Dance of Seduction Ch. 01


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"Jennifer please don't run from me. Please let me help you. I promise if you let me help you no one can hurt you."

As he finished talking, Jennifer leaned into him, laid her head on his chest and put her arms around him. He felt the moisture from her tears on his chest as her body started shaking with heart wrenching sobs. As the tears poured out of her eyes, Mike held her gently, cradling her sobbing body against his massive chest. He pulled her back a little bit and then caressed her right cheek as he tilted her face to look up at him. Her face was stricken with anguish, her lips were trembling and her eyes swimming in tears as he gently kissed her forehead. As his hand gently cradled her face in his palms, his thumb swept away a tear from her cheek and he spoke softly.

"Jennifer, I know you need help and I know you're scared of something or someone. I will help you in any way that I can, all you have to do is trust me."

In a trembling shaking voice Jennifer said. "Every time I see you looking at me, I feel your kindness and your strength and it gives me hope. I know I'm trapped and there's no way out for me. Hope seems like an illusion that only makes everything worse. You don't know him." She gasped, the words barely audible on her tongue, "He will kill you and then he'll kill me, making sure to torture you first. I can never get away and he'll find me no matter where I go. Thank you for your kindness and for being a friend, but I can't let anyone else be hurt because of me." The brokenness in her tone caused Mike's heartbeat to speed up as he felt the anguish and fear that seemed to capture her spirit.

Jennifer pulled away from him and broke free of his grasp. She ran into the women's bathroom leaving, Mike standing there feeling helpless. This beautiful delicate flower was tugging at his heart and he knew he had to do something to help, even if she told him she didn't want it.

By nine o'clock everyone was pretty beat and once the day was wrapped up, Mike looked for Jennifer to try and once again see if there was anything he could do. However, he couldn't find her anywhere After assuming his natural identity, security guard, he went back into security mode and made sure the site was secure for the night. Mike was heading out to get into his SUV and go home when he spotted Jennifer sitting on a bus bench about a half a block away.

Mike walked over, knelt down in front of her and gently touched her leg. As she looked up, he could tell she had been crying again. Her eyes were red, still wet with tears and tracts of her tears riddled her cheeks.

Mike whispered. "Jennifer, the buses quit running a half an hour ago. Let me give you a ride home ... Please."

She gave him a conflicted look and then let out a frustrated sigh. "He'll be mad because I'm late and he'll be mad because someone gave me a ride, which means I'm damned if I do and damned if I don't. Thank you Mike, I'll accept your offer."

Mike took her hand and helped her stand and then as they started walking back to his SUV , he wove his fingers through hers.

Hand-in-hand they walked back to his SUV. Jennifer stole sideways glances at Mike. With his hand wrapped around hers, she started feeling things she hadn't felt in a long time, namely hope, trust and even a little bit of desire.

A block down the street a car started up, headlights came on as he pulled away from the curb. He chuckled to himself, his plan was going perfectly. Leonard Baughman knew he would beat them home and be ready for the next act.

Mike was surprised that the address she gave him was in Beverly Hills. Why would she be catching a bus if she lived in Beverly Hills? What kind of man would make his wife catch a bus when it was obvious that they lived in a place where they could afford a car, as a matter of fact, he could tell that they had enough for her to have her own car. Was this husband of hers that controlling? None of this added up. As he glanced over from the corner of his eyes at the beautiful woman sitting next to him was, he understood that she was probably just as much, if not more in the dark than he was. As he continued to watch her from the corners of his eyes, he noticed that in the reflection of the streetlight Jennifer was astoundingly beautiful. She had an oval face with a small straight nose, beautiful sensuous lips and high cheekbones which drew attention to her stunning eyes. The curves in her face created spectacularly sensuous shadows as the streetlights came and went.

He remembered the eye full of curves he'd gotten earlier while working with her. Her dancer's body was slim and lithe, well-toned and muscled with every feature being in perfect proportion to the rest. Even her breasts were a perfect size for the rest of her delicate features. Normally Mike enjoyed larger breasts, but on Jennifer they would've seemed out of place. Everything about this woman was stunningly perfect.

Mike saw her steal sideways glances at him as they drove and he reached over and wove their fingers together again. Jennifer felt her heart jump when Mike grabbed her hand and threaded his fingers in with hers, her breath quickened with feelings she'd long since abandoned. She could almost imagine herself dreaming about another chance for life and love. She quickly chided herself for thinking these thoughts, knowing that she was only creating false hope, but the warmth of Mike's hand in hers felt good and right. For just a few moments, she allowed herself to be pulled into the dreamland of love, passion and the kind of commitment her parents had to one another.

She shook her head trying to dispel these frivolous thoughts. She knew feelings like this would only make the abuse that would no doubt come later that much worse. She tried to pull away, but his hand rested firmly in hers, preventing the action. Immediately her heart beat a few extra beats, once again she wondered what it would be like to have someone like Mike actually love her. Jennifer felt her heart ache with the type of love she longed for. Again tears welled up in her eyes as she understood she would never receive what her heart so desperately sought. At 25 she knew her life was over and death would be her only escape. Feeling the anger brew in her she, thought of how much she despised the fear she had of her husband. In a moment of defiance, she allowed herself to think of the possibility of taking Leonard with her.

She saw the turnoff for her house coming up and told Mike which turns to make and regretfully pulled her fingers from Mike's grasp. She knew she had to Steele herself for the beating she knew was coming. Jennifer glanced over at Mike who had his hand still on the console, her heart aching with sudden loss.

Mike could see her inner turmoil. His heart reaching out to her, he quickly pulled over to the curb and stopped, putting the SUV in park. He turned to Jennifer, who had her eyes downcast with her hands clasped in her lap. She almost looked like she was praying, but then again in a way maybe she was. Mike undid his seat-belt, exited the car and came around to her door and pulled it open. Mike could see her looking at him with longing in her eyes, but he didn't know what she wanted. He did however know what he wanted as he leaned in and kissed her softly on the lips. As he pulled back from the kiss, he saw her eyes close tightly as she ran her tongue around her lips and then watched as she shuddered with a gasping breath. As she released this breath in a needy moan escaped from between her lips and her eyes fluttered open. They were begging him for more, but in just a heartbeat, the look on her face morphed into fear.

"Oh Mike, I can't, oh God I want ... we can't. I ... I ... Oh Mike ... please take me home." She stuttered and then she buried her face in her hands as she began deep sobbing cries full of sorrow, shame and loss. Jennifer held her face in her hands as she suddenly realized everything she had given up to marry her husband. She had known Mike one day and she felt more care emanating from him than she had from her husband her entire married life. She thought this kind of desire was just in romance novels, this kind of stuff didn't happen in real life. It couldn't be real, but the feelings that Mike invoked in her was living, breathing proof that love and desire could have been hers.

Jennifer wrapped her arms around herself tightly and rocked in her seat, trying to rein in all the conflicting emotions. She knew Mike's gentleness and protectiveness were just his nature, but even these small kindnesses were enough to unnerve her. She felt the shell she had used to protect herself from her brutal marriage beginning to crack under his tenderness. Not even a day and she was already unhinging. She'd hate to see what it would be like three months from now. She knew this was dangerous. She had to get back in her shell and hide herself away, but as she looked up into Mike's kind caring eyes, she felt a larger crack in her shell.

Mike felt heady as he stared at Jennifer. In a day he'd been seduced by this dancing beauty and wanted her to know that she did not have to tolerate abuse from her husband. She could leave husband. He wanted her to know that she could be loved and desired. Mike already knew that the more he was to be around her, the more he would want a chance to be the man that could show her that passion. Mike cupped her face in his hands and tilted it up so he could look into her eyes, then he gently kissed her forehead and said.

"Jennifer you can have anything you want and you don't have to put up with abuse or neglect from your husband. You are a stunningly beautiful, graceful and elegant woman who can have all the love you desire. I would be the first in line if you ever decided to leave him." Mike whispered passionately.

As Mike was talking, Jennifer got a dreamy look on her face and she began to wonder if something like that could be possible for her. The way Mike looked at her and stroked her face, she could almost imagine what it would be like. She shivered at the thought. Then reality sunk in and she knew it could never happen, her husband would see her dead before he would let someone touch her. She had to toughen up and not let Mike seduce her with his visions of love and desire. She had to go home to her husband.

Jennifer pulled away from Mike and stiffened her spine and in a defeated voice said. "Mike, I truly wish that some of what you say could come true, but I know it can't. Leonard would never allow a divorce or allow me to walk out on him. He would either beat me till I quit trying or kill me outright, so I know it will never happen. Could you please take me home."

In that moment Mike wanted to kill the Son of a Bitch that crushed the spirit of this incredible women and wondered what kind of a monster do you have to be to abuse such innocent beauty. He looked at her, knew timing wasn't right and she wasn't ready for an intervention. Mike took out one of his business cards and wrote his home address and cell phone number on the back and handed it to her saying.

"Jennifer I am your friend and it is my wish to someday be more than that, so here is my address and cell phone. Please keep this with you always and if you need me call, or if you can't call just come to me and I will be there for you with no strings or expectations. I will always be there for you Jennifer."

Jennifer nodded because the lump in her throat and pain in her heart wouldn't let her speak. They drove in silence until they were parked in front of a large house that Jennifer identified as hers. Mike looked over at Jennifer and despite her stiffened resolve he could see the conflict in her eyes. He got out of the SUV and walked around to open her door. As she turned to look at him her eyes were full of anguish.

"Whatever you need Jen, all you have to do is ask and I'm here." Mike stated, holding out his hand to help her from the SUV.

Jennifer felt her heart jump at the nickname. The way it sounded on his lips left tingles coursing through her spine. She wanted to jump into his arms, but she was married, so she took his hand, got out of the vehicle and began her lonely walk to the front of the house. At that moment Leonard Baughman opened the door, leaned against the door jamb waiting for Jennifer. In that instant many things cleared for Mike, Jennifer's entire life and career was controlled by this man and to leave him meant completely abandoning absolutely everything in her life.

Mike watched as Jennifer neared the front of the house and when she was close to the door, Leonard swung an open palm and slapped Jennifer so hard she went to one knee. Mike was halfway across the yard before he heard Jennifer say "Stop, Mike Please!" He stood there seeing her eyes pleading for him to leave. He stood there as Leonard grabbed Jennifer's arm and she walked her through the door into their house and turned and gave Mike a defiant look that said "She's mine and you can't do a thing about it."

Mike stood in the middle of the yard, fists clinched in rage and his jaw rigid with the hate and anger he felt towards this man. Leonard turned and went into the house, closing the door and turning off the outside lights. Mike stood in the dark trying to let the anger leave him and he had almost succeeded until he heard a faint smack of something hitting flesh followed quickly by a small scream from Jennifer. As a man he wanted to break down the door and beat the ever loving shit out of Mr. Baughman , but he couldn't so Mike tried to dispel the rage and relax his fists.

However as a cop he knew that he'd just witnessed and was hearing the beginning phase of a domestic altercation. He was compelled to act, so he turned and went back to the car, got his phone and called 911 to report a domestic abuse situation at the Baughman residence. He told the 911 dispatch operator that he, a plainclothes policeman was on the scene and would be interceding. He also told her to make sure to tell the backup units that he was there. Mike turned and went back up to the door of the Baughman residence and pounded on the door and yelled "Police, open up."

He waited about 30 seconds pounded on the door again and then repeated his demand. This time he heard shuffling behind the door and it opened to reveal a very angry Leonard Baughman. He immediately started yelling at Mike, asking him who he thought he was and how dare he demand entry into his house.

As Mike looked past Mr. Baughman, he saw Jennifer cowering on the floor several feet away and his fists clenched. But in a calm voice he said. "Mr. Baughman I have just witnessed actions that lead me to believe that a domestic dispute is taking place in this house, and under section 273.5 of the California Penal Code I am required to separate you two and take Mrs. Baughman to the hospital for a medical examination. As a witness to these actions I am also compelled to place you under arrest for suspicion of domestic abuse."

Mike read Mr. Baughman his Miranda rights and as perfect timing would have it, a squad car rolled to the curb right after Mike finished his statement. Mike asked Mr. Baughman to follow him over to the squad car and when he refused, Mike gently but firmly grabbed him by the arm and began to steer him towards squad car. The patrolman squad car came jogging over and offered Mike a set of handcuffs which he quickly clamped on Mr. Baughman's wrists. The Patrolman led Mr. Baughman over to the car and put him in the back seat while his partner came over and talked with Mike.

Mike gave the patrolman a rundown of everything that had happened from giving Jennifer a ride home, to the hard slap to the face and the noises coming from inside the home, including the screams. The patrolman and Mike went through the front door and into the house to find Jennifer still cowering on the floor. Mike helped her stand and sat her on the couch as both he and the patrolman ask questions about what had happened.

Jennifer confirmed the slap of the front porch as well as punches and kicks once the doors were closed. Mike felt his anger continuing to rise with his fists clenching and unclenching, and after her statement was finished the patrolman got up and went outside to confer with his partner. In the end Jennifer said she did not want to press charges and would they please release her husband. Both Mike and the patrolman told her that wasn't going to happen because not only had a policeman witnessed the incident but the bruises she had on her face was consistent with a woman who'd been physically assaulted and under law they were required to press charges whether she wanted them to or not.

His partner had been taking Mr. Baughman's statement and the two patrolman compared notes. They called for transportation for Mrs. Baughman to the USC medical Center for examination and were told that the ambulance would be here.

Mike came outside and told the officer he would stay with Jennifer till the transport to the hospital got there.

The minute Jennifer stepped out onto her front porch and saw Leonard sitting in the back of a patrol car, she felt her legs wobble and give way. Mike caught her in his arms and glanced over at the responding team. Looking at them, he said, "On second thought, waiting for the ambulance to get here might not be a bright idea, perhaps I should just transport her myself." The officer studied Jennifer carefully and said, "Let me check on how far the ambulance is from here." As he placed a call in to dispatch, Mike felt his breath catch as Jennifer went completely limp in his arms. He called her name. There was no response. "Jennifer?" There was still no response. He cleared his throat, "Just tell dispatch I can't wait on the ambulance, the victim is showing no response and I'm taking her in now. He picked her up and carried her to the passenger seat of his SUV and once she was there he took the keys from her purse and went back to lock the front door.

On his way back to his car, he waved to the patrolmen, while one was on the radio with dispatch, the other was walking back to the vehicle to begin a call report. As he started up the car, he glanced over at Jennifer's still body. He felt his anger increase as he stared at her form in the passenger seat. He was going to make sure Leonard Baughman was up to his butt in charges. Mike pulled out of the driveway and began the route to the hospital. A few minutes into the drive, he heard her stir. A deep breath of relief escaped his lips. "Oh, God, Jen, you scared me." She glanced about, looking confused and feeling dizzy, "What happened?"

"You passed out."

"I did?" Jennifer felt the thundering began in her heart, the pulse lifting fast. "Yeah, so I decided to drive you to the hospital myself instead of wait for an ambulance."

"Thank you for being there, I don't know why I passed out."

"Neither do I, but the quicker we get you to the hospital, the sooner we'll find out. Jennifer felt her head spin as the blood pumped furiously in her veins. Sitting up in the seat, she asked for bottled water. "I'm not authorized to give you anything until you've been seen by a doctor and I don't have any water any way." Closing her eyes, Jennifer did a few breathing exercises. During this time, she recalled the incident at the home she and Leonard shared.

"Mike I know you mean well, but you've made everything worse and once he gets free he is going to kill me."

"No he's not Jennifer. You have my word on it and if you ever feel in danger again I want you to call my number or come to my house." Mike cupped her cheek and in his huge hand and continued. "Baby, I will be your guardian from now on and it will be my mission to keep you safe."

Jennifer looked into his eyes and she saw the hardened conviction lurking in his features and for a moment she felt some brief hope that what he said might actually come to pass.