Dragon Bride


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"Are you seeing this?!" the Lord exclaimed, "My cousin is back and she has a dragon with her!! How is this possible?! I thought dragons were extinct!"

"So did I," Jarrod responded, "No dragon has been seen for centuries. And this one is helping the Princess. Then the legend must be true."

"What legend? What are you talking about?" Ethan asked angrily.

Jarrod began to explain the legend of the dragons...

"Many years ago, dragons were common in our land. And all of them came to life the same way. They all were sons of the Queen Dragon. A human female that was the only one capable of giving birth to them."

An image formed in Jarrod's mind; the Queen was kneeling on the ground, with a pregnant belly and the dragon's cock in her mouth, feeding from his nutritive sperm.

"But one day, the Queen made the mistake of falling in love with a man; a wizard. She came to love him as much as she loved her dragons and because of this, she was doomed. This man was evil..."

"He fucked her everyday, giving her overwhelming orgasms, while he used his magic to poison her mind. Soon enough, the Queen became addicted to this rush. She couldn't pass one day without reaching climax with him. The wizard controlled the Queen and the Queen controlled the dragons. He had absolute power."

"He convinced the Queen to use the dragons against other kingdoms. The war began and brought devastation like no one had ever seen before. The era of terror had begun."

Now an image formed in Ethan's mind; the Queen sitting on the wizards long, fat cock, as he whispered ideas to her enthralled mind, "With our dragons, our enemies stand no chance. We will rule all kingdoms!" and the Queen responding without thinking at all, "Ahhhhh!! Yes my love... I'll do everything you say."

At this point of the story, Jarrod chose not to tell Lord Nogard that the reason he knew so much about the legend was because this evil man was his ancestor. Then he continued telling the story...

"In a brief moment of clarity, the Queen realized that she had made a terrible mistake. Dead and misery spread across all Kingdoms and it was all her fault."

"The wizard pleaded for his life an instant before one the dragons bit his head off, following the Queen's command. Then, she took her one life."

"One of the Queen's sons, a human son, took over the kingdom and promised to destroy all dragons. Over the following years, the dragons died one by one until they became extinct; or so we thought."

Lord Nogard listened attentively but nothing prepared him to what Jarrod said next...

"The new king change the family's name, spelling it backwards, from Dragon to Nogard and destroyed all records of your family's relation to the dragons. After many years, it all became an old legend."

Ethan facial expression changed from astonishment to anger in less than a second, "My original family name was Dragon?! Why you never told me about this, you idiot?! I could have that dragon under my control."

Jarrod calmly responded, "No. Only the Mother of Dragons can control them. I should have known that the Princess's alluring powers had something to do with this."

"Well, all we have to do is capture Maya again and force her to use the dragon in our advantage. She is helping me already by eliminating the northern creatures." Ethan said, looking at the window.

"Yes, the invaders are running away," Jarrod agreed, approaching the window as well.

They both were so distracted looking at the dragon's precise attacks, that didn't notice a monster climbing through the window on the opposite side of the room.

The sneaky creature jumped forward, grabbing Ethan by the neck and lifting him off the ground. Then he commanded, "Stop the dragon or I'll break your neck!!"

Ethan desperately tried to explain, "I..c...can't...not....my...ugh..."

Jarrod stepped back looking at the terrifying humanoid, then he silently moved a little further away, I better get out of here!


After the battle was over and all the invaders were either dead or gone, Maya entered the castle searching for her cousin. He will have to answer for his pitiful behavior... but it was too late. Anais knelt and checked the body, "He is dead. His neck is broken."

"Sorry cousin. You brought this on yourself," Maya whispered.

"I guess the wizard escaped. We will have to be careful in case he returns," Anais said, looking around the room.

Certain that the city was safe, the Princess ran to the roof of the castle and waited for her lover. Maya couldn't be more grateful to her dragon and she was going to thank him the only way she knew how.

"You did it, Princess. You saved the city!" Anais said, looking at Maya and her dragon together again.

"No. He did it. My beloved dragon. He is the real hero," the Princess responded, caressing the dragon's head.

Moments later, the Princess had her legs around the dragon's body while he hammered her pussy deep and hard. The dragon embraced her tenderly but firmly, pulling her slim frame against his rugged body. Anais, knowing what kind of spectacle she was about to witness, sat on the ground and started rubbing herself.

Maya felt him deep within her body and it was as intense as the first time. She knew that it will always feel like this; every time would be like the first time; thrilling and exciting. Only with his enormous cock inside of her she felt complete.

"Yes... Own my body since you already own my soul," She whispered.

The dragon smashed her pelvis with powerful blows, projecting his cock into Maya's pussy as deep as he could. The last thing he wanted to do was to hurt her but his instincts were unforgiving, and her loud moans alleviated his worries. She was fine and she wanted more.

The Princess quickly reached an orgasm. Her vaginal cavity pulsated and twitched around the fat cock, massaging it, pulling it deeper, enticing him to eject his sperm into her womb. Her body responded naturally. Maya had been born to do this.

After several more orgasms, Maya was exhausted but her lover kept pounding at her relentlessly. Nonetheless, when he slowed down, Maya complained, urging him to continue until he was done.

Anais had climaxed two times already but she just couldn't stop. Her eyes were fixed on the mating couple. She looked at Maya's abdomen as it bloated from the huge cock pulsating within. She pictured that cock inside of her, brutal and overpowering; Anais was about to cum one more time. I am coming again... I am coming..

The dragon finally reached his climax, discharging his seed into the Princess's pregnant womb. Maya limp body shuddered from the bliss of feeling his hot sperm filling her again.

Anais heard the first gob of cum squirting inside of the Princess and then she couldn't hear anything else as her mind went blank from her own self-induced bliss. Afterward, she didn't know if she had the strength to make herself cum again but she was certainly going to try.


Maya recovered from the first round of orgasms and she went back on top of her lover. They continued the wild coupling well into the night.

Anais, refusing to leave the Princess alone, slept a few meters away, covering her body as best she could under the cold sky. She knew that Maya was completely safe, but she still decided to stay nearby. The truth was that she felt a thrilling excitement being so close to the mighty dragon.

Maya was doing most of the work now. She bounced up and down on his cock, not too fast, not too slow. Her plan was to gratify the dragon until she couldn't move from sheer exhaustion.

And she was indeed getting tired, satisfied but tired. Maya suspected that the next orgasm was going to be the last of the night and she wanted to make it count. Every time I cum, it feels like he gets a little deeper inside of me. I wish I could keep climaxing forever.

This time, the dragon climaxed first, again stuffing her with sperm. Maya, felt him erupt inside of her, and she did the same. They shuddered together; he did it for a brief moment, she, almost to the brink of madness.

At last, they finally fell asleep. Maya was still on top of the dragon, with his soft cock tenderly sheathed inside of her. The dragon held her close to him, like the extremely precious thing that she was. Nothing and no one would keep her apart from him.

Queen Maya knew with absolute certainty that she would love nobody else like she loved her dragon; she had become her bride, her mate, and it was going to last forever.


One month later, the city was recovering from the creature's attack and several parties were searching for the kidnapped women, although the possibility of finding them was small.

"I can't believe you have grown so much in four weeks!" Anais said, looking at Maya's enlarged belly.

"I guess the dragon's babies grow a lot faster than normal," Maya responded, caressing herself.

Maya had been declared Queen of the Dragon Kingdom. But she was more proud of her full pregnant belly than her new title.

Maya gave the order the open the room of the old throne. The room that her ancestors had closed decades ago, was again filled with life and activity. The dragon was allowed to come and go from the castle as he pleased.

"This large belly is getting in the way of giving myself properly to my lover and he is getting restless. Maybe you can take care of him for me," Maya said to Anais.

"Me!! Do you think we will want me?!" Anais's heart jolted and her pussy flared at the possibility of mating with the dragon.

Maya's best friend was afraid that the dragon might not like her but she was resolved to give it a try. She had been dreaming about this moment since the first time she saw the Princess and the dragon together. I can't believe I'm going to do it with him!

"Just put him in your mouth, as deep as you can," Maya said, grabbing the dragon's erect cock.

As Anais approached, the dragon looked at her mistrustfully but Maya's closeness calmed him.

After an instant of hesitation, Anais engulfed the large cock until it reached the back of her throat. She was breathing fast and heavy from the excitement and her pussy was dripping wet.

"That's right. Let him feel the warmth of your mouth," Maya said softly.

As Maya expected, the dragon responded well to the stimuli and took a step forward, plunging his cock deeper into Anais's throat.

The surprised woman gagged briefly but remained in place. She was going to let the dragon do whatever he wanted with her, as this was the Queen's request. But more than an obligation, Anais saw this as a blessing.

"You see? He likes you!" Maya said proudly.

The Princess moved back and sat on the floor beside the throne, watching attentively at her escort being deep-throated by her dragon. It was exciting to see her best and most loyal friend making love to her one and only lover. Almost inadvertently, her hand moved to her pussy.

The dragon pumped Anais's mouth with increasing excitement. This woman was a good replacement for Maya until she was ready to mate again.

Anais was so fevered that she was about to reach her first orgasm and she wasn't even touching her pussy.

When Anais felt the dragon's cock bloating prior to climax, she came. Thick gobs of hot sperm squirted down her esophagus as her pussy twitched hard from orgasmic spasms. The bewildered woman felt her belly getting stuffed with sperm and the thick phallus kept pulsating between her lips. This was beyond her wildest dreams.

The dragon took a couple of steps back, withdrawing his cock from Anais's mouth. The excess of sperm came rushing from the woman's body, spilling on the floor after every orgasmic contraction. Seeing this, Maya rubbed her pussy faster until she came as well.

The new Queen approached the couple and caressed the dragon's head, fully aware that he would not be satisfied with just one ejaculation. Anais was counting on that...

"He wants more. Turn around and show him that you are ready," Maya said to her beloved escort.

"Yes, my Queen," Anais responded, still out of breath. Gods! I came so hard. And this is just the beginning... I am so blessed.

Anais turned around and presented her rear end to the dragon. Her pussy was soaking wet and almost hurt with yearning.

"He is smelling you. You are going to love this," Maya said as the dragon lowered his head, reaching for Anais's behind.

"I am read..." Anais didn't have time to finish the last word before the dragon jumped violently on top of her, plunging his cock into her ass and smashing her against the ground. Anais yelped from the sudden, anal penetration but she immediately closed her mouth when she felt the contents of her belly being squished out her body.

Gods! He is pushing too hard! The sperm is rushing out of me... I don't want to throw up in front of the Queen!!

But there was nothing she could do to stop it. The white, thick fluid erupted from her mouth like a geyser while the Queen observed with amazement.

All the sperm she swallowed before is coming out! This is so exciting! Maya thought, truly aroused.

As soon as her stomach was empty, Anais climaxed one more time.

The dragon kept fucking Anais for a long time and Maya amused herself by counting her friend's orgasms.

Wow! She came seven times before he did. This is going to be a long, joyful night for Anais.

When the dragon ejaculated, it was time to switch to another position and start all over.


Three days later, Anais was entertaining the dragon when Maya entered the room and knelt in front of them. Then she made an important announcement...

"I think it's time. The baby dragon is coming."

"It's time?!" Anais yelled, squeezing the large cock sheathed in her pussy.

They interrupted the coupling and approached the Queen. When the contractions became more frequent, Maya laid on her back and spread her legs. She was excited, aroused and scared. It was her first time giving birth and she started to doubt herself.

"I am scared Anais. What if I can't do it?"

"Don't worry my Queen. There is nothing you can't do. Everything will be fine," Anais said, reassuring her.

Moments later, the tip of a greenish egg emerged from the Queen's pussy. Maya felt a turmoil of sensations that encouraged her to continue with her incomparable task. One second she felt pain and the next one she felt pleasure, incredible pleasure.

"Push, my Queen, push! I can see it!" Anais said.

When the large ovoid was finally squished from her pussy, Maya reached a powerful orgasm that made her see bright stars behind her eyes. She had done it! She was now a real mother. She was really fulfilling her destiny.

"I have it! I have the egg! You did it!" Anais exclaimed, then she thought, Gods have mercy! This egg is huge!!

Maya's body returned to her natural slender shape in a matter of seconds, even as her body was still shuddering from the orgasmic aftermath. She could hear Anais speaking but her mind was still too dazed. All she could hear was one word and it filled her heart with joy; Egg.

"You gave birth to a large, beautiful egg."

The following hours were quiet. Maya, the dragon and Anais couldn't take their eyes off the egg. Maya placed her hand gently on top and could feel something moving inside; more insistent as the time passed. It was clear that after centuries of waiting, the first baby dragon was coming into the world.

"It is really moving inside! My baby is a fighter!" Maya said proudly.

"This is so amazing!" Anais responded.

The egg started to crack from the inside out and moments later, a baby dragon walked hesitantly from the safety of the shell. The newborn smelled his mother and walked towards her instinctively. He knew that Maya would protect it with her life.

"Come here baby. Come to meet your father," Maya said with a motherly voice.

"Wow! It is so tiny and beautiful!!" Anais exclaimed.

Upon seeing her baby, the Queen felt a tingling in her pussy. This was the first baby dragon of many and there was no time to be wasted.

"Anais, you will be in charge of taking care of him. This will be your dragon," Maya said.

After hearing these words, Anais was ecstatic, "Mine?!! Thank you my Queen! Thank you!! Long live the Mother of Dragons!!"


Years later, in the gardens behind the castle, all was joy and ecstasy. Anais's dragon had grown big and strong. Anais called him 'Red' because of his unique coloration and he had become her mate; her one and only love. They knew that she could never bare his children but he loved her just the same.

Many more dragons were born and Maya carefully selected a mate for each one. Once again the dragons ruled the sky and the Queen taught them to protect the people, the defenseless; to be aware of the dangers that inhabited the northern lands, filled with creatures always looking for a weakness.

There was peace and prosperity in all the kingdoms and the kindness of the Queen, the Mother of Dragons, was becoming legendary.

The End.

Note from the author: There is a graphic version of this story.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago


I really enjoyed when the women had sex with the different beasts. Sex with animals turns me on very much - I let my dog lick and fuck me whenever he wants.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
lovely story

nice change of pace for adults (as written) - and for kids (with some editing)

KojoteKojoteover 9 years ago
I LIKED this!

Not what you usually find on Lit, but that made it even more entertaining.

I also have a complaint, of course. It's my usual one if I liked a story: Toooo short! ;-D

I could have easily read more of what happened there and I'd have liked to learn more about the fate of the two women from the village. This actually doesn't feel finished. You might have to write a sequel. ;-)

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

My only complaint is the same complaint I have with most books and movie. I habeas always preferred intelligent dragons. Like DnD dragons. but that's just me. Good story. thank you sir

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