Eventualities: Allison Ch. 06


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This was what scared Myra the most, she told me, when we spoke one afternoon in her office at about the three month point of Allison's recovery.

"That monster had taken full control over Allison for a long time and done horrific things to her I might not ever be able to fix even with a hundred years of non-stop therapy. His control over her far exceeds any brainwashing I've ever heard of, and created a creature that lives only to serve her masters and fuck them in every way that they desire. I can't break his controls on her and it is as if he's still there inside her head giving her orders. Allison may have been home now for three months, but tomorrow she could still easily snap and eagerly offer her body to a complete stranger or a dozen. I'm starting to run out of ideas as to how to help her."

I knew most of this already, and was certain that "M" was the culprit but Myra's blunt fear allowed me to safely guess that "M" had done a world-class piece of brainwashing on poor Allison and filled her with no telling how many secret code words that could trigger any number of hidden persona's, some possibly situational or even time triggered.

Allison was still mentally a ticking time bomb. What a fucking mess!


On my next weekly phone call to Tammy I asked her to start shaking her major crime and Fed contacts to make identifying "M" a major priority. Alfred's goodies were keeping at least 100 federal and regional law enforcement officials occupied full time, and a great number of major arrests that ought to decapitate the Syndicate were expected shortly.

Convictions, always uncertain, seemed to be a slam-dunk, Tammy said. "She'd be on a plane to visit us sometime Friday and would call me so that I pick her up from the airport."

Tammy flew in on schedule and announced that she would be able to stay with us for nearly a week. It had been too long since we had seen her as her work schedule had doubled since we parted in San Diego. She was doing a great deal of inter-agency liaison work handling some secret part of the Syndicate investigation that might or might not involve "M."

Tammy's lips were sealed and remained so for the entire visit. Usually by another mouth and tongue, a wet cunt or my hard cock.

That night we all went to the best steak restaurant in town that I knew of (Tammy was a meat and potatoes sort of girl) and she enjoyed herself completely. Allison's food tastes ran to about anything and everything, and she loved to try places she'd never been to before. Myra did her usual fussy picky eater act and pushed her food around on her plate more than she ate.

There was definite sexual tension at the table but, perhaps restrained by Myra's presence, Allison and Tammy limited their advances to lust filled eyes and discrete footsies under the table. Tonight they were dressed up similarly, blouses (mostly buttoned) and skirts (sadly mid-thigh). Myra wore a fully buttoned shirt and slacks and seemed quite out of place and even, seemingly, a bit embarrassed. She usually kept her eyes fixed on her plate, kept her hands mostly to herself.

I did notice at one point, while I was returning from the rest room, that Allison was discretely clutching Myra's hand under the table while the three women talked amongst themselves. The hands separated immediately when they saw my return. Of course, when the ladies made their own rest room visit soon afterward they all three went together and stayed gone for nearly an eternity. They returned with fresh makeup (and no suspicious smudges, visible ones anyway). Allison and Tammy shared a large dessert and amazingly refrained from doing their usual act of sensuously feeding each other.

Being a Friday night, the evening ended far too soon. Myra offered to return Allison to the Center but Tammy had wanted to see the place, so all three ladies left in Myra's car while I followed and waited for Tammy outside, which surprisingly didn't take too long. She came out alone (Myra had stayed to talk with Allison in the dayroom) and Tammy and I went home alone together. This was the first time the two of us had even been alone in a bedroom together and things were a bit uncomfortable until Tammy broke the ice by planting a wet kiss on me and dropping her skirt.

"If you are a good boy tonight, you might get to give me my first ass fucking later this weekend." She stated with a wink and a smile.

With a dangled carrot like that how could I resist. We had a very fun and energetic night but stopped after a pair of orgasms each, as Tammy said she had been warned pointedly by Allison not to wear me out too completely, as she might want me herself (or a certain part of me anyway) later that weekend. Sounded like it was going to be a great weekend!

With considerable difficulty I did get Tammy to admit, in a vaguely off-hand manner, that their rest room conversation at the restaurant did largely concern 'relationships' (no specifics) and that some lipstick had indeed been smudged by all three women, and together. Really? So what then was Myra's problem when I was now present?


The phone rang all too early Saturday morning. It was Allison greeting us with a cheery refrain, "Wake up sleeping beauties, it's time to shop! Tammy give his cock a rest for now and hurry up and come get me!" She blew a loud wet kiss into the phone and hung up with a giggle.

Tammy finished my good morning blowjob anyway (alas she had to swallow it all alone by herself) and demonstrated that her technique was much improved. She confessed to having had a few dates since our departure... "just for the experience".

Any discussion of Tiny was off limits. Their on-again, off-again relation was very off at the moment. He had forgotten an appointment to call her and then they had "words" when she gave up waiting for him to call her, and called him up instead, late at night and after hearing that Tiny was not alone in his bed.

Dressing, we left to promptly pick up Allison. Myra had supposedly agreed to meet us again later for dinner. Buoyed by her girlfriends visit, Allison was in fine spirits, as her phone voice indicated. She had an active shopping schedule planned and there was no time to waste! The day was spent in an orgy of clothes shopping (Allison enjoying a rare splurge by paying from her Syndicate cash) and not usual big chain casual stuff either. This was the big time! If they missed any upscale boutique in the city I'd be greatly surprised. One look at the wad of one hundred dollar bills Allison was toting was enough to assure premium personal service everywhere they went.

They started with undergarments, all of the finest silk of course. They sampled and demonstrated to me the finest, most exotically sheer stockings, held up with delicate lacey garter belts, revealing microscopic thongs and scrumptious crotchless panties. The fancier more exclusive shops seem to have a higher tolerance for rich perverts, and ignored scandalous behavior that would have gotten us ejected from lesser establishments, like when the girls asked if an embroidery service was available that could sew the word "Slut" prominently to the front of a particularly exclusive and expensive garter belt, and "Anal Whore" to its backside.

The answer was, "Of course, Yes, certainly madams," without an eye being blinked. Naturally, each of my girls ordered one.

Bras were examined and largely rejected except for a few styles of skimpy demi-bras that gently supported, shaped and uplifted their mammary treasures while fully exposing the nipples were accepted and acquired in a wide range of colors for each girl. Their fashion understructure complete, we gathered all of their extensive purchases (me doing most the gathering and porting) and, after a light lunch at an exclusive restaurant in the Galleria, my women got down to some serious clothes shopping.

Particularly they were looking for flirty, sexy 'flitting about' outfits that would display their charms, turn a few heads, but leave just enough flesh covered to incite (or was it excite) the imagination. The prize of the day was a designer silk halter dress that gave a generous view of female cleavage, exposed lots of creamy thigh, and revealed vast expanses of delicious bare shoulders and lower back. There was one for each of their sizes (close but quite not the same although they could now share clothes if needed in an emergency though).

Allison chose the red one, and Tammy the blue. I overheard some whispered talk in the changing room about buying Myra either the green, purple or yellow matching one but neither knew her color preferences (either purple or green would have been fine . Myra eventually later did receive the matching green outfit, eyes popped out and jaws dropped whenever the three wore their 'Set'.

Were they finally done shopping? Certainly not! The worst male torment ever devised was just ahead. It was time for the women to go shoe shopping to get matches for their outfits! I pleaded for a swift and merciful death.

They had fair success finding suitable high heeled shoes that each suited their 'set' dresses but as we stopped at one last exclusive shoe shop, the girls found the shoe of their dreams. It was the ultimate 'fuck me pump', made of rich patent black Italian leather with a stiletto 6-1/2 inch heel. They could hardly walk in them, but oh how it made their asses wiggle! Leaving without those shoes was unthinkable and each bought a pair instantly but now there was a new problem, finding the perfect Little Black Dress to go with those shoes.


We were running out of time, as we soon needed to meet Myra at the restaurant (Seafood tonight) and they had almost given up for the day when Tammy called out to stop the car and pointed me in the direction of the shop which catered to the adult entertainment trade and erotic 'club wear'. I didn't have much hopes because I figured everything would be cheap polyester or rayon, but I was pleasantly surprised to find, that there was a good selection of high end merchandise that included two of the littlest LBD's I'd ever seen in a mostly silk-blend. Even machine washable for easily removing semen and other stains.

They tried them on, pronounced them perfect and indeed they were. Their tits were at least half exposed (especially on the sides) and the thin material left no guesswork at all as to where their nipples were. It plunged low in the front, and even lower in the back nearly to their ass cracks. The dress displayed nearly the entire length of the women's long legs and seemed to end only inches from the bottom of their asses. Careful sitting was required to avoid publicly displaying all of my lovely's considerable nether region charms.

He-he, Allison had never seated herself carefully or 'ladylike' in her entire life even before "M" and turned all of her thoughts to sex. Tammy, once a very sensible woman was now being utterly corrupted by her lover and had taken to 'slutting out' like a duck did to water. I anticipated that a lot of future men and women were going to get treated to complete views of my loves' almost certainly pantyless and shaved crotches.

We were now late, and had to rush to the restaurant but the girls insisted on wearing their new latest and greatest outfit.

To say that the entry Allison and Tammy made into the restaurant was unforgettable would be a gross understatement. Men were staring in blatant lust and one unlucky man got slapped by his date when had been caught staring too hard with his mouth hanging open. Women mostly glared daggers of sheer hatred but I did notice one or two enjoying a second or third look. At least one senior citizen reached for his heart tablets.

The wiggle of their asses in those towering pumps stopped all waiter traffic, one busboy lost his balanced tray of dirty dishes entirely which loudly crashed to the floor, slightly diverting attention from us long enough to be seated. Myra arrived a few minutes later, looking good but not remotely up to the new LBD standard.

I think Myra was at a loss as to whether to laugh or cry but she did neither and tried desperately (failing miserably) to keep her eyes off of the girls' very prominently featured nipples. He-he.

Myra's recent and surprisingly dormant bisexuality was getting a big kick start but even the obligatory mass pilgrimage to the ladies room together didn't seem to fire up much in the way of actual noticeable sparks later. I wasn't sure at all yet if I was ready to re-add Myra to my active sexual schedule, certainly not while our relationship seemed very much in limbo and I was even less sure I wanted Allison in a brand new recurring lesbian relationship at this stage of her recovery. But heck, I wanted Myra to at least act like she was having fun with the girls.

Dinner concluded without any further drama, or a visit by the fire department to cool off the fires the girls induced in their slow sexy walk leaving the restaurant. I left a nice tip; we certainly had extremely attentive service all evening long.

I expected Myra to pull another early disappearing act but I was delighted to find out otherwise that she'd agreed to stay with us for a while tonight. Allison and Tammy each had one of Myra's hands grasped tight and definitely wouldn't take no for an answer.

The first stop was back to the erotic clubware shop where Allison and Tammy soon had Myra changed into a LBD of her own. For today, her existing black shoes would have to do, since the shoe store had closed.

With all three girl's now suitably attired for clubbing, it would have been a waste not to wear them into a club, so we found a nice nightclub where the ladies could dance awhile and all three girls boogied their butts away, as each took turns dragging a resisting Myra onto the dance floor.

Myra and I had never gone dancing, as neither of us enjoyed it much or had much aptitude for it. I'd take an occasional spin on the floor myself to keep the wolves away. The girls were certainly attracting attention and definitely looked like they were 'dressed to fuck'.

Sometime after 11 p.m., the women announced that they were ready to leave but they had one more stop to make on the way home. Allison gave me driving directions but wouldn't disclose the secret destination. Tammy had the largest shit eating grin, but also wouldn't disclose a word. Myra was visibly squirming in the back clutching Tammy's hand until her knuckles were white.


Our destination turned out to be an extremely popular and supposedly semi-famous tattoo and piercing parlor. In an instant I knew what was up, the girls were going to hold me to my promise of replacing Allison's nipple rings. This idea suited me fine and so we went inside. There were quite a number of lookers but only one actual customer receiving work, a minor tattoo being done by an assistant.

The proprietor was a older woman, Nancy, with over thirty years experience in the business and an exceptional reputation. She had gotten her first tattoo in San Francisco with Janis Joplin in the 1960's (there was an old b&w framed photo of the two women each flashing a tattooed tit. I liked her style and her place was ultra-modern and squeaky clean.

I gave a go-ahead nod to Allison and explained to Nancy what I thought we were after, she then proceeded to show the girls tray after tray of nipple rings. It was a hard choice, I liked several of the choices, Tammy approved of several of these selected one, and Myra largely reserved her opinion. In the end, we decided upon a nice 14k solid gold ring of the same gauge she was now wearing, that featured a mounted small but bright ruby that Allison thought would match her 'Set' dress. Retrieving it from the car, we found it did match it exactly.

A price was agreed upon and Nancy sat Allison down in a reclining chair (giving everyone a superb view of her smooth cunt). Allison unfastened her top exposing her breasts and smiled for everyone and placed her hands back above her head to give Nancy unlimited access to her tits, which soon had the old rings cut off and gently removed. The old rings were pronounced as also being solid 14k gold, but no one wanted to keep them and we let Nancy have them. At least here was one little piece of "M's" legacy that we were well rid of!

Nancy checked the nipple piercing holes carefully, antiseptically gave them a good cleaning anyway and asked if she should put in the new rings or if any of us wished to do so. Tammy wanted to insert the right nipple ring for her lover and I agreed to insert the left one. This done, Nancy then secured Allison's new rings into place. This new pair could be safely removed for regular cleaning, unlike the old pair that seemed to be welded into a permanent complete circle.

Allison reluctantly stopped showing off her new jewelry to everyone in the shop and reattached the top of her dress, but not before Nancy gave each ringed nipple a laughing kiss for good luck. I thought I we were all done but there was one more surprise still to come.

Tammy now seated herself into the operating chair (also giving us a splendid view of her pantiless crotch), dropped her top also and asked for Nancy to, "Pierce her nipples the same as Allison's."

She had selected a near identical gold ring that featured a blue stone (which not coincidently also matched her own 'Set' dress). Her nipples were carefully cleaned with antiseptic, the alignment of the piercing carefully adjusted and with two quick jabs Tammy now had pierced nipples too! Allison inserted her right ring, giving it a lingering kiss and I again handled the left side ring.

Now I had a pair of nearly identical pierced tit girls that were good and ready to be taken home so they could admire each other's new jewelry much more privately and passionately.

Nancy asked Myra if she was next, but she declined saying "not today," but her voice was husky, breathing quite fast and seemed rather aroused by everything she had seen.

Nancy gave each girl written cleaning instructions (Tammy's new piercings would heal fast, but they would seep for awhile and needed daily cleaning until fully healed), gave each girl a quick lip smooch (and fast tit squeeze) and invited us to return soon, commenting specifically that from what she had seen, both ladies were well suited for receiving any of several different erotic vaginal piercings. She whispered to Tammy that she'd "love to put a matching ring though her clit," gave her a last kiss and hug goodbye.

Well that certainly offered new suggestions.

We invited Myra to please come home with us but unfortunately she declined our increasing direct invitations. The three of us went home alone and spent a delightful Sunday inspecting the each ladies new hardware.

My cock was so exhausted that Tammy and I didn't even try to make love after we dropped Allison at her Center that evening. Instead we fixed a quick simple dinner and snuggled to an early sleep.

Tammy and I fucked daily until her flight Thursday morning, but we never really had another proper three-way session with Allison joining in. The two girls did manage a few 'nooners' with just the two of them but at no other point could Allison manage a large break of time off from her schedule. This was a disappointment to all but Allison promised on Tammy's next visit things should be much better because her schedule would be much less intensive.

I thought it unfair to make Tammy keep flying across the country to see us (even at Foundation expense) - especially if she wasn't visiting Tiny nearby at the moment, so I suggest we hold our next Foundation Board Meeting at a hotel in San Francisco (assuming we could clear Allison's schedule for a full week). This got me soundly kissed and was pronounced an excellent idea.