Death By Fucking Ch. 04


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Dee Dee asked if I would mind if she took him to bed. We do this. We talk about our prospective sex partners. We have to. We share everything and eventually if things get far enough along, we may have to share even that.

What is the likelihood of both of us finding husbands at our age? No, we've pretty much decided that if one of us finds a man, he will have to take care of both of us. I know that sounds odd, perhaps even perverted. We aren't. I mean perverted. Dee Dee and I love each other like the closest sisters you ever knew, but that's as far as that goes. Any sharing we do of any real or imagined man we might eventually end up with will be male-female only, if you know what I mean.

She wants to seduce this young man. Well I'm okay with that. I'm even a bit jealous of her good fortune. But my jealousy is ridiculous in light of the fact that her good fortune will eventually lead to my own good fortune.

She called me Wednesday night at midnight. She doesn't usually call that late and I was getting tired. But I knew she would call so I waited, watching Letterman.

I picked up the phone and before I could even say hello she said "Donnie, he was wonderful! I thought he was gong to kill me. Death by fucking: that's all I could think about as I lay there afterwards, almost in a coma."

I was shocked. I was excited. I don't remember hearing Dee Dee use that kind of language before. This guy must be great. I needed to know the details.

"Donnie, we made love twice. Nothing in four years, then twice in one evening! And Donnie! Not only that, he also, uh, you know..."

I didn't, uh, know. I'm as sexually innocent as she is. "What did he do, Dee Dee? I have no idea what you are talking about."

"He put his mouth, you know, down there!"

"Oh my God! Did you like it? Was it good? Or was it awful?"

"It was wonderful. We looked into each others eyes the whole time he did it. And he did it forever. It was like he was doing his favorite thing in the world. The only reason he stopped is because I made him stop. Otherwise I think I'd still be lying there with his tongue in me."

I shuddered at the image. "Oooh that's gross!" I said. But I knew it wasn't gross. I was wet just imagining it.

She said, "Don't knock it until you've tried it. I'm thinking about becoming an addict. Donnie, I think I've fallen in love with him. You've got to help me!"

"You want me to stop you from falling in love with him" I asked facetiously?

"You've got to come up here. I need you now." She sounded like she had it bad. "He doesn't know about us. I told him I have a sister, but that's about it. He doesn't know about us, about how we live, how we need to live."

I said "You know you can't be getting serious about him before you tell him the truth. But I don't know if I can come. You know this project I'm working on is important. Call me tomorrow night. If you are still desperate, I'll see if I can take Friday afternoon off and fly to Cleveland. But I'm not sure I can. They need me here in Indianapolis."

"Donnie you have to. You have to meet him. He's amazing."

Yes. I'll believe it when I see it. I've pretty much given up hope of any kind of romantic future for myself.

"Oh, Donnie. Did I tell you? He's twenty-five years old!"

Oh my God! "Twenty-five? Are you out of your mind? What does a twenty-something stud want with an old hag like you?"

"I know, I know! I haven't a clue what he sees in me. But he finds me irresistible. He told me it's a chemical reaction or something and we're not capable of fighting how we feel. I think he's funny; he always has these odd little theories to explain things in life. The 'chemical reaction' thing is how he explained 'us'. Maybe it wasn't 'chemical reaction'. Maybe it was 'chemical attraction'. I don't remember."

"But Donnie, what if he's right? Had you thought of that?"

"Thought of what, Dee Dee? Why does it matter if his little pet theory about why you two are an item is right or not?"

She was excited. She said "Well you and I have the same chemistry, don't we? We're clones or something, aren't we? Doesn't it stand to reason if he is chemically attracted to me he would be chemically attracted to you and vice versa?"

I felt a chill run down my spine. I was already soaked 'down there' from her talk of oral stimulation. Now I knew I was just going to have to take care of myself as soon as we got off the phone.

I couldn't wait to meet him. But when I spoke to Dee Dee, I tried to sound reluctant.

"I don't know, Dee Dee. Maybe I can make it down on Friday, maybe not."

She wasn't buying my act. "Don't try to fool me baby sister. I know you're almost as excited about him as I am, and you haven't even met him."

I hate it when she calls me baby sister. It's always when she's trying to prove that she's right and I'm wrong. I'm only her baby sister by forty-five minutes. That doesn't exactly give her seniority.

Thursday night she called again. She was in tears. I could hear it in her voice.

"What is it, honey?" I asked. Oh no, the 'item' must have fallen apart.

Instead she said "I'm sorry, Donnie. I couldn't help it. He tortured it out of me."

I said "Tortured you? He tortured you? What is he some kind of sicko? What did he torture out of you?"

Now she was mad at me. "Don't you dare call Andrew sick! I don't ever want to hear you talk about him like that again!"

I told her to calm down. "Didn't you just tell me he tortured you? What was I supposed to think?"

She said "You don't understand. He tortured me with his tongue."

I didn't understand. "He tortured you with his tongue? What's that about?"

She must have thought I was being oblique. "He tortured me with his TONGUE!! You know. Down there. He did it to me and wouldn't stop until I talked."

My first reaction was "Why in the world would you want him to stop?"

She said "You are a complete ninny! He wouldn't let me climax. He made me crazy with lust and just kept pouring it on. He wouldn't let me climax. I couldn't stand it. I would have done anything he wanted."

My mouth was dry. I wasn't surprised. All the moisture in my body seems to have gone to between my legs. I had to ask. "What did he want?"

"He wanted me to tell him how I felt about him. I tried to hold out. I did. I held out for at least several minutes. It seemed like forever. A lesser woman would have caved in instantly. I'll bet you would have talked immediately."

I wasn't prepared to discuss how long I could maintain my silence while being tortured by Andrew Adkins' tongue. I certainly intended to think about it more as soon as we got off the phone.

"What did you say to him?"

She was resigned to admitting her failure. "I told him I love him. I'm sorry. I couldn't help myself. He tortured it out of me."

"You could have told him you didn't love him. Had you thought of that?" I was a little exasperated. She was putting the cart in front of the horse.

"No I couldn't tell him I don't love him. I could never lie to him about something like that. I love him down to my soul. I could never say anything to hurt him like that. Donnie, you've got to come tomorrow. Please come. I need you now."

Wild horses couldn't have kept me away. Still I had to sound reluctant. I told her "I'll ask for the afternoon off tomorrow. It's short order cooking, if you know what I mean. They may have plans for me. If I can I'll come, okay?"

"Okay. I'm at the Hyatt Regency, room 713. Just come to the front desk and ask for your key. They'll give it to you."

I said "Honey, I've been your sister for thirty-five years. I know the drill."

Of course I fully intended to fly to Cleveland on Friday afternoon. I needed to meet this paragon of manhood who had so infatuated my sister. He's infatuated me, too. Two nights in a row I've had to get myself off after talking to Dee Dee on the phone. He sounds so sexy. I can't wait to be able to attach a face to that name: Andrew Adkins.

I caught a commuter flight to Cleveland with no problem. By five o'clock I was at the hotel and sat watching the news while I waited for Deirdre. She was so excited to see me!

"Thank God you're here. I was so worried that you couldn't come. I can't wait much longer, Donnie. This is getting out of control."

I tried to act calmly, but her excitement was contagious. "How are we going to do this? Are we seeing this boy tonight?"

She nodded her head. "He'll be here at 7. We've got to get ready! I thought we'd break the news to him here in the hotel. At least I thought we would break the news that you and I are twins. That will be an ice breaker, then we can have dinner and you two can get to know each other. If things feel right, we can tell him more as we go along. We'll have to play it by ear."

I was skeptical. "This is going to be a long, embarrassing night for all of us. How do you think this Andrew is going to feel about all of this?"

"Donnie, I just don't know. He's SO passionate. He has more passion in his little finger than any other man I've ever met had in his whole body. He finds me irresistible, you know. If you're very lucky, maybe he'll find you irresistible too. If he does, we'll either make him the happiest man in the world, or drive him totally crazy."

Those were two extreme options. My personal feeling was that he will take one look at the two of us and run like hell.

We were running late and I was a mess from having worked and then traveled half the day. I took first turn in the bathroom. I showered and then slipped on a robe to put on my makeup.

When I came out of the bathroom, Dee Dee went right in behind me to take her shower. No sooner had she turned on the shower than I heard a knock on the door. It was 6:45. He couldn't be here already, could he? My God, I was practically naked here. At least I had my makeup on. My whole insides turned to mush. My knees could barely hold my weight. I could feel the wetness starting within me, just at the possibility that it might be him. What could I do? I opened the door.

It was him! My God. He was gorgeous! Dee Dee didn't tell me he was this gorgeous. His eyes! I looked into his eyes and I realized they were seeing my soul. I gasped at the feelings that were boiling within me. I didn't have a chance to say hello. I didn't have a chance to introduce myself.

He stepped into the room and I don't know what happened. I was in his arms. He was kissing me! His lips were magic. I was on fire. I tried to stop him. Suddenly I was standing in the arms of this total stranger and I had no clothes on. Somehow my robe had disappeared. I was picked up like a feather by these strong long arms and carried to the bed. I lay on the bed, trying to tell him to stop, but the words kept ending just before they reached my lips. I know I was shaking my head. I know I was trying to stop him.

He was undressing. My God! His body is perfect: slender strong muscles; flat stomach; large chest; just enough hair on that beautiful chest to have fun with. My eyes went to where I had been trying to avoid. I looked at his penis. Could he fit that huge angry thing into little me? I kept trying to tell him. I wanted him to stop, kind of. He didn't want to stop.

And then he was there. I was back in his arms. I felt this monstrous intrusion at my pussy lips. I thought I was going to swoon. He pushed in. He was so big! He started to take me, hard. I couldn't help it. I wanted him so badly. I didn't know him and I loved him. It doesn't make sense, but we are identical. How could Dee Dee love him without me loving him?

I had been dreaming of this moment since Wednesday night. By the time that huge member had settled totally within me, I had my first climax. It was like he didn't even notice. He powered through that first climax of mine and I was already approaching a second. I've never felt anything like it. I was screaming. I hadn't screamed since I was 12. We saw "Alien" in a movie theatre and we both scared half the patrons with this blood curdling scream we let out when the monster jumped on one of his victims.

But it wasn't that kind of scream. It was a scream of total passion released. Each time I released my passion with a scream, Andrew forced me to confront more passion. Nothing seemed to stop his relentless quest to bring me pleasure.

He was taking me like he owned me. He was taking me like he had to own me. I was giving myself to him freely. I wanted him to own me.

Finally, after an eternity of ecstasy, I felt him swell within me and suddenly I was being filled with his seed. It was too much! I climaxed again, with such force that I thought I would die of the passion.

As I lay there trying to return to earth, I remembered what Dee Dee had told me on Wednesday night. The words just came to my lips. "She said death by fucking."

Andrew held me in our post-coital bliss, but my conscience wouldn't let me rest. I realized what an awful harlot I had been. I had never spoken a word to this man and already had given myself to him, and under false pretenses. He didn't know it wasn't Dee Dee. I'm the only one who knew that what we had done was wrong.

I began to cry. I couldn't help it. I was so embarrassed; so ashamed. I had tricked him! How could he love me when I wasn't even honest with him? How could Dee Dee love a sister who could have sex with her boyfriend without a second thought? I'm just awful.

Andrew was so wonderful. He held me, comforted me. He told me he loved me. I tried to explain that he didn't even know me. But it didn't matter to him. He told me he had loved me forever. That we knew each other since time began. He's a poet of love. I melted in his arms.

He was hard again! The man's passion knows no bounds! He was sliding in me and I couldn't help it. I was suddenly so horny! I started to climax again on his first stroke.

Then I heard her. "At least you could have waited until you were introduced." Dee Dee was standing in the bathroom door watching us.

My eyes closed in shame and humiliation. I thought I was going to die.

My Two Sluts – Andrew's Story

I was caught in the act! Here I thought I was lying in bed with Dee Dee, my dick firmly implanted in her pussy, when suddenly there Dee Dee was standing in the doorway of the bathroom. My dick began to shrink like it had sprung a leak.

I looked at her again. She was standing there with an indecipherable expression on her face. Good lord, she was standing there in just a towel. And the towel was around her hair! What could I say? Her body was fabulous, soft, small round mounds at all the right places, soft white skin. She was beautiful. I had to tell her.

"My God, Dee Dee. You look hot! I can't believe how gorgeous you are!"

Even under the circumstances, I guess I should have been apologizing profusely for screwing around on her, or mad as hell for whatever subterfuge had been perpetrated on me. I could tell she wasn't exactly upset with me. Maybe it's flattering to be ogled by a man who is screwing another woman. Come to think of it, it can't be that flattering to a woman being screwed while her partner is being turned on by someone else.

My dick, which had been in the process of deflating, made a U turn and shot right back up again. The person I was in appeared to feel it too, because all of a sudden I heard her moan. And suddenly she was over the top. She screamed out her orgasm, working her hips on my engorged dick.

What do you say at a time like this? Some woman I didn't even know was cumming on my dick while my beautiful sexy girlfriend watched! I couldn't help but see the humor in the situation.

When this lovely thing I was lying on finally came to her senses, her eyes shot open and she looked like a deer in the headlights.

I said, "I assume you are Donnie. How do you do? My name is Drew."

She eyes opened even wider. "Drew?" she said. "Your name is Drew?" I could see the panic in her eyes. I remembered that Deirdre called me Andrew. Maybe this woman thought she had fucked a totally innocent bystander.

Dee Dee also caught the implications of Donnie's question. "This is Andrew Adkins, Donnie. You fucked the right man."

I could see the panic leave Donnie's eyes, but then I could see that she was starting to tear up again.

I couldn't help it. I started to laugh. I suddenly realized that this was the funniest thing that had ever happened to me. I was still hard. I was inside the womb of this almost total stranger, with my girlfriend standing there. It was so funny.

I think Dee Dee thought it was pretty funny too, cause I saw the smile on her face, the light in her eyes. She didn't appear to be jealous.

Donnie looked hurt. She asked me "What are you laughing at?"

I was starting to lose control I was laughing so hard. I finally calmed down enough to tell her.

"We may have set some kind of record here, you know. Does Guinness keep track of such things? Damn, we weren't even introduced. I didn't even know you existed. What's the all time record for making it like that? "

"Donnie, I hope you don't mind. I'm not a male chauvinist pig, at least not much of one. But this is too good! How could I not brag about this? This is a story that nobody will be able to top. I'm my own hero!"

"We have the world speed record for meeting for the first time and making it into bed. Zero to fucking in under two minutes."

Dee Dee had long since caught on to my little flights of fancy. She said "Maybe you better qualify that: Fastest fuck from a standing start, amateur division."

I was laughing even more. I didn't want to hurt Donnie's feelings, but this was just so funny! Then I realized that maybe Donnie was catching on to the atmosphere that had developed in the room.

She said innocently "But don't professionals have to negotiate a price?"

I laughed. "You're right: Fastest fuck from a standing start, open division, no prior arrangements. You've got to account for swingers whose idea of changing partners is moving their dicks to the next person in line."

I couldn't' help it. My dick was still hard, and the more I laughed, the more it moved around in Donnie. I had to kid her. I didn't even know her, but I felt like I had known her forever.

I told her. "Donnie, you could have your own wing in the sexual perversion hall of fame: First Contact to orgasm in under two minutes. You broke the two minute limit. I wonder who's in second place."

I was laughing, but I was hard. The movement of my laughter was really starting to get to me. I could see it was really starting to get to Donnie, too. I looked at Dee Dee and I could tell she saw what was going on. I said to her, "Look, Dee Dee. We have to talk. But first, if you don't mind…"

I rammed into Donnie. Her lust overcame her shame. It overcame her reticence. It overcame her. She enthusiastically returned my thrusts.

And suddenly lust overcame me. I think it had to do with the fact that I now knew that this wasn't Dee Dee. My body wanted to claim her again, this time under no false pretenses.

We fucked; hard sharp lust-filled strokes permeated the hotel room. The situation was so erotic. I don't know what made me do it. I needed to plant my seed in this woman I didn't know, because I needed to know her forever. A week ago I wasn't interested in any woman, and now I couldn't get enough of either of these beautiful girls.

I drove into Donnie, over and over. Sporadically she screamed. Then with one final scream from her we both went over the edge and I ejaculated deep within her womb.

Donnie just lay there mumbling "Oh my God. Oh my God!"

Dee Dee finally came over and sat on the bed. She was still naked and I couldn't help but look at her, drink in her beauty. We had spent a lot of time fucking, but I had had very little time to just look at her. She is so beautiful.