I Will Love You Forever Pt. 2 Ch. 16


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"Alright, was there anyone in that group who was wavering?" Nick asked.

"No. Lawrence handpicked his group. I think that you're going to have better luck with the black inmates. All of them hated Goodman and his group and Jacob was helping them improve themselves."

"We actually have two murders here if you think about it," Will said. "Jacob killed Goodman, but where did the weapon come from? At the very least it's facilitated murder. Jacob should not have had access to the supplies that he did. He shouldn't have been able to wander out from the sight of the guards. Neither should Lawrence for that matter. I think that we need to find out who was imprisoned there at that time and where they are. I'm including the guards in that too. I still have a contact or two that can help in that regard."

"Charles, does this warrant federal attention?" Nick asked.

"It most certainly does" Charles replied. "Will, can you guarantee that your friends won't blab to Ellis? I would rather not send my own agents yet. If I do, it might catch Ellis's attention."

"I'm sure" Will replied. "But I'll put feelers out before I tell them what I need"

"Good" Charles said as he turned back to Saul. "Are you sure that you want to do this?"

"Want to? No, but I have to and not just for Jacob. What kind of man would I be if I didn't pay a debt owed to a friend?"

They talked for a few more minutes before Nick offered to take Saul home.

"I can take him" Charles replied. "It isn't out of my way."

Nick walked them to the door and handed Saul a slip of paper.

"My home phone number is on there. I'm going to be your liaison between you and the government. If you need anything, and I do mean anything; you call me. I don't need to tell you not to talk about this with anyone."

"The people that I'm staying with already know but they won't say anything." Saul said tucking the paper into his wallet. "My mother won't say anything either-she doesn't know the whole story."

"That's more people than I like" Charles said, "but we can't do anything about it now. Well let's go, I've got an early meeting and I want to get started on this. I'm also going to give you my home and office numbers in case you can't reach Nick.

Will and Nick watched then leave and then looked at each other.

"I know what you're going to say," Will said. "I can't tell him that Ellis is my cousin, at least not until this is over."

A few minutes later, Will was gone.

"That young man reminds me of Kenji" Hana said from behind him. "He is willing to do what is right even at great personal cost to himself."

"Funny, I was thinking the same thing" Nick replied. "Now if we could get all of the ones like them together-"


The weeks before Kenji, Joel and Penny's graduation were a time of stress because of finals, happiness because of the graduation and Joel and Penny's wedding as well as a time for sadness. Joel and Penny had already packed what they didn't need and shipped it to Penny's parents' home in New York. Her parents were due to arrive the following week and Joel had for all practical purposes moved into Kenji and Patricia's basement. The children were thrilled; it was another adult to read with them.

One evening when Kenji and Joel were talking amongst themselves, Penny and Patricia sat at the kitchen table chatting.

"Did you know that Joel was in love with you at one time?"

Penny laughed at Patricia's shocked expression.

"Calm down, it's alright. Like I asked him, what's not to love?"

"You have to know that I never encouraged anything" Patricia said.

"I know that," Penny said laughing. "Five naked men could be in the room and Kenji fully dressed and you wouldn't even see the naked men. I told you because- I wanted you to know how special you are. Even that psychopath Andrew Kelly saw it. That's why he didn't do anything to physically hurt you."


"Patricia Takeda, you are a truly wonderful woman, person and friend. I can't even begin to tell you how much I'm going to miss you."

"I'm going to miss you too" Patricia said. "You were one of the first people at school to treat us as if we were human. And Joel... he blossomed with you."

"I can only hope to have half the marriage you and Kenji have. I hope that when we've been married for a few years that I'll see Joel and not the roomful of naked men. I hope that he'll still look at me the way that Kenji looks at you. You know, that was one of the first things that I noticed about you two. He didn't have to say how he felt about you; it's always in his eyes. You don't even have to be anywhere around. All someone has to do is say your name."

"Joel is the same way with you" Patricia said. "You guys are going to have a wonderful life together and have lots of little Joel and Penny's running around."

"I hope that you're right- Patricia, can I ask a question?"


"In all the time that I've known you and after all the things that you told me, I never heard you say that you hated anyone. I know that you were angry, who wouldn't have been; but I think that I would have hated too. Didn't you hate anyone?"

Patricia was quiet for a long time before she replied.

"I would like to say no," Patricia replied. "I was alright as long as Kenji was with me, but the day they took him to that camp- Penny, I hated. To some degree I even hated Kenji for not letting me go with him. Rationally I knew that he was right, but my heart- it hurt in a way that I can't describe. Being pregnant with Ralph helped. It gave me a connection to Kenji and I had to let that hate go. I didn't want Ralph to feel it and what good would holding on to it have done?"

"Like I said," Penny said, "you are a special person."

"Enough about the past" Patricia said. "We have a wedding and party to plan. When are your parents getting in?"

"Next week. Mom has already been to the apartment and pronounced it small but fit. I think she's already stocked it with food."

"That's great! One less thing to worry about" Patricia said.

"That's my mom. I can't wait for all of you to meet them."

"We can't wait either- are we forgetting anything?"

"Nope, I think we've it covered. Can you believe that graduation is next week?"

"No," Patricia replied. "I hope you come back for mine."

"We wouldn't miss it and who knows? We may be back in the area. We hate the cold so we're planning to move back here as soon as we're done with our residency."

"I can start counting down the days then" Patricia replied.

"Penny are you ready to go?" Joel asked as he and Kenji came into the kitchen.

"I think so, we'll see you guys tomorrow" Penny said as she stood and hugged Patricia and then Kenji.

After they were gone, Kenji put his arms around Patricia. He knew how much she was going to miss Penny.

"Joel says that they are planning to come back when they are through," Kenji said.

"I know, but I'm still going to miss them."

"I will to, but I have a question for you; have you decided where we will spend the night? And have you gotten one of those gowns?"

"That's two questions and the answer to the first one is I would like to stay somewhere by the ocean. Is San Diego too far away?"

"No, not if we leave late morning" Kenji replied. "What about the second question?"

"I'm not saying" Patricia replied with a grin. "You'll have to wait and see. By the way I found a place that isn't too expensive. I called and they have vacancies- I made reservations hoping that you wouldn't mind."

"I don't- why don't we tuck the children in and go to bed?" Kenji said kissing her cheek. "I would like to see that green gown again."


Patricia was up early on graduation day making sure that everything was ready for the wedding and party. Everyone had been over the night before to help with the decorations. When she was satisfied, she turned on the radio and began singing with the song that was playing as she made breakfast.

Kenji stood in the doorway as he did every time she was up before him and watched for several minutes before making her aware that he was there. Watching her like that remained one of his guilty pleasures that he planned to enjoy for years to come.

"Good morning Kirei," he said coming up behind her.

"Good morning Dr. Takeda, are you hungry or are you too nervous to eat?"

"I'm hungry" he admitted. "Shall I wake the children?"

"No, not yet; I want to sit here with you for a few minutes. Have I told you how proud I am of you? If I haven't, I am."

"I would not be here if not for you. You have been through so much with me... Kirei, you are and have been my rock. Every step that I take forward is because of you and our children. I love you Kirei."

"Mama!" Marie called before Patricia could respond. She hadn't seen herself in the way that Kenji had, but she did see him that way. "I love you too; I guess our moment is over."


The auditorium was packed full with the friends and families of the graduates. To free up seats, Nick held Ralph in his lap and Patricia's father, John held Marie in his. Ralph looked around the packed room awed that so many people had come to hear his papa speak. He knew that wasn't the only reason, but it felt good to think that. His heart swelled with pride when he saw Kenji's name listed with those graduating with honors.

He looked over at Patricia and saw her wiping away tears. He knew that these tears were because she was happy. He looked down the row and saw that all of the women were crying. What surprised him was that Grandpa Hiroshi was crying too. Their little boy was looking at Hiroshi too and was confused as to why he was crying.

Suddenly, the room hushed as soft music began to fill the air. Ralph turned forward not wanting to miss Kenji's entrance into the auditorium. His heart pounded when he saw Kenji and Joel walk out with the other honor students. He took a quick glance over at Patricia, took her hand in his and looked forward.

Patricia looked at him, smiled and gave his hand a little squeeze.

"There's your papa" she whispered.

As young as he was, Ralph heard and understood the pride that he heard in her whisper. He wanted her to be that proud of him. He knew that she was already proud of him, she told both him and Marie that often, but he wanted her to be so proud of him that she cried. He glanced over at his sister and frowned when he saw her fidgeting. He waited until she was looking at him and put a finger to his lips. Immediately, she settled and looked forward.

Patricia hugged Kenji's suit jacket close to her as she watched the graduation. This meant more than they had met a goal; it meant that Kenji could begin to take care of them in the way that he had envisioned.

Finally, it was time for Kenji to speak. She heard a few grumbles about a 'Jap' and not an American citizen making the speech, but she ignored them. She watched as Kenji stood in front of the podium as if he owned it. He was a long ways away from the shy young man that she met in nineteen thirty-nine. He looked around the auditorium until he found her. It was then that she realized that he was a little nervous and that he needed to see her. She smiled at him and she could have sworn that what little nervousness that had been there was gone.

The auditorium was quiet as Kenji spoke. His speech was short and very much to the point. When it was over, he stayed where he was.

"I beg your indulgence for just a moment more. None of us would be standing here today if it were not for the love and support of our friends and family. I would like to take just a moment to thank my family and friends for their support. I especially would like to thank my wife- my Kirei which means beautiful in Japanese for her unwavering love and support. Thank you Kirei."

Patricia held Kenji's jacket even closer as he publically thanked her. Tears streamed down her face as he sat down and then waited to receive his diploma. After he received his, she listened for Penny and Joel's names. To her left, Penny's mother was crying and her father had a huge grin on his face.

After the ceremony was over, Patricia rushed to find Kenji in spite of his telling her to stay put; that he would come to them. She found him just as he was heading in their general direction. He swept her into his arms and kissed her. They stood there for several minutes as people milled around them. Finally, Kenji let her go.

"Let's go to the others" he said pulling her into his side.

Joel and Penny were already there when they got to the group. Penny's father had his arm around Joel's shoulder. It was hard to believe that he had once had an issue with Joel's ethnicity. Kenji took Marie from John, hugged and then kissed her. John embraced him in a bear hug careful not to crush Marie.

"We're proud of you son" John whispered in his ear.

Kenji handed Marie back to John and picked up Ralph. He hugged and kissed him as he had Marie. He made his way to down the row hugging and kissing everyone. When he got to Joel, he embraced him.

"We made it my friend," Kenji whispered in his ear.

"Dinner's on me!" Paul Mynt announced.

"I'll split the bill with you," Penny's father announced. "I was going to pay for dinner anyway."

Dinner was a happy/sad affair. It would be the last time that the two couples would be together for a long time. Patricia sat next to Penny and held her hand throughout dinner. Kenji sat across from Joel so that they could talk. The parents all understood and kept the children occupied. Abby sat quietly watching and wishing that Ralph had lived long enough to see Kenji graduate. She determined that she was going to be around to see Patricia graduate too. She reached into her large purse, took out the camera and began to snap pictures. She had to stop several times because her eyes were blurry with tears. John finally took the camera when he noticed that Abby wasn't in any of the pictures. By the time dinner was over, all of the film had been used.


After they were home and the children in bed, Kenji and Patricia made a final check for the party and wedding. Afterwards, they lay in bed with their arms around each other sweaty after making love.

"Kirei, what are you thinking about?"

"I was thinking about us and the wedding and party tomorrow night."

"We are ready for the party and wedding, so what about us?"

"I've been thinking... I would like to have another baby. Now hear me out before you say anything. If I wait until I'm done with school, I'll be too old. If we get pregnant now, the baby will be born while I'm still doing my undergraduate and we'll have all kinds of help."

"Kirei," Kenji said after several long moments. "I love you and I love our children. I would love to have another child with you, but let's think about this and what it could mean for your education. Not only that, there are many times when I won't be here to help you."

"We managed when I found out I was pregnant with Ralph and then Marie," Patricia said.

"Yes we did, but neither child was planned-"

"What difference does that make?" Patricia asked sitting up.

"Kirei," Kenji said as he pulled her back into his arms. "What about sleep? How can you take classes when there will be a baby to care for? What happens if he or she is ill? If I were already practicing, I wouldn't hesitate, but Kirei; I'm going to be gone much of the time- Kirei, how much of this is because of that?"

"It might have something to do with it" Patricia confessed. "But I do want another baby."

"I understand, but I recall you telling me that carrying Ralph while I was gone was a help to you. Please don't misunderstand me; I am glad that you had that comfort, but Kirei we can find other ways to feel connected. What about writing in journals like we did when we were separated?"

"You'll be too busy for that" Patricia replied knowing that Kenji was right about the timing.

"I will never be too busy to write for you. We'll write in journals every day that I'm away and exchange them when I come home. We can also do something that we couldn't do then- we can call and talk to each other. We can have lunch and dinner together sometimes."

"I know that you're right, I guess I still carry the scars from that time. I feel like a little kid afraid that her daddy won't come home except that you're far from being my daddy."

"I am not looking forward to the separations either," Kenji said, "but we will manage as we always have. If a child is conceived without our trying, then we will deal with it; but --"

"I know" Patricia said. "You're right. I was just looking for old comforts."

"I Understand" Kenji said hugging her close. "I also think that school is going to keep you busy."

"Not so busy that I won't miss you."

"Kirei, lie back" Kenji said as he pushed her back.

When she was on her back, he bent down and took a nipple into his mouth and rolled it between his lips before gently biting down on it. His hand wandered over her soft belly, paused and then moved downward. He slipped a long finger between her vaginal lips and began to rub her clit. He held her nipple between his teeth as he flicked his tongue over the tip as he pushed a thumb against her nub and moved it side to side and back and forth. His intent was to make her orgasm hard so that she would sleep. They had a long day ahead of them.

Patricia came with a loud moan and a shudder before finally closing her eyes.

"I knew what you were doing" she said as she drifted off.

The next morning, Kenji was up before she was. The smell of toast and coffee woke her up. She glanced at the clock and was alarmed that it was already past eight am. She had wanted to be up by six. She threw on her house robe and ran down the stairs.

"Kenji why didn't you get me up?"

"I wanted you to sleep and many of the things on your list were things that I could do. Sit and I will bring you a cup of coffee."

"Where are the kids?" Patricia asked.

"I asked Abby to take them to your parents' house. They'll be back in time for the party" Kenji said. "I wanted to spend the morning alone with you."

"Okay.... What's going on?"

"I wanted to make sure that you understood that I wasn't saying no to another child because I didn't one. You honor me by wanting to have another child with me, but Kirei we've come too far to take a gamble on our future."

"Kenji, you're right and I'm okay with that so stop worrying about it."

"I also thought that since I managed to do half of the things on your list that we could go back to bed after breakfast."

"Who needs food?" Patricia asked as she stood and ran for the stairs.


The wedding was short and to the point much to Penny's mother's chagrin. She had wanted more than one bridesmaid, the white gown; all of it, but she quickly got over it. The party lasted until well after midnight with the newlyweds leaving first around eleven pm. Joel and Penny were leaving the next evening to go to New York with Penny's parents so they wanted to make the most of the hotel room that her father paid for. In no time, there was little evidence that there had been a party. Kenji and Patricia sat on the couch tired from the long day.

"Come Kirei" Kenji said standing and holding out his hand. "Get ready for bed while I check on the children."

By the time Kenji checked on the kids and got to the bedroom, Patricia was already sound asleep. He undressed, climbed in next to her and smiled as she molded her body into his. He really was going to miss her during his rotations.

The next evening was filled with tearful goodbyes as Penny and Joel boarded the train. The entire family including Will, Sally and their children were there to see them off. Patricia consoled herself with the fact that it wasn't a permanent goodbye, but still it hurt. For just a second, her heart rate rose as in her mind's eye she saw Kenji boarding a bus. She felt a soft kiss on her cheek. Kenji knew where her mind had gone. Her heart rate slowed to normal as she felt his arms tighten around her. She watched the train pull away with tear filled eyes.