Her Ex-Sister-in-Law


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"Amanda, lunch! Now." It didn't matter how old she got, her mother's orders never became any less firm.

"Be right down!" A quick detour to the bathroom to wash her hands, and Amanda was off downstairs. She welcomed the frustration of her arousal; it offered something to look forward to once the ordeal of lunch was over.

She wasn't surprised to find herself seated next to Peter Junior, and she also wasn't sorry. Here was one male in the family where there was still hope he'd grow up to be enlightened. "Are you hungry, Petey?" she asked with a smile.

"Call me Pete, please," he said.

Andy, James, and Dad all snickered at him, and the poor thing looked like he might cry. Amanda did not laugh. "Pete it is."

"Thank you, Aunt Amanda. I haven't been Petey since I finished kindergarten. It's a baby's name."

"You know, you're right," Amanda said. "That's why I told your father and uncles to stop calling me Mandy when I was about your age."

"I bet they didn't stop!" Pete said.

"Oh, sure we did," his father corrected, with a side glance from little Jane's high-chair, where he was cutting vegetables into tiny bite-size pieces.

"Oh, no you didn't!" Amanda countered.

"Come on, Amanda, you know we wouldn't hurt you," said James.

"Is that a joke? After what you just told me before?" Amanda forced an even tone for little Pete's benefit, but it wasn't easy.

"That's enough!" Mom said, slamming her fork down on her plate. "We almost lost your father, and we're here to celebrate being together! I won't have you kids squabbling like a bunch of little babies!"

"And your brothers love you, Amanda," Dad added.

"Sure they do," Amanda couldn't help herself.

"Oh, you know we teased you because we loved you," said Peter Senior.

"Do you plan to let Pete treat Jane like you treated me?" Amanda demanded, ignoring a dirty look from her mother.

"Not on your life," Peter Senior said without a trace of irony.

"You are a natural with her, Peter," Mom fawned. "Such an awful shame about Karen. How are the kids handling it, their mother being such a monster?"

"Mother!" Amanda darted a meaningful look at Pete. It was too late; he burst into tears. "Oh, Pete!" Amanda lost no time scooping him up into her arms. She carried him out to the kitchen to get a washcloth to wipe his face, but not before she heard her father comment on how they ought to toughen the little kid up.

"I'm sorry, Aunt Amanda!" Pete wailed. "I know I should try to be a big boy, but..."

"It's all right, Pete," Amanda said, running warm water on the first washcloth she found. As she dabbed at his face with the warm cloth, she went on, "Grandma never should have brought up your mother like that."

"She doesn't know any better," came Peter Senior's voice over her shoulder. "Pete, your grandparents had a long and very happy marriage. They just don't know what to make of what happened with your mother and me." He picked his son up and patted his back to comfort him. "Thanks, Amanda."

"No problem," she said, still dabbing at Pete's cheeks with the washcloth.

"Listen," he said. "I know you and Karen were pretty tight. I'm dropping the kids off with her this afternoon, if you want to come along."

"Yes please!" Amanda was almost ashamed of how ecstatic she sounded at the offer. "Sorry," she quickly added. "I just don't think I can take much more of..." She waved her hand toward the dining room. "All of 'em."

"I get it," Peter said. And from his knowing look, she wondered if he'd guessed her secret. He had, after all, caught Karen in bed with another woman.

Amanda expected more strife when she announced after lunch that she wouldn't be staying. She wasn't sure whether to be relieved or resentful when there wasn't. Mom did say, "You don't really want to get back on the train to New York at this hour?"

"It's not so bad," Amanda said, passing over in silence that she had a feeling she wouldn't be going home tonight. "And I mean, the house is already so full. Let one of the guys have my room."

"I'd rather share with Jimmy than sleep in that pink pit!" Andy declared.

"Suit yourself," Amanda said. She forced herself to kiss her father's cheek. "Best wishes for your recovery," she said.

"See you at Thanksgiving?" Dad asked. "Bring a date already, would you?"

"We'll see about that." Amanda couldn't resist another look at Peter, but he showed no sign of understanding. Probably just as well.

Peter must have told his son to keep his mouth shut while they were saying goodbye at the door, for little Pete said nothing until his father had him and his sister strapped in safely in the back seat. Once Peter and Amanda were settled in front, though, little Pete spoke up. "Aunt Amanda, is it true you're coming to visit my mom too?"

"Yes it is!" Amanda looked over her shoulder and smiled at him. "We were very good friends back when she and your dad lived here, you know."

"That's nice," Pete said. "They both always say, even if they don't love each other anymore, they're still friends. I'm glad you're friends with her too."

"Why, thank you, Pete!" Amanda turned to her brother. "It's great you can stay on good terms with her, Peter."

"Can't say I understand her lifestyle," Peter said. "But she's still a good mother to my children, and now I'm free to find someone who'll love me," he said. "How about you, Amanda? Anyone special on the horizon?"

"No," Amanda lied.

Karen had a swanky new apartment downtown. Amanda remembered when the building was built, but she'd never been inside before. The opulent lobby and warmly decorated hallways had her feeling at home already...and let her almost forget her nagging fear that Karen, whom she hadn't seen in five years or so, wouldn't even recognize her.

That fear proved unfounded. When Karen opened the door, there wasn't but a moment of surprise before she welcomed Amanda with a fierce hug. "Amanda! What a nice surprise!"

"The reunion was a little much for both of us," Peter explained, as Karen hugged and kissed both of her children in turn. "I thought Amanda might want to come say hello before she heads back to New York."

"That'd be lovely, yes!" Karen beckoned Amanda into her spacious living room. "Peter, would you like to stay for a chat?"

"No," he said politely but firmly, and presently Amanda found herself alone with her ex-sister-in-law as the kids had already scampered off to their rooms.

"I ask him that every time, and he always says no," Karen said. "Splash of wine?"

"That'd be great, thanks," Amanda said. As always, she passed over in silence what she knew about the failure of their marriage.

"I can't say I blame him," Karen said. "I was wrong, I know that. But I was never going to stay in love forever with a man who had his attitude."

"You can see why I didn't want to stay at the house any longer than I had to, then," Amanda said as they clinked glasses.

"I take it you're still not out to them?"

"No, and probably never will be. Not if I ever want to come home again, anyway."

"May I ask, do you ever want to, though?"

Amanda dissolved into guilty laughter. "Would it be hopelessly saccharine if I said I just wanted to remember what you and I got up to that day?"

"Thank God you said that!" Karen grabbed Amanda's free hand and gave it a squeeze. "You don't even want to know how many times I've replayed that day in my imagination!"

"Oh yes I do!" Now Amanda was laughing with relief, and Karen joined in. Seeing it seemed to be safe to ask, Amanda asked, "So, are you seeing anyone?"

Karen ran her hand up Amanda's arm. "You tell me if I am, dear."

Of course playing was out of the question until the children were asleep. But Amanda weathered the frustration by enjoying a few rounds of board games with Pete while Karen attended to Jane's late-afternoon crankiness, and then helped make dinner. By eight o'clock, she felt ready to burst, but she was thrilled to know Karen was no doubt feeling just the same. Once Pete was off to bed, they sat together on the couch, rubbing one another's thighs and hoping for silence from down the hall.

After twenty minutes of their gentle play, Karen said, "He's probably asleep." She took Amanda's hand in hers and squeezed it.

Amanda did not have to be told twice.

Karen's bedroom was crowded but neat. That was all Amanda had time to notice before Karen turned the radio on and the lights off. Without another word, Amanda threw herself at Karen and locked her in a passionate embrace, their breasts rubbing up delightfully against each other as they shared their first kiss.

"Waited seven years for that!" Amanda whispered when at last she came up for air, pulling Karen's top out of the waistband of her pants as she did.

Karen laughed and didn't confirm or deny if the feeling was mutual. She did raise her arms, enabling Amanda to pull her top off.

"Nice bra," Amanda said, fingering the lacy edges with a light touch that made Karen squirm in pleasure.

"Thanks, but it's usually long gone by this time of day," Karen replied. "Help me out of it?"

"Why should only you be free?" Amanda quipped.

Karen laughed and pulled Amanda close again, this time slipping her hands under her top and rubbing her back, lingering teasingly on her bra clasp as they shared another long kiss. Amanda got the hint and undid Karen's bra, and was awarded with the beautiful sight she'd only been allowed to look at last time. They were back to their normal size, but that was still rather larger than Amanda's own, which were now feeling more confined than ever. Her hands itching to play with them, Amanda raised her arms and hoped Karen would take care of her bra as well as her top.

She did.

Amanda welcomed Karen's lovely caresses on her own breasts, but she was lost in the memory of how frustrating it had once been to look but not touch. "I wanted so much to do this that day in my room," she cooed, rubbing the undersides of both of Karen's breasts as if weighing them -- they were pleasantly heavy still, even if smaller than before.

"They were awfully sore back then anyway," Karen said. "That feels a lot better now than it would have then."

Amanda didn't know just how long she spent playing with Karen's breasts. She did know she wasn't ready to stop yet when she felt her skirt falling away. Before her hands could find their way to the button on Karen's pants to return the favor, Karen's fingers were busy frolicking in her bush. "Oooooh!" Amanda wriggled in joy, and only just managed to unbutton Karen's pants.

"I was so worried you'd have started shaving!" Karen ran her fingers reverently through Amanda's pubes, and made her first tentative strokes on her vulva.

"Never, after I saw how beautiful yours was!" Amanda replied. Even before she could get Karen's panties out of the way, she could see it still was large and majestic, peeking out enticingly behind the black cloth which Amanda hungrily pushed down over her hips.

"So glad you thought so!" Karen said, and with that she sprawled back on her bed, spreading her legs wide. "Now, why don't you show me how much you liked it?"

"And still do!" Amanda wrapped her arms around Karen's legs and dove in, giving Karen a long, slow kiss on her clit.

Karen howled so loudly she had to grab a pillow to let loose in, lest she wake up the kids. "Where'd you learn to do that?" she managed to say between quieter, but still passionate moans and gasps as Amanda went on.

Amanda wasn't about to break the spell to answer the question. She was having far too much time nibbling and licking all around Karen's pussy, and teasing her abundant hair with all her fingers. Karen rubbed her head and egged her on as best she could with her inarticulate but beautiful moaning.

She knew when all the kissing and licking and teasing paid off, as Karen squeezed her head tightly and let out a cathartic grunt. "Thank you!" she sighed as Amanda gave her one final triumphant kiss and pulled back.

"You certainly earned it with what you taught me," Amanda said, settling herself on her back on the far side of the bed.

"What I taught you?"

"That day in my room, you must remember!"

"Oh, right!" Karen grinned. "That was a beautiful moment."

Amanda had closed her eyes in happy reminiscing. So she took no notice that Karen was situating herself to return the favor, until she felt Karen's tongue in her vagina. "Oooohoo!" She clamped her hands over her mouth, not wanting to make too much noise, but Karen's practiced tongue soon made that a losing battle. Amanda spread her legs wide and gently pushed Karen's head down to make it even more intense. She rocked in gentle rhythm as Karen brought her ever closer to climax, not noticing at first that Karen's hands were finding their way upwards to her breasts.

One playful flick each on her nipples was enough to bring her full attention to Karen's magic touch.

"Oh, yes, more of that!"

Karen delivered, and her tongue never missed a beat. It did, though, slow down every time Amanda's responses grew more intense. Amanda didn't complain, as the frustration was pleasant in its way. She had no doubt Karen was building her up to the most intense orgasm she'd ever had.

She was right. When she once again felt Karen slowing down and couldn't take another near miss, she pulled Karen's head in tighter than ever and began rocking her hips up and down as best she could without pulling out of reach of Karen's tongue. Karen took the hint and set about flicking her tongue faster and harder than before, and didn't stop this time as Amanda's moans grew to their greatest intensity all night.

There was only the most fleeting concern about waking the kids as Amanda came with a roar. "Ohhhhhhh yesssssss!" That was all she had to say in the heat of the moment, as it took several seconds for the stars to clear away and the room to come back into view.

Karen flopped down beside her and rubbed her belly. "So glad you came to see Pete that day!"

Amanda laughed, and rolled over on her side to face Karen. She didn't realize she had tears in her eyes until Karen asked, "What's wrong?"

A tear fell down her cheek. "I can't believe my family would throw me out over this."

"They don't need to know. You do need to be true to you."

Amanda smiled through the growing tears. "And right now, I also need to be true to you, don't I?"

"Well, you don't...oooohhh!" Karen promptly forgot what she'd been about to say as she welcomed Amanda's finger inside her. "Oh, Amanda, two can play at that game!"

"Oh, my!" Amanda rejoined as she felt Karen return the favor, tickling her moist inner flesh gently. "Oh, Karen!"

"Oh, yes!"

Their tiny corner of the world settled down to an intense duet as they stroked one another, gazing into one another's eyes, at one with the joyful sensation. There were no more concerns about Amanda's family.

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OmenainenOmenainen4 months ago

Yay for hairy pussies! Thank you for participating in my event!

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Amanda must be so close to coming out to her family and choosing to have no further contact with them.

JPGmvnyJPGmvny5 months ago

A very nice and nicely told story. Thanks very much.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

XY the scourge of the earth.

Women are perfect - holier than thou. 🤣

ladylicker1ladylicker15 months ago

Great story! Well done.

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