Everything Changes Ch. 02


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Concern evident in his voice, Emmett asked. "Lys, what's wrong?" [Wade, Natalie, to the side garden.]

[Beta?] [What's happened?]

[My stomach feels ... I just feel kinda sick.]

Natalie arrived first, followed shortly by her mate. "Madam Beta, are you hurt? Are you cramping?"

The chestnut wolf shook her head.

"She vomited."

"How often?"

"Just this once."

The healers shared a look. "That's not unusual, Beta. Females do sometimes become nauseous during their pregnancies. Once is not a problem."

Lyssa huffed and looked at her mate, who looked mildly embarrassed. "I just..."

Natalie chuckled. "We understand, Beta, we've seen this behavior before. If there's nothing else?" The Beta pair shook their heads. "Good night, then."

Emmett suddenly grabbed her, hugging her tightly. She felt her ribs creak. [Em? Breathing.]

He just as suddenly let go and she changed. "I just can't bear to think of you getting hurt."

"Why do you think I didn't come back right away? I knew it wasn't that bad. And I'm gonna beat up Erich for tattling."

Emmett took a deep breath and swallowed, giving her hard eyes. "I'm the one with the baby. If I think it's not bad I think I should know." She put her hands on her belly. "I don't want to hurt him. You have to trust me and stop treating me like an incompetent child."

She had her hands on her hips and her dark eyes showed her anger.

Emmett closed his eyes and blew out a breath. He didn't want to fight with her. He had something set up in their suite to surprise her. How had they gotten to being mad at each other?

"Dear heart, I don't want to fight with you. I want you and our pup safe." A pause. "I have something upstairs to surprise you." He pulled her into his arms. "I love you."

She exhaled and he felt her breath blow against his chest. "You keep overreacting to things and it pisses me off." She lifted her face up to him and huffed out another breath. "I'm not weak or stupid, Em. And I've waited for this, just like you. Maybe more."

Emmett pulled Lyssa's naked body to his more tightly. "I just can't stand the thought..."

Lyssa said, "I know." She felt the strong arms of her mate around her, rested against his chest, was enveloped by his scent. He was stroking her naked back. "You're gonna be just as bad after he's born, aren't you?"

"Probably. It's my nature to protect my mate and pups."

She sighed. "I love you, Em, but you're making me nuts."

He held her for a couple more minutes. "How's your arm?"

Lyssa rolled her wrist. "OK, just a little sore."

He swept her up in his arms and carried her through the den to their rooms. He kicked open the door and kicked it closed again. He turned her around and she saw the crib set beside the dressers. It was a dark, reddish wood, probably cherry, and looked to be very well made. He put her down and she walked over, running her hands over the smooth dark wood. "It's very pretty, Em." She turned to him. "I've only ever seen one in the den, though."

"Pups normally sleep with their parents, until they get older, then they usually sleep with the other pups."

"So, why...?"

He slid his arms around her and kissed the top of her head. "I thought it would be comforting, familiar."

Lyssa chuckled. "He'll probably be just as likely to eat it as sleep in it." A sigh. "I suppose we should start talking about names."

He turned her and she saw the treat set up on the table. A small pile of brownies, a couple glasses of milk, three red roses, and a lit candle. "What's this for?"

"Just because, sweetheart. C'mon, sit."

So, he held her in his lap and fed her sweets, then tucked her in bed and curled up behind her.

She was so warm.


Lyssa was reluctant to test her abilities in that way. She didn't want to hurt anyone. And, well, she hadn't tried it since she got pregnant. She wasn't sure, but they were all pressing her.

The day had turned cold. It was cloudy. She shivered in the cold and Emmett wrapped his arms around her. She shouldn't be feeling the cold. It wasn't that cold.

The Alphas had set up some of the young males at three distances. Ross was in the bunker. Jamie was off in the trees about 1/2 a mile away. And young Paul was out on the edge of the range. They each had another wolf with them, to report, and Lyssa wasn't told who they were.

"Come, Madam Beta, we should see the extent of your strength."

The Alphas and the other Beta pair were there to witness the results, all looking rather serious. She wasn't sure just what this was about, or why they felt that it needed to happen now. And she didn't want to hurt anyone.

"Alright, Lyssa, hit Jamie." She sighed and shrugged out of Emmett's arms.

He tried to pull her back against him. "No, Em, I don't want you too close." So, he stood back a bit and she wrapped her arms around herself. She closed her eyes and they all felt the power she released.

[He went to his knees.]

[Did you feel it?]


[Thank you, Anna. Please come back with Jamie.]

"Are you able to continue, Madam Beta?"

Lyssa opened her eyes and looked at the others. She gave a sharp nod. "Please, Ross this time."

She closed her eyes again. "Can you do this with your eyes open?"

"I have."

"Try it now, with Ross."

She took a deep breath and a large shiver took her. Ariel got concerned, "Ran, maybe we should do this another time."

"It will only be another couple of minutes. Perhaps, Madam Beta, you would be warmer if you changed form."

She looked at him, annoyance on her face, turned, and looked toward the back of the range. A wave of pressure, power, went past them again.

Carolyn peeked around the edge of the door. "Wow. That was something else."


"Ah, yes, Alpha. He's down and I feel a little dizzy."

"How close were you?"

"An armslength."

"Thank you. Please watch Ross until he wakes."

Emmett had gone to the intermediate form and enveloped Lyssa in his arms. To keep her warmer. He scrubbed his hands up and down her arms, chafing them.

"Now, Madam Beta. The last test is Paul."

Another exhale. "OK. Back off, Em."

Emmett moved away from his mate, while wanting nothing more than to hold her. She swallowed, and closed her eyes again. It takes some time after she sent to Paul for the response to arrive. Mercy called out, [It startled him, but he didn't go down.]

[Thank you, Mercy. Have Thomas and Paul come back.]

[OK. Uh, yes, Alpha.]

Emmett closed his eyes in relief and went to his mate and kissed the side of her head. Her power, while terribly impressive, could not have allowed her to kill Michael Ross. It had been a coincidence. He picked her up and cradled her against his body, where she shuddered once more against the cold and put her arms around his neck. "Am I done?"

"Yes, Madam Beta, thank you."

[Let's get you back inside where it's warm.]

Lyssa nodded against his chest. "Please."

Emmett turned and started carrying Lyssa back to the den. [Has she felt warmer lately, Emmett?]


[She will be more sensitive to the cold then until she has the pup.]

Erich looked at his Alphas, his mate tucked under his arm. "Well, it's good to know what her limit is."

Randall was looking out to where Jamie was coming back in with Anna. "Are we sure she was using her full strength? She was reluctant about this test."

"She doesn't want to hurt anyone, particularly those of us in the pack." Ross wobbled out of the bunker. "She did kill at close range. I'm not certain she did use her full power tonight but, like the rest of us, her power does dissipate with distance."

Madeline piped up, "Have you tried to see if she could do it without knowing who was out there?"

The Alphas looked thoughtful. "You bring up a good point, Madam Beta. She has always had a specific target."

Erich dragged his mate around his body and pulled her up to a fierce kiss. [Let's go for a run.]

Madeline grabbed his head, smiled against his mouth, planted her feet on his thighs, and vaulted backward. She twisted in the air, shifted, and clothing ripped. She hit the ground on four legs and took off.

Erich stood, briefly stunned, then howled, shifted and took off after her.

The Alphas shook their heads and Ross gaped.


Stephanie was sparring with Sampson. They were fairly well matched and, to this point, Sampson had won a couple more matches than she had. The young males were watching, trying to get a sense of what it would take to be a better fighter. Warriors, or guardians, were well respected within the pack. And, as such, had to be the elite fighters in the pack.

Tobias was watching Stephanie in particular, gauging his Alpha female's strengths and weaknesses, and was making comments to the other males as the fights went on.

Frustrated as Sampson landed another blow, Stephanie set up and put Sampson on the ground with the maneuver she had helped perfect at Wyeth.

Sampson looked up at her from the flat of his back, amazed.

The males stood, shocked, in silence, for about 3 seconds. Then the yelling and questions began. "What was that?" "I didn't even follow it." "Where did you learn that?" "Do it again."

Stephanie stepped back, breathing hard, and wondering what she should do now. It was part of her training and she had no reason not to use the move. Except that no one but Calvin knew about it.

As Sampson rose, Tobias stepped in front of her. "I've never seen a move like that before, can you do it again?"

Stephanie gulped and nodded.

Tobias set up his stance. "Alright, go ahead."

He barely had time to register what she was doing when he found himself on the ground, stunned. He jumped up. "Show me how it's done."

She shook her head. "It's a Wyeth move. I'm not sure I can show it to you."

"You just used it, here. You're our Alpha."

She put them off and they left, grumbling. Sampson looked at her. "My Alpha, may I ask a question?"

Stephanie looked at him, considering, then nodded. "How effective is that move?"

"Very. There are very few who can remain standing and not often."

"Does Calvin know it?"

"He knows about it; I've used it on him, but he doesn't know how to do it. It's difficult to learn."

"I see. Well, it would be a useful skill to have and I would ask that you seek permission from Wyeth."


Lyssa told Emmett she wanted to get another tattoo. He growled and asked where. The two she already had were in intimate places. "I want another butterfly."

"There?" he growled.

She nodded. "I'm going with you."

She snorted, chuckled. "I know."

"Have you shaved?"

"Not yet." She yelped as Emmett grabbed her and hauled her off to their bedroom. He dropped her on the bed and headed into the bathroom. She grinned, knowing what he was going to do. And what it would be a prelude to.

Emmett returned, grinning himself, with the appropriate implements. He looked at her and frowned. A small spark of fear spiked in her. "What? What's wrong?"

"You're still dressed."

"Oh. I thought you'd want to..."

He put out his hand and pulled her up. He sat on the bed. "OK, go ahead."

She looked at him and took a deep breath. She closed her eyes and reached back to get the zipper on the dress.

He licked his lips. "Stop." She stilled, her breasts held up and out because of where her arms were. "I want you to look at me."

Dark brown eyes fluttered open. Chocolate brown eyes looked her over hungrily. "Continue."

She finally got ahold of the zipper tab and slid it down to the small of her back. She grasped the end of the sleeve, and tugged it off. She repeated the action with the other side. The front of the dress fell down and her hands went to her hips, to push it the rest of the way down. "Leave the panties."

Lyssa changed the position of her hands somewhat and slid the grey knit dress off her hips. It slithered to the floor. "Bra."

She started sliding a strap down when he said, "No. Undo the clasp."

She reached behind and watched his eyes light up as her breasts were again thrust forward. She smiled as he shifted his growing hardness. She put her hands over the cups and and eased them off her breasts, the tips already crinkled up.

He slid off the bed and came over to her, dropped to his knees, kissed her belly, wrapped his arms around her and laid his cheek there.

Lyssa blinked and whispered. "Everything's gonna change."

He looked up at her, rose and wrapped his arms around her again. "You sound worried."

Lyssa hid her face against her mate's chest. She mumbled. "I'm gonna get fat. Things are gonna ... move. We won't be alone anymore."

He grabbed her face, tipped it up to him. "I thought you wanted this. I thought you were happy." There was worry and a bit of fear in his eyes.

"Oh, Emmett, oh, of course I am, I didn't mean..." She reached up to his face and he pressed his cheek into her hand.

He blew out a breath, swept his arms under her and carried her to the couch. He sat with her in his lap. He cradled her to him. "Dear heart, please. Can you tell me, specifically, what's worrying you?"

Lyssa hid her face against his chest again her hand clutched at him. "What if something happens? What if I can't make it? What if...? I don't know how to take care of a baby." Her voice rose as she spoke, almost ending in a wail.

Emmett kissed her head. "Sweetheart, sweetheart. Some things..." his voice went quiet. "Some things can't be helped. But Natalie will be taking care of you. Both of you." His hand slid to the very slight bulge in her belly. "And, Lyssa," he nuzzled her hair, "they're born pups. We learn along the way. The other females can help, advise. You aren't doing this alone."

"No one else can be pregnant for me. And what if I, if things aren't the same after?"

"Oh, sweetheart, have you seen Anna, Naomi, Cassie, Ariel?"

"I know, I know, I just ... worry."

"Sh, sweetheart, sh." He held her close, rocking slightly, murmuring soothingly.

After a while, she relaxed. "Now, sweetheart, were you planning on that tattoo this afternoon?"

"I thought sooner, rather than later, before I get big. They won't let me, soon."

"Alright, then, let's get you ready. Get on the bed." She slithered off the red boy shorts and climbed onto the bed. He watched her ass, the soft petals between her thighs. "Ah, Lys, I could bury my face there right now. Myself."

She smiled, twisting to lay face up on the bed. She spread her legs, open, wide.

"You're wet, mate. It will make this trickier."

And he shaved her, concentrating on thoroughly removing any trace of hair from her mound. Her lower lips took time between the complexity of her folds and the seeping of her juices.

Emmett then washed his mate's sex, removing all traces of shaving cream. "Oh, sorry, Lys. I nicked you."

"Mmm. It burned a little."

"There." He began to stroke her lower lips. "So soft," he whispered. "So sweet." He looked up at her with lust and love. "I love you, mate." His tongue swept over her seeping slit, her puffy lips, giving little flicks to her clitoris.

"Emmett, inside me, please." She was grasping the bedclothes.

He smiled and slid two fingers inside her and she squirmed. "No, Em..."

He rose up over her and kissed his way up her body. He stopped, the head of his cock poised at her entrance. "This, then, is what you want."

It hissed out between her teeth, "Yessss."

It took two pushes to seat himself within her. She wrapped her legs around him and set her nails in his shoulders. He thrust into her, deeply, punctuating each thrust with a kiss to some part of her body.

She was sensitive, naked as she was, and the pressure of his knot entering her slick channel sent her over the edge.

He groaned as he pushed through her rippling muscles, and two more thrusts undid him. He dropped down on his elbows, so as not to crush her, and dropped a kiss on her nose.

Rolling them over, she sprawled on his chest. They drowsed, sated, for a while.

Emmett watched, later, as an older female inked a design on his mate. A little closer to her centerline and a bit higher than the other, a second butterfly appeared. Slightly smaller, the wings were a riot of red and blue and grey.

Emmett paid as Lyssa was reminded of her after-tattoo care. The female, Tracy, looked Emmett over in appreciation.


He saw her. Thought it was her.

Same hair, same size.

He couldn't see her face. She was walking with a tall, grey-haired man.

"Lyssa! Lyssa!"

She flinched. [Don't look around, mate. Let's go.]

Emmett hustled her to the car and they quickly got in. Lyssa slid down in the seat.

They did not meet up with the male who had called to her.

When they were well away, Emmett asked, "Recognize the voice?"

She sat there, chewing on her thumb. "I think it may have been Ronnie."

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katgoddess1katgoddess1about 11 years ago

What does that fool want?

KittybalooKittybalooabout 11 years ago

Love this series. Glad you're continuing it. =)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

Ronnie? KilL It With Fire

mikothebabymikothebabyabout 11 years ago

so glad you ae continuing this series. I adore the world you have created and I will again be looking daily for updates.

WolfhammerWolfhammerabout 11 years ago

Give us more soon. This story is getting better and better as it goes on in my opinion.

Wonder what willl happen next round??

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