Cityslicker Cousin Ch. 03


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"Any man I want?" Sadie asked in amazement.

"And most women," Hillary added without thinking. Sadie looked startled once again. She turned and went into the water without another word. Hillary shook her head and tried to calm herself.

'You letch!' Hillary snapped to herself. 'The poor thing is nearly afraid of her own shadow. She's never done more than kiss a boy and that only once! She obviously hasn't come to grips with her sexuality and it's affect on boys.' Hillary knew that it would be unfair to throw in her own lust into the mix, but that didn't stop her from feeling it.

Sadie didn't allow her hair to get wet as she swam. Hillary watched the girl swimming and caught herself wondering what it would be like to feel the girl's body rubbing against her own. She shook her head and continued to watch.

"Here you guys are!" Samuel said as he walked up. "I was worried when I saw you missing."

"Why?" Hillary asked with a frown. "Did you think we'd get lost?"

"No, I just like to keep an eye on Sadie," Samuel replied as they both watched Sadie swim toward the edge.

"Who wouldn't?" Hillary said pointedly.

"She my sister," Samuel said, fully understanding Hillary's comment. Hillary could see the lust there. Poor Samuel.

"You know, you can't keep her hidden forever. She doesn't belong to you. Eventually some boy is going to come along and take her away," Hillary said. Samuel frowned, but didn't answer. The conversation, such as it was, ended as Sadie climbed out of the water. It was quite a sight.

"It's time we leave," Samuel said. "It getting late and we need to get back to cousin Ginny's house."

"Okay," Sadie said as she reached for her clothes. The conversation annoyed Hillary for some reason.

"Let's go back to the others," she said, grabbing Sadie's clothes before the girl could. "You don't need these. It's too hot! I'll take them."

"No!" both Sadie and Samuel cried, but Hillary ignored them and started walking. She was moving fast and got pretty far down the path before Samuel and Sadie caught up.

"Give her back her clothes!" Samuel growled, grabbing Hillary's shoulder and spinning her around.

"Hey!" Hillary cried.

"I said give her back her clothes!" Samuel snapped, not letting go of Hillary's shoulder.

"You might want to let go of my cousin," a voice said calmly from the path ahead of them. Samuel's head snapped around to see the guy who spoke and a girl who was obviously Hillary's twin.

"Tell her to give my sister her clothes back!" Samuel said.

"It seems like a fair request," Michael said, arching an eyebrow at Hillary briefly. "And I'm willing to discuss it and possibly even help you get the clothes back, but only after you let go of my cousin's arm." Samuel hesitated a moment longer.

"Samuel, let go of her arm! You're hurting her!" Sadie cried, pulling at her brother's arm. Samuel finally let go.

"Are you okay?" Heidi asked her sister.

"Fine," Hillary replied, rubbing the place Samuel grabbed.

"So what's going on?" Michael asked.

"It's like a hundred degrees out here and he wants Sadie to wear all these clothes because he's afraid people might see just how beautiful his sister really is!" Hillary snapped angrily. Michael looked Sadie up and down.

"She certainly is that," he said with a smile. Sadie blushed and smiled back tentatively. Samuel took a swing at Michael, who ducked and delivered a short jab to Sadie's brother's solar plexus. Samuel lost his breath and fell. Everyone looked at Michael in surprise, especially his twin cousins.

"Samuel is it?" Michael asked, but Ginny's cousin couldn't get enough air to answer. Sadie nodded for him. Up until that moment her brother was the most dangerous man she knew. Michael smiled once more at her before continuing to talk to her brother. "I understand your desire to protect you sister, but don't you think you're being a little extreme?" He then turned on Hillary.

"And you! You just can't mind your own business can you?" he sighed. "If you see something you don't like, you just can't resist meddling."

"It helped in your case," Heidi put in, defending her sister.

"Yes, it did," Michael smiled briefly before growing serious again. "But it's pretty obvious that Samuel here has some real issues when it comes to his sister. He could have seriously hurt Hillary."

"You're right," Hillary sighed, remembering Sadie's description of the beating Samuel gave the boy who kissed her. "I'm sorry."

"What's going on?" Ginny asked as she walked up.

"Nothing really," Hillary replied as Sadie helped Samuel to his feet. Ginny frowned at the obvious lie. "We'll see you guys later for dinner."

"We will?" Heidi asked. Hillary nodded.

"We're invited," she said. "Unless of course that's not true anymore?"

"No, you're still invited," Ginny said, continuing to frown. Samuel didn't look happy about it, but Sadie was smiling. The three left the twins and Michael.

"So what was that all about?" Heidi asked once they were gone.

"Samuel is either the most overprotective brother I've ever met, or he has a thing for his sister," Hillary replied.

"You think so doctor Freud?" Michael asked pointedly. Hillary blushed.

"And what's with you becoming such a good fighter suddenly?" Heidi asked, changing the focus from Hillary to Michael.

"I've always been a pretty good fighter," Michael shrugged.

"Yeah! So good that little Hillary here kicked you where it hurts and tripped you into a pile of cow..." Heidi began.

"What? Was I supposed to hit my girl cousin?" Michael interjected.

"Maybe not for the tripping, but for the kick?"

"Hey! She caught me totally off guard!"

"That's because you were too busy gloating," Hillary put in.

"I paid for it," Michael sighed. Hillary nodded.

"So, dinner should be fun," Heidi said, changing the subject again.

"Did you see the body on Sadie?" Michael asked in a tone that made both twins grin.

"Cousin Michael, I do believe you have a crush!" Hillary teased.

"On Sadie?" Heidi said with a raised eyebrow. "Who doesn't?"

"She is hot, isn't she?" Hillary laughed.

"I see I'm going to have some competition," Michael grumbled.

"We could share..." Heidi offered.

"Sounds good to me," Hillary said.

"You just focus on Ginny," Michael said pointedly to Hillary. "That girl is hot for you!"

"You think?" Hillary asked.

"Please!" Heidi said with a roll of her eyes. All three laughed.

"In that case, maybe it's time to push her a little," Hillary said thoughtfully.

"I'd say it's overdue," Michael put in.

The three walked back to the where Timmy and Larry were swimming. The boys seemed really excited when they saw Heidi with Hillary. They barely noticed Michael.

"Ladies, it looks like you're both a fantasy to be named later for these guys," Michael joked.

"I doubt it will be the first time either," Heidi giggled.

"That's because you're a big tease!" Hillary said to her twin with a grin before diving in. Michael and Heidi quickly joined her.

"Hey guys! Wait for me!" they heard someone call from the shore. Hillary turned and saw that it was Herb. He must have been walking up behind them when they jumped in the water. He dove in and joined the cousins. Timmy and Larry started swimming toward the small group. "What's up with Ginny and her cousins?"

"You bumped into them on the way over?" Hillary asked knowingly.

"Yeah," Herb said. "Ginny didn't look happy and the guy was doing his best to hide his sister from my view as she hastily threw on her clothes. It was almost funny, except that they were leaving and the only reason why I came here was because Ginny told me they were coming. There's a party at big watering hole that I blew off to come here. If Ginny hadn't mentioned you guys I would have been pissed!"

"Sadie was pretty hot, wasn't she?" Michael asked with a grin.

"I thought so," Herb shrugged. "But it was hard to tell. That brother of hers did a good job of hiding her!"

"Your loss," Hillary put in. Herb looked at her oddly.

"You know, we haven't really talked since the last time we met here," Herb said meaningfully.

"And we can't talk now," Hillary said quickly as Larry and Timmy joined them.

"But I'm sure we'll have time later," Heidi put in. Hillary saw Herb's eyes open wider briefly and shook her head. Heidi was swimming next to him and knowing her sister, Heidi was probably giving Herb's cock a little squeeze.

"I can't wait!" he replied.

Everyone swam for a while and had fun. They played a few games and raced a little until Timmy looked up at the sky and realized that it was getting late.

"Larry, it's past noon," he sighed. "We were supposed to be back by now to help pa with the animals."

"You're right," Larry grimaced. "But we're having so much fun that I don't want to leave!" They argued a few minutes before finally saying goodbye and disappearing. As soon as they were out of sight Heidi grabbed hold of Herb cock under the water.

"Hey!" Herb cried and then laughing, pulled Heidi close.

"I thought they'd never leave!" she grinned, kissing him.

"Heidi, you really are insatiable!" Michael laughed with a shake of his head. "First all morning with me and now Herb."

"I was actually hoping to have both of you now, not just Herb," Heidi replied, reaching out a hand and squeezing Michael's cock as well.

"Oh no you don't!" Hillary laughed, pulling Michael away from her sister. "He's mine! I've been horny all morning and that little incident with Sadie and Samuel didn't help!"

"I still can't believe that the three of you are..." Herb began, but hesitated, not able to finish the thought aloud.

"Doing it like bunnies?" Heidi finished for him with a sexy grin. He nodded.

"Could you keep your hands off of twins who look like this just because they happen to be your cousins?" Michael asked with a grin.

"I see your point," Herb laughed. "I wish I had cousins who looked like them!"

"Your cousin Viona is pretty hot," Hillary said thoughtfully.

"And that's another thing!" Herb cried. "Since when have you been so hot for women? It makes my cock hard just to think about it!" Hillary winked at him before moving to her sister and kissing her full on the lips. Herb groaned. Heidi thrust her tongue into her twin's mouth as she continued to rub Herb under the water.

"I think it's time we got out of the water," Michael grinned.

"I agree," Hillary said. "We've only got a couple of hours before we have to go to Ginny's for dinner. Let's go home and have some fun first."

"Am I invited?" Herb asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Of course!" Heidi replied, kissing him again.

"Save it for later," Hillary said, pulling her sister toward the edge of the water.

"This is going to be fun!" Heidi giggled.

Michael and Herb looked at each other and shook their heads. Both felt extremely lucky. The four almost raced back to Michael's cabin. There wasn't a lot of room, but it didn't matter. As soon as they were inside clothes started flying in every direction!

Heidi fell into Herb's arms while Hillary kissed her cousin passionately. Everyone was petting his or her partner somewhere. Heidi was stroking Herb's thick cock while he caressed her breasts. Hillary had Michael's long cock in her hand. She was rubbing it up and down the entrance to her pussy while Michael reached around her and squeezed her ass.

"I want to watch you guys doing it! It was so hot the last time!" Herb grinned.

"I'm all for that!" Hillary smiled as she went to the couch. She lay over the arm and stuck her ass up in the air. Michael got behind her and pushed his cock in deep. She gasped out in pleasure.

"Should I join them?" Heidi asked Herb with a sexy smile.

"Yes, please!" he grinned. Heidi went to the couch and lay down lengthwise. Hillary spread her twin's legs and started licking her pussy. Herb and Heidi moaned together.

"Is it the sight of two women together or the incest part that you like?" Heidi asked and then moaned.

"Both!" Herb said, slowly stroking his cock. "But the cousin part definitely has the edge. I wonder if Viona would be willing to have some fun?"

"Is she due to visit any time soon?" Heidi asked. "Hillary's not the only twin who likes girls."

"Oh wow!" Herb said, realizing that she was serious. "I'll call her tonight and invite her down."

"What does she look like?" Michael asked as he continued to fuck Hillary over the arm of the couch.

"Raven haired beauty," Herb replied. "A bit flat chested, but nice legs and lips that were meant to be wrapped around a guy's dick."

"Seems you thought about this before," Michael laughed.

"Once or twice," Herb admitted, laughing as well. He then turned to Heidi and asked, "Why do you think about Viona?"

"Can't talk!" Heidi cried. "I'm too close!"

"You!" Hillary cried, taking a moment away from eating her sister's pussy. "Michael pushing so deep that I keep expecting his cock to come out my mouth! I'm going to cum any second!"

"Don't you dare stop!" Heidi cried, grabbing her sister's head and forcing her mouth back between her legs. It wasn't hard for Herb to see when Hillary's orgasm hit. Her whole body tensed up and she moaned loudly into her twin's pussy.

"Oh yeah!" Michael cried as his own orgasm hit. He filled his cousin's pussy with cum, but didn't stop stroking in and out. Hillary rolled into her second orgasm.

"You stopped!" Heidi cried angrily at her sister, but Hillary was oblivious. She was in the throws of a pretty massive orgasm.

"Let me help," Herb smiled and pulled Heidi from the couch.

"Please!" Heidi begged as she lay on her back in the bed. "I'm so close!"

Herb got between her legs and pushed in a couple of inches slowly, but Heidi was unwilling to wait. She grabbed his ass and pulled him in with all her strength! Herbs balls slapped against her ass on the first thrust.

"You horny bitch!" Herb laughed. Heidi ignored his words and kept pulling him deep by his ass. It wasn't long before she came. Herb kept stroking in and out afterward. Heidi stopped pulling him with her hands, but she obviously didn't mind him continuing.

Herb damn near jumped out of his skin when he felt a small hand push between his legs and caress his balls from behind.

"Feel good?" Hillary asked with a smile.

"Oh fuck!" Herb groaned. "I'm cumming!"

"I guess so!" Hillary grinned and felt his balls jump while he filled her sister's pussy with his cum.

"Where's Michael?" Heidi asked when she recuperated.

"Where else?" her twin asked in reply. "The shower of course."

"Of course," Heidi grinned.

Herb lay there gathering his wits while the girls disappeared into the shower and joined their cousin. He was just about to do so as well when he heard a knock on the door. He scrambled for his bathing suit and shirt before answering.

"Ginny!" he cried in shock when he opened the door.

"I came over to apologize for my cousins," Ginny said, but then suddenly stepped back and waved her hand in front of her face. "What is that smell?" Herb got over his surprise quickly and grinned.

"Sex," he replied.

"Sex?" she asked.

"The twins are at it again with their cousin. Do you want to join them?"

"No!" Ginny cried in disbelief and turned to leave. Herb grabbed her hand. Instead of pulling her into the room he led her outside and shut the cabin door. He moved toward the shower around the side. There wasn't an entrance to the shower outside of the cabin, but that wasn't what he was after anyway.

"Let's watch," Herb said, remembering the last time they saw the cousins together.

It didn't take long for them to find a place where they could peak in. It was the same place the twin's found to spy on Michael months before. Ginny looked ready to bolt any moment, so Herb let her be first to peak in and watch.

"They're really in there kissing and rubbing each other all over!" she gasped lowly. "I guess I knew they would be, but it's just so hard to believe. Two sisters and a cousin! It's so sinful!"

Herb smiled as he saw her excitement grow despite her words. He knew he was Ginny's first and probably only so far to date, but with the way she was watching he expected that before the summer was over that would change. Of course, that didn't mean he didn't want another chance at her right now!

"What are they doing?" he asked, rubbing his body up against hers.

"Heidi is on her knees licking Michael's big dick!" Ginny moaned.

"And Hillary?" Herb asked, rubbing Ginny's ass through her shorts and bathing suit. She didn't stop him.

"She's under her sister," Ginny replied. "Her tongue is buried...well you know where!"

"Tell me!" Herb demanded. He wanted to hear Ginny say it. She paused, biting her bottom lip, but then licked both of her lips and answered.

"In her sister's vagina!" Ginny moaned.

"Pussy, call it a pussy," Herb said, but she remained silent. He pulled Ginny's shorts off.

"Herb, you horny bastard!" she cried, but that didn't stop her from helping him with her clothes.

"And you love me for it!" he laughed.

"Please!" she said with a roll of her hers. "Just be sure to use your tongue on me first."

"Use it to do what?" he asked with a grin. She looked away from the sight of the cousins long enough to meet his gaze. Her eyes flashed with desire before she answered.

"I want you to lick my pussy like Hillary's is licking her sister's!" she finally moaned. Herb smiled and started kissing her pussy from behind.

"Oh yes Herb!" Ginny cried, once again watching the cousins. "Lick my pussy! Make me cum!" Yet instead, Herb drove his tongue into her just long enough to make sure she was ready. After that he stood and pushed the head of his cock into Ginny's from behind.

"Bastard!" she snapped, but then she groaned and slammed back to meet his next thrust before glancing into the shower. "Michael's doing the same thing to Hillary, only his cock is bigger!"

"Mine is plenty big enough for a bitch like you!" Herb growled and started slamming into Ginny.

"Yes, it is!" she admitted as he held her hips and stroked into her so hard that his balls slapped against her clit. She loved the feel of it and moaned with each thrust! It wasn't long before she finally came.

"Let's go join the others," Herb said when she was done. He hadn't cum with Ginny, but he wanted to save it for the twins.

"No!" Ginny said with a shake of her head. "I just can't do it. Besides, I have to go home. Samuel and Sadie will be looking for me."

"You're loss," Herb said and then returned to Michael's cabin.

"I know," Ginny whispered as she pulled back on her clothes and left.

Herb went into the cabin and directly to the entrance of the shower. He knew that it was big based on the outside, but the dimensions inside still surprised him. There were actually four showerheads on a post in the middle.

"What did you father build this for? Did he know you guys would be having orgies here?" he joked.

"Our father?" Heidi laughed, but then went back to groaning as Michael stroked his cock in and out of her. He was actually holding her off the ground by her ass and slamming into her. She had her arms wrapped around his neck.

"The cabin is only the first of a bunch he plans on building here when the time comes. He has plans on hiring men on when the farm gets too big for him to handle himself. The shower is going to be a shared facility," Hillary answered.

"Not a bad idea," Herb admitted.

"Thanks," Hillary said, and then grinned added, "So, did you and I'm guessing Ginny enjoy the show?"

"Oh yeah!" Herb laughed, realizing that they must have known they were being watched.

"Is Ginny planning on joining us?" Hillary asked.

"Nope," he replied. "But I think she wanted to."

"She will eventually," Hillary smiled sexily as she reached down and stroked his cock. It jumped back to life almost immediately. "But for the time being, do you think you can do to me what Michael is doing to Heidi?"