Fairy Tales: Analella

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Cinderella, but with butt stuff. A lot of it.
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Author's Note: This wasn't meant to be a long story, but it turned into one. It was really just meant to be a goof on the Cinderella tale, very loosely inspired by the 2015 film. Somehow I think it might actually be a good, or at least fun, romance absolutely stuffed full of anal sexy times.

All characters over eighteen.


Ella was, to all outward appearances, a perfectly ordinary girl from a village not far from the castle. It was an image she was happy to cultivate when possible, as inwardly she was a very different story.

Ella had a peculiarity all her own, not shared with anyone else in her village so far as she'd ever been able to tell. Something unique and secretive, something that she could never tell anyone about. Ella, outwardly sweet and innocent that she was, had an absolutely insatiable anal fixation.

It wasn't something she meant to develop. Certainly, she suspected, her life would be much simpler without it. It was, according to popular sentiment, absolutely disgraceful and downright sinful to have anything to do with that part of the body, other than necessary functions.

Yet it was in all the world the thing that made Ella happiest and brought her the most pleasure. Anything from hours of reading in her favourite chair while idly fingering her bottom to taking a walk while sneakily wearing a butt plug just gave her a joy and comfort that nothing else could.

It was something Ella sometimes worried about. What it said about her that she was so deviant in this way, and so determined to flout societal convention. But as she'd grown older, more mature, and more accustomed to keeping her own company and being happy on her own, she'd stopped worrying quite so much about it. Even the most severe character flaw could do little harm when there was no one else about to be affected by it.

So it was that Ella embarked on another afternoon excursion down a sunny trail in the woods near her home, headed out where no one would bother her. She wore a simple, comfortable dress, practical shoes, and her current favourite butt plug. She carried with her only a small basket with a book and some wine in case she decided to stop a while at some likely looking resting spot.

Her walk went just as expected for a time. Ella sang to herself or enjoyed the wild bird songs, and let the feel of her plug shifting in her ass with every step get her all worked up and horny. It was a most delightful way to spend an afternoon.

She didn't, however, remain as alone as she ordinarily did. A sudden sound of a horn in the distance startled her, though it didn't immediately signal another human presence. A crashing of the underbrush did resolve itself into the emergence of a great stag, however. A mighty beast with prodigious antlers and a sheen of sweat over its glistening flanks.

Ella and the stag stared at each other for a moment, neither quite sure what to do with the other.

"Are you being chased, then?" Ella finally spoke.

The stag twitched an ear, then bounded off again into the woods. The sound of its leaving was echoed from the opposite direction as a laughing rider and a thundering horse burst into view.

Ella, still somewhat frozen, was in the path of the horse much to her own distress and that of the rider who belatedly realized he didn't have the trail to himself.

Ella desperately threw herself one way while the rider veered the other, and they both tumbled awkwardly into the fallen branches and debris that littered the area to the side of the cleared path. Ella rather embarrassingly got by far the worse of the deal, even if she didn't fall from a horse, as she found herself stuck nearly upside down over a log, her legs kicking madly in an attempt to find purchase.

"Are you alright there?" called a voice.

"Do I look alright?" Ella called back, feeling really quite silly about how stuck she was.

"Well, er, not particularly. Shall I... that is, could I perhaps render assistance?"

"I'm afraid it might be rather necessary at this stage," Ella admitted.

It was a terribly awkward affair all round getting her back on her feet, not helped at all by the way her dress had ridden up in a most undignified and immodest way. Ella took some small comfort in the revelation, once they were both upright, that the rider of the horse turned out to be a boy who appeared her own age, and who looked just as embarrassed and discomfited as she felt.

"Thank you," Ella mumbled belatedly, sketching the briefest of curtsies while she did her very best to smooth out her dress.

"Think nothing of it," the boy said, not quite daring to look straight at her. "It was the least I could. I'm afraid... um, I may have been a tad overeager in my pursuit of the quarry. I, uh, should certainly never have intended to endanger a fair maiden such as yourself."

Ella, still awkward and unsure under the circumstances, was nevertheless fairly pleased to hear herself described as such.

"Fair maiden?" she repeated. "I do not know that I deserve such praise."

"Ah, well...."

"But it is most gallant of you, mister...."

The boy looked at Ella very oddly for a moment. "I suppose you do not know me then."

Ella's lips quirked. "I suppose the same of you. I do not believe that I've met you before."

"No indeed. Of course. I am... you may call me Kit, if you like."

"Mister Kit, who--"

"Just Kit is fine. Um, if it please you."

Ella laughed aloud, feeling bolder the more she realized how nervous and flustered the poor boy was. She wasn't used to anyone much acting that way around her. "Kit, then. So, Kit, who are you to be charging about the forest at such speed? And were you the one harassing that poor stag just now?"

"I have never heard it put that way, but I suppose I am, yes. Or I should say, I am part of the hunt from the castle. I... I got carried away."

Ella's brief confidence faded again. "The castle? Oh. Oh dear. You must be very important then. I am sorry to have kept you."

Kit urgently waved away her concern. "No no, please. It is my fault entirely. And I should say that I am not all that important at the moment, though admittedly that may change in the future."

"What is it you do?" Ella asked curiously. "What in fact is your position at the castle?"

"Do you think perhaps we might talk of something else?"

"Alright then. But I should like to know about it some time, as I have never met anyone from the palace before."

"Yes, perhaps sometime," Kit agreed noncommittally.

He swept off his jacket and laid it on a large stump nearby, gesturing for Ella to sit. She did so with only a small hesitation, feeling rather pleased with the gesture, and not minding at all when he sat next to her, with a space left between them of course. They had only just met, after all.

"What were you going to do with the stag if you caught up to it?" Ella asked.

"Why... why kill it, I suppose," Kit answered in surprise. "That is what is done in a hunt."

"That doesn't seem very pleasant."

"Well it... I... that is...." Kit paused for a moment. "I suppose you're right, it isn't." He sighed. "I must give it more thought."


"Might I instead, if it is not presumptuous, inquire as to what you are about on this fine day?"

Ella looked Kit up and down, once again enjoying the faint blush on his cheeks and the shy way he wouldn't quite meet her gaze. "I was out for a walk," she finally said. "That's all."


"Not on any hunt."

"No, of course." Kit scratched the back of his neck. "And... oh dear, but this will seem impertinent. The, uh, you wear something under your dress, and I confess to some curiousity about it."

Ella's eyes widened in shock, though she found herself not as upset or worried as perhaps she ought to have been. Something about this boy's demeanour made it difficult to be scared of him or what he thought of her. Perhaps even, dare she to imagine it, he seemed to find something of interest in her.

"You aren't meant to peek up girls' dresses," Ella said.

Kit's face went a deeper red. "No... I... it was... when you were... I didn't mean to!"

It was almost worth laughing about, though Ella was scared such a reaction might have him run off. She felt a fool for having let her dress uncover her so, and indeed it was her own fault for wearing nothing in way of underwear. Usually it wasn't a problem of any kind, and saved her having to wash a soaked pair of panties afterward. It didn't usually lead to boys getting a look at her butt plug.

"Suppose I tell you," Ella said slowly.

Kit's head jerked up and he appeared quite interested. "Yes?"

"It... it's something I would prefer you not share with anyone. It's not strictly the sort of thing one does, if you take my meaning."

Kit nodded quickly. "I suspected as much. I... I learn bits and pieces of such things from time to time, but in my position...." He hesitated. "That is, where I spend my time at the castle, there isn't much opportunity for me to learn of certain subjects."

"This is the sort of subject most shun very deliberately," Ella said sadly. "The subject of... of one's bottom."


"I've been informed rather thoroughly that one isn't meant to touch it. Or to do anything else with it."

"People have told you that?" Kit asked.

"Many times," Ella confirmed. "It must be quite important not to touch it, given how often my step-mother advises against it, or the priest declares it a sin, or any number of people in my village warn against it. So much time is spent declaring that one mustn't even think of it that I can only believe it must be rather dangerous indeed."

Kit appeared rather strained, which Ella wasn't quite sure what to make of. He didn't yell at her for mentioning the inappropriate touching of her backside, though, or lecture, or get upset in any way. If anything, he appeared out of his depth and perhaps interested in learning more.

"Your... your bottom," Kit squeaked out. "You mustn't touch it?"

"That's right."

"And people often tell you that you mustn't even think of it?"

"Exactly so."

Kit hesitated again. "It isn't my area of expertise, but that seems somewhat peculiar that they'd have to bother so much about it."

"I've thought so too at times," Ella agreed.

"But you do anyway? The thing you aren't supposed to?"

Ella sighed. "Yes. I find I enjoy it too much not to."

"I see," Kit said faintly.

"Are you feeling ill at all?" Ella asked. "You don't look quite well."

"Sorry, sorry. I find myself... distracted." Kit cleared his throat. "And so the device...."

"My butt plug," Ella supplied for him rather than making him finish the question. "It's... well it's a toy, of sorts."

"A plaything?"


"And it goes... in your bum."


Kit paused for a very long time, to the point Ella began to squirm a bit.

"And you enjoy having it... in your bum?"

"Very much." Ella bit her lip. "If you want to call it a disgusting habit, you may. I suspect you might be trying to spare my feelings now, but I--"

"I don't think that at all," Kit blurted.

"You don't?"

"I find it fascinating. It's so unlike anything I've seen before. A toy for the bum. And it looked so exciting, the glimpse of yours that I saw. It...." He stopped short. "That is to say, it is a grave overstep for me to comment on your figure beneath your dress, I do apologize for it."

Ella, finding herself all aflutter and disappointed when he didn't go on, hastily shook her head. "Please, this is just between us. I don't condone peeking beneath my dress, you understand, but perhaps just this once decorum might be dispensed with?"

"Just as you say," Kit said, offering a shy smile. "I confess I don't get to speak alone to pretty girls very often. I may stumble a bit here and there."

"You're a flatterer," Ella said, finding warmth in a secret shared smile back to him, and the compliment not going amiss. "And I don't spend much time alone with cute boys either."

"... I don't suppose you could say handsome instead?"

Ella giggled, somewhat embarrassed at the girlish sound escaping her lips, but feeling too confident and carefree now to let it stop her. She wasn't sure what the total mix of her feelings was at the moment, but she was enjoying this meeting tremendously.

"Maybe in a year or two," she teased. "When you grow out of that charming boyish countenance a little."

Kit laughed aloud, which Ella found she quite enjoyed too.

"I think I might grow to like you," Kit said.

"I'm glad, because I might feel the same," Ella replied.

There was a shared moment between them where for a brief, wonderful time all they did was stare into one another's eyes, unspeaking, unmoving.

Then, as was perhaps bound to happen sooner or later, a horn sounded in the distance, though far nearer than the last one Ella had heard. Kit sighed most unhappily as he heard it.

"I have been gone far too long. I must get back," he said mournfully.

"Oh, yes, of course. You must have duties in the hunt," Ella said, trying to hide her own disappointment.

"It was lovely to have met you," Kit said.

"You as well."

"Perhaps... perhaps if we should meet again...."

Ella smiled cautiously. "Yes?"

"You might tell me more about butt plugs and other such things?"

"Will you be able to free yourself from your important duties?" Ella asked, half teasing, and half concerned that the answer would be no.

"Not easily, and not often. But I should like to try."

Ella cocked her head. "Not to just for the chance to peek up my dress again, I trust?"

Kits blushed in a most gratifying manner. "You tease me so."

"I do. I'm sorry." Ella stood, smoothed her dress, then offered her hand, which Kit took most gently, just for a brief second, as if scared she'd disappear if he gripped too tight. "I can't come to the castle, but if you could meet me near my house some day...."

"In the village?" Kit asked. "I am hardly ever allowed there, least of all on my own."

Ella's heart felt suddenly too heavy. "Perhaps it is not meant to be, then."

"We have the woods."

"Yes, but they are a large area to try and meet in at no fixed time."

Kit appeared downcast for a moment, but then brightened. "Then we leave it to fate," he declared so forcefully that Ella couldn't help but be encouraged by his optimism.

"To fate then," she agreed.

Then he was gone. Ella sat alone on the stump they'd shared for a long time, long enough to find herself in danger of losing the light before she made her way home. She wasn't sure whether to be joyous or broken-hearted in the aftermath of meeting Kit, and no amount of sulking about in the woods seemed to help her make up her mind. Overall, though, she found herself helplessly smiling an awful lot, so she might as well take it as a good sign.


"So you're back," Francesca said with a severe frown. "I thought you might have run away."

Nothing could ruin the bubbly cheer in Ella's chest this evening, but she was wise and experienced enough with her stepmother not to show that. Almost instinctively, Ella turned her facade to demur, embarrassed, and slightly pathetic.

"I'm so sorry, stepmother. I'd afraid I got lost out there. I mean to be back much sooner."

"Yes, well, you've never had the best head for direction," Francesca said in that patient, patronizing way she did so often. She liked to demean Ella in subtle ways at times, and Ella had learned long ago that it was best to let her do it. It made things easier in the long run. "But you let your chores go unattended."

Ella had, in fact, finished her chores that morning before heading out for her walk. But again, she was clever enough not to ever let on about that.

"I'll get them done, don't worry," Ella said, inserting a quaver into her voice. "I shall stay up late and make sure I finish them."

Francesca, without any other easy ammunition at hand, let it go at that. "Well come on then, we were just sitting down. I'm sure you're probably hungry again, constant empty mouth that you are."

Ella smiled a little to herself as Francesca swept away to the dining room and she followed meekly along behind. Accusing Ella of being a glutton was tactic of last resort when there was nothing else handy she could be accused of. Granted, it could have been devastating under the right circumstances, but food was very much a secondary concern for Ella most of the time, and if anything she missed meals on her own some days when she got too busy playing with her bum.

"Look who finally showed up!" one of Ella's stepsisters shrieked.

Ella repressed a sigh as she sat down with Francesca, Anastasia, and Drusilla. Anne and Dru, as her stepsisters usually went by these days.

"What were you doing all day, lazy bones?" Anne asked.

"I know what she was doing," Dru said gleefully. "We all know what Analella likes to do."

The sisters cackled together as though it was some new and witty joke. It very much wasn't. Ella had made the mistake once of asking aloud about why anal play was so frowned upon, and had suffered for it ever since. Including the oh-so-clever nickname of Analella. Now granted her proclivity was real, but they didn't know that. They only said it to be mean.

"She likes to stick things in her b--"

"Girls!" Francesca said sharply. "There is to be none of that disgusting talk while we are eating."

Anne and Dru bowed their heads. "Sorry, mother."

Ella too kept her head down and methodically ate her dinner. She found that was hungry after a long and exciting afternoon, and sometimes if she made too much noise she got sent away from the table early. Though it wasn't all that effective a punishment because she often had to clean up afterward anyway, so she could sneak some more food if it came to that.

"Talk of... of anal delinquency is not to be tolerated," Francesca said. "We all know there are deviants about who wouldn't hesitate to stick things up their bums. To even derive sexual pleasure from it. It is a topic best left alone, for everyone's moral well-being."

Ella, still feeling her ass filled with her butt plug, experienced her usual mixture of feelings as her stepmother railed against anal play. She'd long since become numb to the insulting way she spoke of it, and given up on feeling bad about it, other than to feel the utmost need not to let anyone else catch her. But she couldn't help feeling sometimes like the way Francesca went on tirades only led to her wanting to try new variations, and new and fancier toys.

"We only meant that Analella has the sort of poor moral character that leads to her yearning for such depravity, mother," Anne said in that sickly sweet, falsely demur way the sycophantic stepsisters were so good at.

"We would never talk of how she no doubt loves to stick vegetables and broom handles up her backside," Dru added.

The girls cackled again and even Francesca failed to hide a smile. They did so love to torment.

Ella kept quiet. A factual discussion about how wooden objects were a very risky choice for anal play would be a terrible idea, and the less said about vegetables the better. Though in that case it was for much the opposite reason.

Ella did enjoy certain vegetables from time to time, when they had the size and an interesting shape about them. Carrots and cucumbers especially made for fun playthings, as well as other variations as inspiration struck. There had been many, many occasions in the past when Ella had returned from the garden or the market with a harvest that was altogether dangerously phallic.

What would be worse, and must never, never be revealed, was how often Ella would stick a carrot, for instance, up her bottom while preparing a meal, then add the very same vegetable to that meal later on. It had started on a particularly spiteful day when Ella had needed some manner of revenge to get by, and had become something of a soothing ritual ever since. Her step-family might be wicked and cruel to her if they wished, but only she knew how many meals they'd eaten that had been up her butt before being served.