Fall of '69 Ch. 05


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What the hell was I doing here? Just to make conversation, I said, "Not much scenery. I'm used to trees, hills, and valleys."

"Yeah, there's not much to look at in this part of Kansas," said Becky.

Lisa put a hand on both our laps, and said, "I guess we'll have to find something else to do for entertainment."

Becky and I remained noncommittal.

We drove on, listening to the music for a while, and I began to think about the future. Eventually, I would have to find a work. "Beckster, do you think I can find a job around here?"

"Beckster?" Lisa laughed. "I love the way you guys have pet names for each other. Are you two engaged?"

Too quickly, Becky answered, "No, just friends."

My heart sank. 'Just friends', it made our relationship sound ordinary and fleeting. She obviously didn't have the same strong feelings for me that I had for her.

"I want a nickname."

"How about Skinny? Pencil? Zipper? Cornstalk?"

"Don't be mean," scolded Becky.

Lisa just laughed, and said, "Skinny will do. I've heard it my whole life, and worse. I don't have much to offer, but I know how to use it. Thin is in."

Lisa's hands went down to her knees and then dragged the hem of her stained daisy-print dress up to her hips. "I'm bored. You guys bored?"

Her right hand disappeared under the bunched fabric. "Ahhh."

Becky's glance traveled from Lisa, to me, and then out the side window without saying a word.

Feebly, I said, "Lisa, stop it."

With her eyes closed and the sounds of sodden pussy in the background, she asked, "Why?"

Against my deviant nature, I answered, "It's inappropriate. You're making us uncomfortable."

"Why? You don't like sex? You don't like orgasms?" In defiance, she put her dirty feet on the dashboard and opened her knees wide. "I know Beckster likes them."

With a panicked expression, Becky met my gaze. "I was drugged!"

"Yeah, but once I warmed you up, you relaxed and got into it. Your body doesn't lie."

I pushed Lisa's feet of the dash. "You raped her!"

With a sudden burst of anger, Lisa sat upright and shouted, "I saved her from rape!"

Tears in her eyes, Becky said, "She did. She kept them away from me by..." Becky turned away, leaving the obvious unspoken.

Defensively, Lisa said, "I'm not the bad guy here. I'm just trying to live for today, experience the most I can in my time. Have some fun and be happy."

A few seconds passed, and Becky mumbled, "I know."

"Well then, let's have some fun!" Lisa leaned over and hugged Becky.

"You stink."

"I do? But I took a shower last night at the YWCA." Lisa sniffed under her arms. "It's not me. It's my clothes that stink."

In a flash, Lisa pulled the offending dress over her head and stuffed it behind the seat. "There."

I was not surprised to discover Lisa didn't believe in underwear. First it was Becky on Saturday night, and now Lisa -- my truck had become a place women liked to get naked.

Since Becky and I had recently become 'just friends', I didn't feel unfaithful looking Lisa over good, and saying, "You do smell better. Thanks."

"You're welcome."

She kissed my cheek and then turned to Becky. "What do you think?"

Becky glanced at Lisa and turned crimson. "I guess it was the dress."

Lisa tugged on the hem of Becky's shirt. "Isn't this the same one you wore yesterday, and the same jeans? I think you're kind of smelly, too." Lisa turned to me. "What do you think, Doc?"

"Well... I really didn't want to say anything, but since you asked--"

Lisa laughed. "See Beckster, you could use a good airing out."

Becky turned the tables. "Hey! What about Doc? He's wearing the same clothes."

"I'm driving."

Lisa slid over and grabbed the wheel. "Take off that smelly shirt, Doc."

After I stuffed it behind the seat and took back the wheel, Becky looked pissed, and argued, "People I know might see us!"

What an interesting comment. The problem wasn't being naked; it was being recognized by people in passing cars. There seemed to be wiggle room for negotiations.

Lisa thought the same thing, and looked around, perplexed. "What people? We haven't passed a car in miles." She stretched her arms across the back of the seat and sighed. "Mmm, the breeze feels nice."

"Yes it does, Skinny."

Becky was the girl of my dreams. The last thing I wanted to do was humiliate her. But to me, this seemed like harmless fun. It made the trip exciting. No one was forcing anyone to do anything.

Lisa had the chest of adolescent. Her breasts were slight swells topped by small nipples. She had nothing that physically compared with Becky. But Lisa exhibited the unashamed attitude about life that I found enticing.

"How old are you, Skinny?"

"Nineteen, almost 20. I know -- I look like a kid. But don't you think I'm cute?"

After another peek at Lisa's body, I glanced at Becky, and she caught me. I smiled and shrugged.

"Oh, all right." Becky unceremoniously freed her torso from the confines of smelly fabric.

Lisa laughed and clapped.

Then, placing an arm around Becky's shoulders, she said, "Look Doc, mountains and mole hills," while hefting Becky's boob and then circling her own with a finger.

She continued teasing her own chest, saying, "My tits are small, but my friends tell me I have nice nipples. What do you guys think?"

Out of politeness, I said, "Skinny, they look very tasty."

Dripping with sarcasm, Becky said, "Oh really, Doc? You want me to find out for you. I'll give her a taste test, and let you know." Clearly out of spite, she bent down and began to suck on Lisa.

Lisa didn't mind the reason. She just enjoyed the results. "Ooo, Beckster. That feels great. They're tiny, but super sensitive."

I had trouble driving on my side of the road, especially when Lisa's hand reached down and tried to caress Becky's hanging breast. It was unexpected excitement, not jealousy, I felt. Several times, Becky swatted the hand away, but Lisa persisted, until finally Becky relented. I almost cheered with the vicarious thrill of victory.

It really surprised me when Becky switched nipples. She seemed to be into it.

"Oh yes. That feels wonderful, Baby. Suck it good." Lisa's hand switched breasts as well.

Over the road noise, I vaguely heard a moan escape from Becky's puckered lips.

The breast-fest seemed to go on forever, but actually took only about a minute, and then Becky sat up with Lisa's fingers still twisting her nipple. She gently pushed the hand away and leaned against the door, her face beautifully flushed and her chest heaving.

She gave me a glare of defiance, and said, "They are tasty."

Beaming with reassurance, I said, "It looked like you both enjoyed it."

Her eyes wandered down to my lap. "Looks like you did too."

Lisa reached over and had a feel to confirm. "Yes, he did. Bodies don't lie, and he's got a big one."

Becky's lips made a hard line and her brow furrowed. Was she jealous? Why would she be jealous? After all, she just announced we were only friends.

Grabbing my wrist, Lisa placed my hand over her chest. The damp, pointy nipple tickled my palm.

"See how excited Beckster made me." She dragged my hand down to cover her pussy. "Feel how wet I am. I need a little fingering to get me off, Doc."

The moist heat and soft fur between Lisa's thighs invited investigation. Her hips bucked when I allowed my finger one swipe between the folds, before retuning my hand to the wheel. "Skinny, I can't. I don't want to have an accident."

A car turned from an intersection and headed toward us. Afraid of being seen, Becky ducked down, practically putting her head in Lisa's lap.

Lisa laughed, and said, "While you're down there, Beckster, how about helping a sister out?"

I couldn't contain my smile, until Becky sat up and glared at me. She said, "No, you do it yourself."

Lisa began to play alone, and then whined, "But it's just not the same. I did it for you. Can't you return the favor?"

"Doesn't count. I was drugged."

"I know, but it felt good, didn't it? You came, right?"

"You took advantage of me. I couldn't refuse."

Lisa reminded her, "I saved you from Larry and Melvin."

Becky remained silent for a while. She looked annoyed at being coerced.

Keeping my eyes on the road, I listened to their give and take. I didn't believe Becky owed Lisa an orgasm to repay a debt of gratitude, but at the same time, what was the big deal? Only a few minutes ago she was sucking on her tits. Becky's sexual barriers were crumbling by the mile. Plus, it had been Becky's idea to bring Lisa along, not mine. I would've been happy to leave her behind in Topeka. What did Becky think would happen? Did she think she could rehabilitate Lisa? It didn't appear like she was trying very hard, or trying at all. Also, Becky hadn't put up much of a protest about things already done. I began to believe Becky had ulterior motives, less than altruistic, for bringing Lisa along. To me, it seemed like she wanted Lisa around primarily for these new experiences. Now, she was either having second thoughts or was just acting coy.

Deciding to push the issue forward, I offered a solution. "I can pull over and let Becky drive."

Irritably, Becky frowned at me for a second, and then put a hand on Lisa's thigh. "No, don't stop. Let's keep going. I'll help you out, Skinny."

Lisa giggled, while sliding closer to Becky. "Thanks, Beckster." She placed a hand on Becky's cheek and turned her head into a soft kiss.

I glanced over and witnessed Becky's wide-eyed shock, as she looked at me out of the corner of her eye.

I smiled, and mouthed, "Wow!"

Becky closed here eyes and stayed connected with Lisa. Gradually she relaxed, and the rigid kiss melted into one of tolerance, if not collaboration.

Lisa's hand slid down Becky's arm and guided the compliant hand over to her stomach. She didn't force Becky to touch any lower. Instead she moaned seductively, broke the kiss, leaned back, and closed her eyes in anticipation.

"Car coming!"

Becky ducked down and we all laughed a little. When the coast was clear, she sat up and gazed at me with questioning eyes.

Whatever Becky decided was fine with me, so I winked and looked down at her hand, still resting above Lisa's bellybutton. The fingers began a cautious, circuitous descent, and my heart thudded heavily in my chest.

Lisa put her feet back on the dashboard, as Becky toyed around the edges, playing in her hair.

"Mmm, feels nice to be touched."

Becky covered Lisa's pussy with her hand and raked her fingers up, fluffing the sparse hair. She did this over and over, until finally her middle finger slipped between the moistening folds.

"Ooo, Beckster." Lisa opened her eyes to watch.

Concentrating fully on Lisa's body, Becky slid the glistening finger more rapidly, up and down between the pink petals.

Just to help matters along, I reached over and teased Lisa's left nipple.

Becky watched my hand, while her hand pumped faster.

"How's that feel, Skinny?"

Her hips began to thrust. "Yes, I like it. I like it!"

There was little emotion revealed by Becky's expression, other than a blush of excitement. Her breasts jiggled enticingly from the motion of her arm. I wanted to touch them, but she was out of reach.

I kept driving with one hand on the wheel all of the time and both eyes on the road about 30% of the time.

Afraid of breaking the spell, I kept quiet and let the women set their own pace.

Lisa, willing to take whatever Becky would give, didn't make any demands, other than encourage her by mews, moans, and thrusts.

Suddenly Lisa arched her back and cried out as if she'd been electrocuted. Trapping Becky's hand between her legs, she jerked violently through a massive release.

When she calmed down, Becky pulled her hand free and sat apart.

Sagging like a limp reed, Lisa whispered, "Oh my god that felt sooo good."

Becky sniffed her finger.

"Let me clean that up for you, Love," said Lisa, pulling Becky's hand over and sucking on the clam coated digit. "Mmm, tastes yummy." Then she shocked Becky with another passionate kiss, while she groped her chest.

When Lisa broke the kiss, she said, "Thank you. Now it's my turn," and tried to unbutton Becky's jeans.

Becky easily pushed her away. "No. We don't have time. We're almost there. Get dressed."


I slid the seat forward enough for them to reach our cloths, while thinking about Becky's curious answer, 'we don't have time'. It wasn't the, 'No thanks. I'm not interested,' that I expected.

A few miles later, Becky pointed at a foundation wall, almost hidden by tall grass. "That was my parent's house."

Lisa asked the obvious question, "What happened?"

"They died in a Tornado."

"Aw, I 'm sorry." She said, giving Becky a compassionate hug.

"It was a long time ago. That's my place up ahead."

The farmhouse was set back from the road about 100 yards. It wasn't as big as I pictured, or as nice. Some of the front porch balusters were broken or missing. Faded black shutters hung crooked on tired hinges. Peeling white paint left clapboards exposed to the elements. A gigantic red barn sat 200 feet behind the house, and looked to be in much better shape.

As if reading my thoughts, Becky said, "The house needs some work."

"I've got nothing else to do."

Lisa said, "Me either."

We parked around back. Becky retrieved a key from the barn, as Lisa and I carried groceries to the backdoor.

The door opened with a rusty screech into the kitchen. Like everything outside, the inside seemed old and worn out. We put the groceries on the dusty kitchen table. Becky put some fuses in the fuse box to turn on the power. We heard the well pump come to life and fill the plumbing. She turned on the propane tank and lit the pilot lights.

"They'll be hot water in about an hour. The fridge takes a while." Becky poked my side, "I hope the beer doesn't spoil. There's an IGA about 10 miles farther up the road, in Elder Forks, when we need to restock. There's an ESSO station too."

Becky gave Lisa and me a tour of the house, opening windows as we went. There were three second floor bedrooms -- one was Becky's, one was her brother Jeremy's, and then the master bedroom, which had a huge four poster bed, big enough for all of us to sleep comfortably, if it came to that.

Lisa said, "Tell me where the sheets are and I'll make the bed."

Just one?

"The linen closet is at the end of the hall."

Lisa headed toward closet.

Becky took my hand and headed for the stairs, saying, "Skinny, I'm going to show Doc my car. I want to see if he can get it started. We'll be back in a while."

"Okay. Make sure you kids are home before dark." Then she laughed.

Once outside, Becky ran to the barn, pulling me along.

Inside the cavernous structure, the pleasant aroma of aged wood and straw filled my senses. Parked in the center isle was a cherry Chevy Biscayne and an International Harvester tractor, but Becky passed by them and started for the far end.

Letting go of my hand, she smiled and then ran, pulling her tee shirt off on the fly.

"What's this?" I said, chasing her bare back and pulling off my shirt too.

"What do you think it is?"

I caught up and spun her around. Before I could react, she pulled my head down into a passionate kiss.

Backing her roughly against the wall, I started at her lips and kissed down until I captured her breasts, sucking and squeezing. Her fingers raked my scalp and moans of desire egged me on, as I unfastened her jeans and yanked them off.

She spun me around, slamming me against the wall. Kissing my chest, she opened my pants. Her fevered hand closed around my cock. She squatted and sucked, pumping me to full size.

I grabbed under her arms and lifted her upright, pushing her sideways to the hayloft ladder. As I kissed and groped her body, Becky reached above her head and hung on. She found a foothold and climbed up one rung.

I knew what she wanted and I knew what I wanted. Standing, I slipped my cock between her legs and felt her heated flesh.

She let her body slip down and we both groaned with the pleasure. Her legs wrapped around my hips, and I began to thrust. Suspended from the ladder, she used her arms to lift and push. The sight of her wanton face drove me wild. I feasted on the breasts bouncing so invitingly before me. After the sensual buildup in the truck, the moment of crisis came quickly. High above, alarmed pigeons took flight, as we voiced our mutual release.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Bummer chapter

This chapter soured the story for me. I hope the next chapter was is better.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago

to see you updated this story. hope the next installment is in progress. i have no idea where you're taking the story, but i'll continue reading it. thanks for the update and i hope the next chapter won't be too far into the future.

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