Every Mother's Son Ch. 01


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"Excuse me? We...what?...where?..." he asked in sudden confusion. He hadn't been over to Ellen's house since he couldn't remember when. Ellen Shay was divorced with a son Aaron who was Bobby's age. The two boys had hung out from time to time but weren't particularly friends.

"The Shay's sweetheart! Remember Ellen asked me over for a drink on Thursday and you came with me to see Aaron..." Kathleen prompted. Her eyes were sparkling wickedly into her son's as she reached over beneath the table, slipped her hand between his legs and gave his inner thigh a warm squeeze.

"Unnn!...That's right dad!...That's what we did!..." Robert said almost too quickly. He could feel his face turn a brilliant scarlet as his mother carelessly nudged his balls with the edge of her hand.

His father looked at both his son and his wife suspiciously for a moment, apparently biting his tongue before he said..."And how is Ellen?..."

Kathleen easily provided a wealth of details about their supposed visit. Robert had no doubt that she had worked out something with her friend to confirm this whole fabrication if it came to that. He looked at his mother anxiously. Kathleen let her eyes turn briefly to her son. She gave him a quick wink and his thigh a lingering squeeze before she took her hand away.

Robert left the table soon after that fearing that his mother was going to involve him in more lies to his father. He didn't like that at all. He intended to talk to her about that but then things came up and he never got around to it.

That Saturday his parents were hosting a party at the house. They had invited a lot of people. Kathleen wanted Robert to stay and help but he didn't feel like being sociable with all the older people. He went over to a friend's and watched a movie. Around midnight though, nothing was going on so he decided to go home. The party was still going strong and there were cars everywhere. The neighbor's were away for the weekend so most of the spillover cars had been directed to park in their driveway. That's where Robert parked his mom's car when he got home, directly behind the blue Lexus he had found in his parent's driveway when he came home unexpectedly and found his mother in bed with that man.

When Robert entered the house, the first people he saw were his mother and the man named Bill she had been in bed with. They were standing just inside the entrance to the den, their heads were together and they were conversing intently. Robert couldn't help but look longingly at his mother. Kathleen was wearing high heels, dark nylons, a black leather mini skirt and a daring gray top. The top was essentially two pieces of gray satin that crossed over her chest and in the back in a loosely hanging X that was gathered together at the waist. The arousing swell of her bare breasts could be clearly seen from the sides and beneath the deeply plunging neckline of the satin material. His mother happened to look over at him as he stared at her. A slow smile creased her lips when she saw him. Without taking her eyes from her son's she raised her finger to Bill's lips. She turned and said something to him, glancing meaningfully at her son. The big man looked quickly at Robert, then he smiled back at Kathleen. Bill pulled out his car keys and went out through the front door without saying anything to Robert, even though he walked right by him,

Kathleen walked over to her son and grabbed his arm conspiratorially.

"There you are sweetheart!... I've been looking for you... I need you to do a big favor for me."

"Geez mom!...I'm kind of tired"... I was hoping to call it a night."

"This won't take long... Have you got the car keys?... Do you have some money?..." Kathleen asked as she grabbed her little purse and guided Robert back out the door.

"Yeah I do mom. What do you need?"

Kathleen quickly led Robert through their driveway heading for the neighbors.

"I need you to go to the Seven/Eleven and get some mixes, some Coke and Ginger Ale. We're almost out." she said, walking Robert over towards her car and stopping beside the Lexus.

Robert had boxed in the Lexus and he half expected to see Bill standing around or heading back to the house, but he wasn't around.

"Sure mom! That won't take long!." Robert said.

"Well actually honey, I want you to take your time. Take at least half an hour O.K.? And when you get back I want you to meet me right here. Don't go in until you see me and if your father asks I want you to tell him that I went with you, just to get some fresh air. Do you understand?..."

Robert thought he understood all to well. And he didn't like being an accomplice in his mother's affairs.

"Unn...Mom...Listen...I don't mind going to the store and all but I don't like you making me lie to dad about it...I meant to talk to you about that...."

"Umm...I know it's asking a lot honey..." Kathleen purred, snuggling her satin covered breasts warmly against Bobby's shoulder.

The sultry red head moved in front of her son, tipped her pelvis in and raised one nylon sheathed thigh against the outside of his leg.

" It would really, really mean a lot to me..." she said, rubbing her nylon sheathed thigh against him suggestively.

"Nahhh!...Uhhh Geez!...I don't know..." Bobby whined nervously as his cock sprang instantly erect against the press of his mother's mini skirted pussy. He edged back, not wanting her to discover how easily she aroused him.

But Kathleen had already felt his prick stiffen against her. She let her leg hook around Bobby's thigh and pulled him back against the center of her steamy loins.

"You'll do it for me, won't you baby?..." Kathleen said, her eyes dancing wickedly into her son's as she squirmed seductively against him.

"Uhhh!...Yeahhh!...Sure!..." Bobby groaned, anxiously backing away from his wanton mother.

He got into her car and started to back out of the driveway. As he did so he looked back and saw his mother slipping into the backseat of the Lexus. He was angry and confused but not knowing what else to do, he headed off for to the convenience store.

Bobby had to kill some time in order not to get back home too soon. But thirty minutes after he had left he was back in the neighbor's driveway parking once more behind the blue Lexus. There was no sign of his mother but the Lexus' windows were pretty steamed up. Bobby waited a few minutes and then decided he couldn't sit there all night. He got out of his car and approached the Lexus. The rear passenger window was open three or four inches.

"Mom?...Are you alright?...Is it O.K. if I go in?..."

There was some movement inside the back of the big car and then Kathleen was looking up at her son through the partially open window. Her face was flushed, her hair was tangled and her lipstick was smeared. But she had a lazy grin on her face as she said..."I'm fine. Just give me a minute and we can head back. Wait in the car for me honey. I'll be right there."

Robert slouched back to his mother's car, climbed back in and waited. After what seemed like forever, the driver's side door in the back of the Lexus opened and Bill got out. Without looking back at Bobby he headed back to the party. Bobby wasn't surprised to see what was going on, just disappointed and frustrated. A couple of minutes later his mother's arm reached out of the passenger side window and she crooked her finger for her son.

Bobby got out and went over to the far side of the Lexus. The rear window was still partially open. He couldn't see his mother but he said testily...

"Are you ready now?...Can we go?..."

Then he heard his mother reply..."Actually baby, I could use a hand. Could you come in here for a minute."

Bobby just wanted to get this whole charade over with. He opened the rear door of the Lexus and looked in at his mother. There was an exterior light on over the neighbor's garage that provided some light inside the vehicle.

Kathleen was scooched over to the other side of the car. She was sort of sitting sideways against the driver's side door, her long legs curled up under her. Her high heels, purse and what looked like her balled up panties were all on the back window ledge of the car. Bobby couldn't help but notice that her little leather mini skirt was hiked up well above her stocking tops. He thought he could even see a glimpse of his mother's hairy triangle peeking out from under her skirt. She was applying some lipstick with one hand and with her other hand she was raking her fingers through her mane of red hair, trying to restore some order to it. The car smelled strongly of perfume and something more earthy. Kathleen's half bared breasts quivered arousingly beneath her skimpy top as she combed her hair with her fingers. Bobby thought his mother looked incredibly sexy in the back of the big car and he felt his cock starting to harden and bulge through his pants as he gaped at her. He sort of leaned a little further into the car to try and hide his arousal and he said...

"What is it mom? I'd really like to get going."

Kathleen had enjoyed keeping her son worked up all week. But she didn't want him to get too frustrated and then lose his help in keeping her husband in the dark about her extracurricular activities. She thought this was a good opportunity to establish a new understanding between them. She passed her tongue slowly over her newly painted lips as she smiled at her son and said..."There really is something I'd like you to help me with sweetheart. Get in for a minute."

Robert nervously got into the back of the Lexus. He squirmed as he sat down. His boner was caught at an uncomfortable angle in his pants and he didn't want to fumble with it in front of his mother.

Kathleen slid a little closer towards her apprehensive son, reaching out with her right hand and lightly brushing his neck with her fingertips.

"There's something I want to show you!"

Robert wasn't sure what his mother meant, but she was indeed showing him something. As she leaned towards him, the satin X that crossed her breasts parted wide giving Bobby an unobstructed view of his mother's creamy bare breasts.

"Ahh!...Ahhh!...Mommm!..." Bobby stuttered, his eyes riveted to his mother's chest. Kathleen's melon shaped breasts were very pink and swollen, rising and falling seductively in time with her breathing. Her nipples were a livid scarlet and hugely engorged. And as if the sight of his mother's exposed tits wasn't arousing enough in itself, and it was, Bobby was staring open mouthed at something he'd never seen before. Kathleen's nipples were jutting out urgently above two tiny alligator clips that were clamped tightly into the dark, puffy aureole that capped her breasts. There was a fine silver chain connecting the two evil looking little clips together.

"Oh my Goddd!...What's that chain thing?..." Bobby whispered, wiggling again in his seat, trying futilely to shift his throbbing erection into a more comfortable position in his pants.

"Oh this!...' Kathleen asked, casually reaching into her top with her left hand and idly tweaking one rigid nipple.

"It's some jewelry that Bill bought me. It's a nipple chain. He likes me to put lipstick on my nipples and then wear it. I think it's kind of slutty but he likes it. What do you think baby?..." Kathleen asked her son. Her outstretched fingers traced along the silver chain, as she toyed with one hard nipple then the other.

"It's...!...It's...!...I've never seen anything... like it!..." Bobby stammered his eyes locked like lasers on his mother's outrageous breast play. Helplessly he started to lean towards his mother's tempting breasts, overwhelmed by the desire to take them in his hands, to have them in his mouth. But he couldn't! Kathleen was his mother. She was acting like the most outrageous whore, but she was still his mother.

Kathleen smiled as her son looked at her breasts hungrily and despairingly at the same time. She knew he was shy and embarrassed and aroused all at once. He wanted her to draw the line. She was the mother after all. He obviously didn't know this mother though! "Bobby..." she said with a pretty little pout as she cupped one of her creamy beasts in her hand and started to lift it out of her blouse...

"I was hoping you'd help me baby! I can't wear this chain into the house. When I take it off my poor swollen nipples really hurt. It helps if someone can soothe them a little. Of course I could do it myself..." Kathleen teased as she raised her tit to her lips. Her eyes sparkled wickedly into Bobby's as she pursed her lips around her bulging nipple and gave it a lingering suck. Then she released that livid little knob and said...

"But I thought you might like to do it!..."

And with that she slipped her hand around the back of her son's head and pulled him firmly to her hand held globe.

"Oh mommm!..." Bobby groaned looking wide eyed into his mother's face as she gave him her breast. His mouth opened and he excitedly latched onto Kathleen's succulent mammary.

"Ummmmmm!..." he gasped, feverishly mouthing the his mother's lewdly offered flesh.

"Ummm!...You like that don't you baby?...Sucking on mommy's tit!... Umm hmmm!..." Kathleen purred, squeezing her tit against Bobby's eager suck. With her free hand she bared her other breast as well to her son.

"Easy sweetheart!...Let me take this off!...Now you be gentle!...Make momma feel good!. .." Kathleen instructed as she reached under one boob and managed to release the vicious little nipple clamp from the end of her breast.

"Ahhhhh!..." she hissed, as the blood surging into her nipple pounded hotly in that sensitive bud.

"Ummpphh!...Ohhhh!...Mommmphhh!..." Robert groaned at the feel of his mother's elongated nipple actually twitching against his gently laving tongue. Shyly he raised his hands to the sides of those entrancing mounds and fondled them as he nursed on her seething flesh.

He was so excited he didn't even feel it at first as his mother reached down and unzipped his pants. But when she reached in through the fold of his shorts and wrestled his pulsing erection out of the fly of his pants, he felt it. And when she closed her hand around it and gave it a torrid squeeze, he gasped against her alluring chest. Then he managed to tear his mouth away from her resilient tits for a moment as he moaned.

"Mommmm!...Oh Goddd!...What are you doing?...You can't!...We can'tt!...Unnnn!..."

Kathleen continued to offer her sumptuous breasts to her son with one hand while stroking his rigid cock with the other. Then she released his tumid flesh for a moment while she unbuttoned his shirt. When she had it open she grabbed one of his nipples between her lacquered finger nails and gave it a slow, sensual squeeze.

"Can't what baby?...What is it you don't want me to do to you?..." Kathleen taunted as he pulled her son's face back against her smoldering tit.

"Mmmphhhh!..." Bobby groaned as he let his mother envelop his face with the press of her smothering breasts. He opened his mouth and swallowed as much of one conical orb as he could.

Then, just as he was losing himself completely in the sensation of gorging himself on his mother's resilient tit flesh, a fiery, burning sensation lanced his chest.

"Nahhhhh!...." he cried as he turned his startled eyes up into Kathleen's.

Then he looked down to see that his mother had attached the razor sharp little alligator clip to his own nipple, the one that she had just been teasing so delightfully. Now he and she were tethered together at the breast by the fine silver chain and the vicious little clasps.

"How does that feel baby?...Can you feel it right down in you crotch?...I know I can!..." Kathleen taunted as she gingerly rose up on her knees and turned, shuffling sideways on the back seat of the Lexus until she was straddling Bobby's thighs. She reached between her legs and fisted his turgid erection as she smiled down at her anxious son. With her eyes locked on his she leaned back, slowly, deliberately stretching both her own and her son's nipples excruciatingly with the weight of her body. Her own sumptuous breast reddened and stretched out into a pointed cylinder under Bobby's avid stare while his obscenely engorged nipple felt like it was being torn from his chest.

"Nahhhh!...Ahhhh!...Mommm!...Don't!...Ahhh!...That hurts!...." Bobby gasped, raising trembling hands to try and unfasten the little clip that was tearing at his tender breast. But Kathleen batted his sweaty hands away.

"Don't!...Not yet!...I want you to put your hands down, under your butt....That's it!... Sit on them!...Unn Hnn!...That's better!...Now just wait a minute!..." she purred as she calmly reached behind him and into her little purse on the rear window ledge. She took a sealed condom out of her purse and tore it open in front of her wide eyed son. Reaching down into her crotch, she used two hands to slowly, sensuously sheath Bobby's tool with the supple latex. Then she positioned herself so that her steamy labia were fluttering around the end of her son's mushroom shaped cock crown.

"Yes baby?...I've seen the way you've been looking at me!... Mmmm!... You've been having naughty thoughts haven't you sweetheart?... Thinking about fucking me!... Fucking your mother!... You bad boy!... Well?... Are you going to do it?... Are you?..." Kathleen taunted. She drove the ring of her circled finger and thumb to the root of her son's prick, making him strain up feverishly into the opening of her beckoning hole.

""Ummmm!...Mommm!...Nooo!...We shouldn'ttt!...It's just tooo!... tooo!... Oohhh!...I can'tt!..." Bobby whimpered, searching for words to express his anxiety and confusion.

But as the saying goes..' a hard cock has no conscience!'

Kathleen knew exactly what was going to happen next and she just smiled at her son's fearful timidity. She was looking forward to feeling his big cock stretching her already well fucked hole.

"You don't want to?..Don't want to fuck your mommy?...I think you do!.. I think you're dying for it!... You don't mind sloppy seconds do you baby?..." Kathleen purred. There was a wicked twinkle in her eye as she used her free hand to pull up on the little chain attached to Bobby's nipple. She was forcing him lift up to ease the searing pain in his chest and in lifting up he was nudging his aching tool slightly further into her molten center.

"Nahhhhh!....Ahhhhh!...Oh Nooo!....Oh Goddd!..." Bobby moaned. He was over- whelmed with sensation. He couldn't tear his eyes away from his mother who was watching him with a knowing smile.

There was a fiery agony searing through his chest that was in fact electrifying his groin. The feel of Kathleen's meaty vaginal lips enfolding the end of his cock was staggeringly intense, unbelievably tempting. And finally, the unrelenting pressure of her encircling fingers on the base of his cock was making him thrust up into her, even though he was desperately trying not to.

Still wrenching up on her son's fiery nipple, Kathleen leaned forward letting her perfumed hair cascade into Bobby's face. She moved her mouth to his ear and whispered..."You know you want it!...Do it!...Just slip the head in!...Just a couple of inches!...I'll never tell!..." and at the same time she released the root of his cock from her tightly clasping fingers.

"Ahhhh!...Naahhh!...Ohhhh!...." Bobby squealed, quivering under his mother's loins. With his hands pinned under his ass, his shoulders were quivering with tension. And even though his ability to move was limited, it felt as if he was being drawn up into his mother as if by an irresisitible magnetic force. There was no way he could resist her lewd seduction.

"With a despairing cry...."Oh momm!...I can't!...Ahhh!..." he thrust his loins up with all his strength, driving his engorged tool to the depths of his mother's pussy in one frantic lunge.