Feral Ch. 06


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Ethan wanted to laugh until he considered Tianna dating other men.

Eva snickered at the myriad of emotions playing over his features. She patted his muscular shoulder consolingly. "Well, I'll see you around."

And then she was skipping up the stairs, leaving Ethan to ponder it all.

*** Eva found Tianna standing at the edge of the woods beyond Greystone Manor.

Tianna glanced at her friend who came to stand beside her.

"Thinking about a run?" Eva asked, knowingly avoiding the subject of Ethan and their sweaty make out altogether.

Eva knew her too well. It was what she did when she was upset or anxious. She ran; her legs flying over the ground as she sped with inhuman speed through the trees, letting all emotions fall away as the wolf took over.

"Yeah," Tianna murmured. "I think so."

"Go," Eva encouraged.

Tianna glanced back at the manor house uncertainly.

"I'll be fine," Eva smiled. "I'm going too" She stared into the woods. "A little channeling and meditation to recharge will be good for me." Her face broke into a wide grin. "Race you."

Eva took off, racing through the trees, her laughter ringing out as the pulled on a bit of magick to speed her on.

Tianna grinned and shot after her friend. The girls raced, neck and neck until Eva stopped, breathing hard.

"You okay?" Tianna skidded to a stop.

"Yeah," Eva gasped and looked around at the clearing they'd stopped in. "I think this is a good spot for me. You go on."

Tianna looked around. "You sure?"

Eva smiled. "Certain."

With a toothy grin, Tianna was gone.

Sighing, Eva pulled the elastic band from her hair combed her fingers through the strands until it lay around her shoulders. Sinking down to sit cross-legged, Eva closed her eyes and inhaled deeply, held it and let it out.

*** The witch hadn't been in Tianna's room when he'd gone to check on her for the third straight morning in a row. Her scent lingered but she was gone. He frowned. Seeing her there, laying pale and still had been like a sucker punch to the gut, jarring and unexpected.

Nick shook his head. He couldn't explain it, this pull towards her. If she hadn't been unconscious he would have sworn that she'd spelled him. Every night since she'd set foot in Greystone Manor he'd dreamed of her beneath him. He'd dreamed of her beautiful breasts and her nails scoring his back as he thrust into her.

Tianna was aware that Nick had been in the room staring at her sleeping friend but she said nothing, simply quirking an amused brow at him. He had is bad for a girl with whom he'd yet to have an actual conversation. A girl, he reminded himself, would probably like nothing better than to kick his ass with whatever magic tricks she had up her sleeve.

Leaving Tianna's room, he tracked her scent until he stepped outside the back door. And then it hit him. It felt like a jolt of electricity, a tingle in his groin and what felt like a fist seizing his heart.

Nick stopped dead in his tracks, struggling against the sensation only to have a current of seductive energy ripple through his body. Eva.

He turned to the woods and followed. He tracked her easily, her scent mingled with Tianna's and then he saw her, there sitting alone in the forest. The air was fair crackling with energy, and then it subsided to a subtle thrum and shimmer of the air around her.

Eva was sitting cross-legged in the middle of the clearing, her eyes closed. He listened, his sensitive hearing allowing him to hear the softly murmured latin words. His gaze lingered on her face, no longer pale but flushed with color against her dark hair. He let his eyes drift downward, his cock stirring as he perused the outline of her braless breasts pressed against the white t-shirt.

He should leave her, he knew. So he took one last lengthy look at her. Here full pink lips were curved upwards in a calm and serene smile. Another ripple of near crippling desire flooded through him causing his fingers to dig into a nearby tree trunk as he restrained himself from going to her, taking her there in the woods. What had she done to him?

He turned away from her, fully intending to return to the manor for a cold shower when he smelled it. Blood. Her blood. He turned at her low sigh to see her fall limply to the ground.

Before he could stop himself he was there beside her, pressed against her and cradling her head in the palm of his hand. "Eva!" He lightly tapped her cheek. "Eva!"

Her dark lashes trembled and her hazel eyes opened to mere slits. Blood oozed slowly from her nose and he moved to wipe it away with his t-shirt. But she was stubborn, twisting away from his touch and tossing her head.

Nick growled impatiently and held her steady, dabbing at the blood the flow which seemed to have ebbed already. He stared down at her, magic seeming to coil around them. Angry at his own sense of helplessness against her, he pressed his lips against hers.

Eva moaned and arched against him as Nick grasped her thigh and brought her flush against his erection, rubbing against her to create more delicious friction. His head spun at the feel of the fullness of her breasts against his chest. He groaned, scenting the ambrosia of desire between her thighs. He gripped her to him, hard.

He tugged her t-shirt up, exposing her glorious breasts. He dragged his tongue roughly across one flushed areola. "Jesus, Eva," he growled. "What have you done?"

"Nick, s-stop," Eva breathed against his ear but she lifted her hips, pressing them against his. "You should leave."

Nick nodded, almost obediently but instead he raised his head nuzzled the crook of her neck, inhaling the scent of lavender and vanilla.

'What the fuck did you do to me, little witch?' He wanted to ask, but all strength to resist had left him and all he could do was firmly unbutton her jeans, slip his hand within, nudge her panties aside and slip his middle finger into her wet heat.

"Ah!" Eva bucked against him, her small hands gripping his shoulders. Nick's cock strained against his jeans, to the point of being painful.

Nick kept his finger inside her and as he nipped at her throat and brushed his lips over her heated skin. He laved the elegant column of her throat with his tongue before gently sucking.

He was going to leave a mark, he knew and he wanted evidence that he did this to her, wanted to her to remember this and know that that he happened. Smiling against her fluttering pulse he began to move his finger slowly, taking his time.

Eva shuddered, and her hips bucked against his hand as she rode his finger. She wept at the power of it, tears streaming down her flushed cheeks.

"Stop it, Nick," she whispered, near pleading with him but her hips rolled against his hand as if of their own accord.

She was drunk with magic, he sensed—lethargic with it. Her power had called him to her as clearly as if she had shouted his name. He couldn't help but respond to it.

"Nick!" she wailed, her movements uncertain as she pushed at him only to draw him ever closer. She came hard, her nectar flooding over his fingers as her eyes widened and she stared up into his dark gaze.

His fingers still inside her, he kissed her lips, swollen from the ferocity of his kisses. Tearing her mouth away she buried her face in his shoulder, trembling in his arms, hiding her face.

"Shhh...don't hide from me, little one," Nick whispered as he cradled her close, feeling her body go soft against him. "Never be ashamed with me."

Nick felt her shudder and stifle a confused sob against his shoulder. Holding her against him, he withdrew his finger from her sex coated in her cum.

Nudging her face to look at him, he met her gaze steadily as he slipped that finger into his mouth. A low rumble started low in his chest. Closing his eyes, her savored her taste and another near crippling wave of desire shot through him.

He leaned into her touch as she lifted trembling fingers to cup his face. She stared at him in wonder.

Wordlessly, Nick lifted her into his arms and stood. Her taste lingered on his tongue. He began to make his way back towards the manor. His cock still ached with need at each step he took, urging him to take her and make her his, to bury his head between her thighs before he fucked her.

He gritted his teeth fiercely reigning in the need. He glanced down at the girl in his arms. She was unconscious. Again. He sighed nudging open his bedroom door and laid her on his bed, carefully brushing her hair back from her brow. Her t-shirt was bunched under her breasts, revealing her smooth flat belly. He brushed his fingers over the silver bar piercing the flesh above her belly button.

A wry smile quirked upon his lips as he lay down next to her and considered her silently. She was always passing out just when things were getting interesting.

He placed a chaste kiss on her mouth before standing and heading for the bathroom for that cold shower.

*** "Phew," Tianna doubled over mid-stride as the first wave of ecstasy washed over her unbidden. She bent, attempting to catch her breath as hit after hit of raw pleasure accosted her senses. It was Eva and the magic she knew, but she'd never felt anything like this.

Tianna was used to feeling the twinges of Eva's power; it was part of the blood bond, but this...she had never felt anything like this.

She stumbled against a tree trunk, her legs going slightly wobbly. She sank down to sit at the roots. "Wow," she breathed, pushing her sweaty hair back from her face.

Feeling the sensations ebb and begin to recede, Tianna allowed her eyes to drift closed. She inhaled the clean earthy scents around her. This was what she loved about Shendaken. Sure, there wasn't much shopping and there was a total lack of any sort of decent nightlife but the natural beauty of the place more than made up for all that it may lack. She felt more liberated here than she ever did in the city.

The abrupt snap of a twig jerked her out of her thoughts.

Tianna was perfectly still, listening. She wanted to call out but something made her hesitate. The sound had come from downwind and she was unable to catch a scent. The thought made her uneasy, it was a predatory move; keeping where she couldn't see or catch their scent. She scanned the trees and the forest beyond searching for a flicker of movement. Nothing.

Tianna stood slowly to her feet, trying not to make a sound. There was utter stillness about her and it unnerved her.

"Ethan?" she hissed, knowing that he would hear her if he were close by. "Nick?"


She was being stalked, she was certain of it.

A sick feeling settled in her gut as a dark shadow moved from behind a tree trunk. Not, Ethan and not Nick. It wasn't any man she'd ever seen before. The wind changed course and his scent hit her full on. A werewolf.

He stalked toward her. Tianna took and involuntary step back. He was between her and Greystone. She was fast but he'd be able to cut her off if she made a run for it.

He was tall, well over six feet and broad. The black t-shirt he wore was stretched taut over his broad chest. He wore black cargo pants tucked into black combat boots. His hair was dark blue black against his tanned skin. His eyes were so light grey that they took on an eerie quality. Tianna supposed he would have been handsome if it weren't for the menace radiating off of him. His lips were curved up in a rather disturbing smile as his cool gaze roved over her.

He stopped about ten feet from her, seeing her tense to flee. He smiled at her though there was little warmth in the flashing of teeth. "Imagine, running into you here." His voice was low, rumbling through his expansive chest.

Tianna sidestepped, only to have him mirror her move. She eyed him warily but said nothing.

A low noise, almost like a purr came from the man. "Had I known it would be so easy to find you alone, I would have taken to wandering these woods much earlier."

Tianna started moving again, slowly stepping, watching him mirror her moves. If she could keep him distracted, she could move herself closer to Greystone. "Who are you?" she demanded, her voice hard and hinting at aggression. She watched as his stance changed slightly as he sensed her enmity.

"Ah, I'm surprised you do not know me little wolf." He grinned. "Surely, I would have thought they would have told you about me by now?" He lifted his chin.

So he wanted to play coy. Tianna glared at him. "Get on with it."

He frowned then. "My my. Cocky aren't we?" His cold silver gaze bored into her. "I've been following you since you split with the witch. There's no one here to save you."

They circled one another and Tianna halted her back now to Greystone. She snorted, forcing a arrogant sneer to her face. "You think I need saving?" she scoffed, meeting his gaze directly. "You think if I needed saving they would let me out of their sight? You think they would leave me alone?" She watched uncertainty flicker in the large man's gaze and she smiled a wide predatory smile. "I'm faster than you," she told him, seeing doubt pass over his features. "I'm stronger too," she lied and summoned the wolf, allowing her eyes to shift to gold and feeling light enclose her body. "I'm nothing like you at all."

She bared her elongated canines at him and snarled. She watched in satisfaction as he took a startled step back from her. She took his shock as an opportunity and bolted, sprinting through the trees toward the manor house.

His roar rang out through the trees behind her and she could hear him crashing through the brush. She lowered her head and pushed herself faster.

*** Nick was stepping out of the shower when Eva's scream shook him to his core, sending him barreling into his bedroom naked and dripping wet. She barely spared him a glance as she scrambled off the bed and raced for the door.

"Eva!" he caught her arm, stopping her short and dragging her against him. "What is it?!" Her lovely eyes were wide with panic and fear. Of what? Of him?

"Tianna!" she shoved him back with more strength than possible for her small frame. Nick made a grab for her again. "She's in the woods! He's after her!" Eva gasped, jerking away from him. She backed toward the door, "Get Ethan!" She was gone then, dashing out the door.

Nick was wrenching on clothes. "ETHAN!" he shouted, his pack brother appearing in the doorway almost instantly.

"What is it?" Ethan demanded, sensing Nick's agitation.

"Tianna," Nick said, dragging a t-shirt over his head. "She's in the woods. Eva felt her I think. I think she's really afraid."

"Shit." Ethan was gone and Nick could hear him tearing down the hallway.

"Fuck," Nick cursed, jamming his feet into a pair of boots and hurrying after him.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Hi Dusky,

I've been stalking this story horribly and was wondering when the next installment would be release?

Gizz4mo1Gizz4mo1over 12 years ago
please dont leave us hanging!!!!

its just cruel not to let us find out what happens...please finish it!!!

SpicySynAmonSpicySynAmonover 12 years ago
I need your attention...

When are you going to finish this series? I so love these characters. I love the plot and how they're all intertwined. I do have a small suggestion, some of your words are repeating themselves. I would ask that you do a little spell check and editing. I've noticed that at times the sentences seem to be cut off or not finished. Don't get me wrong I love this story series... You're a great story teller. I love the suspense, twists and turns. I can't wait to see the outcome.

EllieLavenEllieLavenover 12 years ago
You can't leave us hanging!

I just found your stories and absolutely loved them. Please continue writing this story! I can't wait to see how the story ends.

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