Dance of Seduction Ch. 04

Story Info
Mike and Jennifer dodge more attempts on their lives.
9.5k words

Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 04/10/2013
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Chapter 4 - Together

Mike awoke to the harsh sunlight streaming in through the window and he still felt groggy from lack of sleep. It had been around 3 AM when they finished making love and although he didn't have a chance to get much sleep, he wasn't complaining. Mike had lots of wild sexual adventures, but last night what he confirmed was that he was in love with this woman lying next to him.

He looked over at her beautiful innocent face softened in repose as she slept, and couldn't imagine how somebody could abuse and torture her. To Mike she was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen. Her petite but well-muscled dancer's frame still had soft feminine curves in all the right places. Her breasts were in perfect proportion to the rest of her figure, but coupled with her tiny muscled belly, her breasts and petite hips created the perfect feminine hourglass form.

When he thought of the scars from her husband's torture, he felt the rage building in him again. All the scars from the bottom of her breasts were where her bras would cover the scars, around her pussy lips or on her butt where her panties would cover the damage. He was obviously very careful when he tortured Jennifer to make sure none of the scars showed and he wouldn't be found out. Now it was found out, Mike knew about it, the question was how was he going to react.

Mike had a horrible premonition, without Jennifer to testify there would be very little of a case. With the car and the surveillance, Mike had a feeling that Mr. Baughman was going to try and take out the witness to his torture. Mike knew it was time to wake Jennifer up, so he began teasing her nipple with his finger and slowly placed soft loving kisses all over her face. He felt her body squirm and her back bow just a little, pushing her breast into his finger, and her eyes fluttered open and everything was worth it.

When she saw him next to her kissing her face, her entire face lit up with pure love an unadulterated joy. She reached up and wrapped her arms around his head and pulled him into a love worshiping kiss and then she whispered. "You're still here, last night wasn't just a dream."

"Yes baby, it's been a dream come true for me too. Have I told you this morning that I love you?" Mike whispered as he tugged on her ear with his mouth.

When he looked at her face, he could see she was fighting back her tears and he caressed her face, gave her a soft kiss on her pouty lips. In a choked voice she whispered. "Mike I am so afraid. Last night you showed me things I didn't even know existed, you made me feel beautiful and loved. I was so scared that once you saw the scars you would think I was ugly and leave. I love you Mike, and I want you to know last night was the most wonderful night of my life." Then tears started rolling down her eyes.

Mike caressed her face, kissed her trembling lips and said. "From now on your mine. I know officially you're still married to Leonard, but you're never going back there. We'll work on getting a divorce and we will work on diminishing your mental and physical scars, but remember one thing, I love you and from now on you're my woman. You will stay here from now on."

Jennifer looked at him with open eyed wonder as he said this and stared at him for a few moments in stunned silence. Then she looked at him and said. "I must still be asleep and dreaming, so can you wake me up again." Then Jennifer closed her eyes laid her head on the pillow pretending to be asleep.

Mike smiled at her antics and then leaned over placed his lips on top of hers and used his tongue to pry her mouth apart, plundering her mouth for all the love he could find there. She wrapped her arms around his head and moaned sensuously as he kissed her until she was delirious. When she opened her eyes, she was giving him the same look of love and joy that she had when she first woke up, but now she knew it was real.

"Come on, we need to have you get ready. We have a full day ahead of us, remember?" Mike picked her up and held her in his arms and whispered in her ears, malice in his tone. "He is never getting you, ever again. I'll kill him before he ever touches you again." Jennifer felt chills run down her spine with the depth of his emotion.

"I think both of us need a shower. Would you like to shower with me so we can conserve water?" He queried.

Jennifer looked at him, smiling broadly and agreed. "Yes, anything so you don't have to let go of me."

They showered and erotically washed each other, but there were times both of them wanted to abandon the shower and make love. Mike was very tentative as he washed her scars and he was afraid that he would hurt her, but Jennifer looked at him and said. "Mike, they don't hurt anymore now that I have you."

When it came to dressing, Jennifer only had the dress from the previous night and it was in bad shape with rips and tears from her escape from the shelter, so Mike improvised and took one of his dress shirts and put it on her. He had to roll up her sleeves and wrapped one of his belts almost twice around her to cinch it in. She was drowning in the shirt, but she was legal. Jennifer looked at herself in the mirror and giggled, she looked ridiculous, but she was happy because Mike's scent from his shirt was enveloping her and as long as she wore it, Mike would be with her.

Mike made calls to the detective in charge of Jennifer's case and Capt. Greene. Both told him that Mr. Baughman was still at the shelter when they got there and he was arrested and charged with violation of the restraining order and would be in jail for another day or so, depending on the judge. Mike called the shelter and it was safe for Jennifer to come pickup her clothes.

After breakfast Mike and Jennifer went to the precinct to complete reports on last night's activities regarding Jennifer dodging Leonard. It was almost noon when they finished. Mike drove back to the shelter where they picked up a lot of Jennifer's clothes and then drove to the beach in Carmel, where they spent the day acting like the couple in love that they were. They walked hand in hand on the beach, took a nap snuggled under the gnarled cypress tree and watched the sun set wrapped in each other's arms.

For Mike and Jennifer the afternoon was the perfect counter point to their love making the night before and for Jennifer, not even Leonard's actions could dampen the overwhelming love she felt for Mike. As she watched the sunset in his arms she was floating on a cloud of love and she felt safer with more love than at any time in her life. It just couldn't get any better, but as the sun fell below the horizon and with the way Mike was kissing her, she was ready to go home with him and see if making love tonight could exceed last night.

They ate a quick dinner. As they were leaving the fish shack Mike grabbed Jennifer and swung her into darkened alcove, kissing her with a passion that took her breath away. When he ended the kiss, her knees were trembling and she was clinging to him for support. Mike nibbled on her neck and then started kissing her ear as he growled.

"God woman, you have been tempting me all day and it's been hell not being able to make love to you. I may have to take you right here my sultry tempting vixen."

Jennifer trembled with the strength of Mike's passion and wanted nothing more than for him to pick her up and impale her on his monstrous cock, but with Mike she also felt tremendous happiness and joy and wanted to play. She struck a coquettish pose, batted her eye lashes at him and in her best little southern belle voice said.

"What little ol' me, tempt a big strong man like you."

Mike started to laugh and then growled, picked her up and threw her over his shoulder and stalked to the car. Jennifer started giggling and realized that she never giggled, but she was so deliriously happy she couldn't help herself. Never in her life had she felt like this. The world of darkness had been sweep away and now everything was bright, beautiful and full of joy.

When they reached the SUV Mike set her on her feet, but her arms clung to his head and pulled him into a loving kiss that tingled his toes. As their kiss ended, Jennifer wouldn't release him and in a voice filled with love and passion affirmed. "Mike I love you. God how I love you. I've never known happiness or love like this. Please take me home and make love to me."

Mike lifted her into the SUV then leaned in whispering in her ear. "Yes Ma'am that's been my intention the whole night."

While an hour seemed to take forever, Jennifer leaned over the console and began caressing Mike. Deciding to get in on the action, he used his free hand he was caressing her. As they pulled around the corner to their house, Mike pulled over to the curb and stopped. Jennifer looked at him questioningly as Mike pulled out his phone and sent a fairly long text and then said. "Sorry just remembered something."

Mike put away his phone, put the SUV in gear and finished the drive to the house and pulled into the garage. He came around and opened the door for Jennifer and then pulled her into a kiss. Jennifer couldn't believe how Mike's kisses made her feel. Every time they kissed her scalp tingled, toes curled, pussy got wet and her heart swelled with her love for this man.

He held her hand as they walked into the house and Jennifer heard a loud "whack" and Mike was down on the floor. Jennifer had no idea what was going on until she saw some motion out of the corner of her eye; another loud "whack" and Mike was lying on the floor motionless. Jennifer screamed "MIKE" and ran to him, but before she could reach him an arm wrapped around her waist and she was lifted into the air.

Jennifer had no idea what was going on, but she knew she and the man she loved was in danger. She started flailing, kicking, screaming and doing everything she could to get free, but suddenly someone punched her in her stomach and she couldn't breathe. As she was gasping for breath, he threw her on their bed and handcuffed her left wrist to a corner bed. As he did, Jennifer finally got a look at her attacker and she recognized him as Leonard's chief flunky, the guy who did all of Leonard's dirty work.

Her blood ran cold she realized this had been Leonard's plan all along. Set her up with someone who would protect her and then use that as an excuse to kill her and get rid of her once and for all. The whole attempt to get her at the shelter had been staged to get him in jail where he would have the perfect alibi when she was killed. This was all her fault and she had to do whatever she could to save Mike.

She tried to remember the guy's name and seemed to start with a B. Bernard, yeah that was it Bernard. Then she saw Bernard come around the corner, dragging Mike behind him. He dragged Mike over to a straight chair and lifted him into the chair and then proceeded to duct tape his arms, legs and torso to the chair and about the time he finished, Mike was starting to come around.

Bernard slapped Mike across the face, trying to bring him to. Mike tried looking up, but was having a hard time focusing. Jennifer could tell he was in real pain. His head rolled back and forth before he finally lifted his eyes to meet Jennifer's. With his eyes he asked her if she was all right. She nodded with tears starting to glisten in the corners of her eyes.

"Well, now that we have everybody present and I just wanted to thank you both for being here tonight. For those of you that don't know me, my name is Bernard and I will be your host for this evening's festivities. I just want all of you to know that this is being recorded so that Mr. Baughman will be able to enjoy this show when he gets out of jail."

Bernard walked over to Jennifer, took off the belt around Mike's shirt, put his hands in the middle of the shirt and ripped off all the buttons, exposing Jennifer's naked body. Jennifer could see in Mike's eyes that he was starting to get furious, so with her eyes, she was trying to tell him to be calm. Jennifer thought as long as Bernard was focused on her, he couldn't hurt Mike. Bernard pulled out a switchblade and stuck it in the loose shirt and began to cut through the sleeves until all the remnants of Mike's shirt had been stripped from her.

When he had finished, Jennifer looked at him defiantly and then spat in his face. She knew Bernard's reaction would be swift and violent. She wasn't disappointed when he slapped her hard enough to leave a vivid hand print on her face and then he followed with a backhanded slap of the same intensity. While Jennifer was still trying to get her eyes to focus, he put his switchblade to her throat and drew a faint line, barely breaking the skin beneath the surface, allowing bits of blood to ooze through the slight cut.

Bernard whispered menacingly. "You should be careful lady. I could just gut you right here while your boyfriend watched, but Mr. Baughman wants to make sure you enjoy our time together first."

Mike was watching in wide eyed horror at what was going on across the room. As his eyes found Jennifer's he saw pure, unselfish love. With horror, he realized what she was doing. She was goading Bernard and she was going to sacrifice herself to keep Mike from being hurt. Her eyes weren't just telling him how much she loved him, they were also telling him goodbye. As he was coming to this conclusion, Jennifer was putting her plan into action.

"Are you such a wimp you can't think for yourself? Does Leonard have to tell you to go to the bathroom little boy? Do you suck his penis clean when he goes to the bathroom?" Jennifer said.

As she continued her barrage of insults Bernard began to get red in the face and his uncontrollable rage took over as he began to punch Jennifer in the stomach, breasts and face. He finally stopped when Mike's loud screams of "NO GOD NO! STOP, PLEASE GOD STOP" penetrated his rage. He stopped when he realized that Mr. Baughman would be mad because he had very specific instructions to mutilate her before he killed her. When he finally stopped, Jennifer was unconscious with bruises already starting to form on her face and torso and the knife that had been in his hand when he lost control was now sticking out of her chest.

Mike's horror, rage and panic were completely off the charts as he stood up and crashed into the wall, trying to break the chair and get free duct tape so he could stop what was happening to the woman he loved. The whole time Bernard was beating her, Jennifer had a serene look of love on her face as she calmly gazed at Mike. She was letting him know that if these were her last moments on earth; she had given and felt love so her time with him had made everything worth it.

Mike finally felt some of the chair give and start to break apart. His arms and body were still tied to the chair, but his legs could move so he launched himself with everything he had into Bernard knocking him to the other side of the bed and then onto the floor. Mike followed him across the bed and fell on top of him and began head butting him. At that moment, the room exploded with bright lights and loud noises as bangs started going off in the room. Text message that Mike had sent earlier to Capt. Greene had resulted in a quick response from a nearby SWAT team.

The second people rushed into the room Mike started screaming. "SAVE HER, SAVE HER, PLEASE GOD SAVE HER." As they cut the chair away from Mike, he immediately rushed to Jennifer's side and as he looked at her battered and bloody body ,he felt for and found a very faint pulse . He rejoiced that she was still alive. Then for the first time in his life, he began to cry and then he began to pray for God to save her.

Mike got his handcuff key and unlocked Jennifer from the headboard and cradled her gently in his arms and carried her out to the waiting ambulance. Mike stayed with her the whole ride to the hospital and only let go of her hand when the doctors were treating her in the trauma room. As Mike waited, the adrenaline started to wear off and his head really started hurting. As he went to go check on Jennifer, the pain in his head took him to his knees, and they took him to another trauma room where ultimately they figured out that he had a concussion.

Mike would not submit to any treatment until he knew Jennifer's condition. The doctor finally came over and told him she had two broken ribs, a large number of bruises, a few cuts and the knife in her chest had barely missed anything vital, so she was going to be okay after rehabilitation. They wouldn't know if there was any eye, ear, or brain damage until she woke up. That night they tried to keep Mike and Jennifer apart in separate hospital rooms, but every time they moved Mike, he would find his way back to Jennifer's room. So finally they put them together in the same room, and the first thing Jennifer saw when she woke up was Mike holding her hand against his cheek asleep in a chair next to her bed.

She looked down at this beautiful monstrous man and felt her heart ache for him. She still did not understand why she was alive, but if they are both here then Bernard must be out of the picture. She was finding it difficult to breath because her chest hurt with every breathe. The rest of her body didn't seem to be in much better shape judging from the pain.

Jennifer pulled her hand from Mike's face and then began to stroke his head lovingly. Mike felt her hand moving on his head and immediately came awake. His head popped up to where he could see her face. Jennifer looked into his eyes and could see the love, concern and anger over putting herself in danger.

"Oh Baby, how are you feeling? Are you okay? What were you thinking making yourself the target like that? Oh God Baby, I almost lost you." Mike leaned in and gently kissed her lips, but Jennifer was hearing nothing of that and with her free hand pulled Mike into a voracious kiss. Both Mike and Jennifer were pouring everything they had into their life and love affirming kiss until Jennifer had to breathe and the pain in her chest made her break the kiss in a pain filled moan.

Mike tried to pull back, muttering an apology "I'm sorry baby, I didn't mean to hurt you." But, Jennifer wouldn't let go and pulled him back to her face, rubbing it against his scratchy day old beard, whispering in his ear.

"Not your fault. I need to feel you and I need to feel your love to know that everything is okay, I'm alive and we are well. Please don't leave me yet. Hold me for a little while."

Mike desperately wanted to hold her as well, but was scared that he would hurt her, so he gently slid his hands under her back and pulled her lightly to his chest. It was then that Jennifer wrapped her arms around his neck and squeezed him tightly till she couldn't breathe. She buried her face in his neck and began to cry and in between sobs said. "This was my entire fault. I'm sorry Mike, but I couldn't let him hurt you because of me."

Mike pulled her face away from his neck so he could look into her pain and tear filled eyes and said. "I understand baby and if given the chance I would have done the same thing, but we have to change because there is no more you or me, only us. What affects you also affects me, so we both have to think before we act."

Jennifer was looking at Mike with astonishment on her face. He couldn't be saying that he still wanted her beaten, bloody, bruised and scared body, not after what he had seen. For a moment Jennifer allowed herself to feel hope that it wasn't over and he still loved her, but then she squashed those feelings. If he felt anything it was sorrow or pity. She knew he couldn't be in love with someone that looked like a punching bag.

Mike watched the incredulous looks crossing her face and he knew what she was thinking so he tried to put her fears to rest and continued. "I love you Jennifer, I loved you yesterday, I still love you and I will love you tomorrow. Since I love the woman inside that body, there is nothing Leonard can do to stop me from loving you. Baby your mine and I'm yours, so don't you ever doubt or forget it."