sides and onto her cupped hand below, and her grunts became high-pitched whimpers. Whimpers that spoke of both pain and pleasure -- and an undeniable loss of control.

She quivered and thrashed as the joy of release rushed through her in rippling waves, and was only prevented from falling on her face by the presence of Andrea's fingers entwined in her hair. They held her tightly in place, and even as Cassie was cumming, her tongue continued to lap blindly and obediently at Andrea's flowing slit. Trying to please her new mistress with pure animal-like need.

"Oh shit," Andrea mused, "you really like that, don't you? The taste of my unwashed pussy?" She twined her fingers even tighter into Cassie's hair, smearing Cassie's wet and shiny face around her swollen gash. "You must. You must really love it, to cum that hard and that quick. God, what a slut you are. What a filthy, dirty, cunt-loving slut."

Cassie could only moan in response, her eyes rolling back in her head as another orgasm rippled through her. She hadn't even touched herself this time. The climax being brought on solely from Andrea's caustic words. From the dominance they portended and the humiliating images they implanted in her brain. Oh fuck, she's right. A slut—that's what I am. A dirty, cunt-licking, cunt-loving slut.

Her cunt-licking slut!

She looked up into Andrea's dark, sultry eyes and saw that knowledge reflected there. Realized that Andrea had known it well before she had. That the bitch had been toying with her as easily as a cat plays with a mouse. The corner of Andrea's mouth curled up into a wicked smile, and an involuntary shiver ran throughout the length of Cassie's body, ending at her clit.

"Don't worry, my pet," Andrea purred, sliding forward on the loveseat, repositioning herself so that her bare ass was mostly hanging over the edge. "I didn't forget how much you enjoyed my other hole too." Those long, nimble fingers began to forcefully push Cassie lower as she spoke, leaving no doubt of her intention.

A portion of Cassie's mind rebelled, knowing full well what Andrea wanted. And knowing full well what it would mean if she gave in. She had come here to tell Andrea off, to make it clear to the bitch that she and Jack were no longer interested in any further rendezvous... and in that, she had clearly failed. But if she allowed Andrea to continue with this next step, not only would she have lost this battle—she'd have lost the war. She'd be Andrea's -- mind, body, and soul.

Unfortunately, the remaining portion of Cassie's mind (along with her body and soul apparently) cared little about this fact. It wanted only to continue invoking the incredible tidal waves of ecstasy that were pouring over her. And subjecting herself to further shame by cleansing Andrea's tight little asshole with her tongue seemed like just the thing that would do it. In fact, just the thought of it -- the thought of tasting Andrea's dirtiness -- had her trembling already. Ready to erupt.

She let Andrea's fingers push her lower. Fighting back only hard enough to make it feel as if Andrea was actually forcing her to go through with this naughty deed, and not that she was truly raring to go. After all, she didn't want to appear too obedient and willing a slut that Andrea grew tired of her. Besides, it was the fighting, the battle against not only Andrea but her own nature, that was one of—if not the biggest—contributing factors to her unparalleled arousal.

To that purpose, as her tongue slipped from Andrea's well-lubricated cunt and was forced ever lower, she took the opportunity to look up at Andrea and whimper. "No. Please don't make me."

Andrea grinned her wicked grin, well enough versed in this little game to see Cassie's pleas for what they really were. Her fingers tightened and she pushed Cassie forcefully lower. "But my dear, you did so love it the other day. Didn't' you? Getting my tight little asshole all wet and ready for Jack's big cock? I swear I could hear you moaning as you were worming that long tongue up inside of me."

Cassie trembled as another shiver of shame rippled through her. Andrea was right—she had been moaning as she sucked and slobbered over Andrea's dark hole on Tuesday. Moaning like a little bitch in heat. She could still recall how hot and tight it had been, how eagerly she had reamed her tongue up inside.

What a good obedient slut she had been!

She'd told herself afterward that she'd just been caught up in the moment, that it hadn't really meant anything. Even going so far as telling herself that it had only been done for Jack's pleasure, to satisfy the lusty yearning in his eyes (never mind that she'd already been licking Andrea before she'd even known he was there). But here she was two days later, about to revisit her most intimate encounter with Andrea's nether region. And this time, Jack wasn't here to pass the blame to.

She was pushed lower. Until her mouth was poised before that yawning orifice, her nose hovering directly above it. Andrea's smell washed over her in a wave, dark and dank, and oh so dirty. No flowery shower-gel to mask her scent this time, but instead a full day's worth of sweat and grime to accentuate it. Time enough to ripen into something pervasive and powerful.

Something potent.

Cassie breathed it in, inhaling deeply. Savoring it like she would a dark, beautiful rose. She knew what a ridiculous thing it was—to be sniffing another girl's ass, and becoming incredibly turned on by it—yet she couldn't help herself. The smell was riveting. A combination of sweat and musk and excrement, blended together perfectly into something that became much more than the sum of its parts. Something deep and primal. Something as ancient as sex itself.

As the scent ascended Cassie's nostrils, it triggered within her all sorts of unwanted urges. Animalistic desires she could no longer fight. Most obviously was the urge to taste that which she could now smell. The unparalleled desire to run her tongue all around that moist, fragrant hole; to lick and suck and probe at its fetid depths, to savor the acrid tang she knew could be found there. To demean herself in the basest way possible.

Yet beyond that, deep down within, skulking in the shadows of her soul, was an maybe even more compelling urge. The urge to give herself completely to this woman. To slip the bonds of her own morality, and allow Andrea the reins of control. To let Andrea do things to her, and... force her to do things in return. Things that she would never have dreamed of doing herself. Never thought herself capable of.

Stop it, she told herself. Stop it, stop it, stop it! This is absurd! You are not some kind of submissive lesbian slut. You are not her pet! Her toy! What the fuck is wrong with you? Get up right now and punch the bitch in the face, then get the fuck out of here! You don't have to do this.

But she did. As much as her conscious mind may not have wanted her to, as much as she knew what a slippery slope she was sliding down, her body and her psyche needed it. Craved it. Like an addict needing her next fix. She knew it was wrong but she was powerless to stop, and when Andrea gazed down at her with smoky eyes and ordered "Lick", she obediently stuck out her tongue and swiped it across Andrea's taut pucker.

The bitter, earthy flavor of Andrea's asshole exploded across her taste buds, and her body exploded in response. A deep, powerful orgasm that threatened control of her bodily functions and caused her to wail keenly into Andrea's wide-splayed thighs. Her body shook and shivered, her pussy churned out a fresh deluge of girl cum into her already-overflowing panties, and a somewhat unladylike fart slipped from between her raised cheeks. She had lost it on every level, and still, despite her embarrassment at her body's betrayal —despite her abject mortification—the only thought that continued to pulse through her mind was, So good, so good, so fucking good!

Andrea's mocking laughter drifted down around Cassie like a scornful snowfall, but instead of cooling her down, all it did was frantically fuel her fire. Her tongue reached out for Andrea's moist, decadent tightness once again and this time there was no hesitation. No thoughts of turning back. She was Andrea's pet...her toy...her ass-licking, ass-cleansing slut. And she loved it. Wanted nothing more.

She ground her face forward, moving deeper into Andrea's sweltering confines. Inhaling deeply of the cloying odour of unwashed pussy and ass. It smelled so fucking good! So dirty and wrong... and yet somehow so incredibly right. So natural, as if she had been meant for this. She groaned loudly, all the while her tongue continuing to lap at Andrea's hot asshole. Tracing every little crease and pucker, swirling lovingly about its dark folds. Kissing it as deeply and passionately as she would a long lost lover.

Her body thrummed in ecstasy, her nipples and clit bullet points of white-hot fire that were burning her up from the inside. The forbidden taste of Andrea's ass had covered her tongue, was oozing joyfully, deliciously over her newly-discerning palate, and she wondered why she had ever doubted this. Why she had fought so hard against it. This is where she was meant to be. This is what she was meant to do. Here on her knees, willfully servicing this beautiful, powerful, demented sex-goddess. Seeing to her every need.

She wormed her tongue deeper, wanting more. Wanting to taste the fetid depths of Andrea's ass. Overjoyed with the knowledge of what she was doing, of the sordid lows to which she was sinking. She was grunting like a little piglet once again but no longer cared. It seemed only fitting, as she was wallowing about in her own self-loathing and disgust the way a pig wallowed in the mud. Having been reduced to nothing but an animal.

"Atta girl," Andrea hissed, staring down from on high. "That's it. Get in there nice and deep. Show me how much you really want it."

Just like before, Andrea's words were fuel on Cassie's fire, travelling straight from her ears to her cunt, ratcheting up her levels of lust to previously unknown heights. She moaned out her acquiescence, mouth too busy to talk, and continued to probe at Andrea's tight sphincter, forcing her tongue into a point and driving it firmly and forcefully inside of her like it was a small, squirming cock. Fucking that ass just like her boyfriend had two days ago.

Meanwhile, her nose was also sliding up and down Andrea's wet, aroused gash and the combination of having both holes worked over at once was quickly becoming more than the dark-haired beauty could handle. Andrea's hands twisted themselves even tighter into Cassie's golden hair and she began to hump her crotch forward, grinding herself savagely against Cassie's smeared and saturated face. All the while, raining insults down upon her from above.

"You like that? You like the taste of my ass? My dirty, sweaty, smelly ass?" She scooted forward even farther, hooking her legs up and over the arms of the chair. Spreading herself wide for Cassie's questing tongue. "God, you're such a fucking whore. Such a filthy disgusting, ass-eating whore. Too bad your boyfriend isn't here to fill me full of cum, I know how much you enjoyed that."

Cassie groaned out a response, a deliciously wicked image forming in her mind. Andrea was right, it was too bad Jack wasn't here. The thought of licking his cum from her ass, from her pussy...or from anywhere else on her perfect body, was suddenly one of the most erotic things she could possibly imagine. She wondered why she had ever been against it in the first place.

Andrea may have been thinking along the same lines. She twisted Cassie's head viciously to the side, forcing Cassie to look up at her. "Ain't that right, slut? You loved sucking Jack's cum from my ass, didn't you? Slurping up his spunk from my dirty, stretched-out asshole? It made you so hot, didn't it?"

Cassie stared up at her tormentor with reckless abandon, her eyes clearly conveying the dark, awful truth. Her body was as taut and quivery as a piano string, and each one of Andrea's shouted insults were like fingers plucking out a tune. She moaned and mewled helplessly, shivering through the throes of unadulterated ecstasy.

That wasn't enough to satisfy Andrea though. She suddenly realized just how much she was enjoying dominating this stupid little Barbie doll. What had started as some simple fun—just seeing what she could get away with, seeing how far she could push the little slut before she snapped—had now turned into something more. Something far, far better. She felt a powerful orgasm building up deep inside.

She jerked Cassie's head violently to the side once more. "Answer me slut! Tell me how much you like it. How much you crave my ass!" She accentuated this last part by spitting lewdly down onto her upturned face.

Cassie felt the spittle splatter onto her face, and groaned loudly as another shiver of shameful pleasure flashed throughout her body. "Yes, yes, yes!" she moaned, still staring Andrea in the eyes. "I love your ass! Your dirty, sweaty ass. It tastes so fucking good!"