Holiday Wishes


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Maureen giggles at the thought. It is not that funny but for some reason the idea of her body telling her mind something is funny. She notices that he stopped unbuttoning halfway down. She looks up to find his eyes looking into her eyes.

"Sorry, I was not laughing at you. Just a funny thought." She says to him.

Chris smiles and leans forward slowly.

Her eyes follow his as he leans forward. From the edge of her vision, she could see him reaching up with his hand. The warmth of his fingers touches her skin and moves, sliding underneath the bra strap by her right shoulder. Maureen could feel him sliding the strap down over her shoulder. As the strap is moved away from her shoulder, the fingers slide down and carefully pull the cup of the bra down.

She could feel the tension of the bra release her right breast. Her eyes move from his eyes down to his lips as his head continues to move forward. Maureen's lips part slightly as she sees his lips part.

The touch of his lips against her breasts is even more electrical than the excitement earlier. Yes, her body agrees. The touch of his lips on her skin and the feel of his movements cause her body to concentrate on those feelings. She could feel her hips move slightly against his excitement. Maureen could not close her eyes but the desire to concentrate on only the feeling is great. Still, she looks at him. She watches his lips pull against her skin.

She could feel the sensation of her soft skin in contrast to the more rough pull of his mouth. Yet it is perfect. It is not as rough as the word rough used to describe it. It is more of a strong and steady pull.

Maureen does close her eyes as she feels his lips squeeze around her nipple. The pleasure of this action runs along her spine and sends a wave of pleasurable shiver out along her body. She almost screams as his tongue follows the squeezing of her nipples with a flick of his tongue along her still captured nipple.

She wonders if she had said anything or gasped too loudly. Her eyes open, trying to remember what she did that second. Her mind blank with the pleasure of the moment, she could only hear herself breathing hard now.

A hand touches her stomach. She can feel it move down to her waist. Her eyes still on his lips holding her nipple. Her hands move up to touch his head and her fingers slide into his hair.

Chris did not move, his lips still gently sucking her nipple. It is not really a thing that most women like. No, not all women find it pleasurable to have their nipples sucked. The fact that she seems to enjoy it more made Chris excited. He allows his lips to relax then slowly suck against her nipple again. He did not use his tongue then but would every now and again. Chris is curious to the rest of her. His hand touches her belt as it moves down from her stomach.

Maureen did not follow the movements of his hand, her mind still occupied by the pleasure of his lips. She found the touch of his soft and silky lips amazing. It is like being stroked along her skin with silk. It does not burn or hurt, it feels good. It is like tasting her favorite food for the first time in a long time. Words cannot adequately describe it. It is pleasure in its simplest form.

Her body shakes from every pull of his mouth and with each flick of his tongue over her captured nipple; she would open her mouth wider. Her eyes still closed, her mind is aware of his fingers.

Chris could feel the movement of her hips. It is maddening, almost, to feel her so close moving against him. His hardness trapped within his pants while she moves herself against him and along him. He may not be the biggest or longest but the way she is moving along him, it sure made him feel like he had something good.

She moves her hands to his shoulders, her fingers gripping him. Maureen can feel him undoing her belt and pant button. Her eyes open and look down. She can still see him sucking her nipple and can almost make out his fingers moving along her pant waist. She feels his fingers start to pull at her zipper.

Chris moves his fingers up along her, now available, panties. His fingers start to move back down as they reach the top of her panties.

Maureen gasps as she feels two fingers press against her. She concentrates and looks up into his eyes.

Chris releases her nipple as his eyes meet her eyes. His head pulls away, almost standing straight up.

Maureen is too invested in the feelings her body is relaying to her mind. If she was not caught up in the moment, she would have realized how exposed she is standing there with one breast hanging out of her bra and shirt. Her eyes were still on his and her mind was following his fingers. Her body moves and shivers reacting to the pleasure, waiting for more pleasure.

Chris leans in and Maureen expects a kiss. Her eyes half close and she leans forward, waiting with her lips. Instead, she feels him by her left cheek.

She hears him whisper, "I am wondering how excited you are right now.

She takes a deep breath as his fingers move up along her pussy, over her panties.

The fingers feel good, she thought, even through her clothes. Maureen knows how excited she is and knows he will know when he touches her there any more. She wants to tell him but he continues to whisper.

"I want to touch you." he whispers as his fingers move down over her panties.

Maureen's body starts to shake slightly and she closes her eyes. She is more afraid to say anything. Her body has most of her consciousness aware of the pleasure it is feeling. Her mouth would betray her at any moment.

"I can stop here if you want me to stop." his voice whispers into her ear.

Oh God, Maureen thinks. Even the sound of his voice, his whispering is pleasurable. She could feel his face move from her cheek. She opens her eyes and finds him looking at her. At this point, she looks down.

She could see his fingers moving up along her panties. Her eyes almost hypnotized by it as it moves up along her panties, sliding along her pussy. She could see his other hand appear within her field of vision.

Chris leans forward, blocking her view of his fingers. His lips touch her lips.

Her eyes close as their lips kissed. Her mind and body feels the tip of his fingers touch her skin under her shirt. She could feel his body shift slightly to allow him more access for his fingers.

Maureen kisses him carefully as her mind continues to follow the movement of his fingers. They slide slowly, almost gently along her skin. The fingers move along the top of her pubic region as the fingers spread away from each other. Her lips move, almost mechanically as he kisses her. His tongue teases her lips now and again but her mind follows his fingers.

Chris slides his fingers away from the center of her panties. He loves the smooth feel of her skin. His fingers stop when they reach the hips. He moves his fingers up, leaving the tips between her panties and skin.

Maureen feels the palms of his hands against her naked skin on her hips. It is a warm and wonderful feeling. She notices his hand is not calloused.

Chris moves his hands as she kissed her. He moves his left palm along towards her back while his other hand moves forward, going between them.

She is surprised at how coordinated Chris seems to be. She could feel both hands moving at the same time. One hand moves behind her and slides over her bottom. (Ass. She means ass.) The other hand slides between them with his palm against her stomach and the top of her pubic region. Her hips move involuntarily.

His fingers spread, the index finger and the middle finger spread to form a 'v'. As his fingers spread, his hand slides down. He hears her gasp and feels her push against his hand as he moves his hand down slowly.

Maureen moans into his mouth as she feels his fingers move along each side of her pussy. Her hips move, applying a little pressure against his fingers and her pussy. She kisses him still as her mind follows his fingers pressing against her.

Chris found it hard to concentrate. He wants to hold off a little. His fingers move down, pressing and sliding along the sides of her pussy.

She feels his fingers stop just as the curve between his index finger and middle finger stops before touching her clit. Her hips move up, sliding her pussy against his hand.

Chris squeezes her ass cheek with his other hand while his other hand starts to move back up.

Maureen is amazed at how excited she feels. She wanted him to touch her clit but this movement has her body on high in the sensitivity area. She almost stops kissing him as she follows his fingers.

He continues to move his fingers, this time back up and away from her pussy. His palm slides against her skin as his fingers slide up along the sides of her pussy. He gently sucks on her lower lip as he moves his fingers back down again. He is again careful not to slide his fingers into her.

She shivers as his fingers press and slide against the sides of her pussy. She wants him to slide his fingers into her. She needs him to touch her clit.

Chris allows for the movement of her hips as his fingers move along her pussy. He releases her lips and looks at her face. Her eyes are closed but her mouth slightly open. He smiles as there is a slight look of concentration on her face as his hand moves down again.

Maureen's body shakes slightly as she feels him move his fingers, this time just touching her clit.

Slowly, the fingers slide down over, around her pussy. The curve between his fingers touches her clit.

Carefully, the fingers slide up away from her clit.

She can feel her body and hips move with this rhythm.

His finger tips slide along her pussy lips, slightly closer together.

The touch of his skin against her clit is too little.

Chris sees her biting her lower lip as his fingers move away again.

Slowly, they slide back down. Maureen can almost feel moisture against his fingers as they move down to touch her clit once more.

Again, they move back up. Again, they move back down just touching her clit.

Maureen is not sure how long his fingers have been moving like this. She is sure that she needs to feel more of him against her clit. She is sure she wants more than just the touching of her clit.

Chris smiles and leans close to her right ear. He kisses her ear lightly while his fingers continue to move and tease her pussy this way.

"Mind if I slide them in?" he asks in that whispering voice.

His fingers slowly slide down, still, along the sides of her pussy.

Her body moves with his fingers, building slowly. Her clit almost aches for more now. Maureen's mind is a mass of pleasure and desire. She concentrates on his fingers. The sound of his voice is heard by some part of her.

"Mm..." he moans into her ears.

His fingers move slowly up along the side of her pussy. Then they move down, closing over her clit and pussy.

Her mouth opens but no sound comes out as the touch of him strokes down over her clit and pussy. She is surprised that she did not cum at this touch. Her excitement is beyond what she would normally endure before a climax. She is almost shaking with the desire for an orgasm.

He examines her face, watching her with every stroke of his fingers. He wonders if the touch over her clit now would cause her to go over. He moves his fingers just as before, slowly and easily along her. He can feel the moisture but is not sure if it is because of the heat they are generating or if it is truly because she is excited.

She can almost feel every bump and curve of his fingers against her skin. Maureen adjusts her legs, spreading them slightly, hoping his fingers would slide in.

"I would like to slide them in and feel your excitement." He says as he leans close to hear once more.

"May I?" he whispers the question into her ear.

Maureen could not talk. She did not want to talk but needed him to understand. She nodes her head. It feels like almost a jerking of her head action.

It is right after the nod that she could feel the pressure of his fingers. Maureen could feel herself spreading open as his fingers push into her pussy. Her mouth opens as she exhales heavily. She can barely hold a thought together. She did wonder how many fingers he pushed in as it feels like something close to a flashlight handle.

"You are so smooth and wet." his voice says whispering into her ear.

Just as slowly as his teasing, his fingers push into her. She feels his fingers filling her up as she tries to squeeze against them.

Carefully, his fingers slide out but the fingers move along the bottom. As the fingers move out, she feels them stroking along her.

Her body tells her how close she is to a climax. Her mind waits impatiently as it listens to her body, feeling the momentum of the buildup. Maureen opens her eyes. She knows he is saying something to him but she is not sure what that is. Her mind tries to focus but the focus is pulled back to the movement of his fingers.

"Yes..." he hisses into her ear.

"You feel so good against my fingers. I want you to feel them as they please you."

His fingers move slowly but they seem to push harder against her, causing her body to jerk slightly as she thrusts down against his movement.

Maureen shivers as her hips move away as his fingers move out, sliding against and along her clit.

His fingers move again, slowly but hard against her. As his fingers move out, they slide along her clit.

Her body gives a last warning as her mind goes blank. Maureen can feel it beginning as his fingers move once more into her. Her eyes close and her head tilts back and pushes against the wall.

Chris moves his fingers, thrusting slowly but deeply into her.

Maureen feels her body shake but not like before. It shakes but does not stop. Her legs shake and some part of her mind is almost worried about whether they can support her.

His fingers move out, sliding along her clit.

Maureen tries to shake her head but the rumble and feel is unmistakable. If she had to imagine what her orgasm is like, it is like grabbing onto something as it shakes. It shakes so much that she finds it hard to hold onto. Her imaginary fingers release as her body lets the pleasure out. Her orgasm moves from her hips and pushes out against his fingers. Her fingers grip, digging her nails into his shoulders as she cums. The hard wall against her back allows her to press harder against him as his fingers continue to slide along her pussy and stroke against her clit.

The feel of the orgasm is strong and her body shakes. Her mind rides the waves of pleasure as it pours out from her spine and hips, spreading across her body from below her stomach.

He moans into her ears.

Maureen is surprised as the sound of pleasure causes her body to shake, almost starting a second orgasm.

Her mind does not understand as his fingers slide slightly faster. Her body does not have time to warn her as the second orgasm begins. This time she hears herself scream but is muffled by the touch of his lips against her mouth. She moans into his mouth, glad at the feel. Maureen lets her body release the second orgasm while moaning loudly into his mouth.

* * *

She is not sure how long it had been since she had her second orgasm. She can feel his lips release her lips as his fingers slide out of her. Maureen tries to open her eyes but can only get them halfway open.

Chris smiles at her and she returns a weak one.

"Are you okay?" Chris asks, no longer whispering.

"Mm-hm." she answers almost lazily.

"Good. Want to go back in?" he asks as his fingers slide the zipper back up and carefully helps her tuck in her shirt.

Maureen's fingers move to start buttoning up her shirt when she looks into his eyes. She leans forward to kiss him and can feel his eagerness when he returns it.

Chris leans close as he kisses her.

She realizes he is still excited by the feel of him through his pants. She marvels at his self-control. Most men would have taken it out and either had her do something with it or they would have tried to do her with it.

Chris looks at her as she pulls away from their kiss.

"What about you?" she asks as her hand moves to touch his excitement through his pants.

"Oh." He smiles and says, "He can wait."

She will ask herself one day when she thinks back to this moment but she suggests, "Let's go back to your place."

"Are you sure?" he asks.

She nods.

By the time her head finishes the downward movement of he nod, his hand is already on her hand guiding her towards the street. Maureen almost giggles as she sees him reaching into his pocket to pull out a set of keys...

* * *

Maureen would have thought the orgasms she had by the bar would be all she needed. The orgasms were good and strong. If she had to categorize them, they bordered on being fantastic. Yet the feel of his excitement has her wanting more. Maybe she is lonely and wanted the feel of someone next to her. Maybe that brief encounter is not enough. Whatever the reason, she is here now and she is just as excited as before she had the orgasms.

Chris closes the door behind him.

"Do you want something to drink?" he asks as he drops his keys down on a table and turns to her.

She could feel herself moving forward, steady and sure. Her hands touch his shoulders as she continues to move forward. Maureen's lips touch his lips.

Chris returns her kiss with equal passion. His hands move along her back sliding along her body and then forward to cup her breasts through her clothes.

She parts her lips as she feels his fingers touch her shirt once more. Her tongue touches his lips, flicking lightly along them until he parts them.

Chris moves his fingers along her buttons as her tongue explores his mouth once more. As he finishes with the buttons of her shirt, his fingers touch her hips.

She does not quite recall how fast he was moving but she found his fingers moving along her belt once more. She reaches down to stop him. She feels him pull away from her kiss. There is confusion in his eyes so she reaches down to undo his pants.

Chris watches her fingers as they move to undo his pants. He moves his hands down to help her with them and in just seconds, they were open.

Her fingers grip the edge of his pants and underwear. Maureen can feel them resist as she tugs on them. Slowly, her strength wins out and they slide down. She watches as his cock springs up and bounces in front of her. She takes a moment to look at it as it pulses in front of her.

Chris smiles as he watches her.

She looks up from his cock to see him smile at her. Maureen leans forward and issues the side of his cock. Her tongue slides out and touches it. It seems warm to her tongue, almost hot. She let the tip of her tongue slide along the side of his cock to the head of it. She looks up at him and sees him closing his eyes. Maureen's tongue slides underneath his cock and moves down along the bottom of his shaft. She reaches up with her left hand to touch him. It also feels warm to her fingers as it does to her tongue. She opens her mouth as her eyes look up.

Maureen watches the expression on his face as her lips close around the tip of his cock. She sees his head tilt back slightly as her lips close around his cock. She sees his mouth open as she gently slides his cock slowly into her mouth.

Chris reaches up with his hands and touches her head.

She did not feel his fingers push or pull her to guide her movements. She did not feel his hips thrust forward as expected either. Maureen only feels his fingers brush along her hair.

Maureen pulls his cock deeper into her mouth.

He is not big but he is not small. Chris is definitely thicket than anyone she has been with.

She could hear him moan as she takes him completely into her mouth. She looks up at him once more as she slides his cock out slowly. Before his cock can slide completely out of her mouth, she sucks him back in. Maureen hears him moan as she applies more pressure in her sucking. Not too much just a little more as if she is sucking a lollipop. Her fingers grip his shaft as she slides them along as her mouth moves. As the tip of his cock nears her lips once more, she releases him. Her hand continues up to the head of his cock and pushes it up against him.