Grant Me A Wish


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Grant's hands gripped Bridget by her shoulders, holding her body tight against his gyrating hips as he pushed himself as deep and as hard as he could into her begging womanhood. Leslie's lover was holding and pounding into her the same way.

Bridget saw Leslie's mouth fly open and heard an unrestrained, out-of-control scream in the same instant the entire world exploded deep inside of her own body. Grant's hands slid down to Bridget's narrow waist, holding her behind tight against his groin. The movement of his powerful hips had come to an abrupt halt. His hardness was pressing deeper inside of her than she could ever remember it being. And it was blasting round after round of his wonderful hot juices straight into her very soul. Each time his long shaft would jump and shoot another round into her, her insides would respond with another wave of pleasure radiating throughout her convulsing body.

The beautiful Leslie seemed to be suffering the same delightful fate. Bridget desperately wanted to kiss Leslie's warm, pink lips as their masters were exploding inside each of them and their own bodies were erupting in response. Grant could hear Bridget whispering, "Leslie, I love you," as he watched her straining her neck to reach her reflection in the mirror. He eased her forward slightly, and came again with renewed vigor as he watched his wife softly kissing the girl in the mirror, their tongues slowly dancing together against the cold, hard glass.

Grant had no clue what it was all about, except that it really turned him on to watch Bridget and whoever this Leslie girl was she was seeing in the mirror.

Bridget tilted her hips upward slightly to allow better penetration when she felt Grant moving inside her again just before he sent her screaming into Leslie's open mouth as another round of ecstasy racked her insides. Huge waves of pleasure crashed against each other all through her body as Grant and her merged together in orgasmic bless the likes of which they had never before achieved.

Bridget's arms flew out to embrace Leslie as their moments of pleasure peaked at nearly unbearable heights. Leslie's hands met Bridget's halfway. Their lips met again. Their tongues slipped around each other. The two women remained in their handholding embrace, moaning and groaning, until Bridget saw the man behind Leslie collapse on top of her. She suddenly felt Grant's weight ease comfortably down over her own body.

Bridget could tell Grant was exhausted and spent. But she could also feel his Big Buddy still deep inside of her, and he definitely didn't seem interested in calling it a night yet.

She looked up at Leslie in the mirror. "Whataya think, Leslie. Can we get one more good run outta these guys before they pass out from exhaustion?"

Leslie just smiled. Enough said. Bridget smiled back.

Grant rested atop his wife, wondering who Leslie really was and why Bridget was talking to her in the mirror. But at the moment, he really didn't care; he could feel his desire returning with renewed energy. He wasn't sure if the rest of his body was going to be able to handle it or not, but his Big Buddy was more than ready to finish the job properly.

Grant tried to get up off of Bridget, but his body wasn't quite ready to comply with his wishes.

Bridget smiled at Leslie again. "I guess it must be our turn. The boys seem to be a bit worn out."

Leslie grinned in agreement and both women began squirming their way out from under their respective man. Both groaned with disappointment when they felt their lover's still-hard shafts slipping out of them. But they both knew, it wouldn't take them long to get those nice big, excited things right back where they belonged, deep in the heart of the matter.


Once Bridget was out from underneath him, Grant collapsed into his chair and rolled onto his back. Through tired eyes, he looked up at his smiling wife. "What the hell's going on?" He mumbled. "I've never been like this before. I'm still hard as a rock and horny as a three-dicked dog. I don't understand what's wrong."

"Don't worry about it, Master. Your genie will take care of it for you," Bridget-Genie cooed, as she started to climb onto his lap.

"Wait a second," Grant mumbled. "The chair."

Bridget stopped. "What about the chair?"

"It's the wrong way," Grant replied.

"What do you mean?" Bridget asked.

"You won't be able to see Les…" Grant caught himself just in time. He still had no idea who or what Leslie was. And at the moment, he didn't want Bridget to know he even knew she existed. "I mean, I won't be able to see us in the mirror." Grant lied.

"You like watching us make love in the mirror?" Bridget asked.

"Yes, it's very exciting." This time he wasn't lying, except by the word "us," he meant Bridget and Leslie, not Bridget and him.

Bridget climbed from his lap and struggled to turn the big recliner toward the mirror with Grant still in it. But, as earlier stated, determination was on her side tonight and she managed to get it turned so its extended footrest was only a few inches from the mirror. Before she climbed back onto Grant's lap, she carefully pulled the top of her costume off over her blond wig. The cute little hat tumbled to the floor, but the wig stayed put.

Climbing over the arm of chair, Bridget stood above Grant on her knees, straddling his hips, wrapping her fingers around his already-ready-to-rock penis, she began guiding it to its intended target.

"No, no," Grant found the strength to speak.

"Don't you 'no, no' me, Buster," Bridget snapped. "Your big buddy has one more mission to accomplish tonight before you're done!" She continued to ease herself down onto him as she spoke. She gasped when his hardness suddenly sank all the way inside of her wet, slippery, hot tunnel.

"No, no," Grant begged. "I mean, you need to turn around so you're facing the mirror. I want to see your face in the mirror."

"Oh!" Bridget agreed. She tried to turn around without allowing him to slip out of her. It didn't work, but it was no problem to guide him back home as soon as she got turned around. Again Bridget eased back down on his long hard member. She gasped again the moment it passed that little point of restriction and suddenly dove nearly to her heart. At least, that's how deep it felt to Bridget, and isn't that all that really mattered at the moment.

She began to slowly gyrate her hips back and forth. The sensation this movement created in her was fantastic. It felt so wonderful, she could hardly breathe, for the first time in their marriage, Bridget was glad Grant's big buddy was no larger than he was at the moment. She was certain she could take no more. The head of that beautiful monster was gently pressing against the deepest portions of her body as she slowly rocked back and forth.

Feeling her passion rising again, she began to move faster. She smiled at Leslie when she saw Leslie's lover's hands slide over her tummy and gradually work their way up to her breasts. Bridget gasped when she saw his hands gently cup both of Leslie's heaving breasts and tenderly squeeze her swollen nipples between his large fingers. The look on Leslie's face was exquisite. She seemed to be experiencing total pleasure, just like Bridget.

Bridget thought she was as satisfied as humanly possible until the throes of the most intense orgasm she had ever known, suddenly, without warning, raged through her soul. She heard Leslie's wonderful scream, but was unable to force her eyes open enough to watch her during such a powerful moment. Bridget's own moment was just as powerful. This one, she was going to enjoy alone, with Grant. Leslie would just have to enjoy her own excitement for now.

Bridget's attention was completely focused on what her wonderful husband and his delightful big buddy were doing to her body at that instant. And they were doing some delicious things to her. She felt Grant's hands drop from her excited breasts and grab her gyrating hips. She felt his body tighten under her and his hips trying to rise up to meet her. She could feel his hardness deep inside of her, growing even larger and pressing deeper. "Oh my God!" Bridget screamed as their bodies became one. She felt his first spasm jerk so forceful inside her that she couldn't tell how deep it actually was. But she was certain she could feel his hot juices splashing against her heart.

Her heart quickly responded by sending a deluge of her lady cum down over his pulsating member, her straining thighs, and soaked him from waist to thighs. Bridget tried to raise up off of him a little. He was actually too deep inside of her. But Grant held her tight by her now frozen hips. She couldn't move. Her entire body was totally encased in the raptures of Heaven and Earth. Her juices flowed from her in complete abandon, as Grant's big buddy continued to blast away at her heart.

Finally, unable to stand it any longer, Bridget's body went limp and collapsed back against Grant, who gently cuddled her in his arms, and softly kissed her ear. He took his arms from around her long enough to recline the chair back the rest of the way. As he slipped his arms back around her motionless body, he could feel the final, weak pulsations in his lions and the slow, gentle contractions of her relaxing insides greeting those final spasms.

Grant kissed her cheek as she slowly turned her head to snuggle it against his sweat-covered neck. "I guess you and Leslie have finally had enough," he whispered as he kissed her soft cheek one last time. He wondered how she could lay there on top of him with her legs folded up under her at the knees like that. But she seemed happy, comfortable, and satisfied.

As far as Grant was concerned, he was absolutely delighted. He couldn't move from the wonderful position he was in even if the house caught on fire. He looked at Bridget's beautiful reflection in the mirror. "I hope you're satisfied too Leslie, whoever the hell you are. But I promise you this; mark my words. Iwill get to know you better. And soon. I think you're the key that will save this marriage. Thank you."

Grant quickly dropped off to sleep, still holding Bridget tight, still deep inside of her.


Grant awoke the next morning to the wonderful smell of fresh coffee brewing and bacon frying. He lay stark naked in his chair. He couldn't remember taking his clothes off, nor could he remember his genie doing it for him, and she was gone. His clothing lay in a heap on the floor beside the chair.

Looking down at his now-not-so-big buddy, Grant wondered, had it all really happened, or had it just been some kind of wild, fantastic dream?

When he got up from the chair and started putting his clothes back on, he discovered his body ached all over and his poor, sad-looking, now-shriveled big buddy was as sore as a whipped puppy. It took every ounce of strength he possessed to walk down the hall to the kitchen and those delicious aromas.

The moment he stepped into the kitchen, he froze in place. A sexy genie-type woman stood at the stove preparing breakfast. He thought to himself with a huge grin, nope, it wasn't a dream!

Easing quietly up behind Bridget, he slipped his arms around her slim waist, gave her a gentle hug, and a light kiss on her exposed shoulder.

Bridget glanced back. "Well, good morning, my handsome master. I was just about to wake you for breakfast. I figured you'd probably be pretty hungry this morning."

"Hungry isn't the appropriate word for how I feel right now," Grant replied.

Bridget snuggled back against him. She was really enjoying the comfort of having her husband's arms around her in such a cuddly manner. It had been years since he'd slipped up behind her and hugged her like this. "Oh, so you're way past hungry and well on you way to malnutrition," she teased.

"Well, I am hungry, but that's not what I was talking about," Grant replied, squeezing her a little tighter.

"Are you feeling okay?" Bridget asked, glancing back at him over her shoulder again, praying he wasn't having some kind of reaction or side effect from the Viagra she had slipped him at supper the night before.

"Oh, I'm feeling fine," he answered with a smile, as his hands slid up to tenderly cup her breasts. "In fact, I'm feeling even better now."

"Oh my!" Bridget exclaimed, pressing her breasts firmly into his gentle, kneading hands. "What's gotten into you?"

"I haven't a clue," Grant replied. "But, I sure hope last night wasn't just a one-shot deal."

"Oh no, you don't have to worry about that," Bridget teased. "I think you probably shot at least three or four times last night. They were all pretty darn good shots too! And I'll tell ya something else, buster, you keep tweaking my nipples like you are right now, I'm gonna demand a rematch, and soon!"

Grant hadn't even realized he was gently rolling her blooming nipples between his fingers. His hands quickly dropped from her breasts.

She grabbed his hands and pulled them back to where they had been. "Hey! I didn't say you had to stopeverything! What's wrong, you afraid of a rematch?" Bridget teased.

"I'm not, but I think my big, I mean, mylittle buddy's plum tuckered out this morning. You gave him one helluva workout last night," Grant answered with his best poor-pitiful-me look.

Bridget turned around in his arms and tried to bend down. "Does my master wish me to kiss it all better for him?"

Grant allowed her to turn around, but at the moment, he wasn't ready for anything she could do while bent over in front of him. He pulled her into his full embrace and pressed his lips to hers. Her arms snaked up around his neck. Her lips parted for his insistent tongue. It was a warm, passionate kiss, reminiscent of the old days when they had first started dating. His tongue slowly explored every inch of her eager mouth.

She finally pulled away from his kiss; she needed air. But more than air; she needed her body to cool down a few hundred degrees. Even though she was quite sore from the fabulous, nearly non-stop pounding he had given her the night before, she quickly found herself aching for more. Also, she didn't want to push Grant too far and ruin the fantastic progress they had made in the last twelve hours. Last night's sex had been even better than it had been on their wedding night, or any other night for that matter.

"You'd better stop that," she joked. "You're gonna cause me to burn your bacon."

"I think you pretty much burnt it up last night," Grant replied, trying to sound serious.

Bridget's hand gently slid up Grant's crotch. "It might have gotten a little over done last night, but I don't think there'll be any permanent disfigurement or scarring."

He grabbed her hand, but didn't pull it away. "Careful there! Big Buddy had a headache this morning."

Bridget could feel a bulge starting to expand in Grant's crotch. "That may by true," she cooed. "But he doesn't seem to mind. Besides, I have some special aspirins just for him. " Her tongue slowly glided over her upper lips.

"Ah, geez, Bridget! Don't do that!" Grant begged.

"Yes, Master," Bridget-genie replied, slipping back into her genie roll.

"And don't start with that, 'yes master' stuff either," Grant ordered.

"Yes, Master. I mean, no Master. Whatever my master wishes," Bridget-genie teased as her hand tightened around the growing bulge in the front of his pants. I think my master is developing a very serious problem."

"Yeah, and the problem is, he's out of ammo and too damn stupid to realize it," Grant replied.

"I don't know," Bridget cooed, "his barrel sure is getting bigger."

"Stop that!" Grant snapped, pulling her hand away.

"Does my master not wish me to check to see if he has ammo or not?" Bridget-genie asked with a sexy grin.

"No, I do not," Grant replied. "Right now all your master wishes to do is eat."

"Yes, Master, right away," Bridget-genie said. Pulling a chair out from the table, she slipped the bottom portion of her genie costume down around her ankles, sat down on the chair, and spread her legs for him. "Okay, your genie is ready now, Master. But please be gentle, Jeanie is very sore down there this morning."

Grant just stood there staring at her for a few moments, his mouth hanging open. "Bridget, quit fooling around. I'm starving."

"I am sorry, my master. Perhaps my master wishes to save this for dessert," Bridget-genie replied as she pulled her costume back on.

"Bridget!" Grant snapped.

"Okay, okay! I was just having a little fun with you," Bridget replied and quickly went about getting their breakfast on the table.


A few minutes later they were sitting across the table from each other enjoying breakfast. Grant was finding it difficult to keep his eyes off of Bridget.

"I have to admit, I really like you in that genie outfit," Grant said, sipping at his coffee after he had finished eating. He knew in his heart there was more to it than just the outfit, but he had no idea what it was.

"You just like the idea of being the master," Bridget said.

"Yeah, that's it," Grant agreed with a big grin. "I like being in charge and in control of everything."

"Oh yeah? And just how much do you think you were in charge last night?" Bridget smiled back at him, her eyebrows rose high in question. "I believe, if you think about it, the only one in control, of anything last night was that little friend of yours between your legs."

Grant sat in silence for a moment before he looked down into his lap. "Yeah." He shook his finger at his crotch. "Bad Buddy, bad Buddy! You've got to learn to behave like a gentleman."

Bridget jumped up, ran around the table, knelt beside Grant's chair, and began petting the bulge in the front of his pants like it was a little puppy. "Don't talk mean to him like that," Bridget snapped, looking up at Grant. "He's a nice Buddy. You leave him alone. I like him just the way he was last night." Her eyes turned down to the rapidly growing bulge under her hand. "Don't you listen to him. He's just a mean old man. You just keep acting like you did last night and we'll get along just fine. You'll bemy big buddy from now on."

"You know something lady?" Grant said, looking down at his wife. He put his hand under her chin and gently turned her face up toward his. There was a gleam in his eyes Bridget had not seen in many years. "I think you're about half crazy." Leaning forward, he gave her a tiny kiss on her forehead.

Bridget smiled and squeezed the hard bulge in her hand. "I think this big fella drove me way past half-crazy last night."

"Well, if you keep doing what you're doing, you're gonna have to deal with him again this morning," Grant said. He had that look of desire on his face that had been there so many years ago.

"You've got to be kidding," Bridget said. "I thought you said you were sore."

"I am, but he doesn't seem to care. I tell ya the truth; that little bastard has no conscience whatsoever. He wants what he wants when he wants it," Grant replied. "And right now, he seems to want anything you've got for him!"

"I've been trying for years to get that kind of attention from you, and him too," Bridget spoke so softly that Grant could barely hear her as she continued rubbing the ever-expanding bulge in his pants.

"Well, I don't know exactly what you're doing, and to tell the truth, I really don't care at this point. But whatever it is, you've most definitely got our attention," Grant replied.

Bridget said nothing. She knew what she was doing, but she wasn't stupid enough to tell him. She just smiled up at him and continued her gentle massage of the now-full-size protrusion in the front of his pants.

"Would you please stop that?" Grant snapped. "I have a few important matters to take care of today and I can't very well get them done with you hanging on to me like this!"