I Want To Tell You


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I quickly finished cutting the front yard and went back into the house. Sue was in the kitchen making dinner and Emily was on the phone with a girlfriend. I grabbed Sue's laptop and took it into the bathroom. That's one place where I'm always given complete privacy. In fact, no one in the family would even enter the bathroom for an hour or so after I finished up.

It didn't take me long to go over Sue's internet history and what I discovered was extremely disheartening. Sue had made frequent visits to the sites on cheating spouses, the sites about how to get away with cheating as well as those about how to catch a cheater. She was making certain she could easily deceive me.

I ordered overnight delivery on a spy camera to set up in my bedroom before I shut her laptop down. Things had progressed at breakneck speed since yesterday afternoon. I had driven into the garage a happily married man Monday, but that happiness was a million miles away now. I was feeling depressed as I sat down at the dinner table a few minutes later.

"So, Mom? Did anyone comment on that big old hickey on that big old boob today?" Emily asked her mother.

"As a matter of fact, several of women in the office asked me about it," beamed Sue. "I told them I was married to an animal. Sometimes your father just takes what he wants."

"Maybe that's too much information?" suggested Emily. "Did any men ask you about it? You don't go to work with your boobs sticking out to get the attention of the other women."

"Now that you ask, I did get a few compliments from some of the guys. Our new IT guy practically drooled when he came to update my printer," responded Sue happily.

"So you accomplished your goals? We should go shopping Saturday. We could get some new push up bras and low tops for you to wear to work," offered my daughter. "Your boobs are big enough to really get some major attention from any hetero males. Your legs are still pretty slim. Some short skirts would look good on you. Would you wear thongs if we found some that you liked?"

"Probably not," answered my wife of over twenty years. "I don't think I'll be using underwear from now on. I tried going commando today, and it felt great."

"What in hell is wrong with you two?" I demanded when I could no longer stay quiet. "You want your mother to dress like a tramp? You want the guys at her work to see her breasts? No underwear? What kind of daughter even suggests things like that to her mother? What kind of mother and wife even considers wearing stuff like that to work?"

"Dad, don't be old fashioned! Mom has big boobs, nice legs, and a desire to feel the breeze between them. She wants men to see her assets and appreciate how good she looks. What's the big deal?"

"What's the big deal? She's a mother and a wife, not some slut off the street," I heatedly replied. "She's going to embarrass herself and me, and you, for that matter. Ladies don't go to work looking like cheap sluts. I'd think you'd know that by now."

"Whatever, Dad," dismissed Emily as she turned her attention back to her mother. "Did any guys see your little kitty when you went commando today, Mom?"

I jumped up from my seat at the table and stomped up the stairs to bed. Emily had never been so disrespectful to me before. I realized that it was part of the collateral damage when a wife strayed. Morals disappeared along with discipline and common sense. I decided to Google divorce lawyers in the morning. I was at the end of my rope. I fell into a fitful sleep and never heard Sue come to bed.

At work the next morning, I received a message on my phone that my package had been delivered already. How was that even possible? I ordered it at six the previous evening and now it was on my doorstep. I decided to go home and set it up immediately.

"Janice, I have to go home for a few minutes," I explained to my new trainee. "Try to handle things while I'm gone. I'll be back as soon as I can."

She simply nodded to me and went back to painting her nails. I shook my head as I headed for my car. I'd had some real winners to train over the years, but Janice was one of a kind. She seemed to think that showing lots of cleavage to buyers, who by the nature of the business were mostly men, would be all the skill she would need to master. Sadly, she seemed to have hit on something. I had to work to get the buyers to pry their eyes away from Janice's tits long enough to sign the sales contract. The two weeks she had been training with me had been quite lucrative.

I tore open the package as soon as I got home. The directions were pretty clear, and the setup was accomplished in less than an hour. I had purchased a small clock that had a camera hidden inside. It would detect motion and begin recording both video and audio to the hard drive of the laptop I can concealed in my home office, also known as the bathroom. The hardest part was finding a free socket to plug the spy cam into in the bedroom. I was back at work in less than two hours.

Now that I had the camera in place, I was anxious to see what it would reveal. As luck would have it, I had a sales call that would take me in the same direction as my house later in the day, so I decided to swing by. Janice was riding with me when I turned down my street, only to see Sue's car pulling out of our driveway! What the hell was going on?

As her car turned the corner, I pulled into my driveway. Without bothering to explain anything to Janice, I parked and raced into the house. I went right to the bathroom and pulled my laptop from under the towels where I had hidden it. I sat at the kitchen table and fired it up. It had only been installed a couple of hours and I was already looking for results!

My heart sank when I saw Sue speaking to some pimply face geek as they walked into our bedroom. "Thanks so much for doing this for me. I've wanted to do this for over a week, but didn't know how to approach you."

While Sue was talking, the geek was walking around the room, apparently in search of something. Finally, he stopped in front of my hidden camera and looked down. The monitor suddenly went blank. That little prick had somehow realized that I had stashed a camera in the bedroom!

"Was that your wife with that little weasel?" Janice's voice came from behind me.

"What are you doing here? This is personal shit!" was my startled reply, as I stood up and headed for the stairs. Ii had occurred to me that there could possibly be some evidence in my bedroom... like a big wet spot on the sheets.

Everything looked normal as I rushed into the room, but that didn't stop me from pulling the covers off the bed to study the sheets. I found exactly nothing. Had Sue changed the sheets already? I had to admit that she was very good at sneaking around.

I looked at my spy cam and saw the cord was indeed unplugged. The odd thing was that there was a phone charger plugged into the socket that had previously housed my spy cam cord. I was trying to figure that out when Janice spoke from directly behind me. I was already tense and her invasion of my privacy set me off. I swung around to snarl at her when I suddenly realized what she was doing.

"I asked if you wanted to fuck me to get even with your slut wife?" repeated Janice, as she dropped her top to the floor, revealing a seriously big set of hooters!

"What?" was my clever retort.

"Your wife appears to be fucking Icabod Crane, so why not take me for a spin? I've seen how you stare at my tits and look up my short skirts. You already know I don't wear panties, so let's get it on. Hell, I'm ten or fifteen years younger than your wife is. I'll fuck your brains out."

"Goddamn it! I don't want to fuck anyone but my wife!" I roared as I became somewhat unhinged. "Of course I look at your tits. You have them on display all day and I'm male. Men look at tits any chance they get, so don't take it personally. I've even seen that used pussy of yours winking at me now and then. I'll use the same reason for looking down there. I'm a fucking man!

"The thing you don't get is I don't want to fuck you, or anyone else, except Sue. It looks like I haven't been taking care of business here in the bedroom as I should have. I need to get her back. I think she'll be even more apt to stray if I pick up a few STD's from you," I cruelly reasoned.

"Get your clothes back on and never try that shit with me again or I'll have you fired before you're able to get those tits out again. My wife's a lady. I don't want you to even mention her name around me again!" I growled as I hustled the topless bitch out of my bedroom.

Janice was surprisingly nonplused by my name calling and yelling. She was half way to my pickup before she pulled her top on over her head to cover her big tits. Once we were back in the car, she turned and smiled at me.

"You really are a good guy. Your wife is an idiot. Now let's go sell some heavy equipment. I need to get my self-esteem back."

It turned out that the guy we made the sales call on was susceptible to Janice's charms. He had told me that he was looking for a backhoe. He wound up buying it, as well as a skid steer, and a big-assed loader. He also procured a date with Janice for the next evening. While I had no personal desire for Janice, I realized that there was something to be said for a big set of tits and the willingness to use them.

By the time I returned Janice to the office and filled out the paperwork for the sale, it was a full hour past my usual quitting time. I dreaded going home. In a very short period of time, I had come to realize how important Sue was to me, and how empty my life would be without her. I even contemplated pretending I didn't know anything about Sue's affair in the hopes that it was just a fling, and she would come to her senses.

I stalled around the office about as long as I could. Unable to determine a course of action, I decided to go home and act like everything was fine, at least until I could think rationally.

The living room was dark when I entered my formerly happy home. There was a soft light coming from the kitchen, so I reluctantly headed in that direction. The first thing I noticed was a candle burning by the toaster. Then I realized that there were candles burning everywhere in the kitchen.

Looking around, I was gob smacked to find Sue lying on the kitchen table, naked as the day she was born. Her body was covered with small slices of filet mignon, salmon, mashed potatoes, and various fruits and vegetables.

"Dinner is ready. I'm just keeping it warm for you," responded Sue with a grin as she looked at me lovingly. "Feel free to dig right in."

I was completely overwhelmed with emotion as I took in the scene. My beautiful, sexy wife looked so incredibly inviting, yet I wasn't able to muster a shred of enthusiasm for the banquet she had prepared.

"I'm not hungry, Sue. I may as well tell you that I know about you and that little rat IT guy from your office," I stated somberly.

"You do?" asked Sue with obvious surprise. "Did you stage that scene in our bedroom with that big titted slut just to make me think you're a faithful husband?"

"What the hell are you talking about?" I demanded, as I finally began to feel some emotion. "You weren't there when I tossed that big titted slut out, but I know about you being with your pal, Acne, in our bedroom. Maybe you can explain that!"

"How could you know anything about Andrew and me in the bedroom? You weren't even home," declared Sue, with more than a little anger of her own.

"Just give it up, Sue," I replied dejectedly. "I know what you were up to."

"You knew I had that pimply faced kid plant a spy camera in our room so I could catch you cheating? Is that why you tossed Miss Big Tits out of our bedroom?" countered Sue.

"You put a camera in our bedroom to catch me cheating?" I stupidly repeated as I tried to follow Sue's line of thought. "When did you do that, and more importantly, why did you do it? When have I ever given you reason to think I'd cheat on our marriage?"

"So you didn't know I had a camera in our room but you still turned that damned slut down when she threw herself at you? I love you so much! I'm sorry that I ever doubted you. I made this delicious dinner as an apology for ever doubting you," replied Sue as she pointed at her body of delicacies, before making further explanations.

"Mary at my office is a cousin of one of the mechanics that works at your company. He told Mary about the woman with the big tits and lack of panties that you were training. You never even mentioned her, and I wondered about that. Then I read a 'Cosmo' article about how cheaters acted.

"About the same time, you began showering when you came home. That's one of the signs. Then you started being really nice to me. You brought me flowers and even took me to dinner and dancing. Again, they were the actions of a cheater's guilty conscience. I was scared to death that I was losing you. I talked it over with Mary and we came up with the idea of me reinventing myself to get you interested in me again. Alice spilled Coke down my neck at work that afternoon, so I showered when I got home.

"I never dreamed that you'd actually chase me into the bathroom and fuck me unconscious. Then you did it again later that night when we went to bed, and again the next night in the shower. I decided to let you see me looking sexy when I went to work so you'd get a little jealous and think more about me and less about that woman you were training. I had to let Emily in on my scheme after she made all of those comments about my hickey at breakfast. Once I explained the situation, she thought the entire thing was hilarious. She has a sense of humor like yours.

"That's why she was waving that 'red flag' in front of you about shopping for sexy clothes while we ate dinner. When you stormed out of the room and stomped up the stairs, she chuckled for ten minutes. The reason she thought it was all so funny is she knew that you'd never cheat on me, so she wasn't even worried."

"Dressing sexy is one thing, but showing your tits off at work, wearing short skirts, and going sans underwear is not a joke!" I insisted, as I struggled to follow Sue's bizarre logic.

"I never wore that to the office. I changed at Mom's on the way to work, and again on the way home, so you'd think I was like that all day. I waited for you to get home so you would see up my skirt when I was at the top of the stairs," revealed Sue, before she added. "Boy did that trick get you fired up!"

The fog was gradually lifting from my brain. In a weird way, Sue's story made sense. Apparently her company's idiot IT guy had unplugged my camera without knowing what it was. That meant that she didn't know I had believed that she was cheating on me and that I had even gone so far as to plant a camera in our room to catch her in the act! It seemed to me like it would be best if Sue didn't know about my lack of faith. It might give me a small advantage in our relationship, and a man needs every break he can get.

"I'm pretty disappointed that you didn't just come to me and talk about your concerns," I hypocritically preached. "I didn't mention Janice to you because I knew her exhibitionist style would upset you. If it's any consolation, she did so well the boss made her permanent today and gave her Jim Barton's old area, now that he's retired. I won't be seeing much of her anymore.

"You've seen more than enough of her already," replied Sue with a smile. "You realize those tits of hers can't be real, don't you?"

"They did seem to defy gravity, didn't they," I agreed with a chuckle before turning serious. "Don't try to change the subject to big, firm tits in attempt to make me lose my focus. The fact that you suspected me of cheating because I took a couple more showers than usual is very upsetting. Then when I tried to be more romantic, you automatically assumed I had a lover. You swallowed that bullshit in Cosmo hook, line, and sinker. Rather than have faith in me, you believed a magazine article written by some kid living in his parents' basement. What kind of spouse thinks like that?" I demanded. "By that reasoning, you practically admitted to being unfaithful when you took a shower as soon as you got home Monday evening!"

"I had soda down my back and even in my ass crack!" sobbed Sue. "That doesn't count as cheating in anyone's book!"

"Speaking of your ass, tell me how you managed to present my dinner so dramatically tonight? It's still warm and you managed to cover all of the right places."

"Emily helped me. When your truck pulled into the driveway, she began loading me up. She went out the back door to visit her friends as you came in through the garage. In fact, she dreamed up this dinner idea after she saw the video where you tossed that skank out of our bedroom. She read about something similar in 'Forty Shades of Green, the Jealous Spouse'. I was the one that insisted on placing the salmon down there. You might like to know that the hollandaise sauce is on my nipples.

"What exactly made you decide to put the salmon down there?" I asked out of curiosity.

Sue managed a sly grin as she considered my question. "I know how you think after all these years. If it smells like fish, you're going to eat it."

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LadyLoreLadyLore28 days ago

I agree with my husband and brother in law to a point there is a red flag in this marriage from both sides I guess it's possible that they both thought the other was cheating at the same time but the way it was explained Is extremely highly unlikely However her even leaving the house with no panties and showing a lot of cleavage is not the thing too do when you are married the wife took it too far trying to get the so called proof and bringing in her daughter and allowing her to disrespect her father at all and in front of her there correct would have been an automatic deal breaker the end of the marriage in real life for no man would have accepted such disrespect in any way now more than likely she was cheating on him and to avoid getting caught herself she tried to turn the blame and tables on the husband by having him followed and setting up cameras

ThmfknloreThmfknlore29 days ago

Another thing to follow up on my still pending comment all she said was the exact same thing he did and assumed from a damn magazine who probably doesn't know a head from a hole in there ass that's more than just a coincidence it's almost like she is having him followed in order to hide her own cheating

PhoenixLore1981PhoenixLore198129 days ago

Hmm she suspects him of cheating and he suspects her of cheating both try and manipulate the other into admitting to the act and catching the other in the act am I the only 1 that sees the red flag there neither trusted there spouse nor did they communicate with each other that marriage is doomed there is no trust there is no communication and there is no respect without those things a marriage cannot last and will not last he tries to set up a camera to catch her she has 1 setup and his is unplugged now with that being said she probably did cheat on him and to take blame off her tried to set him up and failed to the wife bringing the daughter in and allowing her to disrespect her father in the manner she did is an automatic deal breaker the end of the marriage and counseling would be happening with the daughter in order to get back to the point of being able to trust her again

ThmfknloreThmfknlore29 days ago

He turned too quick the fact she even went out the door dressed the way she was without her husband would have been a deal breaker and probably the death of the marriage and the comment his daughter made to him about being old fashioned and so forth was nothing but her disrespecting her father and her mother set it up and condoned it sorry but the daughter would have serious making up to do as for the wife again her actions are Red Flags that marriage would have been over shes most definitely cheating on him and probably taking a shower at her mom's before coming home to wash away the evidence and her mom knows and is condoning her actions as well that marriage would have been over in reality this was nothing but another story about the husband being a pussy

Johnm74165Johnm741653 months ago

Funny story, a great read, 5 stars.

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