Dr. White's Code of Sluts Ch. 02 Pt. 03


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She'd let a few slights slip out, just to test the waters, to the point where she'd probably called her a "boring, flat-chested, loser" to her face more times than Stacy had. She'd even let a few compliments towards Stacy slip out as well, and she didn't pick up on that either. This was so perfect! She was an ideal target for this kind of treatment.

She was already dreaming of their future appointments. Where, under the guise of 'therapy', she could really cut loose with some truly harsh, cutting, targeted bullying, hitting her right where it hurts, making that bitch cry. All under the ruse of toughening her up. It would be so scientifically fruitful, and so, SO fun!

And yeah, if all went well, she was gonna dunk that bitch's face in the toilet, too.

She didn't exactly know how yet, but she had some ideas. The trick would be to convince her it was okay, part of the treatment, overcoming her most traumatic life moments by enduring it again. She'd already planted the seed, viewing such an act as a rebirth, a baptism. It was gonna happen. She knew it.

There were so many arms to this case that could produce fruitful areas of study. These women who did the bullying, their cutthroat dominance and ruthless ambition as they stole her men again and again. Her life as a bully victim. How she kept falling into that state, as if meant for it. And then the downfall of this kind sweet woman who was in fact nothing more than a born loser. What happened to her, events which she would wallow in for the rest of her life, eating her from within... leaving her a husk.

Dr. White planned to really dig in to this. She knew that Elizabeth caught on to her distaste for what she'd gone through, that the doctor lost respect for her. Dr. White would exploit that. Despite her excitement for this case, she knew she'd have to slow play this. Not get carried away. Let Elizabeth sense a growing lack of interest from Dr. White, as if her case was a lost cause that the doctor was only going along with out of politeness. That would allow the doctor to get away with so much during their 'treatment', the broken blonde going along with it in order to keep the doctor's interest in her case. She'd have to endure so much harsh treatment, all the while working to keep the doctor interested in her case. Fuck... she'd really feel like a worthless piece of shit pretty quickly.

God... to watch someone slowly consume themselves in this way, after coming to terms with the fact that they are indeed a complete loser and that they will never be loved again. All rooted in this sexual bullying and humiliation, where these other women had won over their men through their superior bodies and sheer force of will. To watch someone so sweet and so composed wallow in self-pity and body shame till they lose themselves... Damn, it would be fascinating to watch play out.

That's what made her first defeated wife so good. Jenny was her name. The daughter of Gina, the woman who'd shown her the ropes and really opened her eyes to the depths of sexual sin. Jenny had endured dreams of living with nightmares of her mom having nasty sex her man, to the point of causing mental health issues. So, when the time came, and Gina actually stole Jenny's husband (with Dr. White's assistance, of course), it broke her brain. Her nightmares had become real, and with her history of mental health concerns, there was justification to have her taken to a facility for extended care, which is where she was even to this day. There, she could be observed 24/7. But despite her rantings and ravings, the people there didn't know the whole story. They weren't looking for the same things Dr. White was. They didn't know what they were looking at. They weren't in the know. Nonetheless, Dr. White got great information from them every time she visited and checked with her and went over her case notes. Dr. White wished she had that level of control with all her patients. She wished she could put Elizabeth in a bubble and watch her downfall play out. Observe every moment of her life as she lets thoughts of her lost love consume her, a husband lost due to the fact that she was physically and sexually inferior to her cruel, callous, evil rival. All that self-pity and shame, all because she was boring in bed and that she couldn't fill a training-bra... God, it would be wonderful to watch in a closed, controlled setting. The data from such a thing would be incredible. There had to be a way... either a facility she could use, or at the very least a like-minded observer. Ah well... someday...

Dr. White tried her best to get all her case notes about Elizabeth written down as quickly as she could, both because it was best to get it all out when it was fresh, and also because she had another patient coming in. It made her wish she could just throw the rest of the day away, but she enjoyed her job too much to do that. That didn't mean she wasn't slightly annoyed by that fact. And that annoyance was compounded by the fact that Elizabeth's whole story made her turned-on like crazy, and there was nothing more she wanted to do than rip off her clothes and touch herself till she gushed. Maybe even wear Elizabeth's discarded wedding ring while gushing all over her fingers! Fuck! That sounded hot! But alas, there was work to do. Not just with her other patients, but with this case as well.

First, she unlocked her safe, gleefully taking Elizabeth's discarded wedding ring and placing it in there among its discarded brethren. She'd perhaps have some fun with it later, but keeping it in sight would only prove to be a distraction. She figured Elizabeth would ask about it later, wanting it back, and the doctor would simply play dumb, not knowing where it went. Perhaps suggesting that the cleaners took it, or it got vacuumed up. Nevertheless, the wife was never gonna see this ring again, the bauble that meant so much to her now gone forever. Once the ring was in place, she closed up the safe and returned to her desk, taking a few calming breaths and getting her mind in place.

She caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror, and she saw the rush of excitement painted across her face. She was positively glowing she was so happy. But in seeing her own glee compared to the heartbreak of Lizzy, she suddenly realized that she should feel a little bit of guilt for what she was putting that poor woman through. The Dr. White from a year or two prior would be horrified at her own behavior, horrified that she was so happy about another woman's life crumbling, especially since she was the root cause of all that misery. On some level, she did feel bad for Elizabeth. She was truly a kind and sweet woman who probably didn't deserve this level of brutal treatment.

But the science... that was the most important thing, she told herself. People like Elizabeth were too good for a world this callous and cruel. But Dr. White wasn't gonna change the ways of the world... she could only observe them. Understand them. As rough as it sounded, women like Elizabeth... their default state was to be on the losing end, never victorious, never truly happy. Dr. White just... expediated that downfall. And while she probably also made this downfall extra stinging and cruel than it may have been had she let things play out naturally, it served a grander purpose. Lizzy's downfall and humiliation... the study of it would be a net positive in the grand scheme of things. A small number of women, women like Elizabeth, boring flat-chest losers, had to be pushed down and demolished in order to help all women everywhere. Some women just had to have their happiness stolen from them forever, forcing them to crumble into a heap of self-pity, and their heartbroken demolished forms will provide a stepping stone for superior women to ascend to the next level, a lifetime of unending pleasure and happiness. Yes, it was callous and heartless, but true progress meant you had to break a few eggs. If the results that Dr. White hoped for turned out to be true, no one would judge her wrongly. They would agree that her treatment of Lizzy was justified. But to do that, she had to finish the job.

Dr. White reminded herself again and again why she was doing this, how important the work was, quelling any doubts she may be feeling about her treatment of Lizzy. Once that was done, she remembered that there was still work to do in the moment involving this case. She had to keep up appearances. Keep up the act, play out everything as if it were real. Grabbing her phone, readying to play her part, she sent a terse text to Stacy.

'You fucking bitch... it was you? You were Elizabeth's boss?'

For all Stacy knew, Dr. White had no idea that Elizabeth worked for Stacy. That this was something only Stacy had put together. And Dr. White intended to keep it that way. It was better science. Better for the subjects of an experiment to not know they were in an experiment. To not see the strings. It might spoil Stacy's fun if she knew how Dr. White had manipulated things to her desired outcome. And Dr. White was not one to get in the way of a slut and the cock she clearly loved. So now, she just had to play things out as if she was learning this information for the first time. And a few moments later...

'Haha! Sorry! I figured it out the first night we met. It was too juicy to pass up. And hon... trust me, it was SO worth it! You have no idea!'

Dr. White smiled to herself, but kept her cool via text.

'I could lose my license if someone found out I let this slip!' Dr. White replied.

'Don't worry. It's our little secret.' Stacy replied. 'I'm good at keeping secrets.'

'In that case, even though it's probably wildly inappropriate, it would be prudent if you could tell me what happened from your perspective. You at least owe me that. Over drinks?' Dr. White replied.

'Sure, Doc... but not today. Me and Ryan are gonna be having A LOT of sex tonight! Gonna make him forget Lizzy's name, haha!'

'Oh, Stacy...' Dr. White texted back, adopting a disappointed tone.

'You want to see some pictures?' Stacy asked. Dr. White held back replying, desperately wanting to see more, doing her best to maintain plausible deniability, while also suspecting Stacy would send them over anyway.

And she was proven right.

Stacy covered in Ryan's cum, her and him together on a date at a basketball game, them curled up in a tangle of sweaty limbs in bed, plus a lot more. Stacy didn't hold back. And the final picture she sent, of Elizabeth on her knees in Stacy's office, face and hair dripping with water from the toilet, a photo caught in that first moment of ultimate humiliation. It was Stacy and Elizabeth's entire relationship summed up in one photo, where the Asian woman carved out her superiority over the married blonde in concrete terms...

It was beautiful.


Dr. White was antsy for the rest of the day. Both her mind and her pussy were very fixated on the events of the Elizabeth case, to the point where she had trouble focusing on her patients. She just wanted the day to be done so she could cut loose, get all her thoughts about that case out of her mind and into the file, and all the girl-cum out of her cunt and splashing all over her big rubber dildo.

Her final case was with Bryce, part of her hypnosis trial, their first meeting of the new year. For many reasons, these appointments were always mentally exhausting. And with her being in the mood she was in, she wasn't exactly looking forward to Bryce's bullshit about how he didn't have time for this stuff. He'd probably be pleased as can be if she canceled their appointment, but she knew it would never come to that. The work was too important. And besides... for the many annoyances Bryce presented, he was wonderful eye candy. Tall, strong, very hot, with a big bulge that she'd scoped out from the start... it would almost make the rest of his bullshit worth it. That was a big reason she was so insistent about keeping him part of the trial.

When he arrived and marched into her office in that same impatient manner he always did, she again had trouble hiding her raw, physical attraction for him. She could normally keep it together better than this, but with the state she was in at the moment, it came with great difficulty. He was just fucking hot. Just raw, masculine appeal, a strong chiseled jaw, a five o'clock shadow, and eyes more soulful than his personality would have you think. His body was very fit from his work as a contractor, tall and fit and muscular and manly. He had tall, imposing legs, big muscular arms, and huge fucking hands. Hands so big they could palm a basketball, or one of her massive breasts... Dr. White shook her head, her dripping cunt affecting her thinking as she studied her patient. He never dressed up for these meetings, arriving straight from the work site, his clothes utilitarian but undeniably flattering, both his butt and the bulge caused by his great big married dick were impossible not to notice. And Dr. White had a bad habit of always noticing such things.

Utilitarian was a good way to describe him. He wasn't the deepest thinker in the world, but he wasn't stupid. He just narrowed his thinking to what he needed and what he didn't, and he was blind to everything else thanks to his narrow focus. It was to the degree that it took him weeks before his eyes stole a glimpse at her cleavage, and even then, it was a passing glance. This guy was a tough nut to crack.

The most passion he ever showed was in regards to his wife, a woman he loved more than anything. Who he was totally devoted to. He loved her. He loved her to the degree that he probably didn't even think about other women. With how few glances he stole at the good doctor those first few weeks, even as she showed slightly more skin every time. She sensed the possibility that he could fall... eventually, after a long, slow wearing of his defenses that could take months or even years. But she wasn't willing to put in that level of work for this. She knew it would take something special to shatter through that loyalty in a flash and do other things with nasty women like her.

That wife of his... he was completely loyal to her. The only issue they ever had was being unable to conceive, which they both wanted. And that caused some fights, hence these meetings with Dr. White offering this trial in order to help pay for IVF and a surrogate. But that didn't mean he liked being here, and he let the doctor know it... every single time he was here.

"Dr. White, I really mean it this time. We got a new job, and it pays hand over fist, way more than some of our other jobs. I think I'll be able to cover the costs with that alone," Bryce stated as he sat across from her. "The only reason I'm here is because I said I would."

"Bryce, the study is almost over. It's only a couple more weeks," Dr. White replied patiently as she always did, hiding her annoyance. "You leaving the study now would throw all my work out the window. Invalidate the entire study, not just for you, but everyone else taking part in it." He rolled his eyes, understanding but not happy about it.

"I understand, it's just... this job really is huge, and we work 18 hours a day on it. I really don't have time to be away from the site like this. And plus, I don't want them to get too used to me being away from the site, you know?" he added, trying to get her to sympathize.

"Bryce, I understand your concern, but..." she began. He visibly got annoyed as soon as he saw where this was going.

"Look, this is a waste of time, and we both know it!" he stated, not angry but clearly annoyed and impatient. She did her best not to roll her eyes as he gave the same song and dance he always did, but in the state she was in, she did kinda enjoy seeing this tall hunk of man so worked up. God, he'd be good in bed...

"Bryce..." she continued patiently, but this only got him more annoyed.

"Bryce, Bryce, Bryce! You always talk to me like a fucking cool, calm doctor. Talk to me like a person," he stated loudly, standing up, as if ready to march out. This time, Dr. White failed to hide her annoyance.

"You make these complaints every time, and you always end up going through with it, so please..." she said, her tone flat like a jaded wife, inviting him to just take his seat.

"You know what? This time will be different," he claimed, sounding like he was ready to actually go through with it and leave. Dr. White looked up at him, and despite her displeasure, she couldn't get over how hot he was. God, she couldn't think straight she was so horny from this morning.

"The study is almost done, Bryce. Just a couple more weeks till we're all done. I think you can suffer through just a little bit more," Dr. White replied calmly but firmly.

"I don't want to wait. I just want you to pay me out and let me go," Bryce said impatiently.

"Bryce, it's too early..." Dr. White began before the words caught in her throat. Wait... was it too early? It should all be in place by this point... the remaining few weeks, she was planning only to cement it. She could... it would take care of two birds with one stone. And right now could actually be the right time to get it done...

Suddenly emboldened, the doctor stood up, a glimmer in her eye that even caught Bryce off guard. Enough that he finally convinced himself to just go.

"Dr. White, I'm out of here..." he began, stepping towards her, looking to walk past her and out the door. Taking a step back, Dr. White readied herself.

"Sierra Echo X-Ray!" she called out, firmly but clearly.

Bryce stopped in place, frozen, unable to move.

Dr. White stepped back, eyes going wide, a huge grin lighting up her gorgeous face.

"It worked!" she called out excitedly.

"What's happening?" Bryce asked, slightly panicked, his body unable to move.

"Take a seat, Bryce," she asked, gesturing to his chair, and he obeyed, stepping back and sitting down without the slightest bit of resistance. Dr. White watched this play out excitedly, eyes looking hungry at this.

"What are you doing? What is this?" Bryce asked, not sure what was happening to him.

"Bryce," she began calmly, taking a seat across from him "This is what we call a hypnotic state. I just used the trigger words to put you straight under for the first time... I wasn't even sure it had taken yet!"

"What are you talking about?" Bryce asked. "The hypnosis never worked!"

"Bryce, the hypnosis always worked," Dr. White replied, the confusion on the married man's face evident. "I had ten patients in this hypnosis trial. 9 out of 10 resisted the hypnosis. Their minds were too strong, too resistant, not open enough. But there was one person whose mind was totally suited for it. Who melted even under the slightest bit of hypnosis, even from our first meeting. And that person is you."

"No," Bryce said, trying to shake his head but unable to do so. "That's not possible. It never worked. I remember everything."

"You don't remember everything. You think it didn't work, because I told you it didn't work," Dr. White stated. Bryce looked over at her, still frozen. "In fact, you went under the very first time we met. Since then, we've repeated the same arguments every time, before and after our meetings, because you never even knew it worked. But rest assured, you most certainly went under." Bryce looked at her, dumbstruck, unable to move.

"The state you are in..." Dr. White continued, sitting back and savoring the moment. "I compare it to... removing your armor. Your defenses. You're a very guarded man, Bryce, and hypnosis simply removed them. I am looking beyond the veil now... at the real you. Your pure, moldable subconscious." She paused before continuing. "My initial goal was to implant small, harmless suggestions to you while in this state, to see if they'd affect you. Something as simple as accepting a piece of candy that I offered you..."
