Conflicted in Paradise Ch. 01


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"You American guys and your incessant need for threesomes! God!" the girl said in a despairing voice.

"Oh right! Like it's only American guys who want that! British guys would never want a threesome!"

"Not as badly as you!" she said vehemently.

"What you need, Vincent?" Eduardo asked, disrupting Vincent's reverie. Vincent blinked a few times, then gave the bartender his order. He wondered who the guy had been talking about. Damon, perhaps? He shrugged slightly; it wasn't important anyways. He stared at Kelsey and Amanda until Vincent handed him a tray full of drinks.

He brought the drinks out to all his guests, finishing with the group of girls. Damon had returned from lunch, and he and his girlfriend were cuddled up together in a sunlounger, though they'd taken refuge from the fierce sunshine in the shade of one of the palm trees. The other girls were taking full advantage of the beautiful weather, tanning leisurely.

"Oh, thanks, Vincent," Damon said when Vincent put the drinks down. "These are our friends, by the way. That's Stacey over there, that's Carynne, and this is my sister, Kelsey."

Vincent nodded politely. He'd already figured out the girls' names, though he did a bit of a double-take when he heard Damon say Kelsey was his sister. Now that he looked at the two of them more closely, he realized they did look quite a bit alike. He grinned inwardly at how lucky Damon was. He had one of the two most beautiful girls in the world as his girlfriend, and the other one was his sister—it hardly seemed fair. He wondered if Damon would mind him fucking Kelsey up that perfect ass of hers. Her moans and whimpers in his mind were utterly delicious, and he could feel his cock start to grow again.

Before he could say anything, however, Vincent suddenly heard his name being called. He looked over to see the boss waving at him to come inside, and he waved back in acknowledgement. There was probably more manual labor to be done, he realized with a deep sigh.

He said goodbye to Damon and his friends, then walked off.

*** ***

Amanda smiled at Vincent's back as he left. He was a genuinely nice guy—quite handsome too, if she was honest to herself. Stacey especially seemed pretty interested in him, and she grinned at the thought of her friend fucking the friendly waiter to shreds. Though from the way he was built, she reckoned he could probably handle himself in bed, even with a sex-fiend like Stacey.

She moaned a little when Damon kissed her neck, and she quickly focused her attention back on her wonderful boyfriend, locking her lips against his. Even after almost ten months of dating, she still got tingles in her spine from the way he kissed her and the way he looked at her. She felt warm and secure in his love, thrilled at the way it almost enveloped her like a blanket.

She genuinely hoped he was over his distress at doing so poorly—by his standards anyways—at Nationals. He had trained like crazy the months before, and he'd been so confident that he was going to do well that Stacey had booked this celebratory vacation for all of them in advance. Then he'd finished last in the 400 meter individual medley, and she'd had to argue with him quite fiercely when he initially refused to go on the trip, saying she and the girls should just go without him. She still shivered as she thought back to it; she hated arguing, especially with people she loved so much. Fortunately he'd come around, and he'd given her a night of make-up sex that had nearly made her pass out.

She grinned in remembrance of that night. Both of them had been sweating and were utterly exhausted, and he'd asked her if she was finally going to say that she couldn't go anymore. She'd just kissed him and told him she was more than ready to go again, after which he'd groaned and surrendered. She absolutely loved the way he kept trying to completely wear her out, even though he should have long since realized that she was genuinely insatiable. It flattered her that he kept trying over and over, however.

As they let go of their kiss, Amanda looked deep into Damon's eyes, again wishing she knew what he was thinking. Like all men, he had an irritating tendency to say 'nothing' when she asked him, even though she could tell his mind was going a thousand miles a minute. No amount of prodding would ever get him to tell her what he was thinking about, though. In that way she always wished he was far more like Kelsey, who never had any hesitation in sharing her inner thoughts with her best friend.

He just smiled at her, and she felt herself melt under that smile once again, like she'd done hundreds of times before. He was just so damn cute! She banished her worries to the darkest corners of her mind and snuggled up against him a little closer. Her hand ran over his abs, and her pussy tingled when she felt his muscles. Not for the first time, she marveled at how hot he really was. She closed her eyes and enjoyed being there with him; his body was warm and his arms felt so wonderful around her.

After awhile, Damon gently shook her awake, though she hadn't even realized she'd fallen asleep. "Baby, wake up. I'm gonna go swim. Do you want to go with me?" he asked.

She gave him her most beautiful smile, and she got another thrill from the way his eyes softened when he saw her smile at him. She stretched languorously and looked at her friends over her shoulder. "Are you guys going swimming?"

Stacey and Carynne both nodded, but Kelsey shook her head. "I'm too tired. I think I'm going to just lie here for awhile," her best friend said.

"I'm gonna stay here with Kel for a bit, okay? I'll join you in a little while," Amanda said to her boyfriend.

"Sure. Don't ravage each other too much!" he joked with that goofy grin of his.

She giggled and punched his arm as he got up, then she watched him and her two friends race each other to the water. He'd have easily won if it hadn't been for Stacey deliberately tripping him, allowing Carynne to reach the water first. The girls' laughter quickly turned into squeals of fake fright once he got back up and began chasing them into the sparkling blue ocean.

Amanda leaned over and gave Kelsey a gentle kiss even as she blinked against the bright sunlight. The two of them had been best friends for a long time, and lovers for going on two years. They had remained lovers once she and Damon had gotten involved. Of course, Kelsey had gotten involved with Damon too, and though the consequences of that convoluted triangle had nearly been disastrous, afterwards the three of them had been extremely happy together for awhile. It was wonderful to have two people love her so completely as Damon and Kelsey did.

Kelsey broke the kiss after a few moments, hiding her mouth behind her hand to yawn.

"Did Carynne wear you out that much?" Amanda asked teasingly.

Kelsey blushed softly. Amanda adored how Kel always managed to blush when confronted with her wonderful sexual escapades. It was mostly a sham, of course; Kel absolutely loved being so slutty, but she enjoyed acting a bit sheepishly because of it too. It just made her even more cute than she already was.

"Not just Carynne. Stacey joined in too," Kelsey said, nibbling her lower lip.

"Oh, no wonder you're so tired! What all did they do to you?"

"God, what didn't they do to me! I squirted so much on the bed that we had to sleep on the couches!"

Amanda grinned at that, a thousand memories of Kelsey's squirting orgasms rushing through her mind. She absolutely loved the way Kel came—they all did. Having Kelsey soak them in her sweet, juicy cum was likely number one on everyone's 'Favorite Things To Do' list. She just wished she knew why it hadn't happened lately. She sighed and let the thought slide, staring off into the distance.

"Amanda... are you and Damon sad that I haven't slept with you guys in awhile? Or angry?" Kelsey asked hesitantly after a few moments of silence. As always, she seemed to be able to read Amanda's mind.

Amanda gave her a wan smile. "No, we're not. We love it when you join us, of course, but we're just happy that you and Carynne are together now. If you're happy, we're happy."

Kelsey shaded her eyes with her hand and her gaze shifted to the ocean, where her brother was in the process of hoisting Carynne up and throwing her into the water. She giggled at Carynne's loud squeal right before it was cut off by the sea. "Yeah, I am happy. I'm really happy," she said, her heart in her throat.

"That's all that matters. I'm really glad you found someone, Kel; even though it took you forever to figure it out!"

Kelsey grinned at her friend. "Yeah, well, some help you were! You'd known about Carynne's feelings for me for a long time, and you never told me!"

"I'm sorry. I just figured that was something Carynne would much rather tell you herself."

"I know, I'm just teasing you," Kelsey said, comfortingly putting her hand on Amanda's arm. They smiled at each other and stole another kiss.

"Did you really not realize it?" Amanda asked after a few moments.

Kelsey shook her head. "No. I knew she loved me, of course, but we all love each other. I had no idea she was actually in love with me."

"You know, you're a doofus!" Amanda giggled.

Kelsey laughed loudly. 'Doofus' had been her nickname for her brother ever since they were children, and she fondly called him that often. It fit him well since he could be incredibly dense at times, though she still absolutely loved him for it. She had to admit, however, she'd been just as dense when it came to Carynne. Her gorgeous friend had been in love with her for a long time, and she'd never realized it. She felt tears of joy well up in her eyes as she thought back to that night when Carynne had told her.

She wiped her tears away with the palms of her hands and smiled at Amanda. "You've both been so wonderfully supportive of me—of us. Thank you."

"Of course, Kel. Anything for you, you know that. We both love Carynne too, and we're just glad you two finally got together. Damon is especially glad!"

"Yeah, because now he doesn't have to be jealous!" Kelsey giggled. After she had told her brother and Amanda to focus on each other, she'd said that one day she'd want to find someone for herself. In reply her brother had told her he'd be fine with that, but she knew if she'd wound up with a boy he still would have been jealous. With Carynne that fortunately did not seem to be an issue.

She saw Amanda looking out at the ocean, watching Damon, Stacey and Carynne play around; then, a sudden shimmer of doubt passed through Amanda's face. Nobody else would have likely even noticed it, but Kelsey had known and loved Amanda for a long time, and her best friend couldn't hide anything from her.

She quickly got up and sat down next to Amanda on the sunlounger that was shaded by the palm tree, wrapping her arm around her friend's shoulders. "Amanda, is something wrong? You two have seemed not as happy at times," she asked softly. Mentally, she was praying for it to be just a figment of her imagination, and for the two of them to be just fine—it would completely devastate her to ever see the two people she loved most in the world break up.

Amanda looked at her friend with her eyes full of love. She wanted so badly to tell her, but the absolute last thing she wanted was to do anything that would mess with Kelsey's happiness. She'd long ago said that all she cared about was Kelsey being happy, and she meant it. So instead she just gave her another wan smile.

Again, it would have fooled anyone but Kelsey. She squeezed Amanda's shoulder, silently urging her to say what was bugging her. Soon Amanda's lip began to wobble, and she burst into tears. Kelsey felt her gut clench at the sight of Amanda crying, and she quickly took her in a warm embrace, holding her close.

"What's wrong, Amanda? Is it the swimming thing still?" Kelsey whispered, in between kissing Amanda's head over and over again while it rested against her chest. She knew how disappointed her brother had been at his poor result, as well as the huge fight the two of them had had about still coming on this vacation.

"No... at least, I don't think so," Amanda sobbed softly. "He seemed more relaxed about it this morning."

"Then what is it? Please tell me."

Amanda just cried harder, and Kelsey continued holding her, whispering soft encouragements to her. Her mind conjured up possible explanations for Amanda's grief, and she had to take several deep breaths to clear the more horrible ones.

Finally Amanda murmured, "Kel... why won't he... why..." she stammered.

"Why won't he what, baby?" Kelsey whispered, frowning slightly. Was Amanda upset that Damon hadn't asked her to marry him yet? Though she teased her brother about it almost relentlessly, Amanda always maintained that she wasn't ready to get married yet. She kept adamantly stating that she wanted to get through college first, though Kelsey had always figured that wasn't really the honest truth.

"Why won't he come to UCLA with us?" Amanda blurted out before bursting into a fresh crying fit.

"What?!" Kelsey exclaimed loudly as she felt her heart go icy cold. "Oh my God, has he said that?"

"No, but..."

Kelsey swallowed loudly, trying to get herself to calm down as Amanda's words drifted beyond her consciousness. All throughout high school, she and her brother had always been determined to go to college together, and they'd focused on UCLA because it would allow them to be closer to their older sister, Melissa, who lived in L.A.. If he'd suddenly changed his mind about that, she'd... she quickly shook her head to clear it of the nasty thoughts. She'd been halfway ready to get up and charge straight at him. "What did he say, then?" she asked.

"He hasn't really said anything about it. At all," Amanda said, still crying softly.

Kelsey frowned. She'd been the first of her friends to send in her application to UCLA. She wanted to be closer to Melissa, so her choice had been easy. Amanda had quickly followed suit, not wanting to be parted from her best friend and lover. Once Kelsey and Carynne had become involved, Carynne had also made up her mind to go to UCLA since the two new girlfriends didn't want to be apart either. With their excellent academic records, the three of them had managed to get scholarships which paid for all of their tuition and other fees and left enough to live off if they were a bit frugal.

Stacey was still undecided, mostly because she was harboring thoughts about going to college in Europe. Kelsey wanted nothing more than for her friend to come with them to UCLA, but she knew how badly Stacey wanted to go touring and see the world. For all she knew, Stacey might just go do that and not bother with college for a few years—it wasn't as if she had to worry about getting a job. Besides, if she did ever decide to go to college, she probably could just show up whenever she felt like it and still be admitted. No college was really likely to turn her down; being the daughter of an oil billionaire had its benefits, after all.

Damon, however, had held off on his decision. Kelsey knew that it was partially because his swimming coach kept urging him to go pro. Despite his poor showing at Nationals, Damon still held the fastest time ever swam by a high school student in the 400 meter individual medley, and he was going to improve by a lot over the next few years as he reached his physical prime. He'd improve in college too, of course, but if he finished college first, he'd be almost twenty-four by the time he could go pro. More and more professional swimmers went pro straight out of high school, and she knew the lure of likely being financially independent in a few years weighed heavily on her brother's mind. She also knew he had dreams of competing in the Olympics in London in 2012, and his coach felt that he'd be far better prepared for that by going pro because of the increased level of competition he'd face.

Then there was the scholarship offer from Texas, whose AD had basically offered Damon a full ride and had hinted at a slew of unofficial perks, and with that came the opportunity to swim for the top Division I team in the NCAA. Though Kelsey didn't think that Damon would take that offer if he did decide to go to college, she knew he hadn't officially turned it down yet either, like he had the offers from dozens of other colleges.

She understood her brother's desire to make the right decision, but she also knew that his delay in making up his mind gnawed on Amanda. Amanda would follow Damon anywhere, but there had never been any doubt in her mind that he'd follow his girlfriend and his sister to UCLA, so she'd applied to UCLA early. Now it appeared there was a possibility that that decision might come back to bite her in the ass.

"It'll be okay, Amanda. You know he's not hesitating because of you," Kelsey whispered encouragingly.

"Really?" Amanda asked, a little dubiously.

Kelsey winced. "Of course, really. Why would you ever doubt that?"

Amanda sighed. "It's just... I don't know. I just wonder if I did something wrong; if maybe I made him reluctant or something. I know our fight hasn't helped."

Kelsey had to fight not to start crying herself; Amanda sounded so sad! "Honey, it's not you! He loves you, you know that. He never wants to be separated from you!"

Amanda looked at her, her eyes still blurring with her tears. "Then why won't he come to college with us?"

Kelsey sighed. "I don't know. But I'll talk with him about it soon, I promise."

Amanda just nodded. She so badly wanted to tell Kel the other reason she was sad, but she buried that desire deep down inside. All that mattered was that Kel was happy. Even if it made her heart break.

*** ***

The atmosphere in the nightclub was electric, and Kelsey smiled joyously when they all entered. The place was absolutely packed, the music was thumping loudly, and everybody seemed to be having a great time dancing, drinking, and otherwise just enjoying themselves.

She had no idea what the club was called, and she didn't care. It was on the beach, just a short walk away from where they were staying, and that was really the deciding factor for them to go there every night. It was a beautiful, not too large, typically Caribbean building, made of white-painted wood and a slanted straw roof that extended far beyond the walls, protecting the party-goers from any rain that would otherwise blow in through the open windows. Strobe and disco lights were abundant, though most of the light came from the low-hanging full moon that shimmered over the ocean in a breathtakingly beautiful fashion.

She made her way over to the bar across the dance floor, wanting a drink first. She loved that nobody on the island cared how old they were with regards to drinking, an attitude she wished the U.S. wouldn't be so stuck up about. She nimbly cut through the crowds, smiling at all the guys—and several girls—that were obviously checking her out. She'd almost made it to the large mahogany bar when she felt her butt being pinched, hard.

Kelsey quickly turned around, trying to see who it was that had grabbed her. She broke into a giggle when she saw Carynne hold up her hands, her fingers clacking like they were a lobster's claws.

"Sorry. Nobody had grabbed your ass yet, and I didn't want you to think you didn't look hot enough tonight or anything," Carynne grinned mischievously.

Kelsey just laughed and wrapped her arms around Carynne's neck, leaning down slightly to kiss her wonderful girlfriend. She groaned as she felt Carynne's tongue slide inside her mouth, and the two made out passionately for several wonderful moments.

"Mmmm, I love you," Kelsey said when they finally broke their kiss.

"I love you too!" Carynne said happily. Then she looked around at all the guys who were staring so hard at the two of them that their eyes were nearly falling out of their sockets. "Looks like we have some admirers!"