Halle's Hillbilly Hell Ch. 04


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"Any of you boys ever fucked an ass?"

Denise asked the question so innocently, as if butter wouldn't melt in her mouth but when Halle rolled her head round the blonde's face was filled with malevolence. Both Tom and Huck seemed more than keen to try so second's later Halle was flipped onto her front and bizarrely dragged right down to the river's edge at Denise's insistence. For now while the boys slowly got hard again the reason for this was not clear.

When they were ready to go again, Denise walked into the river edge and kneeled down, naked in the mud by Halle's head. Using that damned noose she jerked Halle's face up and made her look right at her as Tom got down behind her and after some fumbling stuck his dick in her asshole. During these weeks of being held against her will she had taken a fair amount of dick up her ass so this was no longer such a terrible violation. When Halle barely flinched at the anal invasion it seemed to annoy Denise badly and she pushed Halle's face into the river and below the water. With her hands still behind her back it was a dangerous position for her to be in.

Tom pounded into her from behind while Denise held Halle under. At first Halle thought that this was it, this was where she died. After fighting off and dealing with all those rough mountain men she was going to fall to a deranged teenager. Then, with an almighty gasp her head was wrenched from the waters of the river and dripping she looked at her tormentor.

"Betcha' your worried bitch! Think I'm gonna drown ya? No chance! You ain't worth it, just having a little fun. Tom there has never fucked someone while they thrashed about for their life. You enjoying yourself Tom?"

"Uh huh."

Halle heard no more as Denise once more plunged her into the water. He kept ass fucking her like this for some time until Halle felt him explode his load into her ass. She got a slap on her ass for her troubles then his brother replaced him and a second ass fucking took place. Denise dipped Halle in and out of the cold, running water of the river ass the fucking, and with each passing moment Halle was convinced the blonde was possessed by a devil.

Finally, Huck came inside Halle's ass too and Denise dragged her, by her saturated hair, up from the riverside.

"Reckon those boys have had their fill of nigger ass for just now, it's about time I got myself some nigger tongue!"

Denise was naked and aroused and having got Halle in the position she wanted on her back Denise sat down on her face, getting letting her thighs trap the older woman's face in place. With the taste of the river still so fresh in Halle's mouth and nose it would take something really strong to get through that quickly. Well Denise's love juices were strong and then some! The thick, cloying smell of a bitch in heat was soon overpowering her senses.

"Start licking slut! The boys got to cum in you, only fair I do too!"

Halle stuck her tongue out and did as she was told, too tired to do much else. Denise gave a yelp and started to hump Halle's face like a cowboy at a rodeo, bumping and grinding for all she was worth. It took a while but eventually the young blonde came in a flood, her thick juices filling Halle's mouth before spilling out and over her face. As she came Denise squeezed her thighs harder and harder and suddenly Halle was light headed and nauseous and seconds later she passed out between Denise's convulsing thighs.


Halle was unconscious for a long time. Partly it was because of the treatment she had received trapped under Denise's smothering teenage ass but most it was just sheer exhaustion, mental as well as physical, from all that that she had endured in the last 24 hours. When she did come round it was pitch dark and she found that her wrists had been freed. Slowly, on aching forearms she lifted herself up and peered into the darkness. She could hear she was still by the riverside but for some reason she could hardly open her eyes to see.

The reason her vision was so impaired was because, before packing up and heading home Denise had told the boys to wank off on Halle's face. They had only been to happy to oblige their kinky pal and had knelt either side of Halle's unconscious head and dumped a pair of cum loads all over her features, in particular coating her closed eyelids with their creamy, thick sperm.

Halle guessed from the smell and taste of the stuff what it was and felt sick. God those kids were twisted! Still after she had washed her face in the cold river she did think to herself that they seemed to have departed and had also removed the noose and wrist bonds. Feeling somewhat refreshed but no less scared (especially in the dark of the woods) she decided what to do next.

She quickly came to the decision that trying to go any further in the pitch black in these woods was dangerous. She could easy come across another ravine or get lost and head back towards that damned house of hell. Of course, staying here for the night kept her much closer to her former captors than she could be happy with but really what choice did she have?

They came that night, Halle wakened from her second deep sleep by the approaching barks of dogs. Barks that were horribly familiar to her ears. Surely they must be the beasts that the family kept on the farm and treated terribly but still better than they had Halle and Naomi. At the thought of re-capture (and did they know about the dead Zeke?) she became completely alert, her eyes wide, trying to peer into the dark woods and seeing the first flickers of torches in them. As she stood up beside the gnarled tree she had been sleeping under the dogs barking became even more ferocious and she could hear snippets from the voices that accompanied them.

"Bitch....must be up ahead! The dogs have really got her scent now....fucking kill...hang the bitch...the dogs!"

Halle was in no doubt now and knew she had minutes at most before they were on her. Looking round and seeing the bright moon reflecting on the dark waters of the river rushing by she knew she had only one option. She ran into the cold water and ignored the temperature, forcing her feet deeper and deeper until she was swimming and then set out for the far shore, the flow aiding her slightly. She was more than half way across the wide river before they spotted her, the realisation spurring her on to swim harder and faster than she ever had before. Shots rang out but their guns were old and their aim poor and as Halle ducked under and swam underwater for a while she was out of their range. They cursed and shouted, stamped their feet and moaned but none of them could swim well and none fancied trying the river so by the time Halle made it to the opposite bank she could afford to stare at them in their torchlight and think she had got a good start on them before she turned and headed into the dark woods once again.

She wasn't to know it but they faced a two hour walk back to where they left their truck, she had a head start all right.


Halle's near eighteen hour flight through the dark woods came to an end just after first light of the next dark. Exhausted and starting to suffer from exposure the naked, ebony beauty staggered into yet another clearing only to discover that it was a road. A two lane road. Not a dirt track but an actual road! She dropped to her knees and wept at the thought of possible salvation and dared not dream that this could be her ticket out of this backwoods hell she had lived in for so long now. She couldn't think about what her fate might be if she did return to the city, prison most likely, but whatever it was it had to be preferable to her miserable existence lately.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a loud blast of a horn and a huge truck rushing along the road then braking just past where Halle knelt. For a moment she was aware of her nudity but realised she had to just accept that and grasp her chance, it might be her only one. She stood and rushed to the lorry and climbed up to lean in the door. The driver was a fat man with a greasy moustache and her openly leered at her large breasts as she spoke. Instinctively she decided not to tell the whole truth.

"Please help me! I was attacked by a gang, dragged from my car and assaulted. I managed to escape, please just help me get out of here! Please!"

The driver adjusted his glasses on his nose and stared at her some more before answering.

"I don't want no trouble Missy! I ain't getting' involved with the police or nothing. I can take you into town or wherever but I ain't getting involved ya hear."

In truth Halle was delighted and pulled herself up and into the cab, closing the door behind her.

"OK mister, no problem, whatever you say, just get me out of here."

He started off again in a strained silence, every so often stealing a glance at the black goddess sitting nude next to him. Halle was uncomfortable and crossed her arms over her breasts and squeezed her thighs together. Her nerves were still taut and when the driver's CB radio burst into life five minutes later she nearly jumped out of the window. The driver turned slowly to glance at her curiously as he lifted the receiver.

"Tommy. This is Big Load. Just came through a makeshift yokel roadblock five minutes up the road here, though I'd better warn you. Couple of inbreds with shotguns and their truck parked across the road. Say their slave escaped after robbing them and they're hunting for her. Just thought I'd warn ya. Speak soon!

"Thanks Big Load. Out."

Tommy the truck driver slowed right down and stared at Halle, this time her eyes not her tits.

"Now given you ain't likely to be hiding anything you stole on account you ain't got any clothes I am more inclined to believe you rather than this lot. Don't change the fact I don't need this hassle Missy, don't need it at all."

Panic hit Halle like a hammer blow. Here she was just starting to dare to hope she would escape those sadistic freaks and now it appeared her hopes were to be dashed. Her eyes flooded with tears, her voice went higher and she started to plead, pathetically with Tommy not to abandon her. She was clearly desperate and at that realisation a sick little smile formed on his lips.

"Well Missy I'm guessing you ain't got no purse in that there birthday suit you're wearing do ya? And this sounds dangerous so I would need paid to save your hide I reckon."

That panicked her even more, she could not pay him anything and as she spluttered and stammered her pleading again she stopped short, she surely recognised that lecherous look in the driver's eyes by now. She got it, she realised what kind of payment the fat slob wanted.

"Payments easy, for a young thing as sexy as you anyway. You're gonna blow me while I'm convincing these inbred yokels I haven't seen you. If I feel those nice, big lips of yours leave my cock just once then who knows what I might say. Then after I done that favour for you Missy I reckon you'll still owe me so at the next truck stop we're gonna have a little toilet break and I'm gonna help myself to your hole. Got a deal Missy?"

Some knight in shining armour this! But Halle knew that this was the lesser of two evils and had already accepted as Tommy gunned the engine and speeded up.

"Better get yourself into the footwell then, don't want you getting spotted, do we?"

It was a big cab and with some manoeuvring Halle got her thin frame down between his legs, her head bobbing up between his thighs. In an instant he loosened his jeans and out popped a slimy, thick cock surrounded by a mess of black pubic hair. It was a revolting prospect for sure but the sad thing was it was by no means the worst thing that Halle had sucked off in the past couple of months.

"Better get started girlie, I can see vehicles up ahead. You remember now, I feel your lips leave my dick and I'll just swing this door open and kick you out into their hands."

Given the alternative she faced Halle had never been quite so happy to be forced to suck someone's dick. She wrapped her right hand around the stiffening length of Tommy's slimy cock and gave it an exploratory lick. It tasted as bad as it looked but now wasn't the time for niceties so she enveloped his sweaty foreskin in her mouth and began to gently suck on it. Just as his wiry pubes bean to tickle at her nose she felt him apply the brakes and come to a stop. She held her breath as Tommy rolled his window down and began to converse with voices Halle knew only too well.

"What's the problem folks?"

"We're looking for a nigger bitch! She done stole from us and we want her. You seen any stray niggers running about here?"

Halle clamped her mouth hard around Tommy's dick and reached her hand up and gave his nuts a nice gentle squeeze. She knew it would work.

"Ah, er. No I ain't seen no nigger bitches, sorry. Good luck with your hunt though, hope you get her!"

That seemed to satisfy them, that and the fact a truck was drawing up behind Tommy's lorry. So seconds later Halle had never been quite so relieved as Tommy's foot hit the gas and they sped off from the makeshift roadblock. She continued to suck him off as he drove on until a couple of miles down the road he came top a stop again and spoke down to her.

"Alright Missy come out of there now, reckon we're past the worst now."

With saliva dripping from Halle's lips she manoeuvred herself out of the footwell and flashed a genuinely thankful smile at the driver.

"Um, thanks, they would have killed me, you know."

"Sure, sure. Now that you're seated again get that mouth back on my cock, you can finish me off sitting there."

And Halle did just that, she leaned over the old leather chair and placed her head in his crotch again and sucked him long and hard until her came, flooding her mouth with a foul, tasting seed. She licked his shrinking dick of all the slime and sat up again, with saliva and cum dripping from her lips. She knew she shouldn't smile, not after being forced to pleasure yet another man, but just the elation of her escape from the woods was too much for her and she flashed her big, white teeth at Tommy.

"You like that Missy? Well I'll give myself a couple of hours to recover than I'll stop at a truck stop and you can pay the second part of the deal, OK?"

Halle nodded, already thinking of what she would do with her freedom.


Halle paid her debt to the driver in full in the confines of a disgustingly stinking, stained, dirty men's room further up the road. Tommy gave her an old checkered shirt of his from the back of his cab and even in that old rag she looked damned sexy when she demounted from his cab, her long, black legs attracting plenty of admiring glances from other truckers at the stop. They ignored everybody in the joint and headed straight to the men's room and then into a cramped cubicle. It was all going to have to be Halle's efforts here, Tommy was so fat he could barely move in those environs. So she slipped off his shirt and dropped his jeans before wrapping her legs around him and grinding her pussy against his stiffening dick.

In her mind this was going to be Halle's last fuck against her will in this hell and with that in mind unconsciously she actually took some pleasure in fucking Tommy. Her big tits were jammed right up in his face, so that he could suck and nibble on them and he shoved her back against the door to the cubicle and fucked her hard up against it. She moaned and groaned and was aware that people were coming into the restroom outside but didn't care as she continued to fuck the trucker, squeezing his cock between her pussy walls until her gasped and shot his load deep in her cunt. It was the nearest Halle had been to cumming herself in weeks but she managed to control herself and disengaged her sweating body from the fat driver and look him in the eye.

"We're even now. I'm going to take your shirt and walk out of here and get a lift from someone else, thanks Tommy, you saved my life back there."

Tommy just nodded and collapsed onto the toilet seat as Halle shrugged his shirt back on.

"Goddamn! Hell of a morning!" was all he could gasp.


In the car park Halle attracted plenty of attention but she shunned pretty much all of it. After weeks in the hands and clutches of redneck, hillbilly bastards she was looking for something very different for the next part of her journey, something infinitely blacker!

Her next lift came in the form of a van driver called Max. He was headed back to the city and was only too happy to have some sexy company on that long journey. He was a youngish African American and his eyes seemed transfixed by the dark skinned Goddess he had picked up. But not for the reason Halle suspected (her long, uncovered legs). A couple of hours later Max stopped at another truck stop to take a comfort break, leaving Halle milling about the café, enjoying her freedom but perhaps she wouldn't have enjoyed it as much if she could have heard Max's phone conversation.

"HI Vince? It's Max, Max Lord. Never guess what I picked up, only that damned lawyer bitch that took out the loan from you and skipped town all those months ago. Course I'm sure, recognise the bitch anywhere, she's quite the looker. Yeah sure, I won't let on, we'll hit town about nine tonight, yeah, sure I'll drop her off at your place, don't worry."

In an air conditioned office hundreds of miles away loan shark and extortionist Vince McNeil cracked his knuckles and laughed and imagined all the things he was going to do to this bitch that had seemingly ripped him off all those months ago........

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Wait. Couldn't she have jumped in the water while Den argued with her cousins?

Your story makes even less sense.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Shock, with a hint of awe

My first reaction to reading this:

"Thank GOD! FINALLY, something's going good for her! Not only that, but a nice man has picked her up."

After finishing the whole story:

"..Sweet Jesus, she should've just offed herself after shoving off the racist bastard.. Did she piss off a fortune teller or something? Good grief!"

Either way, I like this story, despite the horrible-ness of it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
Very nice.

I only regret that it took me so long to find this story. Really wish there were more like it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Fucking the sista!!

Thanks! I enjoyed part 4 to the Halle series! It was great now I can't wait to see what happens when she goes back to town. Does the loan shark fuck her good will the judge she kicked in the nuts fuck her. Or will Cain come back and get her. Whatever happens let her continue to get fucked hard by white cock I love to read stories where white mens fuck the sistas !

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