E & J Ch. 03


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He was still mulling through his own mind and was wrapped up in his inner monologue that he literally didn't notice Teki until the man's face hovered only inches away from his own. Dark brown eyes stood against lighter brown skin, his face was a smooth compilation of angles and curves, strong sharp cheekbones were softened by full soft lips, hovering above a square chin with just a hint of a dimple in it's center, as if God himself had tapped a single imperfection into the boy before sending him from heaven.

Donnie felt his breath catch as those smooth full lips touched his own, the kiss was gentle at first, and Teki's lips felt incredibly soft and full against his mouth. The kiss deepened as they embraced caressing one another. When the boy pulled away Donnie was just a little bit dizzy, his arousal had been instant and now seemed to overpower him with it's insistent need.

They made their way to the master bedroom, which was almost completely overtaken by a huge lush oak framed water bed. The bed was the only thing in the bedroom and they fell onto it legs intertwined, Teki didn't waste any time going after what he wanted, his actions weren't desperate just aggressive as hi slipped Donnie's shirt from his body, caressing the darker man's smooth well muscled chest. He bit the man's nipples a little harder than Donnie was used to but the combination of pain and arousal was thrilling. The moved down the man's body quickly, kissing his flat lightly rippled abdomen and running his tongue along the hair that began just below his belly button and trailed lower disappearing into the shorts that he wore.

The shorts followed the shirt into a heap, leaving nothing between Donnie and nature. Teki paused only to remove his own clothes then moved down Donnie's body again, Donnie could only moan when he felt the boy's lips press lightly against the head of his dick, he could feel his own moisture sliding over the boy's lips just a moment before Teki opened his mouth and licked the very tip of the head. Donnie found his fingers winding in the boy's curly hair pushing him gently as the boy went down on him. He wanted to make this go on forever but as Teki's head moved up and down taking Donnie into his warm wet mouth, and letting his tongue circle the ridge of the head while gently probing the slit, the man knew he might not last.

Teki had other plans, he enjoyed teasing Donnie and bringing the man almost to satisfaction then pulling back, slowing the motion of his head and easing the tight suction of his mouth. He liked having that power over men, the kind of power that could make them whimper like babies and beg him to give them release. This time was no different, the sense of power aroused him more than anything else and when he himself could no longer take it he began to deep throat the man letting the head of Donnie's dick hit the back of his throat with each downward thrust of his own head.

Donnie would have sworn that he saw star when he finally found, his release he was a little embarrassed to have been so vocal but he quickly got over that. He wanted to return the favor his new friend had just granted him but Teki pushed his head away when he tried. Once again the boy had other ideas and Donnie was perfectly content to let him run the show.

Donnie lay on his stomach as Teki spread his ass cheeks, the boy had disappeared for a moment and reappeared with a tube of KY jelly. He didn't hesitate getting Donnie lubed up and in position, the man was almost as excited as the boy. It had been so long since he'd been penetrated, he almost forgot the feeling. He remembered instantly went the head of the boy's cock spread him, Teki wasn't overly large but he was thick and it was his girth that spread the man and made him feel so deliciously full.

Teki was more aggressive than he'd been at first driving himself into the man's ass with a hard fast rhythm that seemed to match the raging wind that could now be heard echoing through the house. Donnie was moaning right along with him, pushing back to meet each animalistic thrust. He'd grown hard again and the feel of his dick pressed against the silky bed covers moving with the motion of their bodies only intensified his feelings. He tightened his ass around then boy's shaft feeling waves of pleasure course through him. He loved being fucked and wanted his partner to feel just as much pleasure as he was.

Teki pushed harder and faster losing himself in the feeling, finally collapsing when he'd spent himself inside the man. Donnie felt himself lose it as the boy's dick jumped and jerked inside of him, he moaned right along with Teki as they both climaxed.

After laying there for sometime, resting front to back with the man Teki disengaged himself, and walked off to the kitchen. He'd stored the food in the refrigerator when they'd first arrived and he thought now would be as good a time as any for lunch. He came back the room bearing glasses, a bottle of wine, and sandwiches. Donnie smiled as he sat up, they ate, fucked, drank wine and finally they talked.

It was many hours before Donnie realized how late it might be when he retrieved his cell phone from his bag that had been abandoned in the front he saw that it was 3:30pm and he'd missed 24 calls. He didn't bother with the voice mails he just dialed Jerusalem's number praying that nothing had happened to Evie.

When the phone rang both women moved to answer it. It had been hours with no word from Donnie, despite the number of times they called. Evelyn grabbed the phone before Jerusalem could and almost collapsed with relief when she heard her friends voice on the other end. He'd been holed up in some bohemian love nest all day and was perfectly fine. She wanted to kill him.

"Donnie, I was worried sick, I had no idea where you were or if you were safe..."

She was about to ball him out when he pointedly reminded her that she had done the same thing to him only days ago.

"Fine, you're right, I'm just glad you're okay. Anyway with all the heavy winds and stuff we won't be leaving tonight so don't even worry about rushing back now. Just call for a car when you're ready, unless you're friend owns one."

They said their goodbyes and Donnie hung up. Evelyn shook her head in disbelief. Then smiled, at least he was finally getting some action. Jerusalem looked at her expectantly and laughed out loud when Evelyn filled her in.

"Well you know how it can be when the sex is slammin."

"Yeah I know." Evelyn replied without even thinking

"Do you"

Jerusalem asked as she stood and closed the space between them, while looking Evelyn right in the eye.

Evelyn didn't say anything, she just stood there while Jerusalem closed in on her. She wanted to run, or at least she wanted to want to run but she didn't move. Jerusalem was within a breath of Evelyn's lips when she spoke again.

"Do you?"

She kissed the woman gently biting her bottom lip before moving away just a bit.

"Do you?" She asked again before kissing the woman again, harder this time.

"Yes." Evelyn's answer was barely more than a whisper breathed over the girl's lips.

Mouths opened and tongues touched while hands roamed. Evelyn forgot her earlier inhibitions as she ran her hands up the back of Jerusalem's thighs before cupping the woman's ass and pulling her closer. They made their way to the bed undressing each other quickly wanting to be skin to skin. This time there was no teasing or newborn familiarity between them just need. Jerusalem straddled the smaller woman biting and sucking her nipples while she slipped her fingers between Evelyn's thighs and rubbed her clit.

Evelyn moaned and arched her back liking the feel of being taken, Jerusalem felt the woman's wetness as she stroked downward massaging the lips of her pussy, before penetrating her first with one finger then two and finally a third while she continued to massage her clit, and suck her nipples.

Evelyn felt her muscles spasm as waves her pleasure shot through her body she was moaning and moving her hips to match the rhythm of Jerusalem's hand. Even when she felt the woman climax Jerusalem kept the motion of her hand fast and steady she needed to be in control of this, needed to prove that all she felt was lust and nothing more. She liked the feel of the woman moving and moaning and sweating beneath her and the sense of power she felt with Evelyn literally under her control.

Evie didn't know how much more she could take her body was trembling when Jerusalem pulled her hand away but instead of easing up Jerusalem moved down her body and rested her head between the woman's thighs. Her pussy was open and wet and hot, and her clit peeked out, swollen and throbbing. Evelyn nearly screamed when she felt Jerusalem's lips on her clit sucking gently, she grabbed the girl's hair not sure if she wanted to pull her away or hold her there. She felt so good it almost hurt and the girl seemed insatiable moving from her clit to tongue fuck her then back to her clit again. This time Evelyn did scream over and over again. Still Jerusalem wasn't done. The girl moved her head from between the woman's thighs and spoke,

"Turn over, and get on your knees." It was more a demand than a request.

"J, I can't take anymore...please...."

"Oh I think you can. Now turn over and get on your knees, like a good girl, don't make me ask you again"

This time her voice carried the hint of a threat. although Evelyn wasn't quite sure what that threat was she turned over and positioned herself like she was about to take it doggy style. She wasn't sure what made her do it, but she did she was both excited and nervous excited as Jerusalem circled the bed and opened the side table drawer. She watched as the woman pulled out a long thick purple vibrator.

Jerusalem held the toy and smiled at the woman on the bed. She hadn't known she'd be having quite so much sex on the Island so she'd bought "Purple Rain" along for a little one on one fun but this was proving to be far more interesting. She positioned herself next to the woman on the bed, raising her hand she slapped Evelyn's ass hard enough to make her own hand sting. Evelyn made a sound that was a mix of a moan and a whimper, Jerusalem slapped her again as the ran the tip of the vibrator up the back of the woman's thigh. This time Evelyn definitely moaned.

"Good" Jerusalem said. "Very good,"

then she nuzzled the head of the vibrator against the opening of Evelyn's pussy, and turned it to it's lowest setting.

Evelyn felt the sensation all over her body like a thousand electric fingers tingling over the surface of her skin.

"You want it?" Jerusalem asked her voice barely louder then the low buzz of the toy she held.

"Yes." I'm going to make you beg." She paused "Will you beg me Evie?" She pushed the toy a little deeper and held it there.

Evelyn didn't want to beg but the buzz of the toy just barely inside of her was sending waves of pleasure through the pit of her stomach but she wanted more than this pleasant sensation, it was level and she wanted dips and rolls.

"Yes...I..." she paused not sure what Jerusalem wanted her to say

"Don't you want it Evie?" Jerusalem taunted her free hand resting on the small of the woman's back preventing movement, as she increased the speed but held the vibrator in place refusing to go deeper.

"Tell me" She said pulling the toy back slightly when Evelyn didn't respond.

"Fuck me." Evelyn said through gritted teeth. Jerusalem eased the vibrator deeper.

"Fuck me."

Evelyn said again, this time Jerusalem moved the toy in and out for a few strokes holding it inside of her on the last stroke. Repositioning herself Jerusalem bent her head and ran her tongue along the crack of the woman's ass. Evelyn moaned as Jerusalem's tongue circled her ass hole, and the girl turned the vibrator up to it's highest volume.

"Oh god." Evelyn moaned. "Fuck me J please, fuck me."

This time she was truly begging not just saying the words Jerusalem wanted to hear. Jerusalem pressed her tongue against the woman's asshole penetrating the tight muscle. As she did just what the woman was begging her to do. Evelyn didn't know if she could stay conscious she had never felt so damn good. She was rubbing her own clit while Jerusalem fucked her pussy and tongued her ass. She had never had anybody touch her that way never even thought of it but now....just oh god. Her body trembled as sweat beaded on her skin and she arched her back driving her ass into the girls face and slamming her pussy against the vibrator. When she climaxed her legs collapsed and even as she lay on her stomach Jerusalem took her.

By the time Jerusalem had finally satisfied her need to completely dominate Evelyn's body the woman had damn near passed out but Jerusalem had something else in mind. She pulled the vibrator out of the woman's pussy with a wet pop and turned her over. Evelyn's eyes were glazed and she looked as well fucked as she felt.

Jerusalem didn't say a word as she straddled the woman's face and rubbed her wet pussy against her lips. Jerusalem ground herself against the woman's lips, riding her face and moaning at the mere touch.

Evelyn was a little surprised but caught on quick enough and opened her mouth to lick, suck and fuck the girl's wet aroused sex. She liked the taste feel and smell of Jerusalem's pussy being right in her face. Jerusalem was moaning non-stop now as Evelyn gripped her thighs and ate her pussy like it was the last meal the woman would ever have. Evelyn got wet sloppy and noisy and drove Jerusalem over the edge over and over again.

The girl was still trembling when Evelyn grabbed the vibrator that was resting on the bedcovers. She pressed it into Jerusalem's wet pussy and turned it to it's highest setting. She didn't tease or taunt the girl in the same manner that she'd been teased and taunted. Instead she fucked her hard and fast not letting up even a little. She wanted the girl to scream and tremble and know that she was the one who had made it so.

She lowered her head fastening her lips to Jerusalem's swollen clit sucking while she flicked her tongue over the sensitive pearl of flesh. The roles had been reversed without intent but once again Evelyn was aware of the fact that she loved this sense of power. she moved her head back only for a moment to watch the girl.

Jerusalem's eyes were closed her whole body tense with pleasure. She was panting and moaning and finally screaming with the pleasure of it all when Evelyn lowered her head and again licked and kissed the girl's most sensitive parts. When they were both spent they lay next to each other, together but each lost in their own thoughts.

Now that the sex was over why did Jerusalem still want to hold and touch the woman? Why did she want to know about her life and her childhood and all that other shit that people in casual fuck buddy relationships didn't give a good God damn about? She had hoped to push this woman from her mind, and tie up the loose ends of her own emotions but each encounter only served to weave Evelyn more intricately into her life and her thoughts.

Evelyn's mind was reeling in the aftermath, what the fuck? Why was it that the woman beside her had given her the best orgasms she'd ever had? What was it about this girl that broke down her resistance and made her forget who she was? Both her mind and her body pushed the woman away, she didn't want to leave and that fact had her pushing the girl away and denying the truths that were already tiptoeing on the edge of her thoughts.

She couldn't leave the house with the winds and rains raging outside. She knew logically that the weather was just the result of a tropical storm but as she dressed and moved through the rooms of the vast house she couldn't help but feel as if the heavens were crying, and she couldn't stop her own tears from washing over the curved landscape of her cheeks, and splashing soundlessly to the ground.


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FranziskaSissyFranziskaSissyover 2 years ago

Does a storm outside turn into one inside and clear up the clouds for all the 3 of them? Hopefully ...... Hearttaking romance

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
From J's point of view

Excellent! Great build up, description of characters so that I felt I knew them, and really cared what happened to your main characters. And, incidentally, it was also HOT!

From J's point of view. Say, in a dream.

I knew that I couldn't be with you and I'm so sorry. It was beyond my control. So, I sent you someone who would not only be far better than any friend (male or female) you have ever encountered, but a faithful lover who will love you like you have never dreamed of being loved. She will carry you through the difficult times and make the good times better than you could ever imagine! You may not remember this in detail, but when you meet her, you will know! (Just a thought!)


AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
very nice written

never read any story like it

but the words u have used are very artistic

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago

plz write another chapter..... this story is mesmerizing!

ur one of my fav. writers on this site... i love ur "angela" series and i hope u write another chapter of it as well...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
i want more

I gave you three 5s so far. Why do i like this series. Usually lesbian stories are either romantic and sexless, but very politicly correct.

Or loaded with meaningless sex, with no relation to real life. You have given us a sexy love story that I can relate to. To me that is the biggest turnon!

Thank you!!

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