I Know Who You Did Last Summer Ch. 02


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I shut my computer off and crawled into bed. Thoughts of Saturday night were still in my mind. Tomorrow was Friday and I knew Mrs. Graph was going to get my letter. Somewhere in these thoughts I fell asleep.

Morning came and I woke up late. I went through my morning routine and then jumped on my bike. I went over to Brad's house to see his Camero. Also I wanted another glimpse of his mother as I knew she wasn't working today. As I pedaled my bike I couldn't help but to think of Mrs. Graph. I couldn't wait to stick my cock back into her warm tight hole like I did last week. I pulled up Brad's driveway and I was greeted not only by him but by his mom. "Hi brad" I said. His mom turned and looked at me and instinctively I said "hi Stephanie." "Hello" She replied softly as she was trying to get something out of the refrigerator. I watched as she bent over and her shorts rode higher up her legs. I could see the thin fabric of her shorts begin to creep into her ass crack as she reached even farther into the refrigerator. The short heels she was weareng really accented her calf muscles. Finally she stood up and turned around and walked back into the house.

As I sat in Brad's car I listened to the stereo while he waxed the finish. "Are you sure you don't want to go cruising for chicks tomorrow night" Brad asked as he continued to swirl the wax on the hood. "Yeah, it would be great to go out without a bike for once but I can't, I promised my dad I would go with him" I said. "Can't say I didn't ask" Brad said as he started to wax the drivers door. We continued to hang out with his new car until it was time for me to go home. I saw it was well past 5:00pm and knew that my parents would be home soon. Much to my dismay Brad's mother never returned to the garage. "Have fun tomorrow night" I said to Brad as I jumped on my bike. "Tell me all the details on Sunday if you get lucky" I hollered as I pedaled down his driveway and into the street. Brad smiled as he waved as I rode down the street towards my house.

When I got home my parents were already there. My dad tossed me a bag of Burger King and told me that him and my mother were going out for the night. I took my dinner and went to the refrigerator and got a soda. I went to the kitchen table and ate. I almost choked when I saw my mother come out of her room dressed in a short sun dress and heels. "Were going out to dinner and then dancing tonight so don't wait up for us" my mom said as her and my dad walked out the door together.

I finished my dinner and went and watched television for a while. I looked at the clock and realized that the hours were going so slow. Soon I decided to go up to my room to chill out for a while. I laid on my bed wondering if Mrs. Graph had all of the clothes ready that I instructed her to wear. I wondered what was going through her mind and if it was turning her on. Then I wondered if she called the police to tell them about my newest plan. I also wondered if the cops would have her house staked out to nab me when I arrive. I knew one thing for sure, I knew I wouldn't get caught.

I continued to fantasize about tomorrow night. I also wondered if she was looking forward to tomorrow night. I closed my eyes and imagined her laying on her bed with her soft legs spread while she played with her cute little pussy under her wedding dress. I pictured her arching her back and biting her lower lip while her toes curled in her sexy heels. I realized that I had a raging boner in my pants. I didn't want to touch myself tonight because I wanted to save all of my energy for tomorrow night. Reluctantly I got up and took a shower. I went back to my room and closed my door and crawled into bed.

As I laid in bed I couldn't sleep because I was so damned excited about tomorrow night. I wondered how my teacher was reacting around her husband. "Did she act completely normal or was she nervous" I asked myself. I rolled over to try to find a comfortable position. Suddenly I thought of something. "How far can I take this" I wondered. Could I blackmail her again and again and again? Could I make my teacher my own personal sex slave? "What could stop me" I wondered? With all of these wonderful thoughts racing through my mind I couldn't fall asleep. Suddenly I had another thought that nearly caused me to scream out loud. "What if I could find some dirt on Brad's mother and blackmail her too." I tossed and turned at the idea but I knew that it would probably be just a fantasy. But what if I could somehow blackmail her into submission? I did everything to contain my erection in my pants. Glancing up at the small clock radio on my night stand I realized that it was getting quite late. I continued to toss and turn and was no where near close to falling asleep. Thoughts of Mrs. Graph in her wedding gown before me drove me crazy. Looking at the clock it was 1:00am then 2:00am then 3:00am. Finally I somehow fell asleep.

I woke up and it was already quite late. I got out of bed and went through my morning routine, the whole time wondering if Mrs. Graph was preparing herself for tonight as well. I had slept so late that it was almost time for my parents to come home from work already. As I sat in the living room watching television I heard my mom and dad pull into the garage simultaneously. They walked into the kitchen giggling and goofing around as they made their way to their room to change out of their work clothes.

I got lost in a television show while my mother prepared dinner for us. "Dinner time" my mom hollered. My dad and I made our way into the kitchen to eat. I made sure I ate enough so I would have enough energy for tonight. We made small talk while we ate. After we finished for some reason my dad volunteered to clean up the mess. That was fine by me as it was getting closer to the time I needed to head out.

I went up to my room and then to the bathroom. I took a long hot shower in order to relax a bit. I needed to calm down so I wouldn't blow it tonight. I went to my room and began to dress casually. I laid on my bed and again began watching the clock. I had a little bit of time yet before I needed to leave. Suddenly I found myself getting sleepy. I turned my stereo on softly and then laid back down. My eyes continued to get heavy and before I knew it I fell asleep.

I rolled over and opened my eye to check on the time. I nearly hit the ceiling when I realized that it was already 8:45pm. I jumped up and quickly finished dressing. I splashed some of my favorite cologne on and went and brushed my teeth. I washed my face and then went back to my room. I put my shoes on and then headed down to the garage. My parents never even knew I walked past them as I headed out to my bike.

I jumped on my bike and pedaled towards Mrs. Graph's house. I knew her husband was gone but I wasn't sure if she involved the police. Instead of riding down her street I decided to ride down the next block over. It was dark so I got off of my bike and walked it up the driveway of the house that was in Mrs. Graph's back yard. I laid my bike down and hid behind a large bush. I peered into the windows of Mrs. Graph's house. I didn't see her but there were a couple of lights on. I began to run from bush to bush through the neighbor's back yard and then my teachers back yard.

I reached the back of her house and I could feel my heart racing. I was afraid to go around to the front so I checked the screen door on the back of the garage. As luck would have it, it was unlocked. I reached in and tried to turn the knob on the main door. At first I thought it was locked. I pulled on the door and suddenly the knob turned. Slowly I pushed the door open. I peered inside before slowly entering. I walked to the door on the front of the garage and ever so slowly pushed the curtains to the side enough to look out. Sure enough there was a car parked out front with someone sitting inside. I was so glad I came in through the back. There was one more hurdle to get over though. The door leading from the garage into the house was closed.

I walked silently to the door and looked through the curtains inside. From my view I could see the light in the living room was on. With trembling hands I reached for the door knob. My hand rested upon the cold brass knob for a moment before squeezing and turning. Slowly I turned the knob and the door began to silently open. I could hear my heart beating out of control as I slowly began to walk through the doorway and into the landing area. Silently I peeked around the corner of the kitchen and saw that there was nobody there.

I slowly and silently began to walk through my teacher's kitchen. Mrs. Graph kept a pretty tidy house as I noticed that everything was in it's place. Carefully I looked into the living room to make sure that the curtains were closed. The last thing I wanted was the cops to see me in the house. Luckily they were closed. I noticed a pile of business cards on the coffee table. I went and picked up one from each pile. One was her card and one was her husband's card. I put them in my pocket and made my way over to the stairs leading up to the bedrooms.

As I slowly ascended the stairs I wondered what laid ahead for me. Was Mrs. Graph going to be standing there blindfolded wearing her wedding dress or were the cops going to be there. I suddenly realized that I was trembling as I made it to the last step. I saw the dim light in the master bedroom and slowly made my way towards it. I was now at the door that I dreamed of all day. Ever so slowly I peered around the corner. My heart skipped several beats at what I saw.

Mrs. Graph was standing there as instructed. I became lost in her beauty as she looked so perfect in her wedding dress. Slowly I walked towards her. I could hear her breathing heavy as I drew closer. I was standing about three feet behind her when I decided to walk around her side to her front. She had a black cloth covering her eyes and her vail was pulled down over her face. I continued to walk around until I was behind her again. I could see my teacher tremble as I continued to admire her beauty.

I reached out and felt the soft satin white ruffles of her dress. I knew what laid below these white ruffles as I slowly began to slide my hand up the back of her dress to her shoulders. I slid my hands down her back and then rested them on her slender hips for a moment. I moved in closer and began to slide my hands up over her stomach. Mrs. Graph inhaled sharply as I slid my hands over her satin covered stomach. I felt my thumbs hit the bottoms of her breasts so I ever so softly slid my hands up and cupped her satin clad globes. A slight moan escaped my teachers mouth as she tilted her head to the side. I pushed her vail aside and lowered my mouth to her neck and lightly kissed her soft hot flesh. As my lips touched the nape of her neck another louder moan escaped her lips.

I began kissing from her neck up to her ear. as I snaked my tongue into her ear canal Mrs. Graph moaned even louder as she began to pant. I continued to kiss her across her cheek towards her mouth. Before I could reach her mouth, Mrs. Graph turned her head even farther and met my lips with hers. Our tongues reached out and caressed each others as I continued to cup my teachers breasts. I began to squeeze softly eliciting even louder moans from Mrs. Graph. Just as I began, I suddenly stopped.

I stepped back from my teacher to admire her again. I slowly began to undress. I removed my shirt and then my pants. While I continued to admire her from behind I pulled my underwear down. I walked back up to my teacher. I dropped to my knees behind her and slowly reached under her soft white wedding dress. There was a lot of material to fumble through but I managed to find her legs. I placed my hands on her ankles and that's when I saw the sexy white open toe platform stiletto's. There was one strap that went up the back of her heel and then wrapped around her ankle. I noticed that she wore a very sheer and nearly transparent pair of stockings.

I slowly began to slide my hands up her stocking clad legs. "Please stop" Mrs. Graph moaned. When I reached her knees I felt her begin to adjust herself. It was as if she parted her legs slightly for me. I continued to slide my hands up her thigh's. Higher and higher I felt until I felt what I was searching for. The hot flesh above the stocking tops was so soft. Mrs. Graph let out a low guttural moan as my hands slid clear up to her hips. I felt the tiny band of her panties and hoped that I would not be disappointed by a pair of over sized granny panties. I slowly slid my hands from her hips towards her buttocks. My teacher trembled and moaned "oh" as I slid my fingers over her naked ass until they met at her ass crack. I slid my hands up her ass cheeks and felt the dainty material that came out of her cheeks and attached to the tiny waistband. Mrs. Graph continued to tremble and pant as I explored all of her features.

I reached farther up under her wedding gown. I felt her stomach begin to quiver as I slowly traced my fingers across her soft sensitive skin. Higher and higher I reached under her dress until I heard her gasp when my fingers found their mark. I felt the soft round globes as I reached up and cupped them. I felt her nipples grow even harder in the palm of my hands as I lightly squeezed them. Slowly I began to slide my hands back down her gorgeous body. I pulled myself from under her gown and stood up behind her.

I reached up under her vail and found the tiny zipper of her dress. I slowly unzipped her gown. Mrs. Graph trembled and moaned as her gown made the sound of being unzipped. I reached up and began to tug at the material on her shoulders. I pulled a little harder until the dress began to slide down. "Ohhhhhhhhhhhh..." Mrs. Graph moaned as she felt me begin to remove her wedding gown. "God this is so wrong" my teacher moaned as I slid her gown down over her breasts exposing them to the cool air of the room. "Please, stop, this is so wrong, your not my husband" Mrs. Graph moaned as her dress now fell completely to her ankles.

I knelt down behind her and took her ankle in my hand and lifted her foot to remove her dress. I did the same with her other ankle. I picked up her dress and tossed it aside. I looked up at my teacher and was reminded how truly beautiful she was. As I stood behind her I admired her vail as it covered her naked back. The thong that she wore completely accented her shapely ass. Her stockings were attached to garters as I requested. Her shoes were more than I could have ever imagined.

I walked around to the front of my married teacher and placed my hands on her shoulders. I pressed downward and she realized that I wanted her to go down to her knees. Slowly I watched my teacher kneel before me. As I looked down at her I could see the blindfold covering her eyes under her vail. I reached down and took her hands into mine and raised them up and placed them on my naked ass. My cock was now only a few inches from her face. I let her hands go and reached down to her vail. I took the soft material and lifted it and rested it on top of her head. I reached down and placed my hand behind her head and gently guided her face towards my twitching throbbing cock.

The head of my cock pressed against my teacher's lips. I felt my pre cum oozing out and felt it smear on her lips. Looking down I watched as Mrs. Graph slowly opened her mouth. Ever so slowly she moved closer. I could feel her breathing heavier as she began to slide her mouth over my cock. I could feel her swirl her tongue around the underside of my manhood as she began to take more and more of me in her mouth. As I stood their watching her I felt her begin to squeeze my ass cheeks. Suddenly she began pulling me into her causing me to fuck her mouth even harder. I began to thrust my hips as I fucked her mouth. Mrs. Graph began to moan as I fought the urge to cum so quickly. The sight of this married woman in her wedding vail was simply over arousing. Just the thought of giving her the honeymoon that her husband never gave her was titillating.

There were slurping and gurgling noises coming from my teacher's stuffed mouth. Suddenly she pulled off of my thrusting member and began to lick the underside of my cock. Her tongue felt magnificent as she licked the entire length of my shaft. Suddenly she opened her mouth and took my entire length into her throat. I wanted to scream as I felt my cock begin to push farther and farther down her throat. She seemed to hold it there for an eternity before pulling back off of me. Only this time she scraped her teeth all the way up my shaft and over my head.

I couldn't take it any more. I began to thrust my cock like a piston in her mouth. I felt my spine begin to tingle as I continued to fuck my teachers mouth. She suctioned down on my cock as I continued to thrust in and out. She began to moan as she felt my cock begin to swell even more inside her mouth. I felt my nerves in my legs tingle and then in my balls. I began to thrust even faster as I felt my balls tighten. I wanted to grunt so badly but I couldn't. I felt the first rush of cum race up my shaft and spurt into my teacher's mouth. I continued to pump my cock in and out of her mouth while she continued to squeeze my ass cheeks. My cum began to run out over her lips and drip onto her breasts below. I have never felt such intense feelings as when I came in her mouth and continued to thrust. I pumped all of my cum into my lovely teacher's mouth until I felt my cock begin to grow soft.

I stepped back and admired my teacher as she knelt there with cum dripping down her face. My cum had also dripped down onto her breasts as I pumped cum faster in her mouth than she could swallow. Mrs. Graph continued to kneel before me as if she was honoring my every request. I took her soft hand into mine and silently guided her back up to her feet.

Again I pushed her vail up and cupped her soft cheeks. I lowered my face to hers and kissed her soft full lips. Instantly our mouth's opened and we became lost in a deep soul searching tongue kiss. Mrs. Graph slowly slid her hands up my back and pulled me tightly into her as we continued to kiss. I slowly managed to pull my mouth from her face and began kissing down her neck. She shuddered when I traced my tongue down her neck and onto her shoulder. I slowly sank to my knees as I continued kissing my way down to her breasts. I began to trace circles around her tits gradually getting closer to her nipples. I could feel the heat of her flesh as it radiated out and against my skin. I lightly flicked my tongue across her swollen bud causing her to moan out loudly. Suddenly I felt my teacher begin to run her fingers through my hair while I continued to tongue her swollen nipples.

Slowly I began kissing my way down her stomach towards her navel. I circled her belly button with my tongue causing her to shiver. I continued to kiss my way down farther until my lips met the soft white satin thong that covered her moist pussy. As I caressed her panty clad pussy with my cheek I could feel her heat radiating out onto my face. As I inhaled I could make out the musky scent that lay waiting for me beneath.

I rose to my feet and took her soft hand in mine. I slowly walked out of her bedroom and walked to the stairs. I guided her down one stair and turned her around to face me. I sat down and reached up and cupped her bare ass and guided her thong covered cunt to my face. With her being down one step her pussy was now right where I wanted it. I pulled her ass in and plastered my lips on her covered cunt. Mrs. Graph gasped loudly as I began to work my lips and tongue over her covered cunt. "Oh God no" my teacher cried out as I could feel her thong was already soaked. I ran my tongue over her slit and bit at her puffy lips with my lips. Suddenly I felt my teacher reach down and slide her hand between my lips and her pussy. I watched her pull her thong aside as she continued to pant out of control.