Chosen for Vudamali


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On the edge of the open space were small, squat structures whose purpose escaped her but past that the building curved away and was filled with seats; some chairs like those set on the floor and some long, curving benches. They went all the way around the open space and were filled with people. Vuda and Hestians alike were there and it was their speech that had sunk down through the stones to Elde's ears earlier. Her eyes widened and her mind reeled as she took in the immensity of the crowd; tens of thousands of people must be here! And all of them were looking at her! And the other Chosen, she had to remember that. She had to remember that or she feared she might faint.

The others were arrayed in a line in front of her, facing the Vuda. All the girls wore the same wrap she did, exposing their young, fresh bodies to the sun and to the throng. She noted that only four others wore a red one as she did though;, all the others were green. The boys had a band of fabric that went about their hips and underslung their maleness. She recognized Ies and noted with surprise how fit his body was and how the red cloth he wore bulged. Behind the line of the Chosen was a two tiered stage that rose above the floor with two large staircases leading to it. On the stage were a few dozen pieces of furniture; each was a shelf a foot and a half wide and twice that as long supported by a thick central column. The shelves had then cushions on them and before each was another of the backless u-shaped chairs. A tier ran down the middle of the stage that was perhaps five feet higher than the front or back of it and was set with the same furniture though far fewer of them that the other two sections.

Ronil leaned in and gestured, whispering as she did so, "Fall into line there, the others should be out soon. I'll be with my lady in the stands above the door. Look for me there if you need courage but you'll be fine. I'm so happy for you!" Then she straightened and walked away to leave Elde alone.

Her mind was paralyzed by the spectacle, by the raw scope of this structure and the mass of humanity within it but she heard and nodded numbly. Her legs moved forward as if of their own accord and she took her place in line. Her breathing was heavy and her wrap strained against her tits as they heaved. She was afraid and felt again that same shame she'd felt when on display in the town square so long ago but they were both less, somehow. She felt that other feeling too; that excitement. That dark, naughty delight at being so exposed and so seen but that emotion wasn't muted. No, it was a dozen times stronger. The knowledge that the eyes of an entire people were on her brought not stark terror but anticipation and wicked satisfaction. Her stiff nipples rubbed against the silk of her wrap and her sex was wet against it. A quick glance down the line showed her that she was not the only one so affected.

Her heart jumped when Lan came out into the sun and she felt her cheeks heat as well; his body was toned and mighty and she felt that urge to be touched and have her empty ache filled surge inside her. His eyes met hers and then she noted his taking in the whole sight of her. His eyes were hot and she felt a fierce joy as she noted that his green loincloth was bulging more than it had before.

Finally the last Chosen was in place. The Vuda in white stood up from her chair and walked to stand before the Chosen, her arms lifted and the crowd fell silent. "All praise and glory to Vudamali and her grace fall on us! May her blessings fill our hearths with life and joy!" There was a cheer at that. It faded as she raised her hands once more. "Again we must remember that we are one people made of two by the will and the wisdom of the goddess and the god of our Hestian kin and their far nation. Before we take them and fill them with her blessing, let us remember how this has come, how two became one, how wisdom triumphed over brutality and raised a greater strength than the world has ever seen!"

Elde knew this was something she should pay attention to. But she knew the story from her nation's side. The Vuda had once raided them and other nations for slaves but then both the Vuda and her nation came under attack from outsiders. So their king went to the Vuda's ruler and proposed the agreement; the Vuda would protect the nation and the nation would supply them with favorable trade and arm them. The combined group crushed the invaders and drove them back but knew they would return. The Vuda could fight them but there were not enough of them. And so the agreement was deepened and the first Chosen went to live among the Vuda.

Elde's ears caught on something new to her though; the other side of the story. "And we must never forget, never be prideful enough, to think ourselves greater than those who become ours and their kin who remain apart. We would have perished without their blood mingling with ours. The houses were few and the goddess' blessing gives much seed but it is loath to grow in of another Vuda; only with those who are one can we who are two truly prosper and grow our new sisters. But with them our numbers have swelled and our strength is greater than ever! They are our hearth and without them our fire would have long ago died. Never forget what we owe! Vudamali, hear us!"

There was thunderous approval and jubilation from the crowd. As they cheered, a new figure emerged from the far door and walked down the path. It was a man and though he wore the collar of a Hestian, he was also dressed as a priest. He paused to incline his head to the Vuda in gold and shared a brief embrace with the one in white before walking past the Chosen and ascending up to the stage. He crossed to stand at the midpoint of the northern edge and held up a bound book. "The Chosen become the hearth through the blessing of Vudamali, given unto them and presented before us as fully claimed and joined. Those Vuda who have brought glory to our people, who have earned the right, may have that greatest of honors of blessing them and taking them into their houses."

He opened the book and called out, "Pallas Zosime!" The crowd cheered as the Vuda in the gold robe stood from her throne-like chair. She turned a slow circle, one arm raised, to acknowledge the throng before she strode forward with confident steps. She had two names; none of the other Vuda Elde had met were like that. They hadn't covered naming conventions in her lessons; maybe one was her house's name? She was clearly the ruler here by her dress and wealth, maybe one was a title? ...Why was she thinking about that at a time like this?

Pallas Zosime seemed to be looking for someone in the line; those sword blade eyes sweeping from one end towards the other until they fell on Elde. The healer in training felt the blood draining from her face as the regal woman approached. couldn't be. She couldn't be chosen first, in front of everyone, and not by the Queen! Her eyes were wide as she looked up at the majestic leader; Pallas was not so tall as Arista but still was at least a full hand taller than Elde. "You are Elde Walker, the healer. Nod if it is so." Elde jerked her head up and down with a sharp motion. "Good. Elde Walker, you are mine now." Her hands, strong as any Vuda's she'd touched but softer, rested on the Chosen's shoulders.

The crowd let out a fresh cheer, as did the seated Vuda, many in the audience crying out congratulations or commenting on the choice. Elde stared up at her new liege in stunned silence and shocked numbness. Pallas' eyes were understanding, though there was also a strange hunger in them that seemed to call out that to that unusual warm empty itch she'd felt inside. "It will be all right, my girl," she said softly. "You will bring much prestige and wealth to the royal house and I will care for you. Arista has spoken to me also of your kin...should it fall out as I expect, you will be able to see him often. But the Presentation is not yet over. Follow me now."

The ruler of the Vuda took Elde's right hand and pulled her out of line and into step behind her. They mounted one of the sets of steps up to the stage. As they passed the priest, he made a benediction over Elde and then turned back to face the crowd and called another name, "Dianthe of Vudamali!" Elde saw the Vuda in the plain white robe stand before she turned her face to follow Pallas Zosime up the second set of stairs to the raised section in the middle of the stage. Pallas led her to one of the sets of furniture and then motioned for her to stand before the smaller piece so she was in full view for the moment. Elde did so, her heart pounding in her chest as she sat there and felt as if all the eyes in the world were boring into her. Her chest heaved and her breathing quickened; stilling a moment as Pallas slipped behind her and ran her strong hands down Elde's neck in a gentle caress.

"I knew you would be mine when I saw you in the book," the queen of the Vuda said. "Your record is impressive but it was the drawing of you, did you know it was there? It was that which made me want you." Her hands had continued to move, stroking and massaging the girl's neck and shoulders, her upper back, slipping to caress down to just above the swell of her breasts before retreating.

Four more matches had been made. Elde glanced over to see the busty Dianthe at the far end of the raised stage section and felt a bit of surprise to see the slender form of Ies seated in front of her. The white robed Vuda was stroking and petting him, as was still happening to her, but Dianthe was closer to him, rubbing her body against his. Her enormous breasts mashed against his shoulders and neck and she was grinding her robe covered loins against his ass. Ies' cheeks were flushed and his wrap bulging but his expression was odd. It was that of a man who had found that a calculation he had made was correct but was surprised with the outcome nonetheless. The upper tier was fully populated now and she realized she would have an excellent view of all the other Chosen and their new lieges from here.

"Arista of House Arias!" The familiar name brought her gaze forward again. Arista looked less intimidating but the soft robe looked somehow out of place on her. The towering beauty rose from her seat and walked forward with no hesitation, no deciding inspection of the Chosen, but straight to Lan. Elde shifted a bit on her seat, rubbing her thighs together as her eyes moved over her cousin's body and she felt another surge of that hot, wet itch. She had been so nervous before she hadn't seen him. God, his body was so well muscled, toned, his skin shining a bit from the oil. His ass! She'd never really noticed before but his butt looked so good!

Pallas leaned down, "I'm glad it worked out that way. Arista said she'd decided on him when he was first Chosen. He does have a sweet ass, I'll give him that." Elde nodded with a deep blush. "So do you, sweetling. But, Arista and I are good friends. You'll be able to see him as much as you wish."

The relief she felt was almost embarrassing. In part because she'd almost forgotten about the possibility of losing Lan in her own nerves. "Thank you." She looked up at the ruler of the Vuda, "Thank you, I'll make it up to you, I swear! You're so generous!"

Pallas' smirked, "And you haven't even seen it yet." At Elde's confused look, the queen shook her head, "Just a little joke, you'll understand soon."

Elde turned her face to see Arista leading Lan to one of the furniture sets clearly in her line of sight. The captain caught her eye and grinned, murmuring something to Lan. Her cousin raised his gaze to her and his blush was gratifying but he gave her a smile, nodding. He knew too; that was good. Even though he was a strong willed person, it must give him comfort at knowing they wouldn't be sundered.

As the last few pairs made their way to the stations, Elde felt a change in the mood of the crowd, in the very air. A growing tension, a hungry anticipation that she felt welling up in her as well. That desire for touch and for something more seemed to blossom inside her, radiating from between her legs. She found herself shifting her weight to press into Pallas' exploratory caresses and a glance back showed an approving look on the face of her new liege.

As the last of the pairs took their place, the priest closed the book he had carried in and raised his hands high. The crowd quieted and a feeling on anticipation filled the air just as much as the noise had. "Let us see the bounty that God has brought to us!"

Elde heard an odd growl in Pallas' chest as one of her hands moved to the knot holding Elde's wrap together, "Finally." She tugged and it came undone. The girl stiffened as the scanty garment was pulled away to leave her fully naked before thousands. Below she could see the same thing happening to the other Chosen and a quick glance to her right showed that those on the tier with her had been bared as well. Elde blushed deeply and her exposed tits heaved with quick breaths. Her nipples were hard despite her shock and embarrassment and her shaved slit glistened with its own wetness that was somehow distinct from the sheen the oil had put on the rest of her skin. The other girls were in the same state as her eyes darted over the stage below and each of the boys stood with their manhood proud and thickened. Now that their wraps were gone, she could also see that each boy had a round something sitting between their butt cheeks. There was a rolling low murmur from the crowd; a restrained enjoyment at the sight of so much lovely young flesh.

The priest raised his voice again. "Let the blessing of Vudamali be revealed in fullness! Let those who are now ours take their place from the blessing!"

"Turn around, Elde, and kneel on the seat," Pallas whispered. Before she turned, Elde could see the Chosen on the lower level doing exactly that, no doubt their own lieges giving the same instructions. "Oh, I have waited for this for days, my prize," she cooed.

Elde felt her heart beating faster as she turned and knelt on the low seat before Pallas. The Vuda beauty towered over her and there was a strange but delicious rightness to be on her knees before her. Pallas' hands went to the fastenings of her robe and as they gave way it parted more and more, pushed open by her curves and its' own shape. Lastly she reached down to deftly unbuckle the belt of gold chain that held it fully closed and let it fall heavily to the stage. She took the edges and pulled the robe open to let it slide down her arms to hang from her elbows and Elde's eyes went wide and her mouth fell open in wordless shock as the crowd roared approval.

Pallas' body was gorgeous, no doubt, her large breasts high, firm, and rounded, her legs sleek and shapely, her arms muscled yet feminine, her stomach flat and taut. Darker nipples stood out from her tits but Elde was only dimly aware of them as she stared straight ahead at the Vuda's crotch. Hanging between her legs was a thick, long shaft of flesh crowned by a bulbous head, all sitting atop a large sack that hung heavy with big balls. It was a man's...and yet clearly Pallas was no man, but was huge and not even thickened! The shape was unmistakable and clearly the basis for the idol she had been given to practice her worship on. Her eyes ran over it in mute astonishment and awe and she noted that at the base it was bound by one of the Hestian collars that had been fixed around it and her scrotum.

"Take your place from my blessing," Pallas said and her voice seemed to throb with want, "and put it on. Free me to join yourself to us."

Elde looked up at her for a few moments and then back at the mighty phallus not even a foot from her face. She licked her lips out of nerves and out of something else. She'd licked and sucked and tasted the idol; what would that feel like? What would it taste like? She could smell a musky, strong scent coming from it that sent a pulse of heat through her from her increasingly wet sex. She lifted her hands, glad they only trembled slightly, and carefully ran her fingers over the collar to seek its clasp. Pallas moaned softly as Elde couldn't help but brush her member and her sack as she found the collar cinched tight but not greatly so. It unfastened easily and she pulled it open; Pallas let out a sighing groan as the leather released her and her rod twitched and started to rise. Elde stared at it in wonder as it lengthened, thickened, and stiffened before her eyes now that it was not constricted.

It was almost touching her lips now it had grown so big; the bulbous head having an odd purplish hue that made it darker than the rest of Pallas' member. The slit seemed to pulse and a clear liquid oozed out to run down the edge of the proud crown. That smell was stronger now; filling her nose with the heady aroma. She felt even warmer and that desire for touch was stronger than she'd ever felt it. "I love that expression," Pallas purred. "Awestruck, shamed but aroused, so very sweet on your pretty face, my girl. Put the collar on, Elde. Then you'll get what you want."

What she wanted? The thought threw her only a moment. She did want it. That proud, throbbing prick; whether due to the treatment or the training she'd been given, she knew with clarity that what she'd been feeling since the bath was want. Elde looked up and slipped the leather about her throat. It was warm from being around Pallas' cock and carried a faint whiff of that tantalizing smell. Elde made it fast but not tight, knowing she would need to breathe easily. The click of the clasp made her shiver and her hands trembled as they fell away from the secured collar. "I-I'm yours."

"And you want to be, don't you?" Pallas straightened her arms to let her robe slide off to the stage, "You want to be mine and to take me inside of you, don't you?"

"Y-yes." She could feel herself blushing and she felt shame at admitting it but knew without a doubt it was true. "Yes, I do."

Pallas grinned, "Show me then. Worship my sign of Vudamali as you have been taught. Worship my cock, you wonderful girl."

A tremor of mingled delight and shame went through her but she nodded and then looked back at the rigid pillar of flesh in front of her face. She heard the crowd starting to cheer and whistle and glanced to her left to see the delicate and petite girl who'd been selected third running her pink tongue down the underside of the shaft of the Vuda general who'd taken her. Beyond her, Ies's lips were stretched around Dianthe's thickness as the priestess fed her rod into his eager mouth. Elde turned back to Pallas, her heart pounding, thrilled and terrified both, and pressed forward the half inch of distance between them to kiss the head of her liege's shaft tenderly.

The crowd roared approval as the musky smell filled her anew and her lips were wetted with a salty, tangy substance. She licked them clean and then rolled her tongue to swirl it around and over the swollen glans. Pallas drew in a hissing breath and let her head fall back, "Oh, yes, that's a good start, my girl. Keep going. Show me your devotions." The approval of her new ruler gave her a warm feeling but Elde paid it little heed. She drew her mouth down the right side of the shaft, bathing it with feathery licks all the while. Reaching the base, she dipped her head and kissed the low hanging balls, the act drawing a moan from Pallas. The smell was stronger here and Elde could see past the heavy sack a glistening slit like she herself possessed. Man and woman combined, the Vuda were impossible, amazing. No wonder they were so mighty!

She licked and kissed the seed laden balls for a minute or more before she shifted to make her way back up the left side of Pallas' dick as she had the right. When she reached the head her tongue danced and rolled over it, capturing more of her pre as it seeped from the hungry rod. She couldn't believe how good this felt. It was wicked and dirty, especially in front of so many, of the entire civilization almost, but she found she more than liked it. This feeling, wanton delight entwined with lustful shame made her feel incredible. Elde opened her mouth and sighed as Pallas chuckled and pressed her hips forward to push her head into the wet warmth of the girl's mouth.