Gaming vs. Femboy Ch. 01


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"Oh! I didn't know that was a thing you could do. I'm quite new."

Adora nodded sagely. "You might be surprised at what's possible in this game. Many of us discover possibilites other than raiding dungeons and slaying monsters at some point. Something that suits us better."

"And, um, running a church is better than adventuring?" Cass asked hesitantly. "Not to be rude."

"No, I understand." Adora stepped closer until she was only an arm's length away. She reached out and brushed Cass's cheek with feather-light fingertips. "There are... many benefits to the position I've chosen. And I can still go out and cause havoc from time to time, if I so wish. I am the boss, after all."

"Oh sure," Cass said faintly.

He was rather awkwardly aware that he'd been left naked and in very close proximity to Adora, as well as her cute assistants. Adora was the more intimidating by far, since she wasn't just a program, and because she exuded a certain graceful seduction that he just wasn't used to.

The acolytes began to run damp cloths over his nude body, a cleansing ritual of sorts. Their touch made Cass more painfully aware that he was fully erect in front of the three girls. Not that they seemed inclined to mind, or even mention it.

"So... do I have to like, do a lot of praying to a god and stuff?" Cass asked, mostly as a way to distract from the excited tension he felt.

"No, no gods here," Adora said. "Just some of our patron saints, such as F1nn and Astolfo."

The names sounded vaguely familiar to Cass, but he couldn't immediately place them. "Oh. Like those statues I saw?"

"Yes, those would be them."

"Cool, cool. And, uh, I notice it's mostly girls here. It's not a problem for me to join or anything, is it?"

Adora tilted her head, appearing politely confused. "Cass, there are hardly any girls in our order."

"Oh good. Wait, no, what? All I've seen are... wait... hang on...."

Adora's lips flowed into a teasing smirk. "You thought I was a girl, didn't you?"


Adora tossed his hair. "Well I shall take that as a compliment. But no, most of us at the Church of Femboy are, in fact, femboys."

"Oh. Ooohhh."

Adora giggled. "Did you not realize?"

"I did mention I'm new."

"Sorry, I just assumed, you being a femboy, showing up the church ready to join...."

"Yeah, makes sense." Cass sighed. "My friends could have given me a heads up."

"Hehe, yeah. You still want in?"

Adora had his hands clasped behind his back, lightly moving back and forth, still as beautiful and sexy as when Cass had assumed he was a girl. For that matter, the NPC acolytes continued to run their cloths over him, and it felt really quite good. They too remained attractive in spite of his misgendering.

"I'm... I'm not gay," Cass said, as though for some reason he felt the need to clarify.

Adora shrugged. "Gayness is relative. If you're willing... I can show you some of the benefits of joining us. And of course you could still be a Cleric of Femboy without really having to do anything, ahem, 'gay.' Though it's more fun that way."

Cass shivered. He had butterflies in his stomach, his nerves were all on edge, and he was all too aware of how horny he was, despite being surrounded by boys.

"I could try it out," he said hoarsely. "Just to see."

"Of course," Adora said. "Just to see."

The acolytes finished cleansing Cass's body, including his intimate areas. It felt good to let them touch his butt, cock, and balls, even if he'd never before had a boy touching him that way. Their hands were so soft and feminine, and they were so careful and gentle with him.

It got more intense as the acolytes rubbed lotion into his skin. They were anointing him, or moisturizing, or possibly both at once. In any case, they used their bare, slippery hands on him, as though he wasn't aroused enough already. And this was just a standard initiation?

Adora, meanwhile, hummed to himself as he pulled his long hair back in a ponytail, then slowly and elegantly sank to his knees in front of Cass. Adora looked even more seductive from that angle, and it would be easy to forget he wasn't a girl.

Cass's cock was hard and throbbing, and precum dripped from the tip. Adora licked his lips, looked up at Cass, and winked.

"Blessings of Femboy be upon you," Adora said just before leaning in and kissing the tip of Cass's cock.

Cass made a strangled sound in his throat. Adora kissed his cock repeatedly, while also flicking a cute little tongue out every now and then.

This was so absolutely insane. Cass had never in his life had an interest in anyone other than girls. Not once that he could think of. But Adora, in a few short minutes, was making him reconsider everything he thought he knew about himself.

Adora was incredibly skilled with his mouth. Cass realized that almost immediately. The sheer excitement of Adora's teasing was overwhelming, his lips and tongue so soft and dextrous, running all over Cass's shaft and down to his balls.

Maybe more than that, more even than the physical sensations, Adora had this blissful and eager look, like all he wanted to be doing was playing with Cass's cock. No girl had ever looked half so happy at the prospect of giving head. Even though it surely wasn't personal, Cass felt weirdly warm and special, like he was worthy of this divine, sexual attention.

"Unf," Cass moaned, rocking unsteadily on his feet.

The two acolytes, still flanking Cass, helped to steady him. They pressed closer with their lithe, fluid bodies, surrounding Cass with cute boys in a sensual overload.

"This is a good blessing," Cass mumbled.

"I take pride in my work," Adora said smiling up at Cass with the fullest, most soul-stealing blowjob eyes he'd ever seen.

Adora kept kissing all along Cass's shaft until his cock was twitching and leaking precum with every sensuous touch. Just as Cass was beginning to whimper, Adora winked at him again, then casually swallowed his whole dick.

"Oh my goooddd," Cass hissed.

Adora slid his lips up and down Cass's cock, hardly even gagging as he took the whole thing over and over. His mouth was heavenly and perfect, and even all those kisses and licks hadn't prepared Cass for how soft, wet, sloppy, and skilled Adora's oral technique was.

"Unf, jeez. I'm gonna... you're gonna make me cum."

"Mmhm!" Adora hummed, sounding rather pleased with himself.

"How are you so good?!"

There was no answer coming. Adora was too busy, too focused. Cass was brought right to the edge with masterful mouth work, and again had to be steadied by the holy boys on either side of him.

Cass felt sweet joy and surrender as he exploded into Adora's happily waiting mouth. So much cum, such warm, intense tingles. Cass's eyes rolled back and he felt so peaceful, so at one with everything.

At least until it was over. There was, as he'd sort of known there would be, that moment of post-orgasm introspection.

Adora sat back on his heels, appearing cat-like in his self-satisfaction. Ever the tease, he opened his mouth and displayed a mouthful of cum he hadn't yet swallowed. Cass groaned at the sight, then just like that it went down Adora's throat with the rest.

"Welcome to the church," Adora purred.

"... thanks?"

Adora stood, stretched, and let his hair out to flow down his back in a smooth, luxurious waterfall. "How do you feel?"

"Good. Confused. Glowing?" Cass looked down at himself. "Yeah, like literally glowing."

"You've been given a blessing. It will give you some buffs for a few hours."

"Oh. Thank you."

"And here, looks like you had a small scrape earlier."

Cass looked to his shoulder where indeed there was a very minor wound, probably from one of those last bandits he'd been fighting. As he watched, Adora place a hand on his shoulder, and the wound healed itself. Simultaneously with the healing, Cass felt a small but distinct pleasurable sensation where Adora's hand lay.

"That's a very minor healing," Adora said. "You'll be able to do that now too. It's sort of the most basic cleric's tool."


"And... we must provide you some vestments."


"Clothes, but fancier."

Dazed and bemused, Cass let the acolytes dress him again. Not in any of his previous outfit, but in an entirely new wardrobe. He wasn't totally sure about the outfit. It started with panties and thigh high stockings, and didn't get any more masculine from there. But the material was so smooth and comfortable on his skin, and as far as he could tell the light armour that went with the rest of the vestments gave him better protection than his starting gear.

"This... this skirt's a little short, isn't it?" Cass asked hesitantly.

There was a solid skin gap between the top of the stockings and the very short skirt they'd given him.

"Perhaps a little," Adora said with a smile. "But it looks good on you."

"Does it? I don't--"

Cass stopped mid-sentence as Adora snapped his fingers, and Cass was presented with mirror images of himself. Gasping and marveling, Cass turned his head this way and that, catching sight of himself from all different angles.

"Oh. Oh wow."

"Very cute," Adora said.

"I... I am. I'm cute. I'm super cute! Holy crap."

Cass's colour palette was largely white with some blue and gold, the colour scheme for the church as best he'd seen. Above the thigh highs, a pair of cute shoes, and the already questioned short skirt, he'd been given a midriff-baring sleeveless top, covered by a light breastplate of sorts, as well as fingerless gloves that went up past his elbow.

It was the sort of outfit that wouldn't be worth crap in combat, if this wasn't a video game with all the armour logic that entailed. Unless of course all his opponents specifically targeted him between upper chest and navel.

"You like it?" Adora asked.

"I... really do. But I can't really get away with this in public, can I?"

"Why not?"

"... shyness?"

"Ah. Well we'll have to do something about that, won't we?"

Adora fussed with one of the bows in his hair, removed it, then stood behind Cass to attach it to his hair instead. Cass wasn't totally sure about it at first, but was caught off-guard when Adora stepped back, and Cass's hair started growing.

"A minor enchantment," Adora said. "There's a reason my hair always looks perfect."

Cass touched his hair. "So silky," he murmured.

"Mmhm. You can control the length, style, and colour to a degree. It's not the fanciest enchantment, but even for a cutie like you I'm not going to give out all the best things on a first date."

Cass blushed furiously, but also tried out the new toy. With a little figuring, he was able to put his hair in some cute braids, and turn it a princessy pink.

"This is... I feel like you've done too much for me," Cass said.

"Perhaps," Adora said. "But I am wealthy in game, and the church has it's own revenue sources, such as they are. Plus I've been where you were at one time, and I want to help out boys like us when I can."

"... like newbies to the game, or--"

"Baby femboys," Adora said.

"That's what I thought you meant." Cass swallowed. "I mean... I don't know that this is who I'm going to stay. It was partly kind of an accident when I made my character, and--"

Adora put a finger to Cass's lips. "Don't worry, no strings. If you don't want to be this version of you, then don't. But if you do... then I shall be happy for you, and hope to see you around."

Cass didn't quite dare ask if that was a further sexual proposition. He was sufficiently overwhelmed, and really felt like he needed to get back to Scar and the others.

"Thanks again," Cass said. "You really... give good blessing."

Adora giggled charmingly. "You're so welcome."


Cass hesitantly stepped out into the street again, moving awkwardly in his new outfit. It felt very different to anything else he'd ever worn, and he wasn't too sure about what people were going to think. The short skirt in particular required a whole new level of caution all its own. Maybe he could trade it for a longer one.

Cass looked around for Ash, but couldn't see them. He started to bring up his communication menu, then all of a sudden Ash was right there beside him, as though they'd been there the whole time.

"Ah! Jeez, don't scare me like that," Cass complained. "I've got enough to worry about as it is."

Ash shrugged and started leading the way back the way they'd come.

"You could have warned me what I was getting into, you know," Cass said, hurrying to keep up while holding his skirt down in front just in case.


"I mean, it worked out, I guess. But I wasn't ready to dress like this, or for--"

"You look really cute."

Cass stopped in the middle of the street. Ash didn't slow down.

"You can talk! I knew you could talk."

Cass had to hurry up again, though he was pleased to discover his skirt didn't flap up the way he'd feared it might.

"You talk to Scar and Vanya, don't you? You could have just said--"

"Don't talk much," Ash said.

"I know. I heard. But that was quite a surprise to me, and if-- oof!"

Cass ran straight into Ash, who'd stopped short. He would have fallen down if Ash hadn't grabbed him with quick, firm reflexes.

"You wouldn't have gone if I'd warned you," Ash said, before dragging Cass through a portal.

Cass stumbled a little as his senses went all askew. As his vision cleared, he found that they were... well it appeared to still be in the city, as near as he could tell. A different part of it, he supposed.

"There you are, Ash," Scar said, seated at a table outside a bar with a large tankard in front of her.

Vanya was seated next to her, and her eyes went wide as they landed on Cass.

"Where's Cass?" Scar asked. "You didn't lose him did you?"

Vanya nudged Scar.

"Hang on, I'll pull him up on comms and... would you stop poking me please!"

"But Scar, that's Cass."

Cass smiled shyly as Scar gave him another look. Her eyes widened comically large.

"Oh damn, it is Cass. Holy shit, you look--"

"So cute!" Vanya squealed bouncing out of her seat and rushing to Cass.

Cass had the breath slightly knocked out of him as he was enfolded in a tight hug by the bubbly demon girl. Vanya wasn't built very big, but she still outsized his petite character.

"I love your hair!" Vanya exclaimed. "Is that a magic bow? Ooh, that's a neat item to have. When you get some money we can maybe get you an enchantment like mine to give you more hair options. And... and...."

Cass had to admit to admiring the way Vanya's hair shimmered like a liquid rainbow, and given the way he was dressed, it might look pretty good on him too.

"Don't hug the boy to death," Scar chided.

"Sorry," Vanya chirped, stepping back an arm's length. She still held Cass's shoulders and looked him up and down. "Where'd you go shopping for this stuff? I might need to take a look some time. It's truly an adorable outfit."

"I, uh, got it at the church where they made me a cleric," Cass said.

"Damn, and here I never thought I needed religion. What church?"

"The, uh, Church of Femboy?"

Vanya and Scar both looked at Ash, who smirked a bit and just shrugged.

"You think you're funny, don't you?" Scar said.

Ash nodded.

"Well it all worked out," Vanya declared, dragging Cass over to their table. "You're our cute little femboy healer now."

Cass blushed, but felt kind of warm and fuzzy inside.

The group all sat together, and another round of drinks was ordered. Cass wasn't actually sure what the effects of alcohol were in this game, but he was in the mood to find out.

"We really should get a good fight in this session," Scar said.

"Absolutely," Vanya agreed. "We got our healy boi now, we can take on something tough."

"I'm not actually good at the game yet," Cass felt compelled to point out.

"That's ok. We do pretty well just us three," Vanya said. "If we get some support from you, we're already way more effective than before." She leaned in to whisper. "Just remember to keep Scar between you and anything trying to kill you. Plus you're glowing like you've got a nice buff running."

"Um... yeah, I guess I did get buffed by the Arch Cleric," Cass said. "Probably might as well use it for something. My heals and defense should be better than usual for a little while."

"Let's do it then," Scar said. "A good adventure'll be good for power leveling you too. We need to get your stats and skills up a little. And your levels for equipment purposes. It's no good us buying you crazy magic armour if you can't even wear it yet."

Vanya clapped her hands. "Ooh, but we did get you a couple goodies. Check this out. Bam. Ring that let's you resurrect someone."

"Once on a twenty-four hour timer though," Scar said. "Real time. There's limits on what you can wield at your level."

"And look, you're all holy and shit now, so we got you this mace," Vanya said. "It's super good against unholy stuff."

Cass was rather taken with the idea of procuring more jewelry. This femboy stuff was rubbing off on him a little, it seemed. The mace appeared serviceable too. It felt ok in his hand with a few practice swings.

"So what are we gonna fight?"


A lot of shit. That was the answer Cass belatedly got. Most of their fearsome opponents were now bloodily splattered or piled crispily on the floors of the spooky-ass castle the group was marauding its way through.

Cass was entirely out of his league in this adventure. He'd expected it, sure, but it was really driven home as the party moved from room to hallway to room with practiced, lethal efficiency.

Cass mostly took Vanya's advice and stayed behind Scar. It was the safest place in any given room, provided one managed to account for the swinging radius of her axe.

At the moment, Cass was watching a squad of four werewolves really come to regret pouncing on the intruders. One was becoming increasingly annoyed as Ash sliced at it over and over while it failed to land a significant blow. One was wrestling with Scar, who was actually scaring even Cass a little by how much she was enjoying herself. The other two were currently bouncing back and forth from floor to ceiling, slamming into each in turn at the wave of Vanya's extended finger.

The next room offered a respite of sorts, as their were no enemies, and it seemed to lead to a boss room, provided the group could unlock the large double doors at one end.

"Sorry you haven't been able to do much," Scar said apologetically.

Cass shrugged. "That's ok. I got a couple of those zombies when we were ambushed a few rooms back."

"Hehe, yeah, you bonked 'em good."

Scar sat on a chair that fairly wheezed under her frame while Ash and Vanya scoured the room for a key or clues to a puzzle. Cass took the opportunity to place a hand on a large claw wound on her shoulder that he couldn't reach while she was standing.

"Ahhh," Scar sighed. "That feels really good when you do that, you know."

Cass recalled the small injury Adora had healed for him, and the tingly pleasure he'd felt. "Does it feel good every time?"


"Is that just how healing is in this game?"

"Not usually. I mean, you feel better. But not, like, in that weirdly sensual way you do it."

Cass blushed bright red.

"Oh, sorry," Scar said. "I mean... I mean it's nice, is all."

Cass nodded. "Sure. You, uh, got a slash on your chest there."

"Go for it," she said with a small teasing grin.

Cass shyly put a hand on Scar, right where her armour revealed the top of her cleavage, and healed her again. She definitely tried to repress a small noise as he did.

"You're so... strong," Cass whispered.

"You got that from feeling my tits?"

He jerked his hand back, disappointed at not getting to feel a little longer. Which was weird. Scarlett was his best friend. Scar was... different. But still the same person, fundamentally.