Full Figured Chic Ch. 13

Story Info
The connection between Sasha and Jay intensifies.
5.3k words

Part 13 of the 21 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 08/14/2009
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Jay worked at his desk with a fury possessing him that he'd never before known. The designs poured out of him, spreading themselves on the page before him like little miracles. With barely a second to breathe before the next one appeared, he had few chances to look at the work as he progressed at a manic pace, but occasionally he did, stunning himself with the power of the work.

The tap tap tap at the base of his skull, magnifying frustrations and heralding the impending doom of his own forthcoming madness, was nowhere to be seen. The work, or Sasha or both had eliminated them.

But he'd never felt such a surge of power in his life. It permeated his body, as if the muse or the god of creation was working through him, using him as a tool to cause a major transformation in the world. His muscles worked with his body, not in a rigid tense level of excitement but in a fluid way, melding in with his skeleton and his very soul to magically work and give life to the spirit of the work.

He'd never felt such a surge of creative power in his life. As thoughts of Sasha, standing up to him, demanding he address the issue of his mother poured through him, he would throb and harden, swelling in a sexual heat as if his body were reaching out of hers and wanting to claim it, even as he sat and worked.

He thought he heard the door behind him open at one point, but it gently closed again, leaving him amidst the fervour of this passion that gripped and sucked at him. Passion for Sasha mixed with the creative gush made him focus with intensity not caring nor knowing who else shared the world with him at that very moment.

Except of course, for Sasha.

He was intensely aware of her. He could feel her. His cells cried out for her as he worked, not with a longing as such but more with a demand for their joining, and insistence that they meld finally, refusing to resist the power of their bodies united in their desire to become one. He thought of her body, her backside, and those beautiful mounds he'd caught a glimpse of on that first day when he looked down her cleavage. At these moments his hardness would lurch and surge forward taking over his mind, insisting that he find her, kiss her, lick her, enter her consume her and make them one. The strength of need was more than lust. Jay couldn't be sure, but it even felt like it ran deeper than the creativity.

His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the door opening again.

"Jay, the cloth your ordered arrived this afternoon, and I brought you food. You really should eat."

He turned around and it was Greg. He had the chefs prepared food on a tray. "We've all eaten," he said with a slight apology in his voice, "we didn't want to disturb you. But you've been at it nonstop now for hours, and I really think I need to encourage you to eat."

He set the tray down on Jay's desk, and Jay stood and walked over to it. It looked delicious. Suddenly he realised he was very hungry. Sitting down, he began to eat with a relish.

"Oh my god!"

Jay looked up to see Greg staring at the designs.

"Jay, this is your best work ever. My god, this is so beautiful."

He ran to Jay's work desk, and began to leaf through the discarded designs toppling off the desk on to the floor.

"My god Jay... oh my god... this work..."

Jay glanced up to see his friend going through all the sketches, first examining one and then the other, leafing through them. Jay recognised the look on Greg's face. He knew he had his friend on side with this line.

"I want to get her in here tonight to try some material over her. I think we need to look at it on the skin."

"Sure. Do you know its ten thirty? I mean she's still awake, but it's really late, and you didn't sleep last night."

"I don't care about sleep."

"Well that is really mucho, but it isn't going to help us if you virtually collapse after a few days. You need some rest. Promise you'll head off by at least midnight and then you can start again at five if you want. But you'll have had some rest."

"Sure mother. I promise."

Greg shuffled and looked at his feet.

"Um, speaking of mothers. What the fuck happened between you and Sasha this afternoon? She told me she'd made a complaint because your mother is doing her hocus pocus on her all the time, and you yelled at her?"

Jay flushed and turned quickly to his food, hoping Greg didn't notice. "Look, I don't know.

I feel really bad. I know I shouldn't have spoken to her like that But I flipped out because she caught me off guard. I didn't want her to see the room like this."

Greg looked around the walls at all the appealing pictures of Sasha. Jay caught him throw a sideways glance his way, but if he thought anything of it all, he didn't say anything. "Jay, we have to do something about your mother."

"My mother isn't going anywhere."

"I know, I know. But Sasha is right. She's obsessed with her. And collecting nail clippings and hair is just plain weird. Is there some way you can tell her to back off? Can she leave Sasha alone?"

"She's worried about me."

"Fuck Jay, we're all worried about you, but we're not trying to move in on someone else. I don't know your mother's plans for Sasha are, but I am telling you, she's acting weird around her, and Sasha is getting paranoid. It'll be bad for her lessons, bad for her preparation and bad for us."

Jay ate his food trying not to look nonplussed about the whole thing. He didn't want to cause a fight with Greg, and besides, in his heart he knew Greg was right. This was a big problem. His mother was difficult, and he'd already tried to get through to her. Greg didn't know what she had planned, but if he did -- he'd probably try to cancel the entire operation. Or insist his mother be committed.

Jay needed Greg, and he had a very complicated feeling deep in his belly, that he needed Sasha too.

"Ok." He relented. "I'll talk to mother and get her to ease up."

The tension in the room eased immediately. Jay looked up at Greg. "Can we get Sasha now? I want to see her in this cloth that arrived today."

"Sure. I'll go organise both. You eat!"

Sasha didn't know what to think of the way Jay had spoken to her. The only thing she knew for sure was that it didn't diminish any of her feelings for him. If anything, the conflict had intensified them.

It seemed so strange. She had no fear standing up to him, but that was her way. There were very few people who could really intimidate her. But the banter that went on between them had a spirit to it that calmed her once she's left and come to her room. It was as though no matter how ugly or difficult it got between them, she knew they could work through it together, understand each other's position and help each other out.

And he'd clearly been embarrassed. It took her about two hours after the fact to work that one out. It hit her like an apple falling from a tree. She suddenly thought about how it must look from his perspective to have her barge into his room and see that it was now converted into a virtual shrine to her. Sure he had to design and get the designs out of him somehow, but surely he didn't need all those sketches of her face, her smile and her hands. He must have felt vulnerable and exposed.

She wanted to take him in her arms and tell him not to worry, that she understood now, and that she was only sorry it took her a while to work it out.

She'd spent the afternoon in her room, flicking through he TV channels, waiting to be called upon. Greg warned her there would be times like this. She would go to her windows that looked over the entire floor below and look across toward Jay's room seeing the light on as the night approached, knowing that behind those drawn blinds he worked away, dedicated to making her beautiful and having the world see her as he saw her.

Sasha's only concern was that she could really fall for him. A man like this was so dangerous, because there was simply no replacement should it not work out.

She remembered walking home from babysitting and singing a song to herself, and thinking how in love she was. Back in those days, if she couldn't have Harrison Ford or Tom Cruise she was happy to settle for the weedy pimply guy up the road. Things were different now, and here she was face to face with the possibility of being with a guy that was every bit as hot a catch as any of her old teenage star struck crushes. There would be no replacement for this guy. If she allowed herself to attach to this fantasy guy, she'll fall terribly hard when the time came for him to let her loose- When his little fantasy fun time was over.

And it was still too hard to believe that this could ever be more than that. No matter how obsessed he may be with her at the moment, she was a muse, and she had no doubt he'd fallen like this for other muses, despite the strength and intensity of their connection. It was simply too much to imagine this would work out for any time of long term thing.

And besides, did she really want to be in any way connected with that mother for a long period of time?

Focusing on that woman helped her all afternoon temper her passion for Jay. She didn't know what the old woman was up to but she knew it was something.

Sasha glanced at her watch and wondered if she needed to watch another program. It was only nine thirty, and she knew that she had to remain ready in case she was called in. But it was now late, and she also knew she was obliged to get a good amount of sleep so that she could look beautiful in the morning.

She held the TV guide, but found the times and the shows swimming in front of her. What a strange day it had been. Lazily she thought back to the relaxing massage and pampering she'd received that morning, and she found herself wondering if it were going to be like that every time she went there for her facials and manicures. Each morning? Mmmm... the thought didn't bother her nearly as much now that she'd been thinking about Jay all afternoon.

But soon her intercom buzzed and she heard Greg's voice asking her to come right away and meet them in Jay's office.

Donning the white robe again, she checked herself in the mirror to be sure her hair was still done well, checked her light make up and then padded off in large slip on slippers to Jay's office.

Standing outside the door, she paused. This was going to be a little awkward, but she'd manage it. Taking a deep breath, she walked into the room.

Jay and Greg were slumped over Jay's work desk, harsh table lamps shinning over them making them look a little like two creatures of the night, with extra pale skin, casting strong shadows on to the walls. They were mumbling between them, and Sasha caught only every third word as she entered the room. She closed the door softly behind her, not wanting to disturb genius at work. But Greg lifted his head at the sound, and smiled at her, holding up his left hand to signal for her to stay where she stood for a moment.

This gave Sasha an opportunity to glance around the room.

Most of the sketches of her were gone now, nothing left in their wake, not even marks on the walls to show where she'd hung. He still had some pictures of her but they were more like model images -- all about the gown -- not so obviously about her. For a moment knots tightened in her stomach as she felt maybe she'd read him wrong, but she soon spotted them all, piled behind his desk on the floor, carefully arranged and in a safe place.

He's embarrassed, she thought.

Slinking into the back corner of the room and pressing up against the wall she had enough time to notice all the materials laying about. Yards of it, on great rolls stood around and about the room. Even in her inexperience Sasha could see the cloth was magnificent. She had no idea where anyone would source that kind of object, but she fell in love with it instantly, as she knew any self respecting girl would. Velvets and silks she recognised, but other material, fine but standing hard and stiff, threaded with exotic looking lace she felt she'd never seen before. Soon Greg lifted his head.

"Okay Sasha, I want to see you come out wrapped in this." He walked toward her with a large piece of velvet in his hands. It was the deepest royal blue, almost hinting at a dark mauve colour. Sasha drew her breath at the beauty of the colour, and the thick richness of the velvet. Reaching out her hand she held it, feeling her fingers sinking into it.

"I want you to wrap it around you as if it were a towel, but lift the last piece over your shoulder as if you were wearing a sari. Do you know what I am asking you to do?"

"Yeah. No problem." Sasha glanced around the room. "Where do I... uh... oh..."

"You can change behind the screen over here." Greg cut her off anticipating her next words. She glanced over and saw a large screen in the Japanese style with a small tree motif on it. She's thought it was a large picture it was so beautiful. Not folded, it stood straight so it was hard to know how it stayed where it was. It floated in the middle of the room. As she drew nearer, she saw that it was attached to the ground by thin poles, invisible when we took your first hurried glance.

She padded behind the screen glancing briefly in Jay's direction. His face was bent over his work and he scribbled furiously.

As she changed Sasha could hear the men more clearly from this section of the room. Greg moved back to Jay's side, towering over him examining the work.

"Amazing. That's it! That's what we've been trying for in the last hour. My god... you're amazing. How did you just get it now?"

"I don't know... all those hours I guess." Jay mumbled. Sasha slumped off her robe, placing it on a chair behind her, but she thought she detected a self conscious tone in his voice.

Grabbing for the velvet, she fumbled with working out how to get it around her body in a way that meant it wouldn't be flipping off half way through their work.

"Maybe the muse finally descended." Greg said absently. Jay said nothing in response, but she could hear his pencil scribbling furiously. She fantasised it was her that had made the big difference, but of course she couldn't know that for sure and she distrusted an ego that was willing to go too far down hat path. "My god... brilliant. Let's get Sasha out here. Sasha!" Greg raised his voice oblivious to the fact that she could hear him all along.

This'll have to do she thought as she stepped out in front of both of them.

"Oh my god!" Greg exclaimed as she walked into the open view. "Sasha, you look amazing. More beautiful than I could have imagined." He walked forward stopping in front of her and leaning back as if he were short sighted and needed more distance he'd allowed to see properly. Sasha stood very still, to scared to look over at Jay.

Greg pulled at some material shed had trouble arranging as she dressed, and fanned out the material over her shoulder. Sasha felt grateful for his fussing. It created an enormous barrier between Jay and her, which she felt sure she'd cross if Greg stood out of the way. Jay's magnetism had such a profound effect on her.

"Plump up your bust honey."


Greg made a mock pretence of holding his own breasts and lifting them to plump us as if they were feather down pillows that had tossed all the feathers into one overstuffed corner.

"Um, okay." She didn't want to argue and she trusted both of them. She placed her hands under her breasts and held them high as if she wore a bra under them. Greg looked critically at them as she held them artificially high.

"What do you think?" he stepped aside so that Jay could get a look at her. Sasha felt self conscious as she stood, holding her breasts, nothing but a piece of material around her, waiting for Jay to cast his judgement about how she looked.

Yet, she could tell by Jay's stare, the way he sunk himself directly into her, the way so many emotions seemed to float through his eyes as she looked straight back at him, the way the faint smile played at his corner of his mouth and the way she noticed his breathing seemed to get a little faster.

Jay didn't say anything. He just stared. Greg continued.

"I think she may need a bra. But I like her without as well. With larger women the breasts can be so much bigger, but I don't want to try to make them look like perky 18 year old girly breasts. These are sexy adult female breasts, and I am thinking braless may be the way to go. Let them go now Sasha."

She moved her hands away from her own breasts, flushing a deep red from the detail of the conversation, as they sunk heavily into place. It turned her on, but she couldn't tell if that was the way Jay looked at her or if it was the conversation.

Jay stood up and walked toward her. His head moving up and down in time with his creative mind designing the look he wanted to construct. Standing only an arm length away from Sasha, he lifted his hands and pinched hard on her nipples.

Sasha jumped being caught completely by surprise. His hands felt so good, and the pinch was firm, not flinching from making her squirm. She looked up into his eyes, and saw he looked directly back into hers again, making a small river flood between her thighs again, and waking her up to the terrible practical realization she had no panties on. Jay turned and walked back to where Greg stood. He looked at Sasha along with Greg critically admiring his handiwork. Her nipples stood out like long small hard sticks. Sasha could feel the ache in them that connected deeply with the ache between her legs.

He touched me, oh god he touched me.

"Now that's perfect. That's what we're after.

Her breasts sit low, like a woman's should, but now she looks like sex. She's so desirable, as if she's made for lust, life and knowledge. Perfect Jay. That's exactly what it needed." Jay said nothing again, but kept staring at Sasha. She didn't know if Greg noticed or not what went on between them. He seemed desperate to make conversation, so perhaps he did sense the heat in the room.

"That velvet looks incredible on you Sasha. You're so very beautiful. Jay we'll user that on the Cassie dress and the Robbie dress?"

"Not the Robbie," Jay didn't take his eyes of Sasha. They floated up and down her body, sending a heat through her making her want to fall down on the floor legs splayed and rip the protective material off her. "I want to see her in the organza for that. But the Cassie definitely. And even the Jonny pant. I think it might work there too."

Greg looked more doubtful here. "Really? On a stovepipe with a full figured woman? We need something more supportive."

"Support will be in the lining my friend. The elegance of the fuller figure will have a chance to be seen to its full glory."

He slapped Greg on the back, then turned and walked back toward his large desk. He threw one last glance toward Sasha then sat back at his desk.

"Oh no you don't!" Greg walked toward him, both of them now acting as if she wasn't in the room. "This was a night for rest. No more work tonight."

Jay looked over at Sasha. "Greg the ideas are coming in waves. I've gotta work."

"Not tonight you don't. You're two weeks ahead of schedule with the perfection you've been producing. I've never seen anything like it Jay, but you'll have to take some rest or you won't be physically able to do the ideas justice."

Jay seemed to be thinking this over. He sat at the desk, his forehead in his hands, hesitating before picking up the pencil again.

"Maybe you're right. Can I have ten minutes with Sasha here then I promise I'll get to bed?" Greg looked over at Sasha, then back toward Jay. "Promise its ten?"

"Yes mother."

"I'm not staying man, I gotta sleep. And Rob's calling soon. I want to be there for his call."

"Go away love bird."

"Do you need me?"