Center Stage Ch. 05


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"So what kept you so busy this morning, Cam?"

We forget to tell Ariel about the detectives coming to the office today.

"We spent the morning with two detectives. I finally realized that Zack was right and we needed to get some help with the situation."

Ariel looked at me. She was obviously surprised.

"Well it took you long enough to decide to report it. I do admit that I thought you were right at first. Ignoring it seemed like the best thing to do, but now that the letters have gotten should have the police involved."

I shuddered at the mention of the more graphic letters.

"I've got a great idea, Cam! Why don't we do a movie night? We can get some of those old cheesy B movies and have some drinks and party. It'll be a fun girls night out!"

I smiled at her. Ariel was amazing. She always knew how to keep my spirits up.

"That is the best idea I've heard all day. Let's do it tonight. You pick up the movies and I'll get the alcohol."

We finished our smokes and headed back up to work. I would be glad when this day was over! Ariel rode up to my floor. She had a meeting with Zack this afternoon. I walked her back to his office to find a very excited Zack hanging up the phone.

"Great news!!"

He rushed over and grabbed me in a huge hug.

"Settle down there mister. What is this great news?"

A brilliant smile lit up his face.

"I just got off the phone with one of the detectives. They were able to pull a partial fingerprint off of the last letter. It seems that Lucas finally slipped up! They are running the prints now. It should take a few hours, but in no time at all his ass will be in jail!"

Ariel and I were both visibly in shock.

"I can't believe it." She stuttered. "This is awesome. We definitely have a reason to party tonight, Cam!"

Zack looked at us.

"What party?"

I explained to him our idea for this evening. He agreed and thought it was an awesome plan.

"Oh shit!"

"What's wrong, Zack?" I asked.

A frown appeared on his handsome face.

"I forgot that I have to meet those producers at their theater tonight. I'm going to have to be a little late tonight."

I gave him a small kiss on the lips.

"It's ok, Zack, as long as you get there at some point. I have a special celebration in store for you mister!"

A wolfish grin appeared on Zack's face.

"I bet you do stud. I can't wait!"

I grinned and left the office leaving Ariel and Zack to their meeting. I had to finish up the rest of my work for today. At least things were looking up finally. I would feel a lot better once Lucas got what was coming to him!

* * *

Ariel and I were cracking up so hard I was afraid one of us was going to have an accident. This was definitely one of the best ideas! We were having a blast. I could hear Madison barking from my bedroom and I felt a little bad. I had to put her in there because Ariel's sinuses were acting up a bit tonight. I know that Madison hates being stuck in one room, but she'll be okay in there until Ariel leaves. I glanced at the clock. It was about ten o'clock.

"I wonder how long that meeting is going to be for Zack."

Ariel giggled and rolled her eyes.

"You know how Zack can get about work. He might not show up here until fucking midnight."

The sounds of the phone ringing interrupted our laughter. I leaned over and grabbed my cordless off of the table.

"Hello? Hey, Zack! Where the hell are you? Wait a minute. You're breaking up so bad. The detective called you?"

Ariel sat up and looked at me questioningly.

"They got a match? That's great. Wait. What did you say? I can't hear you, Zack. You're breaking up so bad. Hello? Hello?"

The call got disconnected on me. Ariel was staring at me anxiously.

"What did he say about the fingerprints?"

I sighed.

"I don't know. I know they matched them, but I couldn't understand what else he was saying. He was yelling and from the sound of it he was in traffic. He was breaking up so bad I couldn't understand what he said. He sounded really upset though."

Ariel opened her mouth to say something, but a pounding on my front door interrupted her.

"Who the fuck is that?"

I jumped up and hurried to the door. I opened it to find the last person I ever expected to be standing there.

"What the fuck do you want, Lucas? The police are on to you! We've got your prints and you're going down!" I paused to catch my breath. Something was out of place here, and then it dawned on me. "Wait a minute, how the hell did you get past the front desk?"

Lucas didn't look like his normal self. He looked nervous and frantic. He probably knew we were onto him. He realized that he slipped up!

"I signed an autograph for the guy's wife, she was a big fan, but that's not important right now. Cameron, I need to talk to you. Just listen to me."

I cut him off.

"FUCK YOU! You've been harassing me for over a week, and now you're bribing your way into my apartment building. Get the fuck out of here! I'm calling the cops asshole!"

I slammed the door in his face and locked it. I spun around and saw Ariel standing there in shock.

"I can't believe that he had the fucking nerve to come here! That bastard!" Once again there was a loud pounding on my door.


I rushed passed Ariel and grabbed my phone off the table.

"I'm calling the cops asshole! You better get the fuck out of here!"

I screamed over my shoulder. I pushed the talk button on the phone and waited for the dial tone. I wasn't able to get a dial tone. This phone was a fucking piece of shit! I hit the button a few times and I got the same result.

"FUCK!!! I can't get a fucking dial tone. Why isn't this piece of shit working??"

I slammed the phone down and heard Ariel's voice over my shoulder.

"That's because I unplugged it from the wall."

I laughed. Leave it Ariel to try and fuck around at a time like this.

"You are so not funny..."

I turned around and my voice caught in my throat. Fear froze me in place and I couldn't move. I was staring down the barrel of a gun.

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