Isolated Together Ch. 03


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"Are you going to invite the rest of the extended family?"

"Not for the wedding," Hank shook her head. "We want this to be small and just for us. Once all of this COVID stuff passes, we'll throw one hell of a party so we can see everyone."

"That sounds like a great plan."

"Okay, breakfast is ready," Shannon announced, and everyone lined up with their plates.

The rest of the morning was spent planning the small ceremony as the future in-laws got to know one another.

Eventually the subject of money came up.

"We're not having the big, expensive wedding," Hank said, staving off their parents's offers to pitch in. "We've already covered the venue and a nice quiet lunch. When it comes time to have the big party, we're saving up now."

"We want to help," her father gave her a look. "We know you don't need us to pay for the whole thing, but we want to."

Shannon shrugged as Hank's brow creased. He also didn't expect their parents to contribute anything towards the wedding, but he also didn't want to offend them.

"We'll talk about that when the time comes," Hank said finally, but noncommittally.

Like her father, she was headstrong about money and prideful. Shannon made a note to return the advice she gave him once: "Take whatever he gives you."

By the end of Easter weekend, both of them felt confident their new family would get along, and Brenda only mentioned grandchildren once.


15 May 2021

"I, Harriett Jane Rovnak . . . take you, Shannon Kennerly Greer . . . to be my lawfully-wedded husband . . . to have and to hold . . . from this day forth . . . in sickness and in health . . . for richer or poorer . . . to love and to cherish . . . so long as we both shall live."

The smile never left Shannon's face. For many years later, Hank always needled him that for once in his life, he spoke so softly no one could hear him say his vows, and so they weren't really married. Even though the marriage license with their signatures and witnessed by two other people said otherwise.

The ceremony was intimate and quick.

Hank's cousin Heather was the maid of honor and insisted on singing "When I Said I Do" with her boyfriend accompanying on guitar. Shannon spontaneously took Hank in his arms and they had their first dance in the middle of the ceremony.

It was a beautiful day at the vineyard. They had the entire patio to themselves with a glorious view of the North Georgia Mountains.

Shannon wore his formal kilt and jacket. Hank wore her grandmother's wedding dress and veil which her mother had also worn at her own wedding.

The small wedding party ate and laughed and celebrated together. A webcam was set up to broadcast the ceremony and a Zoom meeting let their friends and extended family join in.

For a socially-distant wedding in the time of coronavirus, it was as accessible to as many people as they could make it.

The vineyard which hosted the wedding boasted all of their staff had received one of the three available COVID vaccines, and everyone was masked, even outdoors, as a courtesy to their guests.

Shannon made sure to tip everyone generously throughout the week they were there.

Howard welcomed him to the family and slipped him an envelope after dinner.

"We can't accept this," Shannon stammered at all the zeroes on the check.

"Think of it as an advance on Hank's inheritance," his new father-in-law smiled. "Use it towards the wedding, put it in an IRA, pay down your mortgage, or whatever. We were going to give it to Hank for a down payment on a house, but you did that for us."

He pulled Shannon closer and winked.

"Her mom is on the prowl for grandchildren, but I don't think Hank wants kids. She never did. So buy matching convertibles or take that trip around the world you promised her."

Shannon gave Howard a warm hug, which drew a curious stare from the bride.

Their wedding cake was big enough for the ten people in the wedding party. Tran, one of Shannon's old buddies from the Navy was the officiant, and his husband was drafted as the photographer.

After dinner, they gathered around the firepit at the resort hotel and spa for more food and catching up. Instead of renting a house or cabin in the mountains, they found a great deal at a luxury resort which had been hammered by COVID the year before and was more than happy to accommodate even their small wedding party.

Everyone seemed happy to be out of their shut-in quarantined lives, and even if only for a little while. They were still taking COVID precautions, and even though it seemed vaccination numbers were up and new infections were dropping, some states were doing better than others.

It was Shannon's grandmother who scolded them playfully as the sun set.

"You shouldn't be sitting around with your parents on your wedding night!" she told the couple. "You both ought to be naked and sweaty by now."

"Nanna!" Shannon rolled his eyes. Hank burst out laughing.

"I was already pregnant on my wedding night!" the older woman snorted. "What's your excuse?"

"Don't look at me," Margaret-Ann shrugged. "That would be your Uncle Colin. And Nanna is right; there's no reason for any of us to see you before breakfast tomorrow."

"Brunch," Brenda added with a sly smile. "Go make me a grandchild!"

"Oh, for the love of christ . . ." Hank put her head in her hands to cover up her blushing.

Shannon only smiled and took his new bride's hand, leading her up to the honeymoon suite.

They had changed into more comfortable clothes when they got back from the vineyard. Hank had used that as an excuse to give him a post-nuptial blowjob.

She swatted his hands away when he moved to undress her.

"I am going to take a bath," she grabbed the bottle of champagne from the ice bucket by the bed. "Bring two glasses."

As the big jacuzzi tub filled, Hank took the time to strip him down. Shannon did the same, their hands lingering on one another.

Shannon dimmed the lights before he slipped into the water. Hank climbed in and leaned back into his arms.

"I love you," she whispered in his ear.

Time seemed to stand still as they cuddled and sipped on champagne.

He cupped her breasts when she leaned back into his arms. She ran her fingernails up and down his thighs.

Slowly teasing one another between kisses, they lost themselves into the moment.

Hank leaned forward. Shannon brushed her hair out of the way and raked his teeth along her nape then down the shoulder, making her visibly shudder.

She cried out when he pinched her nipples.

"Harder!" she squealed.

Who was he to deny her?

His hand slipped down between her legs, which she spread eagerly for him.

"You're so wet for me," he whispered in her ear.

"I'm always wet for you," she moaned when he entered her labia with two fingers.

"What do you want?" he asked.

"I want you to eat me."

"Eat you?" he bit her shoulder, pinched a nipple and flicked her clit all at the same time. "Where?"

"My pussy," Hank struggled for breath.

"What do you want?" Shannon repeated.

"I want you to: Eat. My. Little. Pussy."

She purred when he kissed her and groped her breasts. Lifting himself out of the tub, Shannon reached for a towel and began to dry Hank, then himself.

They went out to the bedroom and turned out the lights. Moonlight shone into the room through the sheer veil curtains.

Hank set their champagne flutes on the nightstand before pulling the sheets down and laying back on the bed. Shannon's heart skipped a beat--as it always did--at the sight of his naked girlfriend, now wife.

"Do you trust me?" he reached into his suitcase and drew out some silk scarves.

"Of course," she visibly shivered with anticipation.

Very carefully, he tied one of the long scarves around each of her wrists and then to the posts on the headboard.

"Is that too tight?"

"It's perfect."

"May I blindfold you?" he asked tentatively. Light bondage was nothing new, but they had never covered one another's eyes.

"Yes," she whispered.

He tied the third scarf around her head, with the knot on one side so she could lay back against the pillow.

"Let me know if you want me to stop," he said, a hint of concern slipping into his voice.

"I will," Hank replied with an excited smile.

Pressing against her naked body, Shannon kissed her deeply. She pulled against the restraints, wanting to wrap her arms around him.

Still warm from the water, his hands roamed her body. Her nipples hardened into sharp little points. The hair on her arms stood up as he brushed his fingertips against her.

Her legs spread at his touch. Hank's labia were swollen with excitement but he did not touch them.

Instead, he ran his fingertips up and down the insides of her thighs.

Hank cried out when he sucked one of her nipples into his mouth. Then the other.

Knowing she was unable to see what he was doing, Shannon varied the spots and intensity of his touches and his kisses, always trying to keep her off balance.

He kissed his way down her body. Past her tummy. Over to the side along the sensitive flank leading to her hip.

Her toes curled when he kissed her on each side of her pelvic bone.

"Eat me!" she begged. "Please eat my pussy!"

Shannon smiled to himself before planting one more kiss on the inside of each thigh.

Hank's labia were red with excitement.

She creamed a little just at his touch.

"Oh, fuck!" Hank cried out when he pressed his tongue against her swollen clitoris.

Altering his pace and rhythm, Shannon bathed her pussy with his mouth.

Flicking her clit with the tip of his tongue. Kissing her sweet hole with his lips.

Using his hands, he brushed his fingertips against her thighs. One finger entered her. Then two.

And back to her clit.

Shannon was careful not to rush. Not to bring her to climax too soon.

Hank moaned with unrestrained bliss. Her words were unintelligible.

She pulled against the scarves holding her down. Her head thrashed back and forth as Shannon manipulated her sex with his mouth and his fingers.

"Don't stop!" she wailed, just before he back off.

"Don't stop what?" he teased.

"Don't stop eating me!" Hank sobbed. "Please!"

Taking his cock his hand, Shannon sat up on his haunches and rubbed his tumescent sex against her clit.

"Fuck me!" she cried out, desperate for release.

Leaning forward, Shannon kissed his new bride. She eagerly kissed him back, tasting herself on his lips.

Desperate for release, Hank thrust her hips up, searching for Shannon's cock with her pussy. He teased her as long as he though she could stand it, then inserted only the head of his cock inside her.

"More!" Hank tried to wrap her legs around him, but Shannon pulled away.

With one hand cupping her breast, he reached over and pulled out some ice cubes from the champagne bucket next to the bed.

Her nipple crinkled up at the touch of the ice.

"Oh, yes!" her exclamation was cut short as he pressed his lips against hers.

Switching to the other nipple, Hank tried vainly to find his cock by humping up against him.

Knowing she was unable to see him, Shannon teased her with the ice on her nipples and rubbing the wet tip of his sex against her legs and tummy.

"Goddam!" Hank cried out when he touched her pussy with the ice. The cold mixed with the heat of her excitement seemed to melt against her skin and into the sheets.

Shannon's hands roamed her body, still covered in the ice water. Goosebumps covered her skin where ever he touched her.

"Fuck me!" Hank moaned, her body convulsing against Shannon's. "Eat me . . . stop teasing me!"

He leaned in and kissed her, his weight pressing down, holding her still.

The entrance to her sex was cold to the touch, but once he pressed his cock back inside her, she seemed to radiate heat.

"Don't stop!" she gyrated her hips, trying to rub her clit against him.

Shannon smiled to himself as he built a steady pace, his cock plunging the depths of her pussy.

Hank lifted her head off the pillow, her mouth searching for his.

They kissed again hungrily, their teeth knocking together.

As they fell into their familiar rhythm, Shannon suddenly pulled out.

"Noooo!" she cried out in frustration.

Diving back between her legs, he lapped at her clit. Then pressed a finger inside her, then two.

She purred as he stroked her g-spot. When her legs began to shake, he stopped and mounted her again.

"You are a dirty . . . mother . . . fucker," Hank grunted as he began to pound her again.

"You're not my mother," Shannon growled through clenched teeth. At each word, he thrust in and held himself against her. "And just for that, I'm going to make you wait longer."

He pulled out again and went down on her again.

She tried to wrap her legs around his neck, bucking her pussy into his face.

"Eat my pussy! . . . Goddammit!"

Shannon silenced any further name-calling by kissing her as his cock filled her pussy again.

Knowing he couldn't edge her forever, he reached up and lifted the blindfold off her eyes. She blinked her eyes into focusing on him in the moonlight.

"I want to see your face when you cum," he whispered.

Hank's arms tugged at the scarves. Shannon hooked her knees inside his elbows and nearly folded her in half.

The full length of his cock pistoned in and out of her with each stroke. The air filled with the sound of him slapping against her.

"Harder!" she sobbed.

"Harder, what?"

"Fuck. Me. Harder!"

"Cum for me," he growled, each thrust just as hard and fast as the one before.

"Keep fucking me!"

"Cum for me," Shannon repeated.

Throwing her head back into the pillow, Hank gave in to the orgasm.

Tears leaked out of the corners of her eyes. Her mouth fell open.

Hank's ear-splitting scream was probably loud enough to be heard in South Carolina.

"Fuck!" she cried. "I'm cumming! . . . Cumming!"

Shannon rode her through the cum. Her face contorted with pleasure. He felt her pussy flood with warmth.

When her eyes rolled back into her head, her body fell limp.

He released her legs and settled on top of her, his cock still filling her up.

Brushing the hair out of her face, Shannon kissed her gently, moving just enough to keep his cock hard inside her.

She was only out for a few seconds. He tugged at the slipknots and her arms came free.

Holding him inside her, Hank stirred dreamily.

"I love you," she whispered.

"I love you, too," he replied gently. "And I'm not done with you yet."

Too weak to resist, Hank allowed Shannon to flip her over, so her ass was up in the air. He gave her a pair of pillows to put under her belly.

Leaning forward, Shannon put a hand on the back of her neck and pressed his weight down.

Her second screaming orgasm was muffled by the pillow.

He finally came in her tight ass, then made her put a buttplug in overnight to hold his cum inside her.

Then they curled up and drifted off to sleep, their bodies covered in sweat, stinking of sex. Radiating love.


"Good morning, Beautiful," Shannon said as Hank snuggled up to him. Her naked body was warm under the covers.

She smiled unconsciously, her hair a glorious mess. Her make-up smeared. Her body reeked of cum, since he rolled over in the middle of the night, fucked her in her sleep, then pulled out and came on her chest and belly.

As they lay there together, Harriett Rovnak Greer was the most beautiful woman in Shannon's world.

"Say it again," Hank whispered.

"Beautiful," he smiled.

Hank raised her arms over her head in a triumphant victory pose. The sheet slipped down exposing her breasts. "Suck it, bitches!"

Shannon snickered.

And groped his new bride.

She playfully smacked at his hand without real threat. "You can't just grab a married woman's titties!"

"I'll grab your titties whenever I want," Shannon said with a mock huff.

"You need to wash them first," she stuck her tongue out. "You made a mess all over me last night."

Scooping her up in his arms, he carried her to the bathroom. They kissed and held one another in the stand-up shower, the warm water cascading over them.

After their shower and some morning nookie, Shannon called the front desk and timidly asked for housekeeping to change the linens. Hank caught up on her messages and text chains.

"Mom says brunch is at 11:30," she tapped out a reply. "In the restaurant downstairs. I think they rented one of the back rooms."

They put on bathrobes so housekeeping wouldn't catch them running around in the buff.

Shannon went over to his Prince Charlie jacket and drew out the check Howard gave him the night before. "Did you see what your parents gave us?"

Hank's eyes got wide.

"We can't accept this."

"We can't give it back," she said flatly. "My father will be insulted. Mom will never take it."

"Your dad said I should take you on a trip around the world."

"We could go twice on that," she snorted.

"Did you know your parents had this much money? I mean . . . this isn't a wedding gift; it's a dowry."

"My parents are not poor, but they're not stinkin' rich, either." Hank frowned and chewed on her lip. "I'll talk to them."

A moment later, there was a knock on the door. It wasn't housekeeping, but another hotel employee.

"This was delivered to the front desk for you just now," he said from behind his face mask. "Congratulations."

"Thank you," Hank beamed. Shannon hurriedly dug a couple of dollars out of his wallet.

"I can't--"

"Just take it," Hank handed him the cash and winked before closing the door on him.

The arrangement of fruit--some of it chocolate-covered--was especially welcome after their long night, and knowing it would be a while before they got some actual food. Shannon saw on the card it was from some of Hank's old co-workers at the ER.

The couple tooled around in their bathrobes before dressing casually. They sheepishly tipped the housekeepers extra when they came up to change the bed and swap towels. Pretty much everyone in the hotel knew they were newlyweds.

Brunch was a casual affair. Shannon quickly learned Howard was a check-grabber of legendary proportions.

"How long are you staying?" Brenda asked.

"Three more days," Hank replied. "A short honeymoon. We'll take our big trip after we have our not-socially-distant reception when it looks like we've gotten past corona."

"How about you?"

"Just until tomorrow," Margaret-Ann said. "I think this has been more than enough socialisation for us. Plus, I think the cat has taken over the house by now. What about you, Brenda?"

"We're headed home tomorrow, too. We've arranged for a dinner tonight for everyone if you'd like to join us."

"We'd love to," Shannon's mother blushed nervously. She was a CPA by trade, and while they weren't destitute, Shannon always thought they had grown up poor, with no father at home. That's why he had gone into the Navy after high school. It offered him an opportunity for training and college he couldn't have afforded on his own.

Although never truly comfortable, Margaret-Ann provided for her son as best she could, and was happy Shannon had been able to make a good living for himself.

The newlyweds spent the rest of the afternoon with their families.

"I talked to my father about the wedding gift," she said when they had a quiet moment together. "He said the money is for us. Whatever we wanted to use it for. I told him it was too generous. But he's stubborn and hard-headed."

"At least you come by it honestly," Shannon laughed.

Hank socked him once in the shoulder for good measure.

"He told me one more thing," she started. It took her a second to find the words, and even then, she was almost too embarrassed to say them. "He said . . . he told me I shouldn't call him 'Daddy' anymore . . . and, um . . . the only person I could call that now is you."