Eventualities: Allison Ch. 07


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"Tula, you will listen to Master's voice and only to your Master's voice, will you obey Master? Answer me only in a whisper." She whispered "Yes, Master" but didn't sound completely certain. I swung for the fences.

"Tula, Master is unhappy with you. You do not sound like you want to Obey Master, you are considering being Disobedient and not Obeying Master." Allison's obvious distress grew, as she did want so want to Obey Master but was confused, uncertain.

I continued, "Master is growing displeased and Angry. You know what happens when Master gets Angry, especially with disobedient Bad Slave Girls that want to disobey." Allison was nearly crying by now and her pleas of obedience were becoming dangerously loud.

"Silence, Tula! You will not speak any more to Master until he gives you permission. Master grows Angry. Will you listen to my voice and ONLY my voice and will do exactly as Master tells you, Obeying only your Master. If you do as Master says EXACTLY he will no longer be Angry with Tula, otherwise Tula will be locked into her Punishment Room and Tula knows what will happen to her there. Nod then for me, if you can be a Good Girl and hear only this voice now, not my other voices, and do exactly as Master says."

Allison flowed rivers of tears and silently bobbed her head up and down and signaled utter acceptance of my Mastership over her. After a last brief instruction to her she arose and walked over to "M" and without a seconds hesitation or delay picked up "M's" still bloody walking stick. He awoke suddenly to the sight of his slave Tula swinging his stick down upon his unmoving and startled head. His skull fared poorer than mine did, and the first sickening crunch was enough to let me know that "M" had given his last order. I had to command Tula to stop, as she kept beating his skull long after his brains had begun to decorate the walls.

Covered in blood and gore I ordered Tula to return and sit next to me. I told her that she had been a Good Girl, Master was well pleased with her and she could take a nap now if she wished. She did and was soon snoring by my reclining arm. The stress over, I shut my eyes too to rest from the wave of dizziness I felt, only for just moment it seemed…


When I woke it was to find Tammy kneeling next to me checking my vitals. This was the second clusterfuck she had helped save me from and I was determined that there would never be a third time!

It seems she had understood most of my message, including Rice U and Snake Pit (close enough to Serpent's Lair), it had taken her awhile to find anyone old enough to remember the place once she got here (six hours apparently after my muddled call) along with a couple of local FBI Agents. She had missed all of the fun but not yet all of the drama.

She was determined that Allison and I needed to get to a hospital immediately but there were two needs that must be done first. Myra needed to be taken out of her tank and I wanted 'Allison' back, not the screwed up zombie 'training persona' that now occupied her body.

Slowly, I explained the situation as I saw it, and with the Agent's help Tammy got Myra disconnected and out of the tank. Except this wasn't quite the same "Myra" any of us remembered.

This Myra seemed to still be a late teenager in her memories (she didn't recognize or remember either Allison or myself) and, it soon appeared, her memories were that of a longtime victim of child abuse and incest, since before her adolescent years. Oh My God! That was one of Myra's secrets that she would rather have died than ever reveal to anyone, part of the demons of which had never quite gone away no matter how hard she tried to bury them. All of Allison's vague hints over the last six months now had some understanding for me. But for now, one last problem remained, how to get Tula's deactivation word or words?

I gave Tammy the only code words I had for Tula (I was sure that there were many more of them) and I ordered Tula that she should listen to and obey the words of her new Mistress. As I drifted off in a medicated haze being taken off by two EMT's whose names and faces I could barely recall, I saw Tammy standing next to a still blood and brain covered "Tula" speaking to her earnestly and sharply, and heard a final "Yes, Mistress" before I fell under.


I awoke in a hospital bed, and it was Friday afternoon to find Tammy and Allison (not Tula!) by my bedside. Myra was recovering fairly well, it was explained, from her four day ordeal in the tank and was "mostly back to normal now" and had been released from care that morning. That insane genius "M," Dr. Malcolm Mitchell, kept a notebook with all of his command words and 'persona names' he had built for each captive. The notebook was frighteningly full, apparently there were hundreds of potential victims all over the country and the FBI was already starting to track them down. Odds were this part of the story would not be making the network news or newspapers for a very long time, if ever at all. Some truths are too terrible to be ever revealed.

Mitchell had avoided the FBI raid at his home by already being here in Houston, visiting Myra last Friday afternoon. Despite my hints to her that Allison's and my situations required a fair bit of secrecy and that we had potential 'enemies', with at least one of them with possessing exceptional psychiatric knowledge and skill, she had 'cut some corners' and had sought advice from several national colleagues. Murphy's Law being what it is, nearly the first person she called for advice about her patient was Dr. Mitchell (of whom it must be admitted that he did have a heavy duty resume, especially concerning cases of drug induced 'multiple personalities'. Myra had told him incautiously about her patient and her new sensory tank, and had peaked his interest enough to come in person to see it. Recognizing the risk immediately, he overpowered and drugged Myra and started his work to take possession over her personality while he reactivated his old controls over 'Tula'.

As Allison had mentioned to me months ago, "M's" genius was in really understanding exactly what buttons to push on his victims, particularly if they had a vulnerable past (as both Allison and Myra did). He had painstakingly broken down every barrier Myra had built in her psyche and exposed her childhood of serial abuse (by both her father and older brother which explained why I had never known before that either existed). She maintained to me that both had died about the time she went to college, in some sort of accident.

It was determined that he had not yet done very much in the way of new "programming" on Myra (or 'Mina' as her slave name was to be called) but he was still exploring and revealing all of Myra's secrets, using the lever of her prior abuse to remold Myra as a true submissive. She had always seemed a bit naturally submissive in bed to begin with, always letting me take charge and be in control in our past lovemaking. With a bit of embarrassment, Allison admitted that in their sex together, Myra had usually always assumed the submissive partner role, and in bed, invariably did as Allison requested serving her willingly.

"M's" greatest secret however, and the main reason for his seemingly irresistible success in turning captive victims into willing wanton sex slaves was chemical. Allison opened her purse showing us 10 ampoules of some unknown drug (marked only Batch #31). Two empty vials had been found near discarded IV bags that had been used on Myra, during those four terrible days in the tank. Much more would undoubtedly be found at the Doctor's beach house homes in Santa Cruz and Big Sur by the FBI.

That caused us all of us no little concern, a tested workable mind control drug now in the hands of the government, that in a proper trance state could wipe away old personalities (walling them up for the most part) and creating a new malleable slave personality whose only thoughts were how to please her Master or Mistress.

"M's" notes later revealed that he had deactivated most of his controls over Allison just before he sold her, but he retaining the ability to instantly reassume at least minor control over her at any future moment. Now with this list of commands, Myra should be able to relatively easily perform a proper and lasting 'fix' for Allison. The problem was now that Myra had gone deep in seclusion.

"She left immediately on a flight home to Tennessee," her secretary Patty said, "With clear instructions that she was now on sabbatical and she left no date for her return." None of us had the slightest clue what her home town even was. For a while anyway, Allison's treatment was on a complete hold.

No one told Allison exactly how "M" died, she had no memories of anything past early Monday morning, when she had the shock of seeing "M"s face and instantly remembered nothing more. Tammy had cleverly obtained 'Tula's' turn off word by elaborately maintaining that Tula was a silly forgetful and Bad Slave Girl who didn't even remember her master's (or new Mistresses) commands. Tula kept replied that she was 'forbidden to speak it' but under the pressure of proving that she was Good and Obedient, she eventually in tears wrote it down for Tammy. Upon release, Allison's last Monday's memories returned and things were as close to normal as they were likely to be for a while.


Tammy stayed for over a week until I was released from the Hospital, but I remained on sick leave from work and, during my recovery (and Myra's absence), was joined by Allison at Tammy's hotel room. I think they did a little catching up together but the mood and inclination for wild sex was quite subdued and no one was particularly happy or in the mood for fun.

Allison was horrified by the details of her and Myra's capture and near instant subjugation, and even worse, blamed herself utterly for my injuries (a minor skull fracture that healed fast but left recurring and nearly debilitating headaches that would plague me for years (albeit less and less often over time). She played the ever dutiful nurse but she seemed afraid to even touch me now and would not let me hold her close.

Her long held fear that her condition could somehow cause me pain and hurt had been utterly fulfilled. She was certain that left alone, she might cause it (or worse) to happen yet again to me. She felt she could not be trusted near me.

Once she was sure I was safely home and recovering, she began to become very evasive about her activities, and avoiding me as much as possible. For the next month or so, I rarely saw her and never when she was alone. The absence seemed to nearly kill her; she sounded on the phone profoundly unhappy, seemed to miss me with every fiber of her existence but could not forgive herself for nearly killing me. She began losing weight again and was clearly not sleeping much either. Only by attending AA meetings now daily (and sometimes twice a day) was she able, she told me later, to avoid a relapse to drinking and final self-destruction.

I wasn't in much better shape myself and I brooded about things seemingly endlessly, day and night. My headaches were still occurring just about daily at that time, and once I started one I was worthless for hours, capable only of sitting or lying in bed in the dark until most of the pain passed. I reached a few decisions though, including one I had putting off for far too long.

I refused utterly the now vacant Medical Director's position and put my letter of resignation on the Chiefs desk. We fought for awhile and in the end I accepted his offer for an extended long-term medical leave - at 2/3's pay + keeping my medical insurances, with an option to return later if I chose or have it converted to a permanent Medical Retirement later.

Tammy had rekindled her long distance romance with Tiny and visiting him for a few days in Lovett (and telling me a number of patently crazy stories about the place that defied belief – but all turned out to be quite true). They couldn't break the ice together enough to finally have sex, but admitted she had gotten her leadoff runner to scoring position with no outs before the evening somehow ended up in another argument (she couldn't recall what started it) and the entire game was postponed for rain (Tammy loves a good Baseball analogy).

He huffed off over something and she left in a snit that clouded over the remainder of her stay. She snuggled just once at my place the night before she left, with a very gentle lovemaking. I wasn't allowed vigorous exercise and it could and did trigger my headaches. She then kissed me goodbye for this visit with my load still warm inside her.

I was to find out later she rushed immediately back to a waiting Allison at her nearby hotel and offered my fresh offering to her as room service, which she devoured like a starving lion would a steak, licking out every drop over the space of two hours. She was so desperate for any contact with me that my secondhand semen was a godsend to her.

Allison stayed for awhile at Myra's house all alone but after a few weeks moved in with an AA friend and did not even consider returning home to me.


I began to actively worry that Allison was rapidly reaching an emotional crisis and that suicide was even beginning to enter her thoughts. In the nick of time, not one day too soon in my option, Myra suddenly returned and Allison went back to live with Myra once again.

I received a cryptic message that the 'Project' was back on again. I packed a few essentials, a sleeping bag, some snack foods and returned once again to the Serpent's Lair and found Myra back at work. She had installed a new inside locking bar and initially refused me admittance. I found a large length of steel pipe and banged that metal door for two hours non-stop until she finally did admit defeat and let me in and I was permitted to stay, and I did so for the next two weeks without hardly a rest or break for even a shower or a hot meal.

I don't understand even 10% of what Myra did with Allison in the tank nearly every day (and with some Batch #31 in increasing amounts in her IV). But it was clear to me that she was just as much of a genius at her work as "M" had been. There were good days that it seemed real progress had been made and there were days that were just plain God awful, like when the barrier into "Tula's" part of the brain was breached. We decided she 'had to know, if she was to fully heal and get well' rather than trying to wall off that persona inside her forever.

Allison then knew what she really had done to me that day in here in the Lair, under "M's" control and how she had bludgeoned his skull over two dozen times. It wasn't a decision we agreed to happily, but Myra though, in the long term, this would be for the best… and it probably was.

Her utter despair and grief were nearly beyond any comfort. My presence became too disturbing for Allison to handle and out of necessity I left them both alone for the next two weeks.

At no point would Myra ever suffer the slightest mention of her own experience in the tank, her escaped memories of her childhood abuse or the details of her sabbatical. It was clear she was a very, very troubled woman and that she desperately needed some sort of help too. I tried once putting my arms around her to comfort her and beg that she allow us to help her but that created a major explosion that derailed the rest of the days work and Myra stormed out in an emotional firestorm that blistered my eardrums (and that I was certain involved her calling me "Daddy" at one point). Crap!

I stayed away the next day and no mention was made of the incident on my return on the following day. Myra even had a weak smile and said she was glad to see me. Looking at her face, I think she really was, it was the first genuine smile I'd since leaving for San Diego what seemed lifetime ago. I told her that day I had left the Fire Department, probably for good.

"It's about time," she replied, "Everyone could tell you hated the politics side of things and that was going to be your fate for next ten years if you had let it. You're making progress at last, but still have some work left to do." She went back to hers, with a vengeance.

I think that was the day Allison made her single greatest turnaround in her recovery, as Myra and I took turns telling her how much we loved her and that we accepted everything and every part of her, loved dearly every little bit of her, and everything was forgivable and forgiven. We were all crying tears of love and happiness, and at one moment I noticed for the first time in nine months that I was holding Myra's hand. She soon became aware of this too and gave me another weak smile but broke hand contact before I could kiss her cheek.


Progress came steadily now, walking soon became running, until soon more of Allison's therapy was now occurring out of the tank than in it. Allison now had a full memory of the terrible events during her over four years of captivity. This was a very heavy burden, but soon she began to accept and incorporate all of her induced personas into a reformed and stronger 'new' Allison.

I got to see more and more of this new more confident and happier person each week, within another month, her eleventh month of treatment since her recovery, we were once again sharing full weekends. She was splitting time between Myra's and my house now and although it seemed that the critical work of her recovery was now done, with therapy and time healing and fading the scars, she hinted that there was now a new project in the works, that I suspected involved Myra's own personal recovery. Things came to a head, during Tammy's visit on the eleventh month since Allison's rescue.


Myra's own affection for Tammy was unmistakable and she gave her a full share of the credit for her rescue from the tank. She came into town to visit at least monthly now, had recently finished her 20th year of combined military and civil service duty and she could take early retirement anytime from now on if she wished. We began again to have some fun between the three of us and after some initial awkwardness at the start, we resumed group (and paired) sex between us.

If Tammy was "on" that month with Tiny, he would come up and visit or she would drive down to see him. It was Tammy's decision that he was not to be aware of her active and still blooming, sex life, both here with us and back home in San Diego. Myra certainly knew of our sexual adventures, but declined to involve herself, and once she finished her major role in Allison's recovery I could tell that her emotional coolness was starting to return.

There were some tantalizing hints from Allison, that I deliberately declined to pursue, that she had engaged in recent phone sex incidents with Allison and Tammy (whether it was Tammy was listen to Allison and Myra, or Myra listening to Allison and Tammie or both I didn't know) and there was a faint hint that perhaps at least once, Tammy had joined Allison and Myra together in bed.

The four of us were at an early dinner together on a Wednesday night, Allison and Tammy were wearing their 'Sets' and were extraordinarily well behaved, too well behaved. Allison had bought Myra the green matching 'Set' dress, but she would never wear it… at least around me. I would have smelled some kind of a rat, except Myra and Allison shortly needed to leave for Myra's Wednesday night group therapy class (she had restarted some of her normal schedule right after her return from Sabbatical). Interestingly, Allison was not at these meetings as a patient but was acting as an assistant now for Myra. Good for her!

Myra was her usual elusive self but when repeated kicked by the other two girls into better behavior she condescended to smile and even laugh a bit upon occasion. She even returned from the obligatory mass migration to the ladies room looking slightly ruffled and well-snogged and blushed when I caught her eye. She surprisingly let me take her chair to seat her, which she hadn't let me do in nearly a year and even permitted me a kiss on her cheek when she and Allison left for their meeting.