He Looked Like Me Ch.01


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She grinned. "No more drinkin'. Maybe a li'l coffee to perk me up. I'll be good. I promise. Don't you want me?" she pouted.

"I'm not sure I ever wanted anything more," I confessed.

She looked over her shoulder at Gary. "Coffee! Stat!" she chuckled afterward. Then before I knew it, her lips were on mine, and I was kissing her, oblivious to all else.

She chose me.

She was so damn sexy. Probably could have any man she wanted. I bet she turned away dozens the night before. And she chose me. All because her husband looked like me.

I was going to do my damnedest to make sure she didn't regret it.

She was grinding against my crotch, when I grabbed her hips, getting a good grip, before I stood up. She moaned against my mouth, then pulled her head away, gasping. "I knew it was you," she whispered. "My Jack."

"Let's move this to the couch for a bit," I told her, walking across the living room floor. I turned and sat back on the couch.

She was kissing me again, when Gary showed back up. He sat down next to me, and she climbed off my lap, and into his.

"Whoa! Careful, babe!" he said, holding her coffee up and out of the way. He had two beer bottles by the neck in his other hand.

She didn't seem to care, wrapping her arms around his neck, kissing him passionately. "I love you sooo much. Thank you. Promise you won't regret it."

He handed her the coffee, and I saw she drank it black. It looked strong.

I had a personal opinion about that. The darker and stronger a woman liked her coffee, the more open she seemed to be about oral. Espresso girls swallow. Nothing scientific, just personal experience. I was looking forward to another data point confirming my ad-hoc research.

Gary passed me a beer, and then held his up for a toast. "To my beautiful, sexy wife. On her birthday."

I clinked my bottle against his. "I'll drink to that. She's gorgeous. You're a lucky man."

He grinned. It seemed once he gave in, most of his concerns had vanished. "And you're the lucky man who gets to find out just how lucky I am."

Dana giggled. "I'm the luckiest. Bestest hubby in the world, and a han'some new boyfrien'."

I sipped my beer, while I watched her rub herself all over her man. It seemed like she was in heat. I figured that for a good thing. After a bit, she climbed off of him, and into my lap. She somehow managed to avoid spilling her coffee, and after a minute of kissing, she'd drink a little more.

I felt Gary tap me on the shoulder, and he held out his hand, closed. I opened mine underneath his, and he dropped a pill into it. "What is it?" I asked.

"Stamina. We've got a big job ahead of us. I promised we'd wear her out. Not even sure if that's possible."

Dana leaned back, giving a little shimmy, her firm breasts wiggling enticingly. "Wear. Me. Out!"

She sipped her coffee, while I downed the medicinal helper. It wasn't the little blue pill I'd seen, and even used a couple of times. Something different, but I didn't know enough about all the different alternatives to recognize it.

She handed the coffee cup to her husband, and faced me. "Undress me, han'some. I wanna be nekkid."

I reached down and pulled her dress over her head, exposing her bare body. Heart stopping. Her face was beautiful, but that body! Damn! Tits weren't huge, but they were gorgeous, and seemed to fit her perfectly. I found out they fit my hands pretty damn well. Slender waist, flawless skin, sexy tan lines that showed the parts of her that only her husband and doctors usually got to see.

"Cat got your tongue?" she teased.

"You're fantastic," I said.

"And only for my hubby. My wunnerful, perfect hubby. Han'some hubby. Until now. You like?"

"I love."

She pouted cutely. "No fallin' in love. You can like, even super-duper like. No love though. My love is only for hubby, and on'y he gets to love me."

"I super-duper like," I told her, grinning.

Gary had left for a minute, and returned, handing her a bottle of water. He took her hand and put some pills in it. I wondered a little about his pharmaceutical approach to sex.

"What?" she asked, squinting and looking in her hand.

"Aspirin. I don't want you claiming a headache a few hours from now."

She smiled, and took them, drinking down half the water. "Mmm. I was really thirsty. This is good."

I felt odd, holding his naked wife in my lap, while we were both clothed. I wasn't going to make the first move to change that.

She was rolling her hips, teasing me. "You eat pussy, Jack?"

I nodded. "I guarantee I'll eat your sweet little pussy."

"Even if it's dirty?" she asked, giving me a mischievous look.

"I... uh... haven't." The idea didn't do anything for me. Just the opposite, to be honest.

"How about if it's just a little dirty?" she asked, watching me carefully.

"Dana, for you, tonight, I'm willing. Never before, but for you? It's your special night. Your birthday. What kind of present would I be, if I didn't take care of you?"

She turned to Gary, smirking. "See? I tol' you! My Jack'll take care of me. Jus' like you. Derek wouldn'. I knew it. Jack's a giver, not a taker."

Gary's hand caressed her side. "He's your present. It's cool. I just felt bad 'cause we'd already told Derek. He was really looking forward to tonight."

Yeah, I bet. I kinda felt bad for the guy. I could only imagine how I'd feel if they changed their minds now.

"You better should call 'im," Dana said.

"I did, while making your coffee. He's not happy, but I guess he's going to have to live with it."

She moved over to his lap, teasing him. "I'm sowwy. We'll make it up to him, Ok? Not like t'night, but we'll think of something, a'right?"

He nodded. "A little something. That's all. Changing your mind doesn't get you two for one."

She giggled. "Don't want him. I'll do a li'l somethin' for you. 'Cause you promised. Maybe give him a show. That's all. All I want is my wunnerful, wunnerful hubby, and my Jack."

I had to admit, she didn't seem as drunk as she'd been. I don't know if it was the hour long nap, the booze wearing off, the coffee, or the situation. She still was slurring her words a bit, and seemed a little off kilter, but she was looking and sounding better.

She hopped up, abruptly. "I wanna dance for my men."

She wobbled over to the stereo, bringing her face within a few inches of the CDs, her sexy ass pointed our way. Damn, I was gonna hit that. Hard.

"Why don't you put your contacts in, baby?"

"Don't wanna. I like it fuzzy. Sexy. My two men a li'l blurry. Might even wanna wear a blindfold. Would you like that, won'erful hubby? Blindfold me and bang the hell out of me with our friend?"

She was already starting to sway to the music. She raised her hands high, her body undulating, more pronounced. She was amazing. She turned, giving us the full view.

"Talk about me," she purred. "Like I wasn't even here. Like I didn't matter."

Gary laughed. "You ever seen anything like that?"

I shook my head. "Can't say I have. And you live with that 365 days a year?"

"366 on leap year. Jealous?"

"Hell yeah. I think tonight, I'm the second luckiest man in the world."

"Only the second luckiest?" he chuckled.

She was moving closer, shimmying, shaking her ass, trying to get our attention.

"You, sir, are without a doubt, the luckiest. I swear, I've never seen anyone more beautiful. So sweet I want to eat her up."

He grinned. "Hell yeah, I'll drink to that."

We toasted our beers, and for a brief moment I wondered where I should draw the line drinking. Didn't want to have any performance issues.

Dana was close enough that her legs were touching ours, adapting her dancing to each new song. I reached out and caressed her thigh.

"Honestly," Gary said. "You think I should make waves about those evil friends of hers?"

"I'm not the best to give advice, but I'd say no. I think she's true to you. Don't you?"

He nodded. "She had me worried."

That was too much for Dana. "No baby! I would never do anythin' without you. Never! They know it."

"You know the old saying, 'Keep your friends close...'" I said.

"'...and your enemies closer.' I don't think they're really enemies, just trouble-makers."

"So you tell them. Let them know you appreciate their taking care of her, but the way they left her was over the line. That's all. Not mean, but let them know they almost messed things up. Don't alienate them."

Dana giggled. "You really don't wanna do that, honey. Aliuh-hate. Trus' me, it would ruin your birthday present."

She leaned over him, arms braced against the back of the couch, shaking her tits. "Everyone knows. You're the best. That's why they'd never hurt you. Never make things bad for us. Only for you."

"What 'only for me?'"

She giggled, rubbing her tits against his face. "That would be tellin'. You have to wait. For your birthday."

She moved over to me, and gave me a full frontal body rub, before turning and grinding that perfect firm ass into my crotch. I grabbed her cheeks, holding them while they swiveled. God, I wanted her bad.

"She did cross the line, though," Gary said, watching her intently.

"Just a little, honey," she said over her shoulder. "I wasn't bad. Jus' late."

"And drunk off your ass," he reminded her.

She pouted cutely. "I'm sorry. It really wasn't my fault."

"What do you think? She gets off scot-free?" he said to me.

"I think you've punished her enough, scaring the crap out of her in the parking lot."

"She scared the hell out of me," he said, obviously still a little irritated with her.

"Then punish her. Spank that gorgeous ass, and move on. Let her know the next time it will be worse, and her friends won't be immune from the punishment if they keep it up."

Dana laughed. "Yes! Spank their asses, Gary. It was their fault. 'Specially Carla. Make that bitch scream!"

"And you're faultless?"

She pouted. "You want to spank me? On my birthday?"

He laughed. "They did, didn't they?"

She nodded.

"Get over here."

She looked nervous as she stretched out across his lap. She yelped loudly when the first heavy blow slammed down against her ass cheek. Her head was on my thigh and I pulled her hair back, holding her.

"You were bad, Dana. Leaving me worried like that. Up all night, hardly sleeping. Not knowing what you were doing with those sluts. Running off in the parking lot."

He smacked her other cheek, the crack of his hand loud, making her cry out again. "Coming home with an abused pussy? What was I supposed to think?"

"I tried to stop 'em," she whined.

Two more quick, sharp blows. "Get up and get me the phone," he snapped.

She looked worried as she jogged off to do as he demanded, cute little high-heeled steps. She returned moments later.

"Call Sheri."


"Don't ask questions! Get in position, and call her."

She pouted, and dialed the number, before laying across his lap. Gary took the phone from her. Put it on speaker.

"Dana?" a voice asked.

"No, Sheri. It's Gary. Dana's being punished."

"Don't be hard on her, Gary. She was good. I'm sorry we made her a little late."

"Little? She was supposed to be at home by 2:00! Then I was told, not asked but told, she'd be home by 9:00. What time did she show up, dead drunk, ruining all our plans for the day?"

"A little after noon," the voice answered.

"I want to trust you guys together, Sheri. I do. You're making it very difficult." He smacked his wife on the ass, then again.

"What was that?" Sheri asked nervously.

"She's getting punished. Severely. Next time, she won't be the only one, do you understand?"

"What are you doing to her?"

"Spanking me," Dana whined. "Really hard. You guys shouldn'a spanked my pussy like that. He got really mad. Thought I was fuckin' around."

"Shit. We didn't mean to. That damn Carla..."

Smack, smack, smack. The blows came down quickly, making Dana scream.

"Don't hurt her, Gary. I'm sorry. We're all sorry."

"Anyone else out of your crowd still there?"

"Y...yeah. Jenny and Donna."

"Put them on speaker. Let them know this is their fault too."

A few seconds later we could hear the multiple voices.

"How many is that?" Gary asked.

"I dunno," Dana whined.

"I guess I'll have to start over."

"Nine," I said.

"You sure?" he asked.


He wasn't that hard on her, but he did give her the remaining spanks, and she screamed out like he was killing her. I think it was mostly an act she was putting on for her phone audience.

"Stop it, Gary! You're going to kill her!" one of the voices called out.

"Next time, follow the damn rules!" he growled. "I don't ask for a lot. I let her go out. I trust her, and I trusted you. But we had an agreement. I made plans. You all ruined them. On her fucking birthday! You know what birthdays mean to us. And you went and fucking ruined it!"

"We didn't did we?" Sheri asked. "Not completely ruined. Please, say we didn't. I couldn't stand that."

He finished that last couple of blows. "No. Not completely. But I'm not happy. Is that understood? Never again. You don't want her to have to find new friends do you? Hell, I'm just now getting used to you girls. Sure as shit don't want to have to break in a new set. Best friends don't do what you guys did."

Dana was crying like it was the end of the world.

"You done now? Please? Don't hurt her. We're sorry." Sheri asked nervously, when no more blows fell.

"Halfway. Our guest for the night has to do his part."


Dana sat up, all crying abruptly stopped. She waved her hand imperiously for the phone. Gary turned it over to her, and she took it, taking it off speaker phone and talking softly as she wandered away. She stopped in front of the full-length mirror by the door, turning and observing her red butt. Then we lost her in the kitchen.

"Too harsh?" he asked.

"Not at all. I think that was masterful. I'm pretty sure they got the message. All of them."

"Don't be too hard on her, Ok? I wasn't. Not really. Don't know what all that screaming and whining was about."

"For her friends. Showing off. Big strong hubby putting her in her place. Trying to make them jealous."

"You think?"

"I'd bet on it."

"Beer?" he asked.

I debated it. "Last one."

He nodded. "Me too. Take the edge off a little, you know? But not enough to interfere with business."

I asked him where the bathroom was, and he pointed the way. When I returned, he was back with the beer, and Dana was waiting patiently. She'd cleaned up her face. "Your turn," she said to me, lying over my lap.

"Turn over."

She looked at me nervously, then rolled over onto her back.

"I think your very forgiving husband took care of those rosy cheeks. I wouldn't want you miserable for the rest of the night."

She smiled. "Thanks." She grinned at her husband. "Can I pick'em or what? Counting my spanks, takin' care of me."

"You did good, sweetie."

I slapped her tit, and she squealed. "Ow!"

"Twenty-seven to go, beautiful."

The first one was for shock value. I wasn't rough at all, with the first dozen just firm enough to sting and pink her up a little. Two more sharper ones, had her squirming. "Fourteen, halfway there."

She nodded silently.

"Spread your legs."

She whimpered, opening them. "Not too hard..."


She opened herself obscenely wide, and I slapped her hard on her pussy, making her jump and cry out.

"Please, Jack!"

"You'll remember next time, won't you?" I said, smacking her a second time, just as hard.

"YES!" she shrieked. "I'll remember. I will."

I leaned over and kissed her lips. "Good. I'm not going to hurt you. Last thing I want is for that gorgeous pussy of yours to be worn out before we start."

"Promise?" she asked nervously, her eyes tearing up.

"Cross my heart and hope to die."

I swatted her firmly, enough to feel it without hurting. Then I rubbed her pussy, teasing her. Another spank and more rubbing. Lots more. By the time I reached the last one, she was writhing out of control, and Gary was holding her legs, while I held her body down.

"One more," I teased. "Hard or soft."

"Hard damn you. Hard and then you have to fuck the shit out of it!"

I smacked her quite hard, making her whole body jerk, then rubbed her incessantly, grinding the palm of my hand down on her clit.

"F...Fuck me, damn it, FUCK ME!"

I laughed, bringing her closer, feeling her hips thrusting upward, then backing off. When her breathing settled I started again.

"Stop teasin' me, damn you Jack!"

I laughed, leaning over her face. I brushed my lips across hers. "God, I'm going to love sharing you."

"Please? Lemme come, I gotta come."

I smacked her pussy soundly, surprising her. She moaned, and I pulled my hand away. "Time to move to the bedroom?"

She turned to her husband, "Make him, baby. Make him finish me."

He just laughed at her. "You chose him, remember?"

She pouted, turning back to me. "You...you're not going to leave me hangin'?"

"No, I'll take care of you. We both will, all night long. Now why don't you go to the bathroom and prepare yourself for us, beautiful."

"God, you're a meanie! I'm gonna get you for this."

"Yes you are. You're going to get me, and get me, and get me..."

"Fuck, you have me worked up. You always torture your women this way?"

"No, this is the Dana special. Nobody else deserves it. You're the best, remember? And it's your birthday. We're pulling out all the stops."

She pulled my head down and kissed me passionately, hungrily. "You know how bad I want you right now?" she whispered.

"Oh yeah. And then some. Go. Hurry, or I'll drag you out of that bathroom and use you like you were meant to be."

"Promise?" she said grinning.



I know, the first chapter is quite the tease. The second chapter, I promise is the complete payoff. I hope you enjoy both.

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blackknight314blackknight314about 1 year ago

Good job, thanks for sharing your work!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Love the concept. The writing was excellent and the lead-up to the "birthday present" wonderfully done.



oldtwitoldtwitover 1 year ago

whaat a good story, plenty of good thoughts nicely put together.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Wow, I am going to start goin* market shopping more often…. 5*.

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