Greek Myths: Zeus and Semele


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Semele's emotions roiled. Surely the scandal would rock the temple. Would it be possible to explain? Would anyone believe her? What about her father? Cadmus would be insanely angry, of course. Would she have to go into exile? Would Zeus reject her?

And yet -- and yet -- Semele could not help but feel a tender gladness, a feeling of awe and soaring. She was carrying the child of the man -- god, she corrected -- she loved. It never entered her mind to drink pennyroyal. Semele lifted her chin. She would carry her lover's babe, and be proud.

With a sigh, Semele went to visit her superiors. As calmly as she could, she told the truth. To her happiness, the elders weren't angry. Instead they celebrated with her. They also readily agreed to keep her condition quiet to prevent Hera's discovery -- at least, for as long as possible.

Zeus' reaction was more than the girl could have hoped for. He hugged her so tightly she could barely breathe. "Oh, Semele," he said, and his voice broke. "I love you so much, girl, you've brought me so much joy." A tear came to his eye. Semele was amazed. She had not realized a god could weep.

His eyes glowed. He stroked her hair, caressing the patch of silver that meant she was his. "Anything you want, I will grant you," he promised. "Think of what would make you the happiest, and tell me. By the river Styx, I swear it shall be yours."

"You don't have to give me anything. Your love, your child, is the greatest gift a woman could ever receive."

"I want to," he insisted. "Give it some thought, and tell me when you know. I want to show you my love."

He kissed her again and held her close.

* * *

Of course, the word spread quickly through the temple. Within a week's time, Semele was the recipient of giggles and knowing glances. Some would squeeze her hand, others would grab her and hug her. This became a little tiresome after a while, and she also began to worry about the secret spreading beyond the temple walls. She hadn't told her parents, and she worried about what Hera might do. The goddess was known for jealousy and spite.

Indeed the word did reach Hera's ears, for she had spies in each of her husband's temples. The messenger delivered the news and left as quickly as possible.

Hera wept violently. Not only had her husband cheated on her, he had gotten the harlot pregnant. The depth of her hurt was immeasurable. She raged; how dare he; how dare that girl. She thought Zeus had been acting differently over the past few months. There were times when he seemed strangely happy, for no reason at all, and now she knew.

After two hours of bitter tears, Hera sent a message back to the spy. She didn't know yet exactly what she would do, but she would get revenge. She just needed to bide her time. An opportunity would surely present itself. All she had to do was wait.

* * *

Semele's pregnancy progressed normally. Things died down at the temple. After her condition became common knowledge, the novelty wore off, and life pretty much returned to normal. She made excuses to avoid visits with her parents, and bought some time.

As a father-to-be, Zeus was loving and caring. He was a bit more careful with her in bed, but his desire for her continued and even flourished.

"I think you should take a nurse," he said one day.

"Why is that? I feel fine."

"Someone should look after you. I can't always be here, and I'd feel better about it especially as the baby grows." He rubbed her belly.

Semele agreed -- really, she had never refused him anything -- and began to discreetly make inquiries. And so it was that Semele employed Beroe, an old Epidaurian woman. Beroe came with good references, and there was no doubt that her seasoned hands would capably deliver the child.

The nurse's red hair was faded mostly to grey, but her spirit was still that of a much younger woman. Beroe was feisty, and protective of her mistress. The two women grew to be friends, and Zeus was glad. He liked seeing Semele laugh at the older woman's ribald jokes. He felt better, knowing his consort was cared for by a dedicated friend.

It was not long before Hera learned of Beroe's hire. Quickly the goddess saw her opportunity for revenge. "Find out everything you can learn about this Beroe," was her order. The spy did as she was told, and relayed back volumes of information: favorite foods, turns of speech, manner of dress. Hera learned what the old woman looked like, down to the last detail, and even learned some of the nurse's craft. She practiced walking with a limp. And she was ready.

Hera wrapped herself in a cloud, and drifted over the city to the temple. Slowly she drifted down, attracting no attention to herself. She found the old woman enjoying an afternoon nap, right on schedule.

"Sleep a little longer," murmured the goddess. She waved her hand over the old nurse's eyes. "Sleep until dinner time." Beroe rolled over and snored. The spell sank deeply into her veins.

Then Hera shifted her shape. She became an exact replica of Beroe. She picked up Beroe's cane, and limped to the garden.

Semele was resting under the shade of a tree. Instantly Hera hated her. The sight of the girl's round belly enraged her. But the goddess bit back her anger, stuffed it down deep, and kept her voice sweet and happy, as Beroe's would be.

"It's so nice out," Hera observed. She chatted with Semele about trivial matters for a while. Then she glanced around, as if making certain they were alone. In a conspiratorial voice, as if they were sisters, Hera leaned close. "So you have lain with a god. Tell me, what is it like?"

Semele blushed. "He is so beautiful. I've never slept with anyone else, so I cannot compare. I suppose he is like a man, only more so."

Hera pretended to be surprised. "But Zeus is the god of thunder. Does he not appear to you in his true form, made of lightning? For surely that is how he appears when he comes to Hera."

Semele faltered. "Oh, I think he wouldn't want to hurt me, especially now."

"Well," Hera cast a sidelong glance at the girl, "I suppose then you are satisfied that he really is who he says. For many a common fellow claims to be a god, in order to lie with a beautiful woman."

"How could you say such a thing! Of course he is Zeus. I would know." Semele was shocked and a little angry. She had never known Beroe to talk this way.

"I'm sorry," said Hera. "I'm really sorry. It just occurred to me that his secrecy was -- nothing, I mean, it was a stupid thought, and stupid of me to say it. Mistress, please forgive me."

"It's all right, forget it." But Semele's cheeks burned. The seeds of doubt had been planted in her mind. Zeus had always appeared as a man in their bed. Truly, how would she know?

Semele thought of the first time she had ever seen him, when he shifted his appearance. She couldn't explain that. But it didn't prove his identity. He could be another god -- or a magician, or another type of trickster. And yet she had lain with him, she had believed him. Had she been a fool?

The next time she saw him, she said to him tautly, "I know what I want for my wish."

"Anything, my love." Zeus took her hand.

Semele stepped closer to her lover. "I want to see you in your true form. Don your godhead. Show yourself to me."

Zeus recoiled in shock. "Now?"

"No," and her voice became impassioned, "no. When you make love to me. Do you go to Hera in the form of a mortal man?"

"Well, no, but --"

"Then why me?" she interrupted. "Why do you, thunder-lover, never come to me as you really are?"

He could see the tears in her eyes.

"Semele, beloved, listen to me," he pleaded. "A mortal cannot look upon me and live. Haven't you always known this? Be reasonable!"

"Can't you control yourself? Even to reveal yourself to the one you claim to love?"

Zeus said nothing for a moment. He thought she was acting irrationally. Slowly he spoke. "Who have you been talking to?"

"No one!" Semele flared. "Are you going to grant me my wish, or not?"

"Very well. By the river Styx I swore it. If you are sure this is what you want." He kissed her, and looked in her eyes. Even after all of their joy, even as she carried his child, she doubted him. The doubt hurt him deeply. "I'll see you tonight."

* * *

But when she answered the knock on her door, he looked the same as ever: a tall, gorgeous man. Any woman would have loved to have such a fellow in her arms, but suddenly he wasn't enough. Wasn't good enough.

He saw the look of disappointment on her face. "Don't worry, I'm going to grant you your wish. I'm just going to try to do it without hurting you."

Semele opened the door. "Come in, then."

Zeus sat beside her on the bed. He flexed his fingers like a gymnast warming up. A few sparks flew. Looking into her eyes, he ran his hands up her arms. Semele's skin began to hum. "My touch," he whispered.

Her nipples stood up. Zeus ran a fingertip down the front of her dress. The fabric burned away and fell from her body. Her skin turned pink where his finger trailed, as if sunburned.

Semele was rendered speechless. She had imagined what his power would be like in person, but she had not thought of this.

Zeus leaned in to kiss her. He tried to be gentle. His lips shocked hers. His tongue slipped inside her mouth. Carefully he caressed her before pulling away. "My kiss."

He looked at the flush in her face. "Do you want me to stop?"

"No," she whispered. "I love you and I want you."

"All right." Zeus guided her human hands to his divine body. Her hands felt cool on his skin. Semele held a dynamo in her arms. She could feel his power thrumming, like a contained thunderstorm.

Zeus felt his own lust rising to the fore. "Touch me, Semele," he groaned.

Her delicate hand could only encircle his cock halfway. Slowly she stroked him up and down, watching his face. His eyes began to change. The dark brown irises gave way to shining silver discs, and Semele began to be a little bit afraid. His hair bled from brown to silver.

Zeus threw back his head and moaned his pleasure at her touch. The noise he made was like no sound she had ever heard. She trembled. He put his hand on her sex and slid his fingers in. Now it was her turn to moan. The combination of pain and pleasure was very intense. Semele was soaking wet. Never had she been so aroused.

Zeus stared at his godly fingers pushing into his mortal consort, and was overcome with lust. He knew what he could do to her. He pressed his hot thumb to her clit and watched her shudder through orgasm.

"I need to be inside you," he groaned, and pushed her back onto the bed. "Yes," she wailed, "take me, I am yours!"

Semele opened her thighs and guided his swollen cock to her entrance. Zeus made his penetration slow, but his hardness was raging now, and he saw the look of pain on her face.

"I'm sorry," his voice was hoarse.

"Don't stop!" she cried. Semele arched her back and struggled to take him in. She grew wetter with the intensity of the moment, and her lover began to glide smoothly in and out.

A fierce wind swirled in the room, gutting out the candles. In the darkness, Zeus' skin crackled and shone with a silver-blue light. His tempo increased. Above the palace, storm clouds rolled and lightning flashed. The god opened his mouth and thunder pealed across the sky.

Semele suddenly knew she wouldn't survive; he was right; she should never have doubted him. It flashed across her mind that she would never see her parents or her sisters again. Semele could feel her skin roasting. For her lover was Zeus, the god of thunder; that was who he was.

He shouted his warning, and pulled his body from hers. The god made an effort to control himself, even as he let fly his bolt of pure energy. The white-hot ejaculate burst forth wildly, bouncing off of Semele's pregnant belly. The lightning split her skin and incinerated her flesh.

Zeus saw her body burn, even as he pulsed again, and he roared a great crash of thunder. He bellowed his rage, his grief, and his love for her. In her ashes lay the fetus of the unborn, who had not perished, for half of the babe was him.

At least he could save the child. Though his eyes swam with tears and he could hardly see what he was doing, Zeus used his fingers to gash open his own thigh. He scooped up the baby and stuffed it into the gap. Then he pressed the skin back together, and cauterized the wound. He would carry the child to term.

Zeus did not know that the baby he rescued would be called Dionysus, and bring the world great joy. Neither could he know that, one day when grown, Dionysus would rescue Semele from Hades, and she would live again, as the goddess Thyone. There would be parties, laughter, wine. There would be spring again.

All Zeus could know, all he could feel, was grief.

Thanks to drksideofthemoon for encouragement and friendship.

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BenLongBenLongalmost 17 years ago

Thunder. Lightning. Could there be a more intense orgasm? Thanks L8.

drksideofthemoondrksideofthemoonabout 17 years ago
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