Conflicted in Paradise Ch. 02


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"I have to," Stacey said simply with a small shrug. "There's no way my dad would let me go anywhere without them."

"Where do they stay?"

"They have the villa next to the one the girls and I are staying in."

"I'm surprised your dad doesn't insist they stay with you in the same villa. Or even in your bedroom!" Damon joked.

She gave him a cute little grin. "I bet Carynne would like that! But no, after the whole Jonathan thing, Dad has made sure that I only have unattractive, older men as my bodyguards, and I think they're under very strict orders to keep their 'distance' from me," she said, making air quotes with her fingers.

"Jonathan thing? What happened?" Damon asked, remembering Stacey's personal bodyguard whom he'd even been friends with for a brief time. He hadn't seen Jonathan around in several months, he suddenly realized.

"He couldn't handle just being my bodyguard, and he tried to get me to be more than I wanted to be," she said in a small voice.

"He didn't hurt you, did he?"

"No, nothing like that. He just wouldn't leave me alone. He kept banging on my bedroom door, demanding to speak to me, and finally my dad had the other guys throw him out. Then Dad fired him and filed a protective order against him."

"What? Jesus, that seems a little..."

"Over the top?"


Stacey nodded. "I agree, but Daddy was really angry. I tried calling Jonathan later to apologize for what happened, but he wouldn't take my call. A few days later, after I'd kept trying to call him dozens of times a day, he changed his cellphone number."

"I'm sorry."

"Oh well," Stacey said with a small shrug. "That's what I get for fooling around with my staff, right?"

"I guess so," Damon grinned. "You'd think there'd be plenty of other people for you to fool around with."

"Really? Most everybody on this trip seems to be off-limits to me!"

Damon grimaced, and though he quickly tried to hide it, Stacey saw it anyways.

"Oh... shit, I'm such an idiot! I'm sorry, Damon. I just wasn't thinking," she apologized.

"It's okay. It's just..." he sighed and didn't finish.

"You and Amanda are really upset over Kelsey, aren't you?"

He nodded silently.

"I can go talk to her if you want? Maybe I can change her mind or something."

"No, that's okay," he said, waving her off with his hand. He stared off into the distance, his gaze mindlessly roaming over the beautiful blue ocean and the roiling storm clouds in the distance.

"Damon, I can see how much this is hurting you. Let me try to help, please?"

"I appreciate the offer, Stacey, but I don't want to make this any harder for Kelsey. It's hurting her enough as it is. And I don't want to just try to convince her to come back to our bed if it's going to make Carynne unhappy either. With the way things are going between her and Kel, she's probably going to be the equivalent of my sister-in-law at some point, and I don't want to cause any friction between us. I already feel like shit for never thinking of her feelings about the whole thing in the first place."

"So you're going to just let the girl you love slip through your fingers?" Stacey asked incredulously.

"No, I'm not. I've still got Amanda."

"Oh, come on! I may be blonde, but I'm not stupid. You love Kelsey just as much as you do Amanda, if not more, and don't even try to pretend that you don't! And you're letting her just walk away."

"Well, what else can I do? If she's decided that she doesn't want to be with us anymore, then that's—"

"It's not that she doesn't want to," Stacey interrupted him. "She obviously does. She just wants Carynne to be able to join in."

Damon waved off her objection. "Right, but it still doesn't change anything. Amanda and I want her to be with us, she says she can't, and so she won't."

"You could fix this so easily, you know."

"Not while she's with Carynne we couldn't."

"Yes, you can. Just invite Kelsey back into your bed and invite Carynne too."

Damon sighed. "We can't do that, Stace."

"Why not?"

"Because Amanda and I agreed we'd be exclusive."

"So? Agree to be exclusive and make an exception for some people. You already did for Kelsey."

"That's different..."

"No, it's not. It's the exact same thing. Kelsey happens to be your sister, but even if she wasn't you'd have still made that exception for her. You and Amanda would both have. So why can't you do the same thing for other people you love?"

"That's not fair, Stace. You know it's a completely different thing with Kelsey, precisely because of the fact that she's my sister, and because of what she and Amanda had before I got involved with them."

"And what makes Carynne so different? Carynne had been fooling around with Amanda for quite awhile before you came along, so why can't she have fun anymore with her? For that matter, Carynne fucked your brains out quite a few times as well! So why not anymore now? Because she's not your sister?" Stacey said insistently.

"No, but... I..." Damon stuttered. "Look, after Kelsey was in the hospital, and Amanda and I didn't have sex until she was able to join us again, we just... I dunno, we just didn't really miss all the group stuff all that much anymore."

"That's just because you felt bad about Kelsey. You two didn't want to fuck Carynne or me because Kel couldn't be there. If Kel had been able to, would you really have stopped? Be honest! You'd have come over to my house every afternoon like I'd offered!"

Damon was quiet for several moments, then he nodded slightly. "Yeah, we probably would have."

"And then you two likely wouldn't have come up with your exclusivity thing either."

"You're taking your speculation a bit far afield there," Damon said wryly.

She gave him a cute grin. "Hey, whatever it takes to convince you."

"You know, you're trying awfully hard to get us to..." Damon said, then he stopped when suddenly a curious thought popped into his mind. "Why do I get this strange feeling that you're not just lobbying for Carynne here?"

Stacey's grin just became bigger, but she shrugged her shoulders, pretending to play stupid.

"You're not just talking about her, are you? You're talking about yourself too."

"Maybe," she said, her face now a beautiful, teasing smile.

"Do you miss her? Amanda, I mean."

"Yes, I do. And not just her."

He stared at her in surprise. "Eh... you... what, me?"

Stacey giggled loudly. "You're so cute when you're all flustered!"

"But... you and I've only ever done it once..."

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"I mean, you'd been with Amanda for like a year, so I can see why you'd miss her, but me?"

"Oh, don't play so innocent!" She punched him in the arm even as she leaned forward far enough that they were almost touching. She put her hand on his, smiling when she saw the effect her physical contact was having on him. "But I'll tell you why. It's because I really loved that one time you and I hooked up. I loved feeling you cum inside me; it was so hot and so powerful. Your cock felt so big in me when you came, it was amazing," she said, her voice a seductive whisper.

Damon shuddered as the memories flooded through him. That entire Saturday had been the most amazing day of his life, and the sex he'd had, first with all the girls at Stacey's home, then later again that night on Pandora's balcony, had been out of this world. A small voice in his mind screamed at him that it wanted to enjoy those wonderful orgies again.

Stacey leaned in even closer, her firm tits pushing against his arm. Her eyes were smoky, and she looked as if she was about to kiss him. Before she could say or do something, however, a voice interrupted their moment from a little ways away.

"Hi guys!" Siara said as she and Ryan walked up along the beach. The British girl was waving excitedly at the sight of Damon and Stacey.

Stacey grinned at Damon and gave him a soft peck on the cheek. "We'll talk about this again some other time." Before he could answer, she got up and walked over to the approaching pair. "Hey!"

Damon's eyes followed Stacey, unable to keep from lingering on her ass. He again marveled at just how sexy she was, especially in that tight, dark red bikini. He shifted his gaze to Ryan and Siara, who were both wearing swim wear as well, which in Siara's case amounted to a pink bikini which clung enticingly to her tall, slender body.

Stacey greeted Siara while Ryan walked over to Damon, who shook his hand before getting up and quickly rinsing himself off in the ocean. He then walked back towards their regular set of sunloungers, with Ryan following after him.

"We didn't interrupt anything, did we?" Ryan asked curiously as he sat down, nodding his head towards Stacey who had led Siara to the same set of sunloungers.

"No, not at all. We were just talking," Damon said, perhaps a little too quickly.

"Uh-huh," Ryan grinned teasingly. "So why were you all covered in sand then? Does she like to be on top?"

"Oh nice. Very funny!" Damon laughed. "I swam too far and exhausted myself. When I got back to the beach, I was too tired to walk back here, and I just collapsed."

"Why didn't you stop swimming before you got exhausted?"

"Because by the time I got tired, I still had to go all the way back."

Ryan shook his head laughing. "Okay, I know this is pretty deep stuff, but try to stay with me: This is why you swim parallel to the beach!"

"Yeah, that advice would have been a bit more handy an hour ago, and where were you then?"

Ryan glanced surreptitiously in Siara's direction, and a big smirk popped up on his face.

"Well, okay, I guess that's a valid excuse, yeah," Damon chuckled. He waved Vincent over to order something to drink.

"Will your guests be staying long, sir?" Vincent asked politely after he'd sauntered over and had taken a few seconds to check out Stacey and Siara in their small bikinis.

Damon gave Ryan a questioning glance, and Ryan just shrugged. "We don't have anything else to do, so sure."

"Yeah, they'll be here awhile," Damon said.

"You can just put it on my villa account, Vincent," Stacey said, pointing at the villa she was staying in with the girls. "For the whole day."

"Of course, miss," Vincent said. He took everyone's order and left again, though not without sharing a smile with Stacey.

"You don't have to do that," Siara objected. "Ryan and I can pay for ourselves."

Stacey put her hand on Siara's and just gently shook her head. "Don't worry about it. I don't."

"Are you the one who's paying for all of this, then?" Siara asked, motioning at the beautiful villas behind them.

Stacey nodded. "My dad's in oil. He's got so much money he doesn't know what to do with it, so he gives me a lot of it, and I don't really know what to do with it, either."

Siara smiled. "You should date Ryan for awhile. He'd spend it right quick!"

Stacey glanced over at the tall, dark-haired guy and threw him a teasing grin.

"Oh, right, like I'm the only one who spends money like crazy!" Ryan objected, though he happily returned Stacey's grin.

Stacey leaned in close to Siara, whispering in her ear to keep the boys from hearing. "Dating him might be fun, but I get the idea that it's far more fun to just ravage that awesome body of his, hmm?"

Siara's eyes grew wide for a second as she drew back, then she giggled. "My word, are you always this forward?"

"Usually. It helps me get what I want more often."

"And what kind of things do you want?"

"Like you don't know," Stacey grinned. "Dirty things, mostly."

Siara laughed prettily. "I kind of got the idea last night that you girls were pretty naughty, yes."

"We do get a little horny at times," Stacey admitted, still smirking happily. "Though to be honest, what happened last night was really the first time we've done something like that. In a club full of people, I mean."

"So you have done it before?" Siara asked, her eyes smoldering.

"Oh yeah. Kelsey, Carynne and I have been fucking each other for quite awhile." She gave Siara a penetrating stare, trying to determine if the gorgeous British girl liked what she was telling her. When she saw Siara start to blush, she knew she was getting to her, so she added, "You liked watching us, didn't you?"

"Yes," Siara said softly. "There were a few girls at my private school who everybody believed had sex with each other, but I never knew for sure, and I certainly never saw it."

"Did it turn you on?" Stacey asked teasingly. Siara's accent was like a delicate caress across her spine, and she wanted to rip that tight, pink bikini off the tall brunette and fuck her to shreds, right there in front of her boyfriend.


"Did you and Ryan have a lot of fun afterwards?"

Siara gasped at Stacey's straightforwardness, but she nodded after a few seconds while her blush grew even bigger.

"Good, I'm glad you liked it," Stacey said softly, putting her hand on the British girl's arm.

Siara gave her a coy smile. "Are you flirting with me, Stacey?"

"Uh-huh," Stacey said unashamedly. "Is it working?"

Siara's blush turned an absolutely gorgeous red, and Stacey inwardly squealed with delight. She couldn't wait to get her hands on Siara's sexy body!

"Yes, it is," Siara said quietly. "But please don't tell Ryan, or he'll immediately start bothering me about a bloody threesome again!"

Stacey laughed loudly at that, before dropping her voice back to a whisper. "Your boyfriend's into threesomes, huh?"

"God, is he ever!" Siara sighed. "He just will not stop talking about it!"

"Well, if you do ever decide you want to give him one, you're with the right group!" Stacey grinned.

"I sort of figured that. With the way you and those other two girls... what were their names again? Kelsey and...?"


"Oh, right, Carynne! With the way they were going at it, I figure there's really not much you say no to, is there?"

Stacey laughed again. "Nope, there's not! Carynne's the wildest, sexiest slut you'll ever meet, and she is rapidly turning Kelsey into one as well!" she said, deliberately loud enough for Damon to hear.

"Hey, who are you calling sluts?!" Kelsey objected as she and Carynne walked up, obviously just in time to have overheard their friend. They were wearing tight, black bikinis, and Stacey felt a wave of desire rush through her at how hot they both looked. Typically, Carynne's bikini was at least two sizes too small, and it looked fantastic on her delicious little body, and of course Kelsey could wear a ratty shopping bag and still look amazing, so in a tight bikini like that she was out of this world.

"I'm calling you a slut, Kelsey Richards!" Stacey taunted after she'd taken her sweet time ogling her two gorgeous friends. "What are you gonna do about it?"

Biting her lower lip, Kelsey looked at Stacey with undisguised longing. "I have some ideas, but I don't want to embarrass our guests."

"I don't mind!" Ryan quickly said, obviously having listened in, and the entire group burst into laughter.

"See what I bloody well mean?!" Siara said in a despairing voice after a few moments, though it was obvious she was joking from the huge smile on her face.

"Hey Siara," Kelsey said, coming over and promptly hugging the British girl.

"Oh! Um... hi Kelsey," Siara said, somewhat awkwardly returning the hug.

"Sorry, didn't mean to catch you by surprise there," Kelsey grinned.

"It's alright. I still haven't really gotten used yet to how huggy American girls are," Siara said with a cute laugh.

"Well, we're not that huggy with everybody. Just with girls we really like."

Siara stared at Kelsey with her mouth wide open, but before she could say anything, Carynne hugged her as well.

"Yeah. We only hug really beautiful, hot girls," Carynne grinned while checking out Siara in a blatantly obvious manner.

Siara swallowed loudly and seemed temporarily at a loss for words, so Stacey quickly came to her rescue. "Alright, knock it off, you two. You're like a pair of vultures circling a very tasty body."

Going to Kelsey's side, Carynne wrapped her arm around her girlfriend. The two of them grinned at Siara with huge, teasing smiles.

"Besides, I saw her first," Stacey added with a naughty giggle.

"Oh whatever!" Kelsey laughed. She winked at Siara, then she moved over to where the boys were sitting. "Hey Ryan," she said with a cute smile. She had to admit to herself that he really was just gorgeous; tall, well-built, and his muscles almost made her mouth water.

"Hi Kelsey," Ryan said guardedly. He surreptitiously glanced over at Damon, though when he saw that her brother wasn't objecting, he returned her smile. He felt his mouth go dry at the sight of her incredible tits caught in that snug bikini top; then, when she turned around to face her brother, he simply stopped breathing at the sight of her ass. It was utterly perfect, and he actually coughed when his body finally shrieked at him to breathe again. He looked around guiltily to see if anyone had noticed the cause for his sudden coughing fit, but other than Carynne—who gave him a knowing smile—he seemed to be in the clear. He kept glancing over at Kelsey as often as he could, feeling his heart thud faster every time he marveled at her incredible body.

"Hey," Kelsey said quietly to Damon as she knelt beside her brother. She gave him a soft kiss on his cheek.

"Hey Kel." He returned her kiss, then he gently played with her hair.

Her stomach swirled at the touch of his fingers, and she mentally tried to order it to knock it the hell off. It simply ignored her and added an extra dose of butterflies, which made her feel twice as bad. "Are you okay?" she finally asked, desperately trying to hide her own discomfort.

"I'll be alright," he said bravely.

"Where's Amanda?" she asked while looking around for her best friend.

"She wanted to be by herself for awhile. She's probably still inside, or maybe she went for a walk."

"What?" Kelsey said in surprise. "That's not like Amanda at all... maybe I should go check up on her?" She made to get up, but Damon gently grabbed her wrist and held her in place.

"Just give her some time, okay, Kel? She's not going to get over this in an afternoon."

Kelsey's face turned sad, and tears welled up in her eyes. "I know... I'm sorry, Damon, I just don't know what else to do!" she whispered. "I can't... I don't..."

He held open his arms for her, and she fled into his embrace, trying her hardest to ignore the wonderful feeling of his strong arms around her and failing miserably. Her stomach was churning so violently she was worried she might throw up if it didn't quiet down.

Damon held her for quite awhile, nodding at Ryan when he motioned that he was going to go sit with Siara and Stacey.

Kelsey sobbed in Damon's arms, her heart breaking at the thought of Amanda being so sad that she even shunned Damon. Back when Amanda and Damon had made their decision to be exclusive except for her, she'd never imagined that decision would one day lead to this!

Damon gently held his crying sister, kissing the top of her head. He smiled at Carynne when the gorgeous brunette's eyes crossed his, and she returned it somewhat wistfully. She seemed very nervous, as if she was worried that he was blaming her for the whole thing. He motioned at her to come closer, and she quickly did, kneeling beside Kelsey.

"Damon, I... I'm sorry," Carynne said, so quietly that he didn't even hear it. He was only able to make out what she was saying by the shape of her lips. "I don't want to hurt anybody, and—"

"It's okay, you don't have to explain anything. I don't blame you. All you're doing is loving Kelsey, and I'm happy that you're here for her."

"Are you sure?" she asked with a small smile.

"Yes, I am. You're my friend, Carynne, and my sister's girlfriend. I'm glad you two are together."