I Know Who You Did Last Summer Ch. 05


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We got up and our hands seemed to just slip together. We walked toward the exit and again paused in front of Frederick's.

"One day I'll have the guts to go shopping in there," Trista said as she pulled me toward the exit.
We walked out to her car and I opened the driver side door for her. She sat down and smiled as she looked up into my eyes before I went and got in the passenger door. Trista started the car and pulled out of the parking lot.

"Where do you live," she said as we sped down the road.

"Turn up ahead," I said as I pointed toward the next street.

"So your dad is pretty controlling, I said.

"Hell yeah, he is a control freak," Trista said as she turned the stereo up a little louder.

"I think my mom actually fears him," she said.

"Turn here," I said as I pointed for her to turn left.

"He is always preaching that we are sinners and that we are all going to burn in hell," Trista said.

I watched as her smile as it turned into a somber look.

"I just don't get him," Trista said.

"If I'm going to burn in hell then I want to have some fun before I go," she said.

"Turn here, this is my street," I said.

"Go down to the big white house with black trim."

"This one," Trista said as she pulled up in front of my house.

"You got it," I said as I was a little disappointed that I had to get out of her car.

Trista put her car in park. I wanted to lean over and kiss her but I was afraid that I might be pushing it too fast.

"I'll see you tonight?" Trista asked.

"What time?" I asked as I reached for the door handle.

"Seven will be fine," she said as she looked at me.

I could tell that Trista didn't want our afternoon together to end either. Just then Trista leaned over and kissed me on the cheek.

"I'll see you later," she said as she changed the station on the radio.

I opened the passenger door and got out. I watched as Trista backed out of my driveway and sped down the street.

I was curious about my package being delivered so I went up to my room and checked my e mail. Sure enough I got a reply from my teacher. I clicked on her message and began to read.

"Oh my God, I can't believe you want me to sneak out of the house tonight. I have a lot of people coming over and I won't be able to make it. Actually, the way I sound is ridiculous because I will never be able to make it. I don't know what you have in this package but I want you to come pick it up tomorrow or send the courier to come and get it. We need to stop this game before something happens that we both will regret."

"That fucking little bitch" I said to myself.

I clicked on the reply icon and started typing.

"You have been a wonderful student so far. Now you just screwed everything up. I sent you that package because you deserve it! You earned it! Now I am not going to tell you again Mrs. Graph, you will meet me tonight or else I will be forced to spill your little secret to your husband and the school board. You don't want that now do you? See ya tonight!!!!!"

I clicked the send button and sent the message to my teacher. I heard my mom and dad both pull into the garage so I went down to meet them.

"Hi guys," I said as I met my parents in the kitchen.

My mom was feeling ill so she went right to her room. My dad followed closely to make sure that she was all right. I went and laid down on the couch as I waited for dinner. I began thinking about Trista and how I had to go meet her and her parents tonight. I also had to go meet my teacher afterwards.

My dad emerged from their bedroom and told me to heat up some left overs. I went to the refrigerator and pulled out the left over pork chops. I heated them along with the mashed potatoes. I set a spot at the table for me and my dad. I got us both a soda and we sat down to eat. "Your mother is pretty sick," my dad said as he cut into his pork chop.

"She looked pretty bad," I said as I started chewing.

We continued eating our dinner when the phone rang.

I got up and answered the phone.

"Justin," the soft soothing voice on the phone said.

"That's me," I said with an unsure voice as I didn't know who it was on the other end.

"Are you still coming tonight?" I asked softly.

I finally realized that it was Trista as I said "I'll be there in a little bit."

"Oh I'm glad she said with excitement in her voice.

"OK, see ya in a little bit," she said excitedly.

"Bye," I said as we hung up the phone.

"Who was that?" my dad asked as he ate his dinner.

"Oh this girl I met," I said as I began to clear the table.

I washed the dishes as my dad continued to pry.

"What's her name?"

I tried to ignore him as I hated being put on the spot but I figured that if I answered his questions than maybe he won't bug me any more.

"Her name is Trista," I said.

"She is eighteen and works part time at the coffee shop across from the Sea Side Diner."

"She graduated from The Valley Christian Academy where her father is a minister."

"Oh I see you got a nice girl then," my dad said as he got up and brought the rest of the dishes to the sink.

"She wants me to come to the church tonight to meet her parents." I said as I took my dad's dishes and placed them in the sink.

"She works there part time too helping with the food bank," I said as I finished up the dishes.

"Sounds like a nice girl," my dad said.

"I can't wait to meet her," he said as he turned and walked out of the kitchen and sat down in his recliner in the living room.

"Justin," my dad called out.

I went to the living room and sat down.

"Since you found yourself a nice girl to go see, why don't you take my car tonight," he said.

"My keys are on the counter," my dad said as he leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes.

"Thanks dad," I said as I got up.

I went into the kitchen and grabbed his keys. It sure was going to be nice to not have to ride a bike tonight.

I went up to my room and went into the bath room to take a shower. I took my time as I shaved so I wouldn't have any nicks. I went to my room and began to dress casual. I pulled out another pair of Khaki's and another polo shirt. I was pretty bummed out as I had very few nice clothes to wear. I was almost out of the money I got from Brad's mother and I knew I had to get some soon if I was ever going to take Trista out anywhere nice.

I checked myself out in the mirror before going down stairs. Looking into the living room I saw my dad was already asleep. I hadn't heard a peep out of my mom as she was still sick in bed. I quietly went out into the garage and opened the door.

I jumped into my dad's van and started the engine. I put the van in reverse and backed out of the garage and down the driveway. I pushed the button on the remote control to close the door and I was reminded of the remote control that I gave Mrs. Graph.

I sped down the street and made my way to the Christian Academy. I saw a couple cars parked around back and recognized Trista's blue Camero with the tinted windows. I slowly drove toward the parked cars and parked along side Trista's. I got out of my dad's van and stood up. I stretched and scanned the area for any sign of Trista. Just then a door on the back side of the building swung open.

Trista spotted me and began waving as she ran toward me. I held out my arms and she fell into them and hugged me like I was her long lost love.

"Come inside, my mom and dad are both here," she said as she pulled me in the direction of the building.

I figured that this would be easy and I could get both parents out of the way. We walked up to the door and Trista pulled it open. I walked through and before my eyes could even adjust to the light her father spoke.

"What's your name, how old are you and what church do you belong to?"

"Don't scare him away Charles," Trista's mother said as she came to me and shook my hand.

"Don't pay him no attention as he always acts like this," Trista's mother said.

"I'm serious Lois, I want to know," her father insisted.

I could see Trista becoming nervous as she started getting red in the face. I now know what she meant when she told me he was a hard ass.

"I'm Justin and I am eighteen."

"I belong to St. Mary's Catholic Church."

"Sinner," her father said under his breath.

"Oh Charles hush," her mother said again.

The slight touch of gray hair on her father gave him just a plain old mean look. Her mother looked very young for having an eighteen year old daughter. Here I was in a church getting grilled by the minister who is the father of the girl I am now dating and I can't take my eyes off of his wife.

I thought back to when Trista told me her mother feared her father and I could see how. He seemed to be a mean old bastard as he continued to make snide remarks to me. I knew one thing for sure though. Under all of those baggy clothes I bet Trista's mother had one hell of a body.

Trista, her mother, and I continued to make small talk while her father went back to work. Looking at the clock on the wall I saw that it was already after eight. I had to leave soon as I had to get to Club Cuffs to sign up for a stage show with Mrs. Graph.

"Well it has been a pleasure meting you," I said as I extended my hand to her mother.

She took my hand and said the pleasure was all hers as she squeezed my hand.

"God bless you Justin," she said as she gave my hand one final squeeze before letting it go.

I looked to say good bye to her father but he was nowhere in sight.

"I'll walk you out to your car," Trista said as she pushed the door open.

We walked out and began walking toward my dad's van. Looking back over her shoulder she reached down and placed her hand in mine. Her hand felt cold as I gently squeezed her fingers.

"I'm glad that's over," I said.

"Tell me about it," Trista said as we approached my van.

"I told you my dad was a bastard" she said with a grin on her face.

I inserted the key into the lock and unlocked my door. Trista let my hand go as I sat down. I closed the door and rolled the window down.

"Thank you Justin for coming over tonight, it really meant a lot to me."

"Your welcome," I said.

Before I knew what hit me Trista leaned in the car window and kissed me on the lips. Her soft lips felt wonderful as they lightly pressed against mine. I could feel her warm breath from her nose on my face as our kiss lingered. We broke our kiss after a few seconds which seemed to take an eternity.

Trista and I continued to stare into each other's eyes as she ever so slowly lowered her lips to mine. This time I parted my lips enough and kissed her top lip, pulling it in between mine. I slid my tongue lightly along her top lip, feeling every crevice of her lip. She slid her velvet like tongue along my bottom lip until we finally broke our kiss. There was a long pause as we continued to stare into each other's soul.

"Wow," Trista said softly as she looked intently into my eyes.

"I bet you never thought we would kiss like that," she said as she stepped back.

I smiled as she stood up signaling the end of our first official kiss.

"I'll let you go," Trista said as she stepped back from the car.

I started the van and put it in drive.

"I'll stop by the coffee shop tomorrow morning," I said as I began to ease off of the brake.

"I'll be waiting," Trista said as she bit her bottom lip while she waved.

I pulled away and watched her in the mirror until I turned out of the church parking lot and turned down the street

It was still quite early but I had to get to the club to put my name on the stage show list. I drove toward the club and pulled into the alley and parked along the fence. I got out of my dad's car and walked toward the door. I pulled out my key card and buzzed myself inside. I went to the next door where Ted already had it opened and waiting for me.

"Thanks Ted," I said as I walked past him. I walked down the corridor towards the spiral staircase that led to the basement. As I began to descend down the stairs I heard the sounds of a woman moaning. I knew it wasn't from the club as it sounded like it was a lot closer. As I continued down the stairs I saw where the sound was coming from.

Kate was standing with one heel hooked over the railing while the other bouncer was fucking her from behind. Kate's eyes met mine as I watched her breasts bounce from the pounding she was receiving.

"Justin...meet...ahhhhh...yeah...Mark," Kate said as her eyes now closed completely.

Mark looked at me and nodded as I eased my way past them and continued down to the basement. I reached the lower level and pushed the door open and entered the club.

I walked over to the bar and went to the stage show list. There were already several people on the list so I signed my name at the bottom. I knew I wouldn't be able to resist all of the temptations inside here so I opted to leave for a while. I made my way out the door and up the spiral staircase where Mark was still drilling Kate. Again I eased by them and proceeded up to the top. I walked down the corridor and walked over by Ted who was checking another couple's ID cards. I walked past them and out the door and made my way back to my dad's van.

I decided to drive past my teacher's house so I could see if she had a lot of company. I turned on the stereo and cranked up the tunes as I drove. I turned down her street and slowly cruised down past her house. There were four cars in the driveway and two more in the street. I knew it would be a while before she would be getting out so I drove down the next street to see if Brad's mother was over her lover's house. As I turned the corner I immediately saw her car parked in the drive.
I pulled over and parked for a bit as I needed to kill some time. I needed to get my hands on more money and the only way I knew how to do that would be to get it from Stephani. I needed to come up with another way to blackmail her in order to get my hands on more cash. As I sat there pondering my next move, Stephani emerged out of the front door of her lover's house.

I slumped down in the drivers seat and watched as she fell into her stud's arms. They kissed there on the front porch like they were two young lovers. I just couldn't believe that Brad's mother was having an affair. I knew she was hot but I always thought she was happily married. She was forty one but looked ten years younger. They finally broke their embrace and Stephani walked to her car. She got in, started her car, and drove away.

I waited for a few minutes before starting my car. I drove around the corner and past Mrs. Graph's house. There was only three cars left in the driveway and both cars in the street were gone. The front door opened and Mrs. Graph stepped out onto the porch with her company. I knew the party must have been breaking up so I drove back to the club. I parked in the alley and walked back to the dimly lit entrance. I used my ID card and buzzed myself in and again was greeted by Ted.

"Hi Ted," I said as I stood before him..

"Hi Justin," he responded as he glanced at my ID card.

"I need a favor," I said as I now stood next to him.

"Sure, what do you need?" he asked as he sat down on his stool.

"There is going to be a lady coming here in a little bit with one of my guest passes," I said as a lady walked past us and out into the alley.

"Can you escort her down to an open table in front of the stage and order her a drink?"

"Sure, I can do that" Ted said.

"You said she has one of your guest passes?" Ted asked.

"Yeah," I replied as the anticipation of seeing my teacher in her began to grow.

"Consider it done, Ted said.

"Thanks," I said as I reached into my pocket and pulled out a twenty dollar bill.

I shook his hand, slipping the money into his palm.

"You got it" Ted said as I walked past him and into the corridor.

I made my way down into the club. I couldn't believe how crowded it was. As I walked through the tables it was an entirely different crowd. There were still a few tables left in front of the stage so I went to the bar and got a reserved sign and placed it on a table in front of the stage. I walked back to the bar and sat down between a couple of guys who were well on their way to being drunk.

As I sat down the guy on my left told the beautiful topless bartender that he had enough to drink and that he was going home.

"Why don't you take him with you," she said as she pointed to the other intoxicated guy on the other side of me.

"Come on," the one guy mumbled as he stood up. Both men stunk of alcohol as they stood up and left together.

"What can I get you young man?" the beautiful bartender asked.

"Bacardi and Coke," I said as I watched her bend over to get a glass.

Her breasts looked so beautiful as they hung down while she reached for a glass. Her nipples were stiff as she mixed me a drink.

"What's your name?" she asked me as she looked up and into my eyes.

"Justin," I said as I sipped my drink.

"I'm Paula," she said as she reached out to shake my hand.

As we shook hands, my eyes were transfixed on her breasts as they jiggled. I couldn't believe how she could be that skinny with tits the size of grape fruits.

We made small talk for a while as the bar was slow. I spun around on my stool and watched the show on the stage from a distance. There were two women on stage in a heated sixty nine and a third woman slapping their asses with a whip. I couldn't help but to get an erection as I watched these vixens fulfilling their fantasy.

It was getting late and I watched show after show. I was so horny I couldn't stand it any more. I was beginning to think that Mrs. Graph wasn't going to show up. I got up and waked over to the list and saw that there was still four more names before mine. I went back to my seat and Paula handed me another drink.

"Come on," I said to myself as I glanced back at the clock. I sat and waited for Mrs. Graph.

Just then I saw the door entering the club open. Ted walked through the door and he had a hold of Mrs. Graph's arm as he was escorting her through the tables toward the table I had reserved. My heart skipped a beat as she looked incredible in the short black dress that I bought for her. As she walked I could just barely see her creamy thighs just above her stockings and below the hem of her dress. The heels she wore made her look totally incredible as I noticed that my cock was now rock hard. As she walked she looked like she had confidence but I knew that the collar she was wearing signified that she was totally mine.

I watched as Ted pulled a stool out for her to sit down. As she lowered her cute little ass she looked up at the chains and shackles as they hung from the ceiling. She looked all around at the countless people already fucking before she turned her attention toward the stage. The waitress handed her a drink and before the glass even hit the table Mrs. Graph downed half of it.

I got up from where I was sitting and carefully walked to another vantage point. My teacher was obviously aroused from her surroundings. She continued to stare at the couple on stage as I watched her lift her one leg up and cross it over the other. She began bouncing her foot up and down as she continued to sip her drink and watch the show on stage. From where I was now watching I saw how her pink lips parted as she gasped when she saw the man pull out of his partner and cum on her face.

The couple on stage picked up their belongings and walked down the three steps and then past Mrs. Graph. She stared in disbelief as they walked past her totally naked. Suddenly another couple walked past my teacher and climbed up onto the stage.