I Will Love You Forever Pt. 2 Ch. 08


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"Kenji what are you going to do?" she asked again.

"I am going to do nothing more than talk to him." Kenji replied.

Patricia wanted to tell him not to confront Andrew but didn't. It wouldn't have done any good but she could caution him.

"Kenji, please be careful. He wants you to get angry."

"I already know this." Kenji replied, "He has been trying to find the best way to get me to react and now he has my full attention."


"Let's go to bed, I would like to take the children to the zoo tomorrow."

Patricia wanted to say more but didn't. She would try again in the morning but she already knew that she would fail.


Kenji's chance to talk with Andrew didn't come until classes had started. He, Patricia and Joel dropped Ralph and Marie off at Nick and Hana's on their way to class. The ride was tense, quiet and it was because of Kenji. His anger at Andrew's appearance at their home hadn't cooled.

Patricia stroked his hand the way that he had stroked hers countless times in an effort to calm him. If it was working, she couldn't tell and she refrained from saying anything. She looked back at Joel and saw that he was as angry as Kenji was and realized that he would be of no help to her.

When they got to school, Kenji walked her to her class, kissed her on her forehead and gave her hand a little squeeze.

"I am fine, do not worry." he told her before he walked away.

But she was worried.

"My name is..."

Was all that she heard the professor say. She kept looking at the clock and wondered if it was broken because it didn't seem to be moving. Finally, class was over. She gathered her things and ran out of the classroom forgetting her promise to wait until Kenji came to get her and ran into Joel.

"Where's Kenji?" she asked.

"He's fine, he asked me to meet you." Joel replied.

"Where is he?" Patricia asked panicked.

"Patricia, he's fine. I promise."

"Joel, please where is he?" Patricia begged.

"I... I can't tell you."

"What? What do you mean that you can't tell me? What is he going to do?" Patricia asked now crying.

"He's just going to talk to him." Joel replied. "He doesn't want you there in case it becomes more than a talk." Joel added deciding that the truth would be better than vague explanations.


"Come on, let's wait outside."


Andrew knew from the moment that Kenji walked into the room that he was angry. He had hoped to see a little fear and was actually surprised when he saw nothing but anger in Kenji's eyes. He was now questioning the wisdom of returning to the house for that second look. He really didn't think that he would be spotted the second time but he was and it was by the same kid. Kenji's demeanor had answered the question that had nagged at Andrew for the past week, had the kid said something?

Kenji sat in his seat looking forward not even acknowledging Andrew. He forced himself to pay attention although he already knew the material. As soon as the clock showed that it was five minutes until the end of class, he began to pack his bag. He knew that Andrew was going to try to leave the room as soon as the class was dismissed.

The last five minutes of class seemed to drag for both Andrew and Kenji. They both knew that the uneasy peace between them had come to an end.

"Joel, go to Patricia and do not let her come here." Kenji told Joel before class started.

"What if she asks?"

"Do not let her come here but tell her the truth. I do not want here in case this becomes more than a talk."

When the bell rang, Joel took off and Kenji called Andrew's name. Andrew and his group stopped, turned around and looked at Kenji surprised that he had spoken. Andrew looked at his group and dismissed them.

"No, I want them to hear me." Kenji said as approached Andrew.

Andrew shrugged his shoulders giving the appearance that he could care less but inside, his heart was beating fast. He now knew the one thing that would make Kenji lose his cool-he thought. He looked at Kenji and was dismayed to see that although he was angry, that cool, calm demeanor remained.

"What do you want?" Andrew asked coolly.

Kenji was now about a foot away from the group. He stopped and looked each man directly in the face before turning his attention to Andrew.

Andrew returned the gaze resisting the urge to step back. Kenji's eyes, which were normally a warm light brown, were cold and anger filled but he was under control.

"What do you want?" Andrew asked again.

"It is one thing for you to insult me, it is one thing for you to threaten me but it is another matter when you begin to involve my children and family. I am going to tell you this once. Stay away from my home and my family. Your issue is with me."

"Kick his yellow ass Andrew!" someone called out.

"Shut up!" Andrew snapped not taking his gaze off Kenji.

"You can't let him....."

"I said, shut the fuck up!" Andrew snapped again.

Whoever the speaker was, didn't listen. He charged Kenji and found himself sitting on his ass. Andrew's eyes widened in surprise, he hadn't seen Kenji move. The other men started to approach but Andrew stopped them.

"Stand down! Milt, get up later we'll talk about following orders."

Kenji stared at Andrew assessing him and not liking what he was seeing. Andrew Kelley was a bully and a coward. And whether he knew it or not, the men in his group knew it too.

Damn it! Andrew thought, he wasn't prepared for a physical confrontation but Milt's rash action had decided the matter.

Kenji hadn't moved; the ball was in Andrew's court. It had become a game of who would blink first. Just as Andrew stepped closer to Kenji, a voice rang out.

"Is there a problem?"

Andrew stepped back his eyes never leaving Kenji's face.

"No problem." he called as he backed away relieved that the "talk" hadn't become anymore physical than it had.

Kenji watched Andrew retreat. It wasn't over. It was just beginning. Andrew had no choice now but to save face or to admit to what he really was. Kenji felt sadness settle over him. He had no desire to fight with Andrew or anyone else for that matter but he would in order to protect his family. He picked up his bag and walked out of the classroom to find Joel and Patricia.


Ernie watched the whole thing from the back of the classroom and was thrilled to see Andrew shaking in his boots. He found his admiration of Kenji growing. When he saw that the confrontation was escalating, he went and found someone, it was his way of helping without coming forward.

As he left the classroom, he thought about the disturbing rumors that he was hearing about Becca. He couldn't believe that she would be stupid enough to get knocked up and that she had married the guy. He found himself feeling sorry for her and realized that he still had feelings for her. It was those feelings that led him to help her more than the blowjob had.

He let out a sigh and headed to the library finding that he had more time to study now that he wasn't a part of the group anymore. It wasn't too late for him to pull up his grades so that he could get a job at a good hospital somewhere.


Patricia paced restlessly waiting for Kenji. She didn't want him to do anything that would get him kicked out of school after all they had through to get there. She tried several times to get Joel to tell her where Kenji was meeting Andrew but he refused.

"He'll be here soon." he said after she began to beg. "Patricia, I know that you're scared but try not to be. Kenji can handle himself."

"But what if all of them jump him? Who's going to help him?"

"Alright." Joel said, "If I go will you promise to wait here?"

"I promise!" Patricia said eagerly.

"I mean it Patricia, you have to stay here." Joel said.

"I promise now go!"

Joel ran into Kenji as he was coming toward him.

"Where is Patricia?" Kenji asked.

"Over by the library scared half to death." Joel replied. "What happened?"

"Andrew Kelley is much more dangerous than we thought." Kenji replied. "Let's go to Patricia, we can talk on the way home."

When Patricia saw Kenji, she took off at a run toward him. Not caring who was looking, she hugged him.

"Kirei, I'm alright, nothing really happened."

"What do you mean by nothing really happed?" Patricia asked.

"I mean just that." Kenji replied. "Let's talk in the car."

Once they were in the car, Patricia bombarded Kenji with questions. All of which Kenji answered honestly.

"One of them attacked you?" Patricia asked shocked.

"Yes Kirei but no one got hurt. An instructor came in before anything more happened."

"But what if he hadn't?" she asked.

"I would have defended myself." Kenji replied.

"Do you realize that you could be expelled?" Patricia asked.

"Kirei, listen to me. Andrew Kelley means you and the rest of our family harm. I would give my life to keep all of you safe. I will give up school if that is what it will take to keep all of you safe. You, our children and our family are much more important than anything that I may want or need. I will not go looking for him but I had to let him know that I will not tolerate him threatening our friends and family."

"Kenji, he's dangerous isn't he?" Patricia asked. "Especially since his friends know that he's really afraid of you."

"Yes Kirei and that means that we must always be on guard. When at school be careful and try not to go anywhere alone. He will use you to get to me; the rules of the game have just changed. They changed the moment Ralph saw Andrew watching our house that first time. When we get home, we will pack a few things and stay with Abby until this is over."


"No kirei, no arguments." Kenji replied. "Joel, would you mind helping by packing up the perishable food in the refrigerator?"

"Of course not and for the record, I agree with you." Joel said.


Becca Morgan sat on her bed looking at the plain gold wedding band that was only a few days old. She and Tyrone were staying with her parents until the house that her father bough for them was ready. It wasn't long after the wedding that the real Tyrone began to peek through the façade. In front of her parents, he was the attentive husband and future father but alone he was rude and demanding and seemed to take delight in humiliating her.

On their wedding night, he insisted on staying at her parents' home instead of going to the hotel room. He made her give him a blowjob knowing that her parents were just down the hall.

"Tyrone please, they'll hear." she begged.

"It's kind of late to be worried about what they'll hear isn't it? I mean you're already carrying the proof that you weren't a good girl now get to it."

Feeling as though she had no choice, Becca complied humiliated as Ty moaned loud enough that she knew that her parents had to have heard him.

That was two nights ago and it had happened every night since. Her fears that her parents heard them were confirmed every morning when her parents, especially her mother wouldn't look at her and if she did; her cheeks were a bright red.

"The house will be ready by the weekend." Her father said with obvious relief in his voice.

"We don't know how to thank you." Ty said in what sounded like sincere gratitude, "Isn't that right sweetheart?" he asked Becca.

"Umm yes, thank you daddy." Becca replied.

Her father didn't reply but gave her a curious look. Suddenly he wasn't so sure about his new son-in-law and wondered if he had been wrong in insisting that they marry.


Lawrence reread Tyrone's letter with unbridled delight. Things were going much better than he had planned. Not only was Tyrone married and an expectant father, the girls father had provided them with a house that had two extra bedrooms. There was also news in the letter that disturbed him, his wife had wasted no time in marrying the traitorous bastard that had put him in prison but there was more. She and her nigger-loving husband were socializing with Japs and niggers hugging and kissing them as if they were family.

As soon as he read that part of the letter, he grabbed a sheet of paper and wrote back.

"Brother Morgan,

As always, I appreciate hearing from you. Congratulations on your marriage and the pending arrival of your bundle of joy. I trust that your new wife will be a blessing to you as the good lord intended. I found the news regarding our mutual friends most revealing and disturbing but what of the others? I would love to make their acquaintance as well. I look forward to the day of my release when I can freely walk in god's sunshine. I look forward to hearing from you again very soon and if it isn't too much trouble, can you tell me more about our new friends?"

God Bless you,

Lawrence Goodman."

He reread the letter, made a few minor changes and sealed it. The mail wouldn't be picked up for another day or two but it was ready to go. Pleased with the letter, Lawrence decided to work on Saul a little more. He still regretted that he wouldn't get top kill Jacob Lincoln or the warden himself but sacrifices had to be made.

"So Saul, if I asked you to take care of something for me, would you?"

"Yessir! Anything you need." Saul replied eagerly.

"That's good to know." Lawrence replied, "We'll talk again later."


The warden looked out over the yard watching as the inmates enjoyed the warm fall sunshine. Lawrence Goodman was acting like a model prisoner but he didn't trust him. His gut told him that Lawrence was up to something and he thought he knew what it was. Escape.

In a way he wished that he would try then Lawrence could be legally eliminated and his little band would be destroyed. Ellis had eyes everywhere, he even knew about the black inmate who made a point of aggravating Lawrence although he wasn't sure why. He only knew that it wasn't just because Lawrence was white, there was much more to it. The man's file lay on his desk waiting for him to read it.

Ellis walked away from the window, sat down at his desk, opened the file, and began to read. It didn't take him long to understand what Lawrence's connection to the man was, Lawrence was the one who ordered the man's house burned down with his wife and children still inside.

"Well I'll be damned." Ellis muttered as he wondered if he should let thing play out or help them along. There was no rush he decided. According to his sources, Lawrence was nowhere near ready to go but the idea of pitting Goodman again Lincoln intrigued him. The more he thought about it, the more he liked the idea and began tossing around some ideas in his head. If he had his way, Lawrence Goodman would be leaving the prison in a body bag.


Warden Ellis wasn't the only thinking about Lawrence. Jacob sat on his cot with his back against the wall and his eyes closed. He was trying to think of how he wanted Lawrence to die. Actually, he knew how he wanted him to die the question was if it was possible. However, it was going happen, he had to start planning; his source was telling him that Lawrence was planning to escape sometime in the next few months.

With his eyes still closed, he visualized the prison yard. He had every inch of it memorized. He started as soon as he heard that Lawrence was coming. The seemingly aimless walks were much more than they appeared to be. It was him looking for the best place to exact his vengeance and god's justice on the man that took his family away.

In preparation, he had started to collect small flammable objects that he hid throughout his cell. His biggest concern was being caught with the items but so far, he had been lucky.

"Soon you'll be squealing like a pig you son of a bitch." Jacob muttered under his breath as he dozed off.


Another two weeks passed before Andrew and Kenji exchanged words again this time it was Andrew's initiation.

Kenji and Joel were packing up their books after class and were about to leave when they saw that the door to the hallway was blocked. One of Andrew's crew was standing by the podium acting as a lookout. When he was certain that his group was in place, Andrew sauntered up to Kenji and Joel with a sneer on his face. He faltered slightly when he saw that neither Kenji nor Joel backed down and neither of them looked even remotely nervous. Still he kept walking until he was within a foot away from them.

"What are you going to do now?" he asked, "There's no one to interrupt us this time."

Kenji looked at him and waited dropping his bag to the floor. Only Joel noticed the slight shift in Kenji's position and repositioned himself as well.

"Think you and Jew boy can take all of us?" Andrew asked.

"Do you remember what I told you the first time we spoke?' Kenji asked. "I told you that you were a bully who relished in the torment of others. What I did not realize then was that you are also a coward. Have you told your friends how you lurked in front of my home not once but twice? What were you planning to do? Frighten my children? Or were you going to throw a rock through the window?"

No one interrupted as Kenji spoke. The thing that disturbed Andrew was the soft tone that Kenji used. Finally someone spoke.

"Shit Andrew! Kick his ass!"

Kenji didn't move as he waited for Andrew to respond. Kenji's eyes flashed as she saw Andrew make an almost imperceptible movement with his finger and those not guarding the doors moved closer.

"I'm going to break your fucking hands!" Andrew snarled.

Still no reaction from Kenji. Andrew paused, his only chance was to make Kenji lose control and he knew of only one way to do it.

"Pretty kids... Too bad that their mama is a nigger and their father a Jap."

No response.

Andrew looked around; his group was waiting expectantly for him to do as he promised.

"Fuck Andrew! If you're scared of him just say so!" someone from the back called.

Instead of Kenji attacking as Andrew had hoped, he was the one to attack. His fist flew toward Kenji's face and missed. Like Milt two weeks before, Andrew found himself humiliated and sitting on his ass. He hadn't seen Kenji move. Before Andrew knew it, Kenji and Joel were surrounded and he was being helped to his feet. Furious, he shook off the hand that had helped him up and advanced not on Kenji but Joel who he considered the weaker of the two. He threw a punch that grazed the side of Joel's head and was rewarded with return punch from Joel that connected with his chin that sent him stumbling back.

"Hey! His woman is coming!" one of the men guarding the door called out.


Patricia gathered her things and went by the door to wait for Kenji. At first, she wasn't too concerned that he wasn't waiting for her when she came out, her class had finished a few minutes early but then he was five minutes late, then ten and then fifteen. A sense of foreboding hit her as she tried to decide on what she should do. Finally unable to wait any longer, she headed toward Kenji's classroom. She had the thought to look for Paul but was afraid that whatever was happening would be over by the time she found him and got back.

She stood across from the classroom debating whether she should go in or not.


Andrew got up from the floor for the third time and looked around in amazement. As soon as someone said that the woman was coming, Kenji went on the offensive. In no time, Andrew and two of his men were on the floor put there by Kenji. Two others were on the floor put there by Joel even as the ones guarding the door were going join in.